Commencement Exercises SUMMER SESSION 1951 THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME I NOTRE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE CoLLEGE oF ARTs AND LETTERs THE CoLLEGE oF SciENCE THE CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE CoLLEGE OF LAw THE CoLLEGE OF CoMMERCE University Drill Hall At 8:00 p. m. (Central Daylight Time) August 10, 1951 PROGRAM Processional by the University Orchestra Conferring of Degrees; by Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, c.s.c., President of the University Commencement Address, by Rev. Leo R. Ward, c.s.c., Professor of Philosophy National Anthem Orchestra and Audience Recessional by the University Orchestra Degrees Conferred The University of Notre Dame confers the following degrees in course: The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on: Reverend Ralph Benedict Davis, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1942; M.S., ibid., 1949. Major sub­ ject: Chemistry. Dissertation: TJ1e Hydration and Cyclization of Some Divinylacetylenes. Charles Frederick Ehret, Chicago, Illinois B.S., College of the City of New York, 1946; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1948. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: An Analysis of the Role of Electromagnetic Radiations in the Mating Reaction of Para­ mecium Bursaria. Cyril Vincent Finnegan, Notre Dame, Indiana B.S., Bates College, 1946; M. S., University of Notre Dame, 1948. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Observations on Amphibian Ven­ tral Blood Island Isolated in Hanging Drop Culture. Michael Jay Forster, Buffalo, New York B.S., Canisius College, 1945; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1950. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Length-Temperature, Behavior of Rubber. Reverend Theotonius Amal Ganguly, Dacca, Bengal, East Pakistan Ordination, St. Albert's Seminary, India, 1946; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1949. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Purush and Prakrti (Self and Nature), a Philosophical Appraisal of Patanjala­ Samkhya-Yoga. Kuo-chu Ho, Peking, China B.S., Catholic University of Peking, 1944; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1949. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Theory of the In­ clastic Scattering of Electrons by Nuclei. Hsun Hu, Hofei, Anhwei, China B.S., National Chiao-tung University of China, 1941; M.S., Lehigh University, 1947. Major subject: Metallurgy. Dissertation: Annealing Textures in Face-Centered Cubic Metals. John Joseph Morrison, Notre Dame, Indiana A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1944. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: A Definition of Mathematics. John Shavel, Jr., Lake Forest, Illinois B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1939; M.S., ibid., 1940. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: The Addition of Dinitrogen Tetroxide to Unsaturated Compounds. 3 Joseph Anthony Thie, Indianapolis, Indiana B.S., Universit)' of Notre Dame, 1947. Major subject: Physics. Dis­ sertation: Excitation of Nuclei. The Degree of Master of Arts on: Brother Leonardo Bebetu, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana A.D., Universit)' of Notre Dame, 1945. Major subject: Education. Reverend James Ignatius Birkley, of the Society of the Most Precious Blood, Collegeville, Indiana A.D., St. Joseph's College, 1947. Major subject: English. Disserta­ tion: An Introductory Study of the Major Symbols of Heney David Thoreau With Special Emphasis on Walden. Joseph Bobik, South Bend, Indiana B.A., St. Bernard's Seminacy, 1947. Major subject: Philosophy. Dis­ sertation:. St. Thomas and the Problem of Individuation. Brother Paul of the Cross Bozek, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana A.D., University. of Notre Dame, 1947. Major subject: Education. Thomas Glenn Brittenham, Richmond, Indiana A.B., Indiana University, 1949. Major subject: Sociology. Reverend Eric Richard B~ermann, of the Order ~f St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota A.B., St. John's Universit)', 1942. Major subject: Classics. Sister Nerinckx Marie Carr, of the Sisters of Loretto, Denver, Colorado A.B., Webster College,· 1928. Major subject: Classics. -I V Reverend Campion Clifford, of the Congregation of the Passion, St. Louis, Missouri Ordination, Passionist College and Seminary, 1949. Major subject: History. Reverend Francis Harold Conner, Houston, Texas Ordination, St. Mary's Seminary, 1946. Major subject: Education. Sister M. Kathleen Cribbins, of .the Order ·of St. Benedict, Erie, Pennsylvania B.S., Villa Maria College, 1942. Major subject: . Education. Paul Vincent Delker, South Bend, Indiana· A.D., University of Notre Dame, 1949. Major subject: Philosophy. NOTE: Master students for whom no dissertation is listed are receiving non-research degrees. 