Stroerkfln. 1 SO BSCRIPTION PHICK, #2.<X» PCS Till. LX IV • 1F gUswortl) UNTKHKU AM IMOONU CLASS MATTER PAID lit ADX’AltCK •>).« ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER (i 1918. AT TBR BLL*- WORTH POPTOFP/CR. * No. 45. auDrruscmrms. •ahtintisniunts. .LOCAL Ai F v i».\> noon mail did not reach Ellsworth until this morning. NKW AI>VKU ! hK'l t N irtl^ \\ Khk Henry Mclntireof Milltown, N. B., was « _ arraigned in Ellsworth municipal court PheHff's sale this morning on complaint of Sheriff N E Tel & Tel Co Prompt, Satisfactory Banking NATIONAL BANK Burriil National btrV Wescott. charged with the larceny of a C S Cottle—Cash and carry suit of clothes and pair of shoes, the ELLS Notice of foreclosuie -Susie C Oliver ORTH, MAINE property of Lin wood Tracy of North We ) A P Royal—Storage batteries repaired handle the business ©f our depositors West Hancock: Sullivan, from the lumber camp of D. C. Fourth Hors** for Ashe at Goodwin’s He was To Liberty Loan, Coupon Bond, Full sale Siding. promptly—carefully—satisfactorily. Bucksport: found guilty, sentenced to a fine of flO I Paid, Subscribers Savings Deposit Book lost a id costs, and committed to the county If If you need the services of a well-equipped Steven sort. Conn.: jail for forty days in default of payment. we Carpenters wanted bank, would be to assist in Ki« I li .is f tli, K ■! The house on pleased you any |*»ia Coupon tli I,il..r y |.,M„ ,rt? School street occupied no*, Charles W. and owned Frank within the of safe reauy fordeliveiy. SCHEDULE OF MAILS by Joy by way scope banking. K. Moore, was badlv damaged by tire Jj AT ELLSWORTH FOSTOFFt' l-. lMei.se call for your Coupon bond—and if la^t evening. The tire broke out in the Your account is invited. you wish, In effect. 'J9, ! Sept. attic about 6 ana we will file for Safe Keeping, "giving our o’clock, had gained receipt. considerable when discovered. Out-of-lowu MAILS RECEIVED. headway subscribers are requested to write us whether H'prfc Dope. The attic was burned out, the roof burned $100,000 coupon bonds art- to be forwarded or tiled Capital, From West-B.47 a n>; 4.16 p tn. through in many places, nnd the whole for Safe-Keeping. Do it to-day, please! From East—11.11, a n>;,6.23pm. house thoroughly wet down. The tire Surplus and Profits, $150.ihm* mails close ai pomtofficb did not reach the lower floors. Most of Mr. furniture was removed before ttc?ino West —10.40 a nr. 5.50 p m. Joy’s Ooino East—6.15a ni; 3.40 p m. being wet. The loss on buildings and furniture is covered by insurance. Registered mail should be at postoffice half merits have been made with an hour before mail closes. Arrang ® the county commissioners bj which the Union Trust Company grand jury room at the court bouse will i Wl \IHhK IN KI.LSWOK I'll Ell sworth,Mad» k Our Leader This Week be used by the Ellsworth branch of the of Ke I Cross as a lor Week KmimK h' Midnight Tues'lny, work room during the Karo Corn Syrup, can, 13 >/2c Nov. 5. 1 ‘MM. winter months. For the present, while the room is in use for ex- | | From observations taken at the powei physical t. 1 lh pkgs Ann A Hammer Soda, 35c station of the Bar Harbor Hi Union Hivei aminations by the exemption board three Power o.. in Ellsworth. Precipitation is days each week, the Ked Cross will have Riven in inches for the twenty four hours Self-raising Buckwheat, pkg, (111> 4<>z,) 10c ending at midnight.| the room Mondays, Fridays and Satur- Weather Precip- days. It is hoped there w ill be a Four l>ars Swift’s Pride 25c Temperatnre conditions itation largo WHY BE A DRIFTER? Soap, attendance of workers of the Red Cross afternoon on these as there is much work in Like :i some follow the Swift s Pride \\ days, (lowing river, people lines of least resistance Four packages ashing Powder, 25c rain,cloudy hand. and all their cash for rain, loudy spend surplus luxuries. Drifting is easy bi.'. Honeybee Molasses, gal, 95c fair The schooner Lulu W. Eppes, which I accomplishment requires determination. Decide to save^dl you can filed with water while lying at anchor in Start an account with the Contention cove loaded with staves, for Hancock County Savings Bank. One w For Sale, horse, harness, rubber-tired l.mggv. N York, was towed up the river last Hancock Friday, by the Stonington boat, and is County Savir gs Bank OcC, 6.84 inches precipitation now at the wharf. The is erage temperature, Oct.. 49.5 cargo Deing Ellsworth, Vanie 1917. 