May 1, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5433 124 All-Conference players, 11 Academic All- Association of America, MPAA. He The resolution (S. Res. 182) was Americans, and 9 Postgraduate Scholarship held this, his most famous position, for agreed to. winners; 38 years before retiring in 2004. The preamble was agreed to. Whereas, Fisher DeBerry imparted to his As president of MPAA, Jack arbi- players the core values of the United States trated one of the most famous develop- The resolution, with its preamble, Air Force: Integrity First, Service Before reads as follows: Self, and Excellence In All We Do; and ments the film industry has ever come Whereas, the United States Air Force out with—the voluntary rating system. S. RES. 182 Academy football program under the leader- The ratings ‘‘G,’’ ‘‘PG,’’ ‘‘PG–13’’ and Whereas Jack Valenti was born September ship of Fisher DeBerry has served as an ex- ‘‘R’’ have become staples, not only in 5, 1921, in Houston, Texas, the grandson of ample of these values for its community and the movie-going practices of every Sicilian immigrants, Joe and Josephine Va- the entire Nation: Now, therefore, be it American but also in our Nation’s cul- lenti, and was the youngest high school grad- Resolved, That the United States Senate tural consciousness. However, more im- uate in the city at age 15; honors and recognizes the numerous con- portant than the societal notions and Whereas Jack Valenti married his beloved tributions made by the United States Air Mary Margaret in 1962, with whom he had 3 Force Academy football program over the the cliche´d images associated with these ratings is the real assistance that children, John, Alexandra, and Courtenay; last 27 years to Colorado Springs and the sur- Whereas Jack Valenti joined the United rounding communities, the United States this system has provided to parents States Army Air Forces in 1942 and flew 51 Air Force Academy, and the United States and families in evaluating the appro- combat missions as a pilot of a B-25 attack Air Force. priateness of various movies. Indeed, bomber with the 12th Air Force in Italy dur- f the MPAA rating system pioneered by ing World War II, obtained the rank of lieu- Jack Valenti has become a prime ex- tenant, and received 4 decorations, including HONORING THE LIFE OF JACK the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air VALENTI ample of the effectiveness of industry self-regulation without government Medal with 4 clusters, the Distinguished Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- intervention, and I am very grateful Unit Citation with one cluster, and the Euro- imous consent that the Senate proceed pean Theater Ribbon with 4 battle stars; for Jack’s work in this area even when Whereas Jack Valenti received a B.A. de- to the consideration of S. Res. 182. many in his industry fought him along The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- gree from the University of Houston in 1946 the way. after doing all of his undergraduate work at pore. The clerk will report the resolu- In addition to pioneering the rating night and working during the day, and be- tion by title. system, Jack Valenti also worked to came the first University of Houston grad- The legislative clerk read as follows: advance the film industry into the 21st uate to be admitted to Harvard Business A resolution (S. Res. 182) honoring the life century. Indeed, during his tenure at School, receiving an M.B.A. degree in 1948; of Jack Valenti. the MPAA, he presided over unprece- Whereas, in 1952, Jack Valenti cofounded There being no objection, the Senate Weekley and Valenti, an advertising and po- dented changes in the worldwide film litical consulting agency that worked on proceeded to consider the resolution. industry, including the advancement of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidential cam- f the digital era. I remember having sev- paign in Texas, Representative Albert Thom- eral conversations with Jack as the THE PASSING OF MR. JACK as’s run for Congress, and John Connally’s film industry struggled to deal with campaign for Governor of Texas; VALENTI the new challenges presented by digital Whereas Jack Valenti met then-Senate Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I wish to distribution of their content. Together, Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson in 1957, honor my good friend Jack Valenti, Jack and I worked tirelessly to balance the two became close friends, and Valenti worked on Lyndon Johnson’s presidential who, passed away last week on April 26. the competing demands of consumer’s Throughout his life, Jack Valenti campaign during the primaries of 1960; rights and the protection of one of Whereas Weekley and Valenti handled wore several hats, including that of a America’s largest exports—entertain- press during President John F. Kennedy’s soldier, a devoted public servant, and a ment. and Vice President Lyndon