1 Paul Bouman Index with Uploads Noted • PDFs • mp3s 2 CONTENTS Biography/Timeline 3 Choral Compositions 4 Organ Compositions 21 Vocal Solos 25 Instrumental Music 25 Original Hymn Tunes 25 Children’s Rhymes 26 Collections 27 Misc. 27 NOTES PDF scans are for study purposes only. If you wish to perform a piece publicly, please contact the copyright holder. For those pieces not under copyright, contact family representative, Janet Bouman Peterson/ [email protected] These manuscripts (and, in many cases, published editions) are archived at the Center for Church Music, Concordia University Chicago (Klinck Library, 2nd floor) and may be perused by appointment. Abbreviations used: AF Augsburg Fortress (1517 Media) 800-328-4648 CG Choristers Guild 469-398-3606 CPH Concordia Publishing House, 800-325-3040 MSM MorningStar Music (Canticle Distributing) 800-647-2117 NPH Northwestern Publishing House 800-662-6022 BCP Book of Common Prayer TLH The Lutheran Hymnal (1941) LW Lutheran Worship (1982) LBW Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) LSB Lutheran Service Book (2006) ELW Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006) 3 BIOGRAPHY/TIMELINE For an in-depth look at the life and career of Paul Bouman, watch Michael Costello’s 2013 video interview with him on the Center’s website/”Profiles in American Lutheran Church Music” 1918 Born in Hamburg, MN 1936 Graduates from Concordia High School, River Forest IL 1939 Graduates from Concordia Teachers College, River Forest IL 1939-1945 Teacher at Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Milwaukee WI 1945-1953 Teacher at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Melrose Park, IL 1946 Marries Victoria Bartling 1947-1951 Take summer master’s degree courses at Northwestern University, Evanston IL 1953-1983 Director of Music at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, IL 1955 First choral piece is published 1964 Studies at the Westphalian Church Music School in West Germany 1970 Attends a workshop at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ which leads him to raise expectations of his singers modeled on the excellence of European children’s choir. 1971 Begins Bach cantata series at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest IL (which continues to this day) 1981 Awarded the honorary degree “Doctor of Humane Letters” from Christ Seminary-Seminex, St. Louis MO 1983 Retires from Grace Lutheran and moves to Levittown PA 1984 Forms and directs the children’s choir for the Bach Choir of Bethlehem PA performances of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. 1986-1999 Works with the Lutheran Summer Music program as director of the Chapel Choir 1991 Moves back to Oak Park IL 1992 Directs the ACDA-MN State Children’s Honor Choir 2003 Receives the “Award for Excellence in Learning/Education” from Concordia University Chicago. 2003 Given the “Faithful Servant Award” by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) 2010 Receives the honorary degree of “Doctor of Sacred Music” from Valparaiso University. 2019 Dies peacefully at the age of 100 (April 28th) 4 CHORAL COMPOSITIONS (including concertatos, liturgical settings) A Babe Is Born SATB PDF Text: English traditional carol (15th century) Published by CPH 1955 98-1058 A Song for a Story Unison with flute and keyboard PDF Text: Walter Bartling Written for the centennial of Grace Lutheran School, River Forest IL 1896-1996 Unpublished All My Heart This Night Rejoices SATB choir, congregation, brass, timpani, organ PDF Text: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth tr. Tune: WARUM SOLLT ICH MICH DENN GRÄMEN Written for Luther College, Decorah IA n.d. Unpublished All Our Hope on God Is Founded/St. 4 <mss?> Amazing Grace SATB, organ PDF Text: John Newton Tune: NEW BRITAIN Published by CPH 1985 98-2720 And His Gifts SA or TB with oboe and organ PDF Text: Ephesians 4:11-13 RSV Offertory for St. John, Apostle and Evangelist Commissioned for the installation of Herbert Chilstrom as Presiding Bishop of the ELCA. Published by AF in 1989 11-2520 And the Word Became Flesh SATB acapella PDF Text: John 1: 14, 16 One of six motets for the church year commissioned in memory of Leslie Zeddies (1915-1995) Published by MorningStar Music in 1999 MSM-50-1073 5 Antiphons for the Epiphany Season (Year A) SATB Accompany various LBW tones Unpublished Awake, Awake to Love and Work SATB with opt. baritone solo and keyboard PDF Text: Geoffrey Anketel Studderi-Kennedy Commissioned by the Chancel Choir of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Souderton PA, in memory of Paul Kramer. Published by GIA in 1994 G-3884 Baptized into Your Name Most Holy [see “Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices” below] Behold the Lamb of God SA, organ PDF Text: John 1:29; includes also “In Perfect Love He Dies” – Henry Baker hymn text. Published by CPH in 1955. 