3 27. September 2020 Fibres and Textiles Vlákna a textil Published by Vydáva Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie Technical University of Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, Faculty of Textile Engineering Fakulta textilní Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, Faculty of Industrial Technologies Fakulta priemyselných technológií Slovak Society of Industrial Chemistry, Bratislava Slovenská spoločnosť priemyselnej chémie, Bratislava Research Institute of Man-Made Fibres, JSC, Svit Výskumný ústav chemických vlákien, a.s. Svit VÚTCH – CHEMITEX, Ltd., Žilina VÚTCH – CHEMITEX, spol. s r.o., Žilina Chemosvit Fibrochem, JSC, Svit Chemosvit Fibrochem, a.s., Svit Editor in chief (Šéfredaktor): Anna Ujhelyiová Executive editor (Výkonný redaktor): Marcela Hricová http://www.vat.ft.tul.cz Editorial board (Redakčná rada) Honourable editorial board (Čestní členovia redakčnej rady) M. Hricová (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK) M. Krištofič (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK) M. Tunák (Technical University of Liberec, CZ) A. Marcinčin (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK) V. Tunáková (Technical University of Liberec, CZ) M. Fikar (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK) V. Krmelová (A. Dubček University of Trenčín, SK) A. Gatial (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SK) D. Ondrušová (A. Dubček University of Trenčín, SK) J. Drašarová (Technical University of Liberec, CZ) Z. Tomčíková (Research Institute of Man-Made Fibres, JSC, Svit, SK) J. Militký (Technical University of Liberec, CZ) Ľ. Balogová (VÚTCH – CHEMITEX, Ltd., Žilina, SK) I. Sroková (A. Dubček University of Trenčín, SK) T. Zatroch (Chemosvit Fibrochem, JSC, Svit, SK) J. Vavro (A. Dubček University of Trenčín, SK) M. Budzák (Research. Institute of Man-Made Fibres, JSC, Svit, SK) J. Šesták (VÚTCH – CHEMITEX, Ltd., Žilina, SK) D. Ciechanska (Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibers, Lodz, PL) T. Czigani (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU) A.M. Grancarić (University of Zagreb, HR) I. Krucinska (Technical University of Lodz, PL) A.M. Marechal (University of Maribor, SL) V. Vlasenko (Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, UA) Editorial office and distribution of the journal Order and advertisement of the journal (Redakcia a distribúcia časopisu) (Objednávka a inzercia časopisu) Ústav prírodných a syntetických polymérov Slovenská spoločnosť priemyselnej chémie, Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie člen Zväzu vedecko-technických spoločností Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, SK Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, SK Tel: 00 421 2 59 325 575 Tel: 00 421 2 59 325 575 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Order of the journal from abroad – excepting Czech Republic Objednávka časopisu zo zahraničia – okrem Českej Republiky SLOVART G.T.G, s.r.o. EXPORT-IMPORT Krupinská 4, P.O.Box 152, 852 99 Bratislava, SK Tel: 00421 2 839 471-3, Fax: 00421 2 839 485 e-mail: [email protected] Typeset and printing (Sadzba a tlač) FOART, s.r.o., Bratislava Journal is published 4x per year Časopis vychádza 4x ročne Subscription 60 EUR Ročné predplatné 60 EUR Evidenčné číslo MKCR SR Bratislava EV 4006/10 IČO vydavateľa 00 397 687 Fibres and Textiles (3) 2020 Vlákna a textil (3) 2020 September 2020 Content 3 Hana Algahni and Maha Abdullah Al-Dabbagh ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CONSUMER TREND TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE CLOTHING 8 Snezhina Andonova, Gabriela Atanasova and Nikolay Atanasov INVESTIGATING THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF ADHESION IN THE FABRICATION OF WEARABLE ANTENNAS 13 Snezhina Angelova Andonova and Silvia Baeva OPTIMIZATION OF THE THERMO-MECHANICAL FUSING PROCESS 19 Snezhina Andonova and Silvia Baeva OPTIMIZING A FUNCTION LINKING AN QUALITY CRITERION TO INPUT FACTORS ON THE THERMO-MECHANICAL FUSING PROCESS 25 Branko Babušiak, Maroš Šmondrk, Ľudmila Balogová and Michal Gála MATTRESS TOPPER WITH TEXTILE ECG ELECTRODES 29 Ľudmila Balogová, Katarína Ščasníková and Mária Húšťavová POLYPROPYLENE AND POLYAMIDE FIBRES CONTAINING PHOTOLUMINESCENT PIGMENTS 35 Aktam Usmanovich Burkhanov and Bobir Ortikmirzaevich Tursunov MAIN INDICATORS OF TEXTILE ENTERPRISES` FINANCIAL SECURITY ASSESSMENT 41 Anatolii Danylkovych, Viktor Lishchuk and Arcady Shakhnovsky IMPROVEMENT OF STRUCTURE DETERMINING QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF HYDROPHOBIZED VELOUR 49 Frederick Tungshing Fung, Lubos Hes and Vladimir Bajzik REVIEW OF MEN’S SHIRT PATTERN DEVELOPMENT FOR THE LAST 100 YEARS 59 EmadEldin Sayed Gohar and Adnan Mazari EFFECT OF MULTIPLE USE ON THE DURABILITY OF COMPRESSION SOCKS 65 Katharina Heilos, Holger Fischer, Marcel Hofmann and Andrea Miene NONWOVENS