49.4° taken out, ns is necessary before repairs C. S. COTTLE can be made. The tug Little Hound Top, Mit" Caroline M. Jov in in Ellsworth for I w :cb struck on Harden’s rocks in the Licensed (dealer in Venison the winter, hi the bon e of Louis F. Hig- Inga week ago Sunday, on her way up gins a net wife. river after hauling the Eppes off the mud Supcose You Should Have a Fire To-Night? tl i-* still ashore. It will be I*th A., w.feof Charles E. Junes, died necessary t" make before she can 1 rnl iv ar tier huine at Beyside, Ellsworth, temporary repairs <>. W. TAPLEY be floated. a fifty-two >*• ars. insurance and Real Estate SILVY’S GARAGE The has H'lt'uck countv ’» quota in the united general campaign committee decided that the girls shall also take Tapir y Building, 69 Main St. Telephones: Office 14, Residence 41-3 Overland ard VV ill\s Cars, Oarford Trucks war work campaign, November il to 18. part knighi m t h^ Loan” and “Earn and i. $&,949. Eiiswoitu must contriouie big “Victory live” so fJ.07J of this. drive, the girls of Ellsworth, and SECCND-HAND CAfIS ail tow ns of live hundred or more popula- on seven days’ leave. Am at the t AT V L KIKK AT KAH 11 A KIM i Mrs. C. E. Monaghan accompanied Mr. stopping tion in Hancock county, must hold them- Y. M. C. A., and having heaps of good lua.i.nrs louring car, ui go< d condition, fi.50. Monaghan on his return yesterday to: selves in readiness to be enrolled, and be things to eat. It seems queer to sit down Four Men of »*e\v of Steamer >lineol<* Buick touring car, good condition. $350. Bangor, where he is employed. They | planning how they can “earn and give” at a table with silverware and white cloth Suffocated on Hoard w ill hou«e there this 1917 Ford condition. keep winter. touring car, good ti\e dollars at least for the splendid boys napkins. Paris is more gay than ever on Four men of the crew of the veamer Mr**. A. W. King, who has been with her hi the front. Five dollars gives one sol- account of the wonderful victories on the V«im-otfl, of tbe Eastern Steam-1 p Co.f daughter, .Mrs. Uieiiu A. Lawrence, in :ier -PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE- cherished privileges for five weeks. front. Everyone is joyous, and G.rmativ lost tbeit lives by a fire that broke out 1! u-K.aint Sr veral weeks, returned r- jestt *1 rs. Wnrditi is the local chairman, and will soon be ‘all in.’ Am seeing some aboard the steamer early Sunday rt >rt,ing, St'Taeo Room t’ #r Cars She was Mrs. Fifty diy. accompanied by will g« in touch w ith tbe girls as soon great sights here — wonderful churches, while she v\as lying at Ltr Bar harcor L'i a re nee. Main street, Kllswo.tti, Me Te l*j as possiole. Napoleon’s tomb, captured German guns, <>f Fulton J. Kedman Ellsworth has Fred M. Aliev died at his home on aeroplanes etc., too numerous to mention. Twenty-seven men of the crew wf-re ra enlisted in the and induction Will visit the church board when the lire broke navy, t'h ip» 1 street Sunday, of pneumonia, fol- that was bombed on out. They were issued b\ the local board were aroused papers lowing an attack oi influenza. Mr. Alley Good Friday, and Lafayette's tomb. Am by the tire, and all tut the h»re .' r. Kedman bis to lour to-day. passed was horn in Ellsworth, at liayside, thirty- going out Versailles this afternoon on men, who had evidently delayed to v si cal examination some time an and see Louis IV’s castle.” made their Tbe four p. ago. seven years ago, a son of the late William excursion, dress, escape. men CARPENTERS WANTED himself a veteran of in the forecastle fount he w ill of the late ex-Sero tor Eugene H. Alley. Most of his life had been spent Capt. Bonsey, the escape cut off by^. Civil besides his four the and died of Hale has been filed for probate. Bequests in this city, though for h few years he had , war, has, son, tire, suffocation, trie lire cm killed in work—d-V hour four \s, two second not iheir rough earjienter j>**r are made to ins brother Clarence and Ins lived in Frankfort. He returned byre a nephews, grand-nephe reaching bodies. cousins and other more distant relatives The men who lost 10 hour Big darn construction—long job.
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