V - V ■ . ; . \ V .v':- ■ V lEUTURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1968 PAGE TWELVE iiaurtr^Bt^r lEvraing Sf^ralb ■ i'. Bloodmobile Visits lElks >, Bissell St.}- 1:43 to 6:30 p.m. Ha drew linea on the board and ex­ -- ■•■■■ - ---- '. - *- r - - \ plained about dlffbreht horizons. Paren^to Hear A r.r.gt Daily Net Prem Run About Town The Weather He showed the class how to fill in . F a r tfca W aak Endad Heard Along Main Street the lines of bam roofs and fence i^lLigic Instructor February S/lbSS Porecaat of U. 8. Weather BtveM HHartford artforc group of the Con- post tbps, so that they paralleled necUctitecUctit Licen*Licensed Practicsl Nurse*’ And on Somb of Manchester's Side Streets, Too the perspective lines. y W M M artha- WhUe> music AssocistipnLMociftti<?n iiis having a spaghetti When he finished explaining the 12,627 Fair and colder tonight. Lofr aam supper Tu^fday at Clirist Church lesson, the Instructor set the class ^{^pervtsor in local elementary J Mesnbar af tha Audil to 5 above. Fair and cold Ttteadajr. Cathedral pariah house, 45 Church He lA>at His Head '^buaineasman dared a .eek, in one to drawing pictures using the new schools, will be guest speaker at y St.. H artford, from 6',30 to 8 p.m. Cne Manchester resident is very corner of the map, in bold, multi­ technique. He circled the room cor­ the February meeting Wednesday Bureau af Circulation High 25 to 90. — ' much relieved to And that he colored letters, were the words, recting mistakes, answering ques­ at 7:30'p.m. o f the Green PTA in Manchester-—A City of Village Charm ‘‘Complim ents of Your FHdendly the school auditorium. Her subjeet The Hartford Sargent Club will j hasn't a hole in his lower lip as tions, and offering suggestions. will be “Developing Listening Ap­ hold its February mee'ting Monday I he first suspected. Texaco Dealer." At one woman’s easel he stopped, preciation in Children.” She 'will night at ft o'clock at lha home of Seems this chap, one who likes but before he could say a word, she VOL. LXXVII, NO. Ill (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1958 (CbMtIfled Advertliing on Paga 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mrs. Marie Szetela, 34 Lewis St. demonstrate the points brought to drink his beer from the can, Ctoar White said, "I’m just here to learn how out in a "listening" lesson with the grabbed hold of a ‘'king-sized” A group was jfiathered arouod to draw cats anyway." Mr. and Mrs. Henry BottiebUo help Of five children from each can opener and punched the usual in the living room watching the grade level, kindergarten through and their daughter, Columbia. 54 two holes in the top of the con­ antics of the youngest boy in the They Police lineu'Too T third grade in one seuloia and I- • ,-j.- Russell St., and their niece. Mrs. tainer. family, who was about two-and-a- It was Just after noon Saturday grades four through six in a sec­ Sukarno’s Robert Conners and her son. Rich­ Ea.gerly tilting the can he was half years old; He was playing with and local police had received word ond session, ard, 30 Pioneer Circle, are spend­ chagrined to find that, not only two imagirtary dogs named "Las­ of a robbery in Bolton. Roadblocks ing a month's vacation in Miami, . A business meeting will follow P/Cg UP m. was . the beer running down his sie" and "G eorge.” / were act up and State P olice u e program, and a bake sale will LIGGETT Fla. They are registered at the throat, it was trickling down his Included in the grotip was a \islt- alerted. be co.nducted by Cub Scout Pack Foes A ir Villa d'Eate Hotel. cliin as well. ing neighbor. The word spread fast around 9 L \ • , . PHOUe Figuring that he'd been too The boy . made his "animals" sit the newspaper circuit, and soon^ Refreshments will be served by REXALLDRUG Manchester Auxiliary Police will eagei*' w ith the .first "swig,” he up, lie down and roll over. Finally the police station was receiyihg Mrs. \john Steeves and her hos­ ■-■37, V , meet Mbnday night at.'7:30 for a to^ a second dtink . and once the father told him to "show the many phone calls from reponera pitality, committee. and Deadline target shoot at the range at Po­ again the thin stream made its lady your dogs," so the lad went seeking information. Betrothed lice Headquarters. way down his chjn and onto his over, carefully picked up the invis­ Call after call came Ijt and Lt. 