— - !979 Sherwood (Deet ing — A§pect$ ef Centyotted Ch€ymeaHc!ea.y Q)ovat #ecem#$ #ean$g!¥ania A p r -i! 18 ^ §0, 1 9 7 9 ',-''-j'...':,r !''r B Y ' . ' j, L.ABOr^':*OH Y PROCEEDINGS OF THE SHERWOOD MEETING THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF CONTROLLED THERMONUCLEAR FUSION April 18 - 20, 1979 Pocono Manor, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania Sponsored by Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08544 EXECUTIVE PROGRAM LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE H. Weitzner, Ch. A. H. Boozer, Ch. J. L. Johnson, Ch 1. Bernstein D. Barnes A. H. Boozer C. K. Chu H. L. Berk R. Donald J. M. Dawson W. Grossmann A. H. Glasser G. Guest J. Hogan P. H. Rutherford A. Kaufman N. Krall K. E. Weimer H. R. Lewis R. Lovelace M. Weissenburger D. Nelson R. E. Price L. D. Pearlstein A. Ware D. Ross P. H. Rutherford W. L. Sadowski A. Simon (,P General Information All sessions will be held at the Pocono Manor. The morning oral sessions will be in the Terrace Ballroom; the afternoon (or evening) poster sessions will be in the Plymouth Meeting Center. Coffee and other refreshments will be available during both the oral and poster sessions. There will be two consecutive poster sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening and one on Friday afternoon. Thursday afternoon is free. A Cocktail Hour will be held in the Horizon Lounge Wednesday at 5:30. Two drinks are included in the registration fee. The Registration and Travel desks are in the Fountain Room. If you need assistance in planning transportation out, check with Travel early. There were 255 papers submitted of which 21 were chosen for oral presentation. Provisions have been made for these authors to present the details of their work in a subsequent poster presentation. SCHEDULE Tuesday, p.m. 5:00 - 7:00 Registration & Complementary Punch 7:00 - 8:00 Dinner 8:00 - 11:00 Registration 9:00 - 11:30 Snack for late arrivals Wednesday 7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast 8:30 Welcome 8:45 Oral Session 1A Wednesday 10:25 - 10:45 Coffee 10:45 Oral Session 1A 10:00 Coffee Hour 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch for Guests of 1:30 - 3:15 Poster Session IB Conference 3:00 - 4:00 Refreshments (Horizon Lounge) 3:30 - 5:15 Poster Session 1C 5:30 - Cocktails 6:30 - 8:00 Dinner Thursday 7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast 8:45 Oral Session 2A 10:25 - 10:45 Coffee 10:45 Oral Session 2A 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch FREE AFTERNOON 6:30 - 8:00 Dinner 7:30 - 9:00 Poster Session 2B 8:45 - 9:30 Refreshments 9:15 - 10:45 Poster Session 2C, Friday 7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast 8:45 Oral Session 3A 10:25 - 10:45 Coffee 10:45 Oral Session 3A 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:30 - 3:00 Poster Session 3B 1979 SHERWOOD MEETING THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF CONTROLLED THERMONUCLEAR RESEARCH April 18-20, 1979 — Pocono Manor — Mt. Pocono, Pa. TUESDAY APRIL 17 5:00-7:00 REGISTRATION AND COMPLIMENTARY RUM PUNCH Fountain Room 7:00-8:00 DINNER Main Dining Room 8:00- 11:00 REGISTRATION Fountain Room 9:00-11:30 SANDWICHES FOR LATE ARRIVALS Sam's Place WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 7:30-9:00 BREAKFAST Main Dining Room 8:15-12:15 REGISTRATION (Registration and Travel Desk open during aLL sessions) 8:30 Welcome M. B. GottLieB Announcements J. L. Johnson 8:45 ORAL SESSION 1A Terrace BaLLroom D. Ross and H.R. Lewis Chairmen 1A1. CaLcuLation of the Kolmogorov Entropy for Motion ALong a Stochastic Magnetic FieLd A. B. Rechester, M. N. RosenBLuth, and R. B. White. 