NET PRESS R m AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX' THR WEATHER* OF THE EVEI^mO HERALD for the month of September, 10S6. Fair and warmer tonight. Wed­ m t nesday cloudy and warmer, follow­ 4,849 ed by showers. rOL. XLV., NO. 10. OlassUled Adrertislng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1926. (T)^ PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 9TS.000 TO BE ONE IfEAR’S I l i m FRENCH CROWN ROSE 1 PAY FOR KING OF SW-4T . DlAhfOND IS STOLEN j HeV Ftght ^ PERSHING AND DAUGHERHAND r NEAR RIOT AS New York, Oct. 12.— Accord­ . Paris, Oct. 12.— ^The Samoun ing to reports in circulation to­ rose diamond, qne of the jewels day, Babe Ruth will be tendered Arid Bad, Says of the crown of. France and a PARK APPEAR a contract for next season call­ MHIERFREEAS ' w A l I i ;. .world' famous gem, was among LAWTEARSBOY ing for 175,000, the highest sal­ the loot ta'ken by thieves who ary paid any man in baseball, ■■ehtered the’ Grahd Conde Muse­ lE Q ^C H O IC E player, manager or league presi­ JDRYJSHONG New York, Oct. 12.^^Mk'De'pii>.<^ good Of bad.. I don’t expect to um during th'e night, the police FROMJQTHER' dent. The contract will be for sey,: deposed.. , . ^haavyw:elglit boxlnf I mpy lose some. ahhpunced today. '. one year only, it was said. champion, x^iil fight bis why h&c)k tp Dnt:,I waht. to Uit; m7 fighting m ^- Th'e" thieves, who entered Ruth’s last contract, which was a bout for the heavyweight' eham- Ge aivd . determine It I have this Chantilly Chateau through a Black Jack Gets Ovation in for three years, expired Septem­ Disagreement Final as Last plonshlp or qult- thp. ring forw r. atuff-I^Tti, ,’wipd.oiv,. made aVPy ’’^Uh $275,- Hartford Court House Scene ber 26. It called for $52,000 a The defeated qhajmplon made this ; !T-expect to fight :'myself Into Fortier Prosecutor, Attor* OOi) worth, of. Jewels which were season. known in an Intervlaw given onl tor 8&ape, to r^gaiin my Judgment of on e'zhlbltion in ’ . the Grand Convention and Name of Ballot Is 7 to 5 to Con- day in bis hotel here after having fifetanoe and'my speed that-Hacked Conde mUs'eum.' of Tense Drama When conferred, with frlendp and his at Philadelphia, By next pummer ney for Ganfslers, Sliot The Samoun rose diamond is handlers in the Tunney fight. I wlU ha in a posiUon to fight Tun- valufd at-$16Q,0e0. French City Is Cheered at yict One, 10 to 2 to Fmd "I’ll take on all coiners, provid­ ney again andll have bis assurance Amon;; the loot were Jewel­ Woman Who Raised Lad PLAN PAVED ROAD ed, after two or three months rig­ that I'll get another chance. T O Others When ed daggers, and sabres, gold ap- Other Gnilty. orous training I belta^o myselt ' flt “ I don’t think I need this caip- tlque watches and miniatures. Every Mention. to return to the game and bie aii paign to make myself the logical Bood^ War Resumes,; ❖ Loses His Custody. TO BOLTON CENTER effective as I was before my three contender. I believe I’m that now, years’ layoff,” Dempsey sflfi. and that I could have a shot-at the Philadelphia, Oct. 12.— The sec­ New York, Oct. 12.— Harry M. Dempsey outlined hip plans In champion any time. But I want Hartford, Oct. 12.— Controversy ond day of the American Legion’s Daugherty, former attorney-general detail, pointing out the course he to prove positively to myself that I Chicago, Oct. 12.-^Every law en- SAYS HOAX TRIAL over the custody of a 13-year-old expected to follow In fighting hlmr am the logical challenger, and that eight annual convention fairly and Thomas W. Miller, former Camp Meeting Woods Stretch self back into the championship apfi I am fit to show my best. for cement agency in-Cook county, boy was carrfed from the superior seethed with politics, both national alien property custodian, were freed the prestige that hgd been his be­ “ I. will net fight at all if my reinforced by state and federal WITNESS IS CRAZY court room to the ante-chambers and "doughboy.” The latter, of to Be Rebuilt by State; late yesterday when the jury In the fore he met Gene Tunney. training period convinces me the authorities, had joined forces today this morning where the broken­ course, was of prime Importance ,to $441,000 conspiracy trial reported “I expect my legal troubles to old stuff is gone. I do not want to to forestall 'further casualties in hearted pleas of two women divid­ the host of World War veterans as­ a disagreement and was discharged. be settled in about three weeks.” lope more money for my friends, and ed lawyers, court' officials and Helps Manchester. he said. “ I will then go to my I do not want to undergo the experi­ gaiigland’B "“war of