Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 9 The Sunday & Daily Readings. 9 Serving the CChurchCriterion in Centralr andi Southert n Indianae Since 1960rion www.archindy.org February 21, 2003 Vol. XXXXII, No. 19 $1.00 Vatican backs efforts to prevent Iraq war, disarm Saddam VATICAN CITY (CNS)—With diplo- Pope John Paul II met privately with Iraqi Louis Tauran, the Vatican’s equivalent of compliance with U.N. Security Council matic moves and moral encouragement, Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz at the foreign minister. The Vatican said Aziz resolutions and urged more time for the the Vatican backed international efforts in Vatican on Feb. 14 and asked Iraq for assured the Church leaders “of the Iraqi inspection process. mid-February to prevent a new war in Iraq “concrete commitments” to respect U.N. government’s willingness to cooperate On Feb. 15, papal envoy Cardinal Roger and promote the country’s peaceful disar- disarmament resolutions. with the international community, particu- Etchegaray met with Saddam Hussein for an mament. The Vatican said the talks underscored larly in regard to disarmament.” hour and a half and delivered a papal mes- Meanwhile, Catholic leaders and orga- “the danger of an armed intervention in Aziz said he told the pope that a Western- sage to the Iraqi leader. Cardinal Etchegaray nizations joined a growing anti-war move- Iraq, which would add further grave suf- led war against Iraq would provoke negative later said the talks covered “concrete ment that stretched across the globe and ferings for those populations which are reaction in the Arab Muslim world and “poi- issues,” but he would not elaborate. spilled into the streets of major cities on already tried by long years of embargo.” son” Christian-Muslim relations. “I am convinced that Saddam Hussein every continent. Aziz, a Catholic of the Chaldean rite, The meetings at the Vatican came a few wants to avoid war,” Cardinal Etchegaray After sending a personal envoy to con- also spoke with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, hours before top U.N. weapons inspectors told reporters in Baghdad. “He seems fer with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, secretary of state, and Archbishop Jean- delivered a mixed report on Iraqi See WAR, page 14 Stressful times call for renewed sense of Indianapolis parish rededicates mission, ministers told WASHINGTON (CNS)—In confusing fire-ravaged church and stressful times for the world and the Catholic Church, it’s time not to retreat By Mary Ann Wyand but to step forward with a renewed sense of mission, a U.S. bishops’ conference Snow and icy roads couldn’t keep official told a gathering of Church social Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners from ministers on Feb. 10. celebrating the rededication of the historic Ann Wyand Photo by Mary “We have to fix the central institution, Indianapolis South Deanery church on not just repair the damage, but get back to Feb. 16 with Archbishop Daniel M. mission,” said John Carr, secretary of Buechlein, Franciscan and diocesan social development and world peace for priests, and some of the people who the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, helped replicate the interior of the ornate at the annual Catholic Social Ministry brick church after it was gutted by an Gathering. “The Church does not exist for early morning electrical fire on April 27, itself. The Church exists to preach the 2001. Gospel, to serve the least of these, to Fragrant incense rising to the arched stand up for human life.” ceiling of the painstakingly restored Carr described the country’s unease over sanctuary during the rite of dedication possible war, a looming recession, terrorism provided a sharp visual contrast to mem- and other issues as exactly the conditions ories of the raging fire and thick smoke under which the Catholic Church should be that destroyed the elaborately decorated most prepared to step forward to speak for worship space nearly two years ago. those who are voiceless. Founded in 1875 at 1530 Union St., The fact that the Church itself is going Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is noted for through a traumatic time over the scandal its beautiful Gothic revival church cre- of how cases of sexual abuse by priests ated by skilled German craftsmen. The were handled is not a reason to withdraw church was consecrated by Bishop from a public role, he said. Francis Silas Chatard on Oct. 4, 1891. One of the worst consequences for the Many people refer to Sacred Heart Church would be “if we were to lose our Church as the “jewel” of the archdio- voice and compromise our values, or with- cese, and after the fire some of the heart- draw into a defensive shell,” said Carr. broken people doubted that the church “The way forward is both greater protection could be restored to its former beauty. and accountability, and greater commitment When Archbishop Buechlein was to our social mission and message.” notified of