'JaKarta, Indonesia, Feb. 10 ' ..J* D m ■ OPEN (fP)— Col. Achmad Hussein, shirt front. ible canines, brought them across Ray Griffin gave what informa­ The engagement of Mias Mary Vets^ill Install The Friendship Circle of the Horrified, not at the damage to the room and then held them up tion he could to the callers. leader of Indonesia’s outer is­ SalN-ation Army will meet in the his. shirt front biit at the thought Frances Cyra to Donald S. Geno- for inspection. Then came a call in that midst vcsl is announced by her mother, Officers Sunday land rebels, tonight gave. Plea on AttacK by French Citadel Monday night at 7:45. The of the needless waste of the pre- Playing the game, the visitor of all the robbery queries. "Can Mra. Mary Cyra, 35 Campbell St., — worship committee, with Mrs. Col. | clous, liquid, the, drinker felt his pretended to look at ths dogs and 1 Ml 1-2341 1 SUNDAYS President SuKarno five days you connect me with Uie linen de­ Chicopee Falls, Mass. The new officerii will be Installed ..ill ’ ' y '' Perrett as chairman, will be in I lower lip but found that it hadn't then, seeking to stump the little partment?” the voice asked. to dissolve the cabinet of Pre­ * X.,'' charge of the program. Hostcsse.s r suddenl.v sprung 'a leak, Her fiance -is the son of Mr. and and the charter juresented at the / one, asked "and which one is "Clean or dirty?” questioned Mrs. Louis M. 'Genovesl, 163 N. mier Djuanda. > ,-1 . will be Mrs. Frances Gcbcl and ; Then he checked the hecr can. monthly meeting 'pY Manchester 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. The ultimatum wa* broadraat by G eorge?” Lt. Griffin. Main St. ■ ' 1 Mrs. Jessie Lyons. | His research ."disclosed that at The tot wasn't fazed a bit by the Barracks, No. 786, Veterans of for FREE tha "Voire of the Rebels" radio ai FCC Probe V-S- to Check — I the ^time he punched the holes in Mlaa Cyra is a graduate of World War I of U ^, Sunday 1MANCHE5TER Padang in C entral Sumatra, JU.S., Britain Display question. Delicate Adjustment " y 'i The Woman s An.^illary of St. ; the top he'd been just a wde bit "The white one," ha replied, Chicopee High School and Is pres­ afternoon at 2:30 at the American 5HOPPJNG PARKADE headquartera of a network of dts- And there was the young lady ently employed at the Springfield Legion Home. Mary's Episcopal Church will meet j too eager. The big curved point staring her right in the eye. who moved into a local apariment DELIVERY aident Indonesian* In Sumatra, i Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the church ' on jlhe opener hjid punched the re­ Armory in a secretarial position. Department Commander John Celebes. Romeo and other islands. Aide U o U s Z '^ T i several days ago, The first night Her fiance was graduated from Papandrea and hia corps of officers fer a devotional service, after i quired hole in the top all right That Was Last Week ■he was miserable with the cold. Hussein demanded that Sukarno, Concern on Incident Manchester High School and the will inatall the slate and present Tunisia^s Story which they will adjourn to the ] but then contlhued onward and As the television western "28 She knew something was wrong now in Japan on a visit, dismiss parish hall for a business meeting | punched another smaller hole in Men” came on last Sunday night, U niversity of'C onnecticut In 1954. the charter. his hand-picked cabinet headed by with the radiators, rather than He is presently associated with hia AH' veterans of World War I are His Position Paris. Feb. 10 (/F)—Reliable diplomatic sources said today and program which will be under the side of the can from the In- the 10-year-old boy turned to his that the furnace was not giving Now’s the Time! Djuanda and form a new one made Washington, Feb. 10 (/P)— the direction of. Mrs. Mary Phelps, uncle, Aldo Pagani, at the lat­ Invited to attend. up of, experts headed by fonner that France ha.s told the United States steps would be con­ aide. father and asked. "Dad. why do sufficient heat, because the corri­ To bring your car in for the The State Department has Refreshments wtll be served by What he'd done in his haste was they still call this program ‘26 te r's Insurance Agency, 1011 Refreshments will be served Vice President Mohammed Hatta Washington. Feb. 10 (/P)— sidered to prevent any repetition of .such incidents as ^tur- dors were toasty warm. Main St. after the meeting. check up that will keep It In authorized Ambassador G. Mrs. Elmer Kilby and her com­ to make a "dribble can” just like m en'?" B.v the end of the first evening and Sultan.
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