Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1981-82 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 10-8-1981 The thI acan, 1981-10-08 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1981-82 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1981-10-08" (1981). The Ithacan, 1981-82. 6. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1981-82/6 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1981-82 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ----------------------·------------------:------_;..---------------, ,,,, A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students ofithaca CollegeOCT 1 5 1981 October 8, 1981 by Joe Halpern President Bill Miene! 'Tradition ·Renewed~ As stereo speakers blared remarked, "It's nice to sec a . / Aaron Copeland's musical .• adition renewed." arrangement "Fanfare of the Wearing the colors of North Convocati,on By Fuller Common Man" out onto the Carolina State, his alma main campus, the procession mater, Roy Park, Executive of blue and yellow garbs mar­ Committee Chairman for the . ched smartly into Ford Hall. Board of Trustees, had the After an absence of IO honors of introducing his years, Fall Convocation came long-time friend Fuller. back to Ithaca College last "Keith Fuller, the tall soft- Friday to honor Keith Fuller, ·spoken man, is a newsman. president of American Press. He travels all over the world, Fuller, who has worked at covering a quarter of a million AP for the last 32 years, 111\les a year." Park added, becomes the tenth recipient of "He learned his craft well.'_' an honorary doctorate at (C. Keith Fuller then stepped up The ceremony was brief, to the lectern amid thunderous and combined staunch · applause. His opening line set tradition with informal humor the tone for the rest of the inside the auditorium. ceremony. There were speeches from ''There is only one species William Lyons, Board of ,l)f this world whose offspring Trustees Chairman, and reject the experience of its President of IC James parents and that is the Whalen .. homosapien." He proceeded , "I hope the Convocation to tell an amusing story about will become an annual event," his vain attempt to give his Whalen told an audience of ~on last minute advice before about 500. And from the reac­ sending him off to college. tion· genera red inside as weU-as · "Listen dad," his son in­ outside the music building, terrupted him, "I don't need there would seem to be no to hear this. Just make sure problem.. the check gets to the college." ·one IC senior standing in Turning to a more serious ~ ;:;- the rain seemed to be amused topic, Fuller spoke of his ex­ ;g by the sights ar;id sounds of the po~urc to hundreds of dif­ ~ affair. "I don't really know ferent ways "people govern .A·· 3 what's going on but it sure themselves.'' He . insisted, looks like a lot of fun," he "This siruct ure is better than told a friend. any other." L to R: President. Whalen, Dr: Fuller and Board of Trustees Chairman Lyons during con- Standing inside the lobby, The audience clapped its vocation ceremony last Friday. - waiting to be seated, Class :1pproval. Farmer hopes students will many of the funct10ns feel free to use the facilities throughout Parents' whenever their parents arc o·n Weekend. Some of these in­ campus. He states, "We arc clude "Desperado" in con­ ~ Sky High Gourmet not only available to students cert; on Friday night, Post and their parents on Parents' Game Cocktail reception on Weekend." Saturday · and Parents' By Robin Wine the school. Three years a'go Club sponsored "Student Parents' Weekend is a busy Weekend dance on Saturday Overlooking the city of this policy was changed and in Night" each week. Held on time for the Tower Club, evening. Ithaca, high up on the four- addition to hiring a new food Sunday evenings when the however. In addition to ser­ Other services the Tow~r teenth floor of the East service, the school decided to club is usually closed, students ving dinner on Friday and Club provides include a bar­ Tower, an elegant restaurant allow the food service were allowed to come up for Saturday nights, the Tower­ tending course held twice a exists at Ithaca College. The manager for the.Tower Club. cocktails, happy hours, and Club is providing cash bars at Semester. The bartender for Tower Club· is a function of Ed -Farmer was hired by other planned events. Far'mer the college, financed by fees Macke in 1979. He claims, was not here then, but he - paid by its 1000 variou-s mem- · "Since then, our sales have