4538 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 15, 1863. 1231. Arid Robert Talbot, of Strand, on the dlesex, has given the like notice in respect of Green, Chiswick, in the county of Middlesex, the invention of "an improved method of lias given -the like notice in respect of the mashing."' invention of "a folding rudder for steering As set forth in his petition, recorded in the barges in the River Thames or coastwise.'* said office on the llth day of June, 1363. 1234. And John Titus Newton, of Ystalyfera, 1466. And George Davies, of No. 1, Serle-street, near Swansea, has given the like notice in Lincoln's-inn, in the county of Middlesex, and respect of the. invention of " improvements in No. 28, St. Enoch-square, in the city of Glas- machinery for planishing and rolling sheet gow, Civil Engineer and Patent Agent, has metal." given the like notice in respect of the invention As set forth in their respective petitions, both of " improvements in the currying and finishing recorded in the said office on the 16th day of of leather."—A communication to him from May, 1863. abroad by Benjamin Head Lightfoot, of Phila- 1263. And John Cassell, of La Belle Sauvage- delphia, Pennsylvania, United States of yard, Ludgate-hill, in the city of London, has America. given the like notice in respect of the invention As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said of " improvements in the treatment of mineral office on the 12th day of June, 1863. oils and hydrocarbons."—A communication to 1487. And Isaac Gray Bass and William Bass, him from abroad by Louis Martin, of Paris. both ofBroughton Little, in the county of Cum- •1270. And William Walker, of the city of Man- berland, and carrying on business at Wdrking- chester, Agent and Manufacturer, has given ton, in the said county, under the style or firm the like notice in respect of the invention of of I. G. Bass and Son, Nail Manufacturers, " certain improvements in looms for weaving." have given "the like notice in respect of the in- 1275. And Nathaniel Jones Amies, of Man- vention of " improvements in the manufacture chester, in the county of Lancaster, Stnallware. of nails ah'd spikes." Manufacturer, has given the like notice in As set forth in their petition, recorded in the said respect of the invention of " certain improve- office on the 13th day of June, 1863. ments in the manufacture of elastic webbing." 1731. And Robert Hawthorn and William Haw- As set forth in their respective petitions, all thorn, both of the town and county of New- recorded in the said office on the 21st day of castle-upon-Tyne, Engineers, have given the May, 1863. like notice in respect -of the invention of " im- 1288. And William Edward Newton, of the Office provements in the working of railways." for Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the county As set forth in their petition, recorded in the said of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, has given the office on the 10th day of July, 1863. like notice in respect of the invention of " im- 1791. And Nathan Thompson, of No. 15, Abbey- provements in the manufacture of waterproof gardens, St. John's Wood, in the county of fabrics."—A communication to him from abroad Middlesex, has given the like notice in respect by John Foster Greene, of Warwick, Rhode of the invention of " improvements in boat Island, in the United States of America. building, and in machinery for shaping wood 1289. And William Edward Newton, of the Office therefor." for Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the county As set forth in his petition, recorded in the 'said of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, has given the office oh the 16th day of July, 1863. like notice in respSct of the invention of " im- 1807. And Frederick Joseph Mavor, of-Park- proved machinery for the manufacture of water- street, Grosvenor-square, in the county of Mid- proof fabrics."—A communication to him from dlesex, Veterinary Surgeon, has given the like abroad by John Foster Greene, of Warwick, notice in respect of the invention of " improVe-. Rhode Island, United States of America. ments in horse shoes." As set forth in their respective petitions, both re- As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said corded in the said office on. the 22nd day of office on the 18th day of July, 1863. May, 1863. 1962. And John Thornton, James Thornton, 1327. And William Edward Newton, of the Office Albert Thornton; and William Thornton, all of for Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the county Nottingham, Manufacturers, have given the of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, has given the like notice in respect of the invention of " im- like notice in respect of the invention of " cer- provements in apparatus used for producing thin improvements in machines tor separating looped fabrics." the fibre from the flesh of plants."—A commu- As set forth in their petition, recorded in the said nication to him from abroad by Eduardo office on the 8th day of August, 1863. Juanes y Patrullo, of New York City, United States of America. 2059 And Thomas Howard, of Hyde, in the As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said county of Chester, Cotton Manufacturer, has office on the 26th day of May, 1863. given the like notice in respect of the invention of " certain improvements in machinery for 1369. And Alfred Vincent Newton, of the Office spinning cotton, flax, wool, silk, and other for Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the county of fibrous substances.*' Middlesex, Mechanical Draughtsman, has given As set forth in his petition, recorded in the the like notice in respect of the invention of said office on the 19th day of August, 1863. " an imp'roved construction of maline spike."— 2072. And William Edward Newton, of the A communication to him from abroad by Albin Office for Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the Warth, of Stapletonj in the county of Rich- county of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, has given mond, State of New York, United States of the like notice in respect of the invention of America. " improvements in the manufacture of car- As sot forth in his petition, recorded in the said tridges."—A communication to him from abroad office on the 1st day of June, 1863. by Albert Hook, of the city of New York, 144K. And Moritz Hatschek, of Pesth, in the United States of America. Empire of Austria, now residing at No. 32, As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said Lower Belgrave-place, in the county of Mid- office on the 20th day of August, 1863..
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