u . -a J . ... 4.<t ATRMRR niULT ClRODLATtOM Tba mgular meeting of tba Arasy $lff ttW ffff ffMMMffp Uffff and Navy club will ba bM thla M O U n O W M evening at tha club at g o^elodL Jack tSta^tV prtasat a 6 ,1 7 2 gram of antartahimant Rsfresh* Umrtmr of too AadM z i t i a i u i i ? 0 i p r i c i i F u t n n i ! f ? r c U y Tbm wtn ba • amth’s aiiiid bm manta will ba served mamhara by tor tiM TCVOM of tlM aoul ct Jamea tba canteen. Several Important fltagaraM, ealebratad ia St. Jamaa’a Items of buataiaas win coma bofor MANHIESTER - A CITY OP V n X A O E ( I T A i m church tomorrow momlna at t tba mtmbam at tonight's mactln. m o'eloek. and a good wymaentatlon of mam AdvMtMag an rags M). bam is raquaated. ' VOL.LVnL.Nai2f BIANCHESTE^ CONNn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1938 tTWELVB PAOK8) PRICK IRNKB About tba only good tba largo Bttmbar ot now atorma tUa month Tha Boy Scout Ooort of Honor, baa dona, la to back up tha predlc- which was originally achadulad for ^'tlon made by Chariea Magg, tba thia evanlng, haa baan poatponsd Priest Pleads W ith ’’Sit-Down” M inehi South WIndaor waathar prophet, until next Friday night dua to tha ♦ii«t thara waa to be an unuiual iUnest of one mombar of tba Court. EFFORTS TO QUIET C .1 number of anow atorma durlog Fab* ITALIANS IN FRANCE raaiy. Thia morning at 6;80 tha Membem of OIbbaos Aanombly, mercury atartad to rlaa and within Catholic Ladlaa of OohiadMm mminded of tha aoclal this avtning an hour It had gona up aavon ^olnta INDUSTRIAL FEARS -5 SS and continued to liaa imtU i o'clock, to follow tha bualiiaas moating In when anow atartad to fall again. tha K. of C cluhbouaa. Mlaa *Amsa AT HALE’S SATURDAY UcOonvtUa and Mlm Hnry Tlamay BEGIN MASS EXODUS Iba aeaalon ct tha flrat aid head tba largo commlttoa in charge. elaaa that haa bean conducted thla IS GIVEN IMPETUS orintar by Dr. Robert R. Keeney each Friday night in the Beat Bide LDCTEN msnTUTE DOUBLE Green Stamps Given W ith Oish Sales Sat f b n t U BATHS S VBARSs I Rce will be held tonight at 6:80. *1iirU ej Asttrtt He H u Re- LAST ONK OOSn 88| AT ORDERS OF DUG SCHEDULE IS SCT lira. R. A. Simonacn of Laka EXTRA. SPECIAL! STOCK UP ON EXTRA SPEQAL! Rsgalnr SOe. 2r’s44" Hale’s D. 6 . A. Full Fashioned Balt Lake aty, Feb. X —(A P )' OWNBR RBOOVRRB MARK atioat, over the Manchaater UiM in c o Y w l W H Hi G u e n l —John Floor a ^ Andrew Luma Vernon, ia progreailng aa favoraNy had a habit of going to poUca 4 TRAR8 A FTU RUNAWAT Tkunaiit leavki aa can be eapected at the Memorial List Of S p «A ^ ShbjMts At HEAVY TURKISH HUNGARYFEARS Center Chorch In S^es Be* • M iupob Lefish- headquartem for a riwwer after Rexhurg, Idaho, Fab. 95— hoapital and will be glad to weKsme e work, but when they met Of­ Aai Olker Gtiet bar frlenda. Mr*. SImonaen fell oh Klnnlnt Sondsy Evening. Hale’s Finespun Sheets SILK HOSIER ficer John B. Taylor the bath (AP)—Four yauB ago whllo tha Ice in her dooryard about tan BATH TOW ELS 29 cost them |5 each. Bari Nation waa out drivlag, hla ^ lion WiB Be Offered. SECRET MOVES daya ago. Tha Lantan Institute which baa ftH* sxtrs length. Ouaraataad for at lanst four yenrF wear. This Is an ajmapUoaSl value. Tou win want at least a half Bingless Chiffon and am ^ "Tou can't go In there,” Taylor bay mare baeama 111 with tha Hwaakiai Taiay; I baas bald for many yearn tot Cen­ Canopbam wrapped In palm. ^ ai. Heavy nteomant towels with deep tone bordam la blue. colic. Ralaaaad from barmaa, Service Weight in the new W ^ I fTTI said. tha hotaa lay’down, ronad avar. Frlenda have received carda from ter eliurch win b a ^ Sunday, Feb­ green, peach, gold and rad. Spring shad?.. ^ «P J[ e\A/ "We'va been d^ng It dace the a group of Mancheater women who ruary M, tba Smt Sunday tot Lent. Washington. Feb. >8—(AP) — summer of jB35,” floor replied, OF NM PARTY groanad, jumped up and gal- SdMeds Oritni are touring in the South and are now Tha maattoigs wm ba bald In the Reff $1.19, 81xl04V g ...................... $ 1 . Q Q INNER8PRING and BEAUTYREST The RooaeveK administration's af* and the two went In. When they loped off down tha higharay. Pniiah Houaa anch Sunday evening Thla weak Naiaon, anavrariag at Miami for a winter vacation la forte to quiet buataiese fenm and en­ came out Taylor charged them an aatray noUot, found tba aal- Laan Canica San the party were Mra. Annie Smith of at 7:00. Mlaahmarlaa from distant Rngnlarijr f l courage private laveatment gained wMlKtrespaaa. Bail, forfeited, Police loTcsdgithig Tips Or- the Oentannial ApartmenU., Mra. lands who ara in reMdanca at the Washable^ waa $8 mal Impounded bare. Hnmeaa Harold Putar, Mm. Harman Montla, Hartford Seminary School of Hla* R eg. $1.10, 72xl04Vs ... ............ 