INDEX. Compulsory education, how to promote, 50 Conscience clause in scheme of education, 41 Acton Grange, Township of, 209. Congregational system, 44 ADDRESS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC Cuerdley, township of, 216 SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE, by Customs, amount yielded by before the Civil the Bev. Dr. Hume, 1 Wars, 61 Altcar, Township of, 246 Cuttle flshss, 299 A LITTORAL SURVEY OF THE PORT OF LIVER­ POOL, 171 Anglo-Saxon and medieeval remains at Weat Kirby, 270 Dawson, Henry, 302 Annual excursion, 306 Debt of Great Britain, 56; of United States of general meeting, 295 America, 57 report, 295 Diocesan inspection of Schools, 52 Appleton. township of, 210. Ditton, township of, 220 AUCHJEOLOGY IN THE MERSEY DISTRICT, 1869, Dyall, C., 301,302 2fi7 Archaeology, definition of, 3 ; materials for the study of, 9 Austrian army, cost of the, in 1864,6H Early delft cup, 282 Eastham, township of, 195 B Education in Liverpool, 34 ; demand and supply in Liverpool, 37; effects of apathy concerning, Baldwin's Prehistoric Nations, quoted, 147 in Liverpool, 40 Saltrnoptera Sibbaldii, 299 - denominational system of, 43 Beggars' badges, 304 in rich and poor districts, 45 Bellasis, General, 303 rate for the support of, 40 Benas, B. L., author of papers, 55, 77, 163 ; Educational grants iu England, Prussia, and exhibiter 298, 300, 303 Russia, 70 Bewsey valley at Warriugton, geological structure Elsoy, Miles Pilling, 305 of, 269 Enamelled patch box, Bidaton-cum-Ford, situation of, 187 Etymology, wild and extravagent systems of, 140 Birkenhead, situation of, 187 European States, finances of, 74 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF WILLIAM EVERARD, Everard, William, founder of the Liverpool Li­ ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, OF LIVEBPOOL, brary, 130 1723-1792, 127 Expenditure, sample of that of Great Britain for Blundell,W.J.,305 one year, 68 Bootle-cum-Linacre, township of, £38 Boult, Joseph, author of paper, 171 Bowes, John, author of paper, 89 British Association, objects and operations of, FACTS AND SUGGESTIONS CONNECTED WITH 10 PRIMARY EDUCATION, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Bromborongh, township of, 194 FROM THE BOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL, 35 Budgets of Europe for armies and navies, 73 Farrar's Essay on the Origin of Language, Burnley Grammar School, history of, 19; masters quoted, 162 of, 26,32 Fashions in Dress, similarity of, in 1790 and Buxton, David, F.B.S.L., 298, 303 1869, 134 Feudalism, decline of in England, 59 Formby, township of, 245 France", cost of the army of, in 1865 Charles II, extravagance of, 62 French Eepublic, cost of the war against, 66 Cheshire shore, archaeological produce of, 276 Frodsham, township of, 198 Childwall, parish of, 221 Clifton, township of, 201 Coin trouvailles in Wales, and the treasury claims, 292 Garston, township of, 224 Coinage of Greece, 164 George II, cost of the wars of, 64 Coined Money, origin of, 164 George III. events in the reign of,|65 Coins, advice as to collecting, 169 German Thalers, description of, 255 College, want of in Liverpool, 14 Gibson, Thomas, 305 310 GRAMMAR SCHOOL AT BURWLEY, 19 | Lower Bebington, 193 Great Britain, state of education in, 71; govern­ Lower Walton, township of, 209 ment vote for, 72 Great Crosby, township of, 242 M Great Meols, situation of, 177 McQuie Peter R., 304 Great Stauney, township of, 196 Manchester, suggestion from respecting reli­ gious education, 52 Martin Mere, description of, 273 ; primitive canoe Hale, township of, 221 found at, 272 Halo wood, township of, 220 Mayer Joseph, F.S.A., 297, 302 Hard wick, Charles, author of paper, 139 Milton shield, 302 Heffer, E. A.,297 Moore T. J., 297, 299 Higgins's Celtic Druids, quoted, 150 Higher bebington, shore of, 19'2 N Hilbre Island, situation of, 174 National Debt in the time of George I, 64 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Natural science, tendency of, 3 objects and operations of, S Netherpool. township