extermination” sembled here in the city of the A new trial today appears unlikely. spectators into partisan groups United States Attorney Emory R. home in Los Angeles and start ence I underwent at Philadelphia which re.0 paged'here yesterday in McPherson Lawyer Objects Sesqui-Centennlal, but the former Buckner, who prosecuted the case, training at Griffith’s Park. I ex­ for a second time. That’s out.” an amazing spectacle of wholesale and threw the Hartford county pect to work there for tWo o r even Reminded that he probably court bouse into an uproar. could In nowise be Ignored. The Board of Selectmen and pointed out that the indictment murder. to Testimony of Mrs. Sie- Vice-President Charles G. Dawes still stood against both defendants, three months, boxing and doing wouldn’t make as much money on Judge L. J. Nickerson had up­ Town Treasurer George H. Wad­ To&d work* a Tunney fight again, be said: ■Within, thirty minutes after sponsored the initiation of state­ but said he would not know for a held a decision of the Superior dell have scored a clean-cut victory month whether or not he would “ If at the end of that time, I feel “ I don’t expect to. Neither of gangster machine guns had jaowed M as Asylum Inmate. Court of New Haven county grant­ wide issues with a fervent attack for Manchester in influencing the bring them to trial again. fit, I will start fighting. I will down six men In the street in front ing custody of the boy, Richard upon the direct primary. He urged make a tour, taking on all comers. (Contlnned oo Page 2.) State Highway department to pave Senator Borah in Washington, of Holy Name Cathedral, killing Harding Hunevan, to his mother, its abolition on the ground that the road leading from Manchester however, indicated that Daugherty two and probably-fatally wounding Mrs. Evelyn B. Walters, of Brook­ widespread prevalence of the and Miller will be compelled to tes­ Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 12.— lyn, N. Y. Immediately a cry "of to Bolton Center. It was learned a,third, Chief of Police Morgan "dormant voter” actually reduced tify before the Borah committee to Aimee Semple McPherson and her “ It Is not fair!” was set up by the today that the state will construct Collins. Chief of Detectives William this manner of selecting national investigate transactions of the alien CAPEWELL FREED PRINCE CAROL BIDS Schoemaker and four assistant mother, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, hoy’s foster mother, Mrs. Nettie candidates to rule by minority. a macadam highway from Highland property custodian’s office. The planned to spend today at the Dutton of Plantsvllle, who had tak­ state’s attorneys were In secret con­ en care of him since he was less Legionaires worked feverishly Park post-oCBce through Camp committee Is not expected to meet ference, de-vising plans to prevent beach during a recess, over the le­ for the election of General John J. before December. than a year old. The boy refused Meeting woods to Bolton Center. OF INSANTTY TAINT QUEEN MARIE ADIEU further bloodshed. gal holiday, of their preliminary to go with his mother and much Pershing as the 1927 national com­ The present Board of Selectmen Daugherty Goes Home. Today four separate Investiga­ hearing on charges of conspiring persuasion was needed before he mander and predicted confidently and G. H. Waddell have been busy Daugherty was enroute to his tions were under way In an effort that Paris would welcomie next would leave the court room. for two years attempting to get this home in Columbus, O., today to to unravel the maze of contribu­ to defeat justice. year’s convention, minority objec­ have an Inflamed eye treated. Mil­ Boy Resists patch of road improved. Bolton Court Finds Hartford Man Is Rmnanian Mother and Son tory factors that led to this latest When court reopens Wednesday In the ante-chamber he resisted tions to the contrary notwithstand­ residents objected to this being ler left for Wilmington, Del., to ing. visit his two children.' He will at­ rampage of gangland- Federal morning, Mrs. Lorraine Wlseman- the efforts of H. M. Horwitz, of done before the road leading to the agents, coroner’s deputies, police Fielaff, wilhess for the prosecution, New Haven, lawyer for Mrs. Wal­ Controlled Vote Grows. state highway at the Notch was re­ tend the American Legion conven­ In this manner did the veterans tion in Philadelphia. of Sound Mind and Orders Reconeded on Eve of Her officials and the staff of the state’s will contl-iue her narrative of how ter, to take him to his mother and built.
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