8 9 < Invetua today from a statement by -a* mnrka aiwwad aoameua he ParaVa; Ilaiaaa k Mra. Raymond Lnthrop of Saat Can* M attress C overs $1.00 $1.00 Demoemtlc Leader'Barfcley of the fuiatieB, Aboisheff k arerklng her Mnea 1915. atoMS will ten about thair work. Beaata that he had recrived word no ter atraat and Mm. William J. Tba spsakem and their subjects Ra-covar that old mattraaa and protect tha new. Mads of good , Fair emckatt of Bigelow atraat They am foltow; Reg. $1.00, 63xl04H > ............................ 7 9 quality cotton cloth with all asama ixnind and with rubber buttons. Doeskin Gloves general antl^monopoly leglalatlon Laiia Ara Calai Not long ago this cover sold for fl.lt , PuU. %, Blngla aiaea. ■?■» Quality tebla cut gloves la white or natural shades. would be offered at this se^on of Nifioi-Wide Raids Ye^ traveling In Mra. Crockett’a n«— Fab. N, Itov. Amslay BoUlngsr, Ooognaa. SENATORS WILL automobile. Kbaadiah, India. Bubjact: "Mission By mistaks these ahasts warn made up with a 8” and 1" ham Barkley toki mportem be bad re­ A pariab priest, tha Rev. fosem Barag (M t), atoada la water to apbaal to a group of hardy eeal work In tha Juitgla." kiataad of the regular 2%" ham on bisth ends. • ANOTHER SHIPMENT! DIXIE NITE Rcgnlar 39c^ 30% Silk and Wool mlaera to give up their "aM*dowa^ atrike Iti a mine near HarnMon,, Pa. Ha brought a meaaage from Hugh terday Re'FomiBg Raiks JAPSDEOM Fnria < t ceived thla information from Chair­ Mra. Mark Holmaa, Mm. F. C. March 6, Mlaa Lyda Houston, man CMahoney (D., Wyo.), of the V. Brown, diatrict preeldent of tba UiUted Mina Workers at America, that the etrike was "uiuuthorixad'' aanda of Italian ettinana Hvlajg^ McLagaa and a group from tba VOoebow, China. Subject: "Our K»> special committee e< leglalatom and TRY TO REDUCE The 89 men In the mine aald they were atrlklng for back pay, and declared they would not come out Fmaca ware tonvtag tor thair 1 North Metbodlat Ladlaa Aid aodaty lotion to tba Wap In China.” UNDERWEAR govaniment officlala appolated to until thair demaada'wera met Budapeat, Feb. X .—AP) — Htm- wai conduct a food aala tomorrow March 11 Dr. F. M. Dobaaa, Hale’s Fmespuii. Pillow Cases Qulted Mattresi Protectors KUUNG ALIENS toad today la a invaatlgate monopoljb and other gnrlnn political police Invaatigntad BMimlag at Hala'e atora. Mamhatn OMChoalovakla. Subject; "Rallgloa Staya WHto Attar Lmmdering Close fitting garments economic subjects. PLANK FUNDS are reqoaated to haea their dona* Today tat CMChoslovakla." dTsST’. Rcgnbrly 25c. that will launder perfectly. The Senate leader added, however, tips today that Uia Hungnrlst Nasi order for lunaao abroad. tiona ready early for tha oollactom March It, Mm. Katbarlaa V. dS^iSe". Rtgnlnrly 27c. ,c ea. Veats and Paatica ^ for $ 1 .0 0 that the committee would ask addi­ movemant, abollahed In nntlea-wtda NOffWESE” taa omboaoy apobaoB ■o that tha ade may begin bafom Galas, India. Subject: “Tha AomiI* 2 2 Rear. $1.98, 54x76 ... ............ $ 1 . 6 9 tional funda—probably at least aa EcoiM ij Ad?ocate$ Jon h UNITED STATES rnhto yasterdny, was re-forming to oxoduo waa *wiriy a t:g0. can Board In India.” much aa the 1800,000 ap|treprlated HEARING ON ELECTION continue underground aa aa Illegal March M, Rev. John Marsh, Rho* Iteltoa odnetoto mid . 4*Tonr Gnarantesd, 42” x36” • 45**x38” Fineweavt fbr It last 3rear—to continue Ita toi* poitticnl orgnnixntlon. D iaffw RtypwiiiWky Fur drad ItaUaao ware laav Mra. Mlehaal Statai and Mm. daaia. South Africa. Subject: "Our Rear. $1.79, 48x76 ............ $ 1 . 4 9 veetiga tiona. Effort Ts Cit |170,(HN),- MvkM Bayar, co-chairman for Dr. African Churebaa.” CHILDREN’S ANKLETS New Eews Te Be Few BERLIN ENVOY, A queation giving eeneam to no* aboard ■paclal tratao iaW i Robart Wnmock'a lactum on current April a. Rev. 8. Mnqbul Maslb, Our regular stock of Gordon or Gem Brand aocka. AH the nav Barklajr's aimouacameat was one LAWS DATE SELECTED thorlUaa was whathar they had Rckfssi; Ffwsrs fa n - WbM -m"aaaity patterns and styles. ' amaahad the troublasoma movemant. tumtog tok thair a a tte playa at Oantar church bouaa, Wad' Balaapur, India.
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