4 V Kenneth Charles Donoghue, Teaneck, New Jersey A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1950. Major subject: History. -DU.. sertation: Elihu B. Washburne and the French Commune. Sister Mary Berchmans Doyle, of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Wichita, Kansas A.B., Marymount College, 1943. Major subject: Economics. Brother Fabius Dunn, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre D~~~~ ~ B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1940. Major subject: English. Disserta­ tion: The Problem of Knowledge in John Milton. VRichard Thomas Early, Meriden, Connecticut B.S., College of the Holy Cross, 1950. Major subject: History. Dis­ sertation: The Election of 1860 in lndiana. Willi~ J~es Ensign, Cleveland, Ohio A.B., Universit}' ol Notre Dame, 1950. Major subject: Correctional Administration. Donald Willi~ Fisher, South Bend, Indiana B.S., Universit} of Notre Dame, 1938. Major subject: Economics. Reverend James Albert Forgac, of the Order of St. Benedict, Cleveland, Ohio A.B., St. Benedict'! College, 1941. Major subject: Philosophy. Disser­ tation: AppetituJ NaturaliJ and Lex NaturaliJ in St. Thomas. Sister Helen Marie Gaffney, of the Sisters of Loretto, Spring­ field, Missouri A.B., Webster College, 1937. Major subject: English. ·ySister M. Caroline Green, of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Detroit, Michigan A.B., Western State Teachers College, 1936. Major subject: Histocy. Brother Pedro Haering, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre D~e, Indiana B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1947. Major subject: Education. J~es Henry Heintzelman, South Bend, Indiana A.B., Universit}' of Notre Dame, 1940. Major subject: Education. Brother Rex Henncl, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre D~e, Indiana A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1941. Major subject: Education. Reverend J~es Willi~ Hinton, of the Society of the Most Precious Blood, Canton, Ohio B.A., St. Joseph's College, 1944. Major subject: English. Dissertation: A Study of The Parson's Talc. 5 Sister Mary Inez Hoey, of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Mankato, Minnesota B.E., Mount Mary College, 1946. Major subject: English. Disserta· tion: Shakespeare's Malvolio. Sister M. Frances Therese Jungwirth, of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Marshfield, Wisconsin B.A., Mount Mary College, 1944. Major subject: German. Disserta• tion: The Modern Pagan in "Das Schweisstuch Der Veconika" by Gertrud von Le Fort. Francis Lauren Keegan, Santa Rosa, California Ph.B., University of Santa Clara, 1949. Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: A Consideration of Some Thomistic Texts on the Species of Prudence. Reverend Gregory Joseph Keegan, of the Maryknoll Missioners, Lakewood, New Jersey A.B., Loras College, 1936. Major subject: Spanish. John Bernard Keehner, Youngstown, Ohio B.S., St. Joseph's College, 1943. Major subject: Education. Reverend Jeremiah Eugene Kennedy, of the 'Congregation of the Passion, Dunkirk, New York Ordination, St. Michael's Passionist Seminary, 1947. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Dr. Hugh Blair on Metaphor: A Criticism in Contrasts. V Sister Mary Gerardis Kleman, of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo, Ohio B.S.E., DeSales College, 1943. Major subject: History. Dissertation: The Influence of Bishop Ketteler's Social Reform Ideas upon the Center Party. Sister Mary Maurice Kleman, of the Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin, Ohio A.B., College of St. Francis, 1943. Major subject: English. Disserta· tion: Place-Purging in Beowulf. Donald Robert Kunkel, Jasper, Indiana B.S., Indiana. State Teachers, 195(}. Major subject: Education. Sister Mary Michaeline Laffan, of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Nazareth, Michigan A.B., Nazareth College, 1946. Major subject: English. Dissert~tion: The Tragic Factors in Romeo and Juliet. Reverend Herve Anthony LeBlanc, of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana A.B., Universit~ of Notre Dame, 1941. Major subject: French. Reverend Bede Elmer Luibel, of the Order of St. Benedict, St. Bernard,. Alabama Ordination, St. Bernard's College, 1944. Major subject: Education. 6 ·, Michael Patrick Lyden, Notre Dame, Indiana A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1950. 1\Iajor subject: Education. Sister Mary Patrice Mahoney, of the Sisters of Charity, Cin­ cinnati, Ohio A.B., College of Mount St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, 1944. Major subject: Classics. Sister Andre Marthaler, of the Order of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota A.B., College of St. Benedict, 1944. Major subject: English. Disserta­ tion: Time and Tradition in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, Ash JVednesda)' and Four Quartets. Ralph John Masiello, New York City B.S., Fordham University, 1949. Major subject: Philosophy. Reverend Raymond Edward McDonough, of the Congregation of the Passion, St. Louis, Missouri Ordination, Passionist Preparatory Seminary, 1949. Major subject: Philosophy. Sister Mary David McFarland, of the Order of St. Benedict, Kansas City, Missouri A.B., Mount St. Scholastica, 1937. Major subject: Education. Reverend Edward Leo McMannus, Rochester, New York A.B., St. Bernard's Seminary, 1939.
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