MADE OF RECYCLED CARBON FIBRES (rCF) USED FOR PRODUCTION OF SOPHISTICATED CARBON FIBRE-REINFORCED PLASTICS 76 Ihor Horokhov, Irina Kulish, Tatyana Asaulyuk, Yulia Saribyekova, Sergey Myasnykov, Olga Semeshko and Natalia Skalozubova STUDY OF STRUCTURE AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STYRENE ACRYLIC POLYMER FILMS LACRYTEX 430 FILLED OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE 82 S. Cheberyachko, L. Tretiakova, M. Kolosnichenko and N. Ostapenko DESIGNING FILTERING HALF-MASKS 90 Olena Kolosnichenkо, Mykola Yakovlev, Iryna Prykhodko-Kononenko, Larysa Tretyakova, Natalia Ostapenko, Kalina Pashkevich and Galyna Ripka STUDY OF DOMINANT QUALITY INDICATORS OF MATERIALS AND DESIGNS OF RAILROAD CONDUCTORS’ UNIFORMS Fibres and Textiles (3) 2020 1 97 Larysa Krasniuk and Oleksandr Troyan DESIGNING THE AUTHOR'S COLLECTION OF WOMEN'S CLOTHING WITH THE USE OF PAINTING AS THE SOURCE OF INSPIRATION 103 Nikolay Kushevskiy, Olena Yakymchuk, Roman Romanenko, Oleh Polishchuk, Olena Palienko, Svetlana Matviichuk, Nataliia Boksha, Svitlana Lozovenko, Larysa Bilotska and Oksana Vodzinska DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR DESIGN-FORMATION OF WOMEN'S HATS FROM FABRIC IN LAWE 111 Oksana Morhulets, Svitlana Arabuli, Olena Nyshenko and Arsenii Arabuli ANALYTICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE APPAREL INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES 119 Jana Švecová, Radka Lopourová and Simona Halatová EVALUATION OF FEELING OF COMFORT OF MILITARY SPORTSWEAR USERS DURING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 127 Zita Tomčíková, Anna Ujhelyiová, Katarína Holcová and Marcela Hricová INFLUENCE OF PLASTICIZER AND BIOPLASTICIZER ON THE STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PLA FIBRES 132 Anna Ujhelyiová, Kristína Baníková, Jozef Ryba, Roderik Plavec, Veronika Hrabovská and Marcela Hricová FIBRES FROM BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS AND ADDITIVES FOR TEXTILE APPLICATIONS Fibres and Textiles (3) 2020 2 ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE CONSUMER TREND TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE CLOTHING Hana Algahni and Maha Abdullah Al-Dabbagh King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract: There is a growing shift in demand towards sustainability in the clothing industry due to the negative impact the sector has on the environment with its push for excessive consumption of clothing, as well as the pace of change in clothing trends and fashion. Many factors have contributed to this, including the increased speed of production processes which have arisen as a response to higher demand for new products and the use of social media as a platform for promoting them. Relatively little is known about the harmful effects which clothing factories have on the environment, or the poor working conditions that employees have to endure. However, an increasing awareness of environmental issues and the consequences of excessive consumption in the fashion industry have begun a trend of new and innovative ways of consuming and producing fashion. It is encouraging that these new methods have helped reduce the negative impact on the environment and societies in general. Building on this cognizance, this study explores the possibility of channeling consumers’ preferences towards sustainable clothing by highlighting and promoting alternatives through the use of social media. The study highlights the existing awareness Saudi consumers have regarding the concept of sustainable clothing, as well as the key factors affecting consumers’ purchasing behavior. The study, using multiple focus groups, has identified the key deterrents to purchasing sustainable clothing including high price, lack of aesthetic design and unavailability of products at consumers’ nearby stores. The study observed that consumers demand sustainable clothes that are attractively designed, of good quality and priced reasonably. In addition, consumers have stressed the need to be sufficiently informed about such clothes on social media. Keywords: Sustainability, consumers, preserving the environment, social media. 1 INTRODUCTION of the production and manufacturing processes, including dyeing, bleaching and finishing. Today, the world has become increasingly conscious of the need to protect the environment by using Tracing the more recent origins of this industry, methods and techniques that reduce the 1900s can be said to have heralded the environmental risks which threaten the survival the beginning of the ‘fast fashion’ era. During this of humanity and the decrease living standards, period, companies started to expand the scale such as air and water pollution, global warming and of products in response to changes in market other environmental risks. The fashion industry demands
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