Johnson’s fateful pioneer in the film industry. With Jack’s help, we were able to trip to Dallas, Texas, in November 1963; Jack was born on September 5, 1921, refocus the Federal Government’s re- Whereas Jack Valenti became the first spe- in Houston, TX and was the grandson sources to more effectively protect the cial assistant hired when Lyndon Johnson of Sicilian immigrants. At age 15, he creative genius of a great American in- ascended to the Presidency; became the youngest high school grad- dustry—the film industry. We all know Whereas Jack Valenti resigned his White House post in 1966 and went on to serve as uate in the history of the city of Hous- how blatantly some bad actors around ton and began a career as an office boy the president of the Motion Picture Associa- the world pirate America’s movies and tion of America (MPAA) for the next 38 with Exxon Oil. rob the United States of jobs. Thanks years; Jack served honorably in the Army to Jack’s efforts, we have made great Whereas Jack Valenti, as president of the Air Corps during World War II, flying strides in this area and laid the MPAA, created the voluntary film rating in 51 separate combat missions as pilot groundwork to allow us to stamp out system that is still in place today, which of the B–25 attack bomber with the this criminal activity in the years provides parents with advance information 12th Air Force in Italy. He obtained the ahead. Combating the theft and piracy they can use to determine which movies are appropriate for their children; rank of lieutenant and received mul- of intellectual property was a real pas- tiple decorations, including the Distin- Whereas Jack Valenti’s persona and skill sion for Jack, and I was privileged to combined to give the motion picture indus- guished Flying Cross, the Air Medal work with him in this endeavor. try a strong and enduring presence in the with four clusters, the Distinguished Mr. President, those of us who knew Nation’s capital, which grew year by year Unit Citation with one cluster, and the Jack Valenti personally will always re- during his nearly 4 decade tenure at the European Theater Ribbon with four member him as a charitable man who MPAA; battle stars. was devoted to his family. While his in- Whereas Jack Valenti presided over a After serving in the war, Jack at- fluence on the film industry has been worldwide change in the motion picture in- tended college at the University of famous and unmistakable, many of us dustry, ushered movies into the digital era, Houston, doing all his undergraduate championed artists’ rights, and condemned will remember him more for the per- intellectual property theft; work at night as he worked during the sonal friendship we shared with him. I Whereas Jack Valenti authored 5 books, day. He earned a bachelor of arts de- will miss him greatly. including ‘‘A Very Human President’’, ‘‘Pro- gree in 1946 and later became the Uni- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- tect and Defend’’, ‘‘The Bitter Taste Of versity of Houston’s first graduate ever imous consent that the resolution be Glory’’, ‘‘Speak Up With Confidence’’, and, to be admitted to Harvard Business agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, his most recent, ‘‘This Time, This Place: My School. He received an MBA from Har- the motion to reconsider be laid upon Life in War, the White House, and Holly- vard in 1948. the table, and that any statements re- wood’’, and wrote numerous essays for the In the intervening years, Jack held New York Times, the Washington Post, the lating to the resolution be printed in Los Angeles Times, Reader’s Digest, Atlantic many positions in this town, but in 1966 the RECORD. Monthly, Newsweek, Cox newspapers, and Jack resigned from a top position in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- other publications; the White House to become only the pore. Without objection, it is so or- Whereas Jack Valenti was awarded with third president of the Motion Picture dered. France’s highly-prized Legion d’Honneur, the VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:34 May 02, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01MY6.024 S01MYPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMSENATE S5434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 1, 2007 French Legion of Honor, and has been hon- The new Educational Network Model tional public schools, and often set higher ored with his own star on the Hollywood will organize schools, the majority of and additional individual goals to ensure Walk of Fame; and them charters, into small groups to that charter schools are of high quality and Whereas Jack Valenti will be remembered provide support, foster collaboration truly accountable to the public; as a dedicated family man, a philanthropist, Whereas charter schools give parents new a voice for copyright owners, a true vision- and ensure accountability.
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