1A2. Finite Beta sub e Universal. Mode TurBulence and ALcator ScaLing. K. MoLvig. 1A3. Energy Cascade in Drift-Tearing Modes. J. F. Drake and C. S. Liu. 1A4. RenormaLized Induced Scattering and Nonlinear Damping of CoLLisionLess Drift Waves J. A. Krommes. 10:25-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 1A5. Theoretical. Studies for the ELmo Bumpy Torus (EBT) Device. D. A. Spong, D. B. BatcheLor, C. L. Hedrick, and E. F. Jaeger. 1A6. Enhancement of Tandem Mirror PLug Potentials by Thermal. ParticLe Pumpout. D. E. BaLdwin and B. G. Logan. 1A7. Effects of Toroidicity on the NonLinear Interaction of Tearing Modes. H. R. Hie s, B. Carreras, and S. J. Lynch. 12:00-1:00 LUNCH (Dining Room doors cLose promptLy at 1:00) 1:30-3:00 POSTER SESSION 1B (ALL Poster Sessions are in the Plymouth Meeting Center) ORAL Papers 1A1-1A4 wiLL be given in Patrick Henry C ManorHaLL Auditorium 181. Charge Exchange as an Impurity RecomBination Mechanism. R. A. HuLse, D. E. Post, and D. R. MikkeLsen. 182. RadiaL Scaling in the QuasiLinear ModeL of Drift Cyclotron Loss Cone (DCLC). L. D. Pearlstein, J. J Stewart, T. D. RognLien, andH. L. Berk. 183. ToroidaL Effects on the AccessiBility of Lower Hybrid Slaves. P. 1. BonoLi, E. Ott, and J. M. Wersinger. 184. A FuLLy Two-DimensionaL Transport ModeL. M. H. Emery, N. Winsor, and J. Boris. 185. Lower Hybrid ELectron Landau Damping and Current Drive in the Presence of an Applied DC ELectric Field and Transport Losses. K. D. Marx, R. W. Harvey, V. S. Chan, and J. M. RawLs. 186. Current Profile StaBilization of D-Shaped Tokamaks to Ideal MHD Modes. L. C. Bernard, D. DoBrott, F J. HeLton, and R. W. Moore. 187. A Compact Form of the Integral Equation for Waves in an Inhomogeneous PLasma. S. P. AuerBach. 188. NonLocaL HyBrid-kinetic StaBility Analysis of the Mirror Drift-Cone InstaBility. H. S. Uhm, R. C. Davidson, and R. E. Aamodt. 1B9. StaBility Properties of a FieLd-Reversed Ion Layer in a Background PLasma. R. C. Davidson and H. S. Uhm. 1B10. Thermal Equilibrium Properties of an Intense Ion Beam With Rotational and AxiaL Motion. J. Chen and R C. Davidson. 1B11. Geometric Optics in Inhomogeneous Isotropic and Anisotropic PLasmas and on Their Boundaries. L. FriedLand and I. B. Bernstein. 1B12. Higher Order Chapman-Enskog Theory for Electrons: Application to Temperature Gradient-Driven Modes. A. B. Hassam. 1B13. Dissipative Drift Modes Driven By The ELectron Temperature Gradient In A Sheared Magnetic FieLd. C. L Chang, J. F. Drake,N. T. GLadd, andC. S. Liu. 1B14. Microtearing Modes and Anomalous Transport in Tokamaks. N. T. GLadd, J. F. Drake, C. S. Liu, and C. L. Chang. 1815. OBservation of Transport in Tokamaks of ArBitrary Shape and Approximate NumericaL Description. M. SoLer. 1S16. EquiliBrium NumericaL Study of the Formation of the PLasma in Tormac. A. Aydemir and C. K. Chu. 1817. Two-Way Diffusion Equations and Diffuse Reflection of Lower-HyBrid Waves. N. J. Fisch. 