98-1088 Behold, the Days Are Coming SATB, opt. keyboard PDF Text: Jeremiah 23:5a, 6b RSV For the Senior Choir of Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, IL Published by MorningStar Music Pub. in 1988 MSM-50-8200 Benedictus Unison choir or organ Unpublished Bethl’em Lay A-sleeping SSA unaccompanied PDF Text: Francis B. Wood Tune: Polish Carol Unpublished Be Thou My Vision SATB choir, oboe, organ PDF Text: Irish 8th-10th cent; tr. by Mary Byrne Tune: SLANE (Irish folk tune) Unpublished. Blessed Are They SATB, unaccompanied Text: Luke 11:28 Paired with first stanza of “Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word” (LIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER) Unpublished 6 Blest Are They SAB choir, unaccompanied PDF Text: Luke 11:28; includes also “Dearest Jesus, at Your Word” Tobias Blausniter; tr. Catherine Winkworth “For Jan Bender” Published in 1997 by Selah Pub. Co 400-113 Christ Is the King SATB voices, organ, congregation and brass quartet PDF Text: G. K. A. Bell, alt. Tune: BEVERLY (Charles R. Anders) Published by GIA in 1988. G-3016 Christ upon the Mountain Peak SATB, organ PDF Text: Brian A. Wren Published by CPH in 1990. 98-2856 “To Carl and Miriam Halter” Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God SA, organ PDF Text: Psalm 51:10-12 Published by CPH in 1956 98-1143 Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round SATB choir, congregation, brass quartet, organ PDF Text: John W. Chadwick Tune: SONG 1 (Gibbons) Unpublished Every Year at Christmas SATB unaccompanied PDF PDF Text: Traditional German carol Unpublished From Heaven Above to Earth I Come SATB unaccompanied PDF Text: Martin Luther (LBW tr) Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH For the Oak Park Concert Chorale Unpublished Gabriel, You Brought to Mary Unison choir with keyboard PDF Text: F. Samuel Janzow Published by CPH in Bless the Manger-Child (1976) 97-5340 (Also in the Concordia Book of American Carols) (Kevin Hildebrand prepared an SATB version in 1998.) PDF 7 Glorious Jerusalem Unison choir and organ OR congregational hymn PDF Text: Jaroslav Vajda, 1989 For Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Schwenksville, PA Glory Be to Jesus SATB harmonization Text: Italian, c. 18th cent; Caswell tr. Tune: WEM IN LEIDENSTAGEN (Filitz) God Be in My Head SATB unaccompanied PDF Text: Sarum Primer Published by Tempo 1 Press in 2014 PMB 0785 t1p001 God Be Merciful 2-part treble voices, keyboard PDF Text: Psalm 67, KJV Published by AF in 1981 11-0696 Published by MorningStar Music in 2000. MSM-50-7039 “For Mark Bender” God Be Merciful unto Us SS or SA and organ PDF Text: Psalm 67 (KJV) Published by CPH in 1980 98-2471 “For the initial Heritage Series Festival, October 1, 1978 at Zion Lutheran Church, Dallas, TX” God Has a Plan for All 2-part treble choir, organ, brass, timpani, congregation PDF Text: Jaroslav Vajda Original tune & setting Unpublished “In thanksgiving for the Lord’s faithfulness through all generations of St. John Lutheran School, Wheaton, IL 1956- 2006” God Is Light SATB, organ PDF Text: 1 John 1:5-7 (NRSV) Published by AF in 1993 11-10368 “Commissioned for the 65th anniversary of St. James Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA in memory of James S. Kain” God Setteth the Solitary in Families Unison choir with keyboard with descant PDF Text: Walter J. Bartling based on Psalm 68:5 Original tune & setting “A Hymn of Praise for Family Occasions” 8 God So Loved the World Unison with organ PDF Text: John 3:16 Written in grad school? Unpublished God Whose Word like Seed Was Planted Concertato for SATB choir, congregation, organ and PDF brass quartet Text: Herman G. Stuempfle (written for this occasion) Tune: ELLIOTT (original by PB) “Commissioned for the 300th Anniversary of the Congregation of New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gilbertsville, PA” Grant Peace, We Pray Unison, SATB with organ Text: Medieval antiphon adapted by Martin Luther; trans. Laudamus, 1952 Tune: VERLEIH UNS FRIEDEN (Mode I: Gesangbuch, Nürnberg, 1531 Written for the Lutheran Summer Music – Academy & Festival (2007?) Held Fast For voice and piano PDF Text: Helene Victoria Debelak (Paul’s daughter) (Written about Christmas Day 2011—the day of the death of Victoria Bartling Bouman. (Paul’s wife) Final composition of Paul Bouman. Unpublished. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face SATB, two violins, handbells, organ and congregation PDF Text: Horatius Bonar Tune: FARLEY CASTLE (Henry Lawes) “Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior” (ADORO TE DEVOTE) serves as an interlude. Written for Zumbro Lutheran Church, Rochester MN Unpublished How Blessed Is This Place, O Lord Concertato for SATB choir, congregation and organ PDF Text: Ernest R. Ryden Tune: SOLOTHURN (Swiss, 1826) “For Eileen Kianka and the Senior Choir of The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Yardley, PA.” Published by MorningStar in 1991. MSM-60-8700 9 How Lovely Is Your Dwelling SATB, organ PDF Text: Psalm 84:1-3, 10-12 (BCP) Commissioned for the 100th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church of the Epiphany in Hempstead, NY Published by AF in 1999.
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