claims the students took ad­ hers: Six hundred of these are almost doubled and member­ vantage of this privilege and staff members, faculty, alum- sl:.ips have improved con­ consequently acquired a bad ni and honorary members. siderably. Our deficit is way reputation at the club. Faculty and staff pay a $25 down." Last year, the Tower Club dues fee. Alumni pay $35. Farmer expressed a conce:rn ran a trial period in which The-remaining 400 members that students are under the students could come for din­ belong to an .organization impression that the Tower ner. Farmer reports, "The called "Friends of Ithaca Club is serving "Macke students who came up were College." This group consists Food" and - therefore, giving very well behaved. The primarily of business persons little consideration to the fine problem was the lack of in- · in the community who would· food actually served. · terest shown. During_ the : like to use 'the facilities the "There is no such thing as twelve day period,. only 20. Tower · Club offers. - Tlieir "Macke-Food", he expressed·. students parfi.cipated.".. , $175 membership fee includes "I work for - Macke Car- At the present time, studen­ use of the To',fer Club, ·access poration but the food is ob- ts arc not allowed to dine in : 1.C. 's library, gym, indoor viously not the same as that the Towe·r Club without their I \ wimming pool in addition to which you'd . fjnd 'in- a parents. Farmer is interested ·I · free tickets to the football cafeteria. We serve prime ribs in feedback from students games. and crab meat here. I doubt towards their views ' - on ,i) \ Opening in 1965, the Tower that they have· that on the opening the Tower Club to · Eric Pllckert · Club .was originally managed - menus in the dining halls. students·. It is presently in an and oper~ted solely · thr~ugb · Fiye ye~s ago, the Tower "Up in the air" stage. South Hill Cuisine' la Tower Club . Pagel .THE ITHACAN Octob·er 8, 1981 · ~ITHACAN\ INQUIRER·· • ' - • • ... ~ • " ' .... ......1 ~ What do you think of the enforcement of the fire codes in the We cannot pr~dict with any certainty what the bars downtown? future holds for the Middle. East ·or the rest of the world. Anwar Sadat's violent death was a world tragedy. Sadat took a firm stand.in favor of a peace between Israel and the Arab countries. He had the power and the charisma necessary to take such a stand and keep it in fhe face of much Arab opposition. Who will take his place~ Will their views toward peace be similar to Sadat's? Even if they are similar initially' how will they react toward those who op­ pose Sada_t's views? Unfortunately, we do not know these answers, but even more sadly, many of us do not even know the questions or the implications. Which must result from Sadat's death. Marcfa Katz, Exploratory '84 Karen Mizrahi, Politics '83 I think its a good idea, as far I think that its a good idea, In comparison with the apathy which usually per­ as safety is concerned. But its but I think they're overdoing vades students'· feelings about world affairs, IC really beat when a good band it. Because if ever was a fire, students seemed concerned over Sadat's death. is playing and you can't get in. nobody could get out the door The Egbert Union T.V., usually not turned on µn• because of the line of people til 5 p.m., was tuned to the news noontiJne Tuesday. waiting to get in. A crowd ·gathered around the television and worried, intent students watched the news. It was a good sign to see students genuinely con­ cerned over something taking pl~ce miles away. Students seem to be becoming more concerned and more aware of world events, but there still remains a lack of understanding of what exactly has been going 0'1 "over there." _ Students are concerned over Sadat's death ~nd - what will result, but most have only a vague idea of what we should be concerned about. College often places students in a bubble-like at­ mosphere as we try to find enough time to do everything we want to do. It is hard to keep on top of Stephen Levy, Sociology '82 Anthony Conti, Business '82 national and international news, but students must I don't like them. If you go I think enforcing the fire make it a priority. Concern over world events is a downtown after 10 pm, it laws is a very reasonable idea. nice sign that the apathetic times are_passing, but takes an hour to get into a bar It shows the concern of our only a real understanding of world affairs can pop and another hour to get a beer.
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