1B18. EBT NeocLassicaL Ion Transport with Non-MaxweLLian f and Higher Order PoLoidaL Expansions. R. B. Campbell, R. J. Kashuba, and T. Kammash. 1819. Argonne Beam Propagation and Target Experimental Program for Proposed Heavy Ion Facility. G. R. MageLssen. Jefferson Room 1B20. A Finite Element Solution of a Reduced Fokker-PLanck Equation. 1. Bernstein, A. Weiser, S. Eisenstat, and M. Schultz. 1B21. ALpha-ParticLe Heating in Tokamaks. D. R. MikkeLsen and D. E. Post. 1822. Tearing Modes in a Braided Magnetic FieLd. P. K. Kaw, E. J. VaLeo, and P. H. Rutherford. 1823. CoupLing of Lower HyBrid to Acoustic Modes. E. J. VaLeo and L. Chen. 1B24. A PossiBLe Strange Attractor in MHD Convective InstaBiLities. Y. M. Treve and 0. P. ManLey. 1B25. Cubic TurBuLence. D. R. NichoLson and D. F. DuBois. 1B26. The SLpw Ion CycLotron Wave in Tokamaks. C. Chu. 1B27. Guiding Center PLasmas in the Presence of GravitationaL (DeL B) Drifts. G. Joyce, C. S. Liu, and D. Montgomery. 1B28. FieLd Reversed PLasma Rotation and Transport. L. C. Steinhauer. 1B29. NonLinear Saturation of BaLLooning Modes for Tokamaks. F. Bauer, 0. Betancourt, and P. GaraBedian. 1B30. Free Boundary EquiLiBria with MuLtipoLe Expansion of ExternaL FieLd in NoncircuLar Tokamaks. 0. Okada S. DaLhed, J. DeLucia, and M. OkaBayashi. 1B31. Spectrum and Eigenfunctions for a Fietd Equation With Stochastic Ray Trajectories. S. W. McDonald and A. N. Kaufman, 1B32. MagnetohydrodynamicaL Interchange InstaBiLity in Low-Beta PLasmas in Sheared Systems. S. Ydshikawa and R. B. White. Monroe Room -1B33. Current-Driven Drift-Wave InstaBiLity of a Finite-Beta PLasma in a Sheared-Magnetic FieLd. T. Tange, C. Ueno, H. Irie, T. WatanaBe, S. Inoue, K. Itoh, K. Nishikawa, and S. Yoshikawa. 1B34. Two-DimensionaL Eigenmode Analysis of the Trapped-Ion InstaBiLity. R. Marchand, G. RewoLdt, and W. M. Tang. 1B35. AnaLysis of PLT Discharges with High NeutraL Injection. A. L. Sutton, M. Cotsaftis, and H. H. KLein. 1B36- Conducting ShetL StaBiLization of FCT EquitiBria. L. A. CharLton, R. A. Dory, Y-K. M. Peng, D. J. StrickLer, S. J. Lynch, and D. K. Lee. Patrick Henry A 1B37. Optimization of Transition CoiL Design in Tandem Mirror Systems from the Point of View of Interchange StaBility. T. B. Kaiser. 1B38. Cross-FieLd Electron Transport Due to Thermal Electromagnetic Fluctuations. A. T. Lin, J. M. Dawson, and H. Okuda. 1B39. Magnetohydrodynamic InstaBiLities in a High Shear HeLicaL System. M. Wakatani, T. Yoshioka, K. Hanatani, 0. Motojima, A. Iiyoshi, and K. Uo. 1840. NonLinear Kink InstaBiLities in Force-Free FieLds. H. C. Lui. 1841. AnomaLous Diffusion and PLasma Leakage Through Open FieLd Lines in FieLd ReversaL Configurations. S. Hamasaki. 1B42. EquiLiBrium and StaBiLity of Tokamaks with Tensor Pressure. A. Cooper, D. B. NeLson, G. Bateman, and T. Kammash. 1B43. Impurity Control by NeutraL Beam Injection. W. M. Stacey and D.J. Sigmar. 1B44. StaBiLity of NeutraL Beam Heated EquiLiBria to BaLLooning Modes. R. W. Moore, R. L. MiLLer, and R. E. WaLtz. Patrick Henry B 1845. Resonant Second Harmonic Generation of Upper HyBrid Radiation in a PLasma.
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