St. Rose of Lima Church 409 South Main Street, North Syracuse, NY December 23, 2018 St. Rose of Lima Church, North Syracuse, New York Page Two December 23, 2018 Lectors: Next Saturday — Saturday, December 22 —Vigil Masses 4:00 PM Ellen Byrnes and Connie Juliano — 4:00 PM —Joseph Donardo, R – Wife, Mary & Family 7:00 PM Mary Zampini 7:00 PM — Daniel & Elizabeth Smith, R – Edward Johnson Next Sunday Sunday, December 23 —4th Sunday of Advent — — – 7:30 AM Damion Ulatowski 7:30 AM Brian Santiago, R Family — – 10:00 AM James & Leabra DiMento, R Family 10:00 AM — Diane LaPorte and Meghan Paoletti 11:30 AM — Andrea Ferrara, R – Family 11:30 AM — Shirley Ahearn and Arlene DiGilormo Monday, December 24 4:00 PM School —Children of St. Rose Parish, Altar Servers: R– Pat Decker 4:00 PM — Gordon Rice, R – Wife & Daughter Next Saturday — — 4:00 PM Owen McClure and Daniel Darling Tuesday, December 25 The Nativity of the Lord 12:00 Midnight — Mass for the People 7:00 PM — Olivia Marra and Matt Capella 7:30 AM — Bryan Prevo, R – Grandparents 10:00 AM — Douglas S.J. Sydney, Jr., R – Family Next Sunday — – 11:30 AM Alfred Festa, R Wife & Family 7:30 AM — Alexandra Horth and Justin Horth — Wednesday, December 26 St. Stephen 10:00 AM — Emelia Salisbury, Richard Curran 7:00 AM — Gaetan Dumas, R – Wife, Pat and Sara Szuba 9:00 AM — Don & Ruth Hammond, R – Family 11:30 AM — Jacob Fritz, Ethan Fritz, — Thursday, December 27 St. John and Anna Fritz 7:00 AM — Barbara LaRochelle, R – A Friend 9:00 AM — All Aborted Souls, R – Veronica Huh Friday, December 28 —The Holy Innocents 7:00 AM — Lena Gelsomin, R – Steve & Michelle Granacki 9:00 AM — Russell Hewitt, R– Marguerite & John M cAuliffe Janet Adams Peter H. Damico Rose Ostrowski Saturday, December 29 Joanne Barket Bekka Dembowski Dr. Sam Paris 9:00 AM — Carmella Vannelli, R – Vannelli Family Mary Barr Julie Dembowski Susan Paris 4:00 PM — Gerry Macko, R – Geraldine Robinson Patricia Becker Geraldine Emond Michael Patriarco 7:00 PM — Howard & Barbara Johnson, James Behr Mary Evans Tyler Piagentini R– Edward Johnson Pat Brown Linda Franks Katherine Pontante Nadine Budlong Anne Fritcher Betsy Race Sunday, December 30 —The Holy Family of Jesus, Bob Burns Barbara Giordano Jim Rebholz Mary and Joseph Jean Burns Heather Gleason Walter Rhea Jim Byrnes Joseph Gugliotta, Jr. Everly Rice 7:30 AM — Patricia Rowe, R – Mr. & Mrs. Robert Powell Peter Capponi, IV Ed Harris Kyle Rice 10:00 AM — Mass for the People Ann Carroll Ed Hudack David Ross 11:30 AM — Don & Ruth Hammond, R – Family Michael Chorlton David Hurst Shannon Ryan Shannon Coir Connie Juliano Steve Schlegel Please Note! Cheryl Coleman Michael Liccione Sunny Irving Schlie The Rosary is prayed daily at 8:30 AM just before the 9:00 Gerald Coleman Henrietta Mackowsky Art Schlitter AM Mass. Please join us! Patricia Corcoran David Mahoney Bradley Six Fran Coughlin Michael Marafino Trish Slater Bulletin deadline! Kathy Crouse Kaylee Marshfield Anne Marie Trait Deadline for bulletin announcements is Monday at Noon! Jill Cullen Shannon Martin Beverly Voltz Please be sure to include a phone number in case there is a Gary Cunningham,Jr. Mary Beth Matyasik Parker Wall question! Email address: [email protected] Skylar Decker Kay M cAndrew Christine Wallace Stacey Decker Alice Merriman Florence Wojcik Collection: Jay DeFuria Robert O’Konski Karen Zuk December 9, 2018: $10,523.00 Christmas Poor: $2,329.00 and all our parishioners in nursing homes. If you wish to Immaculate Conception: $3,037.00 place someone on the Prayer List or if someone should be Donation to Food Pantry taken off the Prayer List, please call the Parish Office at In Memory of William Garand: $100.00 458-0283 Page Three St. Rose of Lima Church, North Syracuse, New York December 23, 2018 Parents: Please escort your children to the St. Rose of Lima Church bathroom to ensure their safety. 409 South Main Street, North Syracuse, New York 13212 Visitors and New Parishioners — Welcome! OUR PARISH WELCOMES EACH PERSON, FAMILY, CHILD AND BABY! MASS SCHEDULE: We are so glad that you are here! We would be so pleased if you would come again. Please review this bulletin for activ- ities at our parish and the listed contact information for min- ǣͶǣͲͲǡǣͲͲ istries. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our parish office at 458-0283. ǣǣ͵ͲǡͳͲǣͲͲǡͳͳǣ͵Ͳ ǣ TO ALL ST. ROSE PARISHIONERS Ȃ ǣǣͲͲǡͻǣͲͲ If you or a family member is at a local hospital, nursing SACRAMENT ǣ OF PENANCEͻǣͲͲEVERY SATURDAY: home, or any other long-term facility, such as Francis House, Please call the Parish Office at 458-0283, to let us know. Pri- vacy issues are preventing these facilities from notifying us. OFFICES: ͵Ǧ͵ǣͶͷǤǤǤǤǤ ͶͲͻǡǤ ǡͳ͵ʹͳʹ Please try to patronize of all the businesses that adver- tise in our bulletin each week. Many of them are St. Ǥǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ ǦͲʹͺ͵ǡ ǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ ǦͳʹͻͲ Rose Parishioners and their generosity and support help to provide our weekly bulletin to you at no cost to us. ǣ ͻǤǤͶǤǤ ǦǤ Ǧ ͻǤǤ͵ǤǤ Ǧ ͻǤǤͳʹ Ǧ This Week At St. Rose RECTORY: Sunday, December 23 ST. ROSE OF LIMA CHURCH WEB SITE: st ͶͲǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ ǦͲʹͺ͵ NO Kindergarten & 1 Grade Rel.Ed. Classes 6:00 PM-7:00 PM —Rehearsal for Children’s Christmas Liturgy-Gym ǣȀȀǤǤȀȀST. ROSE OF LIMA CHURCH on TWITTER:Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ — StRoseNorthSyr - Monday, December 24 Christmas Eve 4:00 PM —Christmas Eve Mass —Church ̷̴Ǣ 4:00 PM —Children’s Christmas Candlelight Liturgy—School NO Religious Ed. Classes —School ǣǣȀȀǤ Ȁ̴ PASTOR: Tuesday, December 25 —Christmas Day PAROCHIAL VICAR: Ǥ Ǥ 12:00 Midnight —Christmas Mass —Church PERMANENT DEACON: 7:30 AM —Christmas Mass —Church ǤǤ Ǥ 10:00 AM —Christmas Mass —Church RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 11:30 AM —Christmas Mass —Church. Wednesday, December 19 MUSIC DIRECTOR: ǡ ǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ Ǧͷͻʹ NO Religious Ed. Classes —School 6:30 PM —Choir —Choir Loft RCIA COORDINATOR: ǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͺͺ Ǧͺͻ 7:00 PM —Legion of Mary —Rectory PASTORAL COUNSELING SERVICE: ǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͳ ǦͲͷ͵ Thursday, December 20 7:00 PM —Spirit of Life Prayer Group —Church BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: 7:30 PM —St. Rose Prayer Group —Church Bsmt. ǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ ǦͲʹͺ͵ ͳʹ Friday, December 21 NEW PARISHIONERS: 8:30 PM —A. A. – Church Bsmt. ̷Ǥ ϐ Ǥ Ǩ Saturday, December 22 SCHOOL: ϐ Ǥ PRINCIPAL: ͶͳͳǡǤǣ͵ͳͷ ǦͶͷͺ ǦͲ͵ Sunday, December 23 st ST. ROSE SCHOOL WEB SITE: NO Kindergarten & 1 Grade Rel.Ed. Classes Ǥ ǤǤ Page Four St. Rose of Lima Church, North Syracuse, New York December 23, 2018 - From The Parish Office: Pre Baptism Class rth, Please Note: Father Francis will be traveling back The next class is Monday, January 7 , at 8:00 PM in the St. Rose Rectory. (Please use the back door off the to his home for a visit. Please watch the bulletin for parking lot.) (The classes are usually held the first changes to our daily Mass schedule beginning in Monday of the month.) January. Scholarship Calendars 2019 We would like to wish all It is again time to think about buying another calendar St. Rose of Lima Parishioners for 2019. The calendars are again $20.00. If you are interested, the Calendars are always available at the a Blessed and Merry Christmas! School office Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you would like to pick your lucky calendar up We will be having a lot of visitors to our Church for at the Parish Office, please call 458-0283, and we will this Christmas season. Please be warm and welcom- have it available for you. Thank you for your generosi- ing to all. Be flexible on seating, considerate in park- ty and support of St. Rose of Lima School. ing and please be sure to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Congratulations Scholarship Calendar Winners! We are looking for an "on call" person to help with December 7 - #449 - Patrick Dwyer - $25.00 snow removal during the winter season. The hours December 8 - #975 - St. Rose - $25.00 would mainly be in the morning. Please call the Par- ish Office at 458-0283 if you are interested. December 9 - #520 - St. Rose - $30.00 December 10 - #291 A . - James & Krista Russell - $25.00 Please Note: #291 B. - Donna Hurn - $25.00 The Parish Office will be closed on Christmas Eve, December 11 - #245 - Brian Smorol - $25.00 Monday, December 24th; Christmas Day, December December 12 - #108 - Jennifer & Keith Nelson - $25.00 25th; and Wednesday, December 26th. We will re- open on Thursday, December 27th at 9:00 a.m. Project Rachel Are unresolved feelings about a past abortion cast- Please note: Upcoming early bulletin deadline due to holidays ing a shadow over your holiday preparations? Deadline Noon, Thursday, 12/27 for 1/6/19 bulletin For confidential and compassionate assistance, please contact Project Rachel at (855)364-0076 or [email protected] Christmas Flowers Anyone wishing to make a donation for Christmas Flowers may fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. MARK IT —CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. In Memory of:______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Remembered By:___________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed:__________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________ Page Five St. Rose of Lima Church, North Syracuse, New York December 23, 2018 Tuesday, January 1, 2019 The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (New Year's Day) is a Holy Day of Obligation Masses are as follows: Monday, December 31st: Vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m.
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