the fire, he said the archdio- Institutional recovery will come not cese would replicate the altar and high only from what happens within the altar, statuary, stained-glass windows Church, he explained, “but by a renewal and artwork on the walls and ceiling. and recommitment to our call to be the Some of the craftsmen hired to salt of the earth and the light of the world. re-create the church interior are from And that’s the work of the whole Church. See CHURCH, page 2 See SOCIAL, page 10 Right, Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein celebrates the rededication Mass on Feb. 16 in the recently restored Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Indianapolis. Franciscan Father Kenneth Capalbo, provincial vicar of the St. Louis Province of the Sacred Heart, also concelebrated the liturgy with Franciscan and diocesan priests. Sacred Heart parishioners thank firefighters By Mary Ann Wyand Inspectors determined that the fire was firefighters. caused by frayed electrical wires located During the liturgy, Father Michael Fire and smoke filled Sacred Heart of near the high altar. invited the eight men present who had Jesus Church in Indianapolis early in the Some of the firefighters returned to the helped save the church to stand in a row morning on April 27, 2001, as about recently restored church for a Mass of next to the communion rail as the assem- 40 Indianapolis firefighters worked to Thanksgiving on Feb. 9 and sat in the front bly prayed the Lord’s Prayer. save the historic south-side church. pews as honored guests. Several of the Indianapolis firefighters Many Sacred Heart parishioners later “Thank you for saving our church so we who battled the early morning electrical said it was a miracle that the firefighters could restore it,” Franciscan Father Michael fire said later that they were amazed to see were able to extinguish the fire before Barrett, pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus the historic brick church restored to its flames consumed the entire church. Parish in Indianapolis, told the group of See FIREFIGHTERS, page 10 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2003 Christian means being at home with God CHURCH and with each other, the archbishop said, continued from page 1 because we also are God’s house. “With incense and oil and holy water the archdiocese and others are from and fire, we will reclaim this sacred Ann Wyand Photos by Mary Wisconsin. Archdiocesan insurance cover- church as God’s house,” he said. “We will age paid for the $4.3 million cost of reclaim it as a holy and sacred place. We restoring the church interior to its original will reconsecrate this house, dedicated to appearance. the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to God. Sisters “This is a great day of dedication, a and brothers, this church is an awesome day that we have very much anticipated,” dwelling place of God.” Franciscan Father Michael Barrett, pastor, At the conclusion of the Mass, Sacred said on Sunday afternoon. “Archbishop, Heart parishioners gave Archbishop welcome to Sacred Heart.” Buechlein a replica of the cross patonce, a Parishioners and guests responded with plaster medallion that marks the bose, the enthusiastic and sustained applause. point where the transept and nave cross on “I am thrilled to come here and see this the ceiling. A plaque on the framed medal- wondrous, awesome and beautiful lion reads, “From a grateful parish to church,” Archbishop Buechlein said in his Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B., homily. “Today marks a joyful conclusion Mass of Rededication, Feb. 16, 2003, to the sadness and anguish that was Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish.” caused by the dreadful [fire] damage to After accepting the gift, which he plans this beautiful church. Congratulations, all to display in the Archbishop O’Meara of you, on the restoration of this wonder- Catholic Center, Archbishop Buechlein ful house of God that is truly a treasure in said, “Thank you for your patience and our archdiocese.” your faith. I know some of you doubted. The restored walls of Sacred Heart Obviously, we have seen the fruits of your Church “represent the coming together in faith, hope and prayers.” Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein accepts the offertory gifts from Michael Eagan, left, of Entheos faith and hope of many generations of Father Michael also offered his thanks Architects in Indianapolis and David Hodde, director of the archdiocesan Office of Management faithful believers,” the archbishop said. to parishioners and friends of Sacred Services, during the rededication Mass on Feb. 16 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. “This magnificent church, sisters and Heart for their patience and faith since the brothers, testifies to your vitality and faith fire nearly two years ago. music in order for everyone else to be able After the fire, parishioner Rick and hope.
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