of, 195 Hoose township, situation of, 176 Norton, township of, 208 Hooton, township of, 195 Hunie, Rev. A., author of paper, 1,35; exhibitor, O 297, 299, 300,301, 302, 304 ON CURRENT GERMAN TnALURs.247 Old English shillings found at Formby, 275 ON GREEK COINAGE, 163 Ignorance and crime in Liverpool, 37 ON THB POLITICAL ECONOMY OF GREAT BRI­ Ince, township of, 197 TAIN. PART 1. PUBLIC INDEBTEDNESS, 55. Insane paupers in England in 1869, 83 PART II. THE POOR LAWS, 77 Inscriptions in foreign languages on public ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE WARRINGTON buildings undesirable, 1:12 BLUE-COAT SCHOOL, 89 Instructed child'en in different countries in 1850, 72; in 1860, 73 Pauperism in Liverpool, 37 Paupers receiving relief in England in 1869, number of, 82 Jacob, John G.,299 PeuketlS, township of, 215 Jeffery.F. J.,303 Perthes, M. de, researches of, 4 Jones, Kev. C., 298 Peruvian mummies. 299 Poor, mode of providing for the relief of, 80 K Poor-rate, amount of in the time of George I, 81; mode of levying, 87 Kelly'8 Curiosities of Indo-European tradition, Panted enamelling, 284 quoted, 152 Proceedings of the Historic Society of Lanca­ Kilpin, T. J., author of paper, 127 shire anil Cheshire, 295 Kirkdale, township of, 236 Public revenue in the time of Cromwell, 62 L Lancashire, population of in 1861, 83 ; emigration Rate for education, 46 of paupers from in 1868, 84 Rathboue family, particulars of the, 287 Latchford, township of, 211 Raws, Rev, John, 26 Leasowe Lighthouse, 177 Religious education, importance of, 42 ; com- Library, donations to the, 307 pntible with local rates, 4H; what it is, 51 Liscartl, situation of, 179 Richard, Henry, paper quoted respecting the Literature, character and tendency of, 6; study finances of European states, 74 of, 9 Roberts, Isaac, ^98 Litherland, township of, 241 Runcorn, township of, 204 Little Crosby, township of, 244 Russia, cost of the army and navy of in 1869, 69, Little Meols, situation of, 175 deficiency in the revenue of, 74 ' Liverpool, visit of the British Association and its lessons, 11 public institutions of, 11 ; learned societies of, 12; inte|ectual progress of, 13; Schools amongst the Greeks, 89 ; origin of state of education in, 35; number of unedu­ amongst the poor, 90 cated persons in , 38 ; corporation schools of, 49 Science, departments of, 8 ; terms in, 15 . Library, origin of the, 130 Seatorcins, 298 Observatory, erection of, 136 Smith, H. Ecroyd, author of paper, 267 ; exhibiter, survey of the port of, 171 2^7, 298, 305 parish and township of ,235 Smith, Samuel, Jun., author of paper, 247; ex­ history, 280 hibitor, 298, 303 Lord Brougham, opinion of respecting national Speke's Journal of the discovery of the source indebtedness, 66 of the Nile, qnoted, 158 311 Speke, township of, 233 Spezzia, congress of prehistoric archaeology of, 5 Staiilaw, Parish of, 197 State and prospects of the Church in Liverpool, Vaudrey, B. Llewellyn, elected a member, 300 by Dr. Hume, quoted, 37 Veda, derivation of the term, 142 Steyperydr, 299 Button, township of, 200 W T Walcott, Rev. E. C. Mackenzie, B.D.,F.S.A.,301 THE EARLY INHABITANTS OF LANCASHIRE AND Wallasey, situation of, 178 THE NEIGHBOURING COUNTIES, AND RE­ Walthew, J. M.,300 MAINS OF THEIR MYTHOLOGY AND LOCAL War, disastrous consequences of, 75. NOMENCLATURE, 139. Warrington Blue-Coat School, origin and history Thomas George, elected a member, 287 of, 89, 91; trustees of, in 1738,99 ; in 1764,100; Token of Peter Athertou, 17th century, 28C in 1801,106 (17th century) Rathbone family, 287 Blue Coat Brotherly Society, 115 Toxteth, township of, 228 township of, 212 Tranmere, description of the shore of, 190 prices of labour in in 1711, 97 Treasure trove, laws concerning, 293 Weston, township of, 202 Tumuli at Eudstone near Bridlington, 299 Whitby, township of, 196 U Widnes, township of. 217 United States of America, population of in I860, Wilderspool, archaeological operations at, 268 70 ; newspapers of in 1775, 70; number of Wilkinson, T. T., author of paper, 19 