V-'t: i AVBLkda pail Y cdkii^ wnMMaHr, fer the Month ef Angint, 10SS THBWKATaOHI Fareceat M P. 8. We«ther 5,026 . Hartford lEamber M the AndK Boieea ef OliealeUaas foMgM iTOQBciaajro MAN(HESTER A CITY OF VILLAG^7HAR1VI .^ANCHEBTER, CONN., TUESDAYr SEPTEMBER 29, PRICE THRRb CENTS; ./* ‘New Rorder^ for the Czechs 0 so tcio / . Mais POLAND \ THKVRE NICE CLOTHES ' ^ --- .---- ^i^ 9^nnan Advices M Of in- V, —IF THEY WUX FIT Czech Repo>t. Three Al- UNCLE SAM HONEST ^ j[N SALES DISPLAT. ddent After^ i ^ e n t In Iowa gity, U , Sept 20—(AP) AR Sections Of Town —The thief whq dtolo four aults lacks By Bandk\^ Men NINE PERSONS of' clothe* Inclufflng a tuxedo, i^lladelphla. Sept. 20.-^(AP) Which Czech Detachments from a local cleaning estabUah- —Uncle Sam is a candid sales- Tiemity Damaged Armed With Macitme- DIE IN HEAD-ON man. .. A notation on a batch of ment la due for a aurpriso-whaa _ 7 - ' ••' - -:.r- • —- he tries on toe clothing. 80 mualcal instrumanta ~ offbihd Fire On Deserting Sudeten for aale at the Philadelphia navy Riili^lRatih^L^ All of toe aults belonged to Iiuns, Hand Grenada And yard informed prospecUve buy- toe same inan, a cripple, whose ers: "Not In very Mod condition Soldiers And Also En- left leg is shorter than toe right —would cost more lef repair timated In Hioosaiidt one. fiatols; Additionai Sec- to replace.’* danger Civilian Fugitives. Westhofind Train Hits East Dollars; Dams Brook tions Under Martial Law. •SC/MPCST HUNGARY hound One Standing On- Parker?iOage Area; ... BPIXETtN! RUSSIA TO AD) RUUjBTDIZ ’ Dotted line In this map shows approximately toe border between THEATER AND Berila. Sept 00— (A P)—The controlled German preaa took Prague, Sept. 20.t -(AP)— Germany------ ~ y d Czechoslovakia a*if toevuv |#a<uaplan supposedly approved•pprOVeaX V byOV Siding At TortngUx^^ In road TridHc Snspeadojll the stand andd repoita of clash- Anti-aircraft gun crews around French and British statesmen In their London conference is aoDroved es along the Oerman-Csechoslo- CZECHS RESIST the president’s poJaoo and gov- Predominantly German.. .......... .... (Sudeten)................... areas ............. of Czechoslovakia SCREEN STAR . ernment bqildtnga, kept watch would be annexed outright by Germany. Sontheastem Cafifomia. yak border today that partition B|mLLETINI of Csecbosiovalda is now the for enetaiy bombers tonigat only Bolntlon of the Sndeten- NAZI’SSEIZURE while the Czeehoslovnk Uabbiet , D I E S ^ G E D 5 3 Hflrtfiffd, SepL 20,— i German - Czechoslovak crisis. oontinnes ita fatefnl debate on San Francisco. Sept. 20.— (A P )— (AP)—State poliee thli- At least nlns persons were killed Only a few days ago Uie press toe Chamberlam-Ualadler plan afteriKKNi Warned real- limited Itself to discussion of Prague Delegates To League to cede Sndetenland to Uor- OUTBREAK and three wefe mlsslhg to a head-on Panlipe Frederick Defied Her denta in the eenter of 1U* possible methods of lopping off many. Tho dty, awaiting toe collision between tWo Southern Pa- cottvine to flee their hones the Sndeten region of Czechor Cabinet’s decision aqd fouow- clfle transcontinental painpnger elevalda. ta German eyea today, Ing accounts of border clashes below the dan at that Of Nations Has No Con- trains ^ Tortuga, to ooutheastem Parents To Go (Nd Sbge however, Sndetenland Is alrea^ with. Intense iiitereat,.took th e - TO W RECK PEACE PLAN pointon tha ~ Hodtannsa~ OAnnanys nndnbltable' heri- latest war threato srito oocns- CaUfornIa, at 1:85 o'clock this morn- river. tage, the region west of the Ol- firmation, Bnt Adds Re- tomed Czech eaim. Ing- ^ Rose To Recogidfion ‘The dam may go any M river Is Poland’s, and east- . (MHciols o f the railroad to San arn CzechoalovaIc|a,oeatering Prague, S .^ t 20r-(AP) — Three As Hostilities On Frontier Francisco said toe Argonaut, west- second!” was tha neaaago around Biwtlsbva, it Hun- port “Not Improhahle.” bound from New Orleans to Los A$ Great Drania Actress. relayed to Hartford state 0*7*0. attacks on (^echoslovak frontier customs houses by bands of m®« Spread Britain Lacks OtH- Angela* crashed into the c u u o m . police headiioartm..It’ Ian, aaatbound from Los Angela* to Jtered the center By LOUIS P. LOCHNKR' BUIXETIN! who were said to have crossed ’ toe ChlcMHi 90 It stood on a aiding. Beverly Hill* Calif., Sept cdttYiiie woald __ . Borlln. Sept 20. — The Ger- Geneva, Sept 20.— (A P)— border from Germany armed with cial Information On Czech AFTER REPORTS P * iiM . lnclud|i. Jtobert fA P )—Paulina Frederick, 88, bear mjsa official news agehcy today re- . Czeohoslovakis was reported machiqe-guns, band grenadea and ardaon,.,en01naer o^tha Argonaut; brunt of the water U It defied her parents to enter toe ported a steady aerfea of Cnechoslo- today to have received a Soviet pistola Vere reported today by toe hla flrenian, H. R. FnirSQa, toe fir^ bursts the dam. Rosala^liremise-of-iopport tt Stand On t o t jthe-Calltoi;AtoB. C- B. Mor- ahd-.rqta fO- iectignitlon.. as vak fToatlar <dlihiM b e t w ^ Sud^ Ckaehosibvak gdirernment. - rteOTtig eohCR pMsangers. The The dam wmrheghudfqrt ten Germana and Czechoslovak do- Germany triqd to aelze Sndetea- America’s premier dramatle ac- land but to have. fonnd iii The customs houM at Kleln-Aupa, latter included U »* X A. Kail Sad treaa. la dead. to weaken as obaerri ' tachmonb. o«»r Aussg, was reporte'* burned The rppoita were issued by the ihaala a possible barrier to siich liahdon. Sept 20.-j-(Aip) —An Emma W. Itell c r .Loma-^TfAada, Pbyslciaaa mid a haart' attack watehed IL aid. Busato wias described as de- after being wrecked by a barrage Uncertainty Replaces Feel Calif. One'mall clerk was unac- apparently contributed to toe aud- _ naum ageaqy, DNB, with toe regu- o f hand grenades. Two Cbseeh offi- butbraak of Garman-Czeobqslovak counted for and- between 30 and 40 larity of clockwork. claring abe coidd not gnsran- cials were wounded. den death, yesterday of toe oncef 0*16 of the most devaftettw tee a ipeana of getting Soviet frontier incidents and a- reportinl passengers wefe hurt.' They told of incident after Incl- At £bersdorf near Friedland, Soviet Russian promiae to help ing Czech Crisis Near $o- Officials Escape Injury. Bbe rain storms in local hlstocy men and muniUona into Ozecho- ^*tea^*?*a** Kothma since Friday. wroUfirht hAwvt' fhwuiekxw* "BlovaMa) snff Ruiaxa)a~took the .men. whe^ riwlJt t o m t e ^ to- -T w o .high .jofflfcl^ - Btately-mM dark*haIrod,-BlfhOTq^ “ crossed toe border shortly before day to wreck toe BriUsh-French (OoatinaM on Page laght;) poaltloa that she oonid not' lirtion By "Giving W ay era Pacific, J. H. Dyer, vice presi- ehe ^8 jrrayln^graying in recent years the And ' vicinity tUfl dawTi itecupled the customs bouse plan for settling the conflict peace dent and W. H. Klrkbride. chief rlwl wieW __ .. m/MBnlrnme mm J — - - * • J______ guarantee to permit Soviet hWy; . ‘girt ^ th toe topaz eyes" never morning and proper^ damagR troop movemgata throngb Bo- engineer for toe system, escaped (ConitoDsd on Pagt. Eight,)- As border hostilities spread Great found dqmeatie Ufa, toe h*nniw.yw ran into untold thijusandi of mania. ' To Demands Of Hitler. Injury. They wefe riding to a pri- she achieved on the stage. Britain was sgid to lack official in- vate car on the rear of toe Argo- dollars. Virtually 4vmy section CESSION WOULD formation of toe (Hzecboslovak gov- naut. They immediately took She was married five Umez. Three Geneva, Sept 20— (A P)—Sources marriages ended in divorce, oim in of the community was/Ravaged ernment’s stand on toe Joint Brit- charge of. toe situation: I close to toe Russian delegation to lab-French proposal to let Germanv Paris, Sept. 20.— (A P )—Nbw im- Relief trains were sent to toe anniflment ~/r by flood watfite and teyerRl" toe I ^ ^ e _ of i^atlons aaid today have the Sudeten areas. certatoty over toe outcome of toe scene froni Nlland and Yuma. Ari*. -.er fifth hiisband,husi with whom abe persons had to be rtecued iYoBi / -The- answer - was -said tor h* rdr- Czechoslovak xrlsls Aodsy' Ve|iIaSea^ with doctor* nurses and medical said-ahe^found-her ‘*pnly -resUlutp- that Moscow riad Infonned ~toe fitt^dad pre^temente ta Prague government through Oneva layed both bY ths-weight of toe do- the feeling to France that it was supplies. piness" died in 1935, Just l i mcntoa ciston thrust upon toe Czechoslovak after their marriage. ashed sipall brooks and r iv m ' channels that if (Czechoslovakia near solution through toe simple ' None'.of the cars of the Argonaut ^ would resist any German attempt cabinet zind by Prague’s diplomatic left toe rails, although -lU engine Mias Frederick F»a,17 when ahe into seething torrenta that left Of United States Reciprocal niegotlaUona, which appeared to be process of giving wdy to Adolf Hit- left her home to go on the et. je. to aeize toe Sudeten regiotu Soviet ler s demand* , waa overturned.. The . Argonaut, widespread destruction in thdr mainly,with-Soviet Russl* with many of toe Injured aboard. Is flrat part waa a small role in Russia would aupport her. - - Diplomatic sources said France wake... • . Ruasian officiala refused to dia- In Geneva, _ there were reporte being taken to Yuma, Atiz. 'The Rogera Brothers at Harvard.' Trade Agreement In Re- Accuses President Of Ujnr|)- that Moscow. was supporting had made it pl^n to Czechoelovalcia '.'Dam CMves she would have.to light alone if she Others injured are being taken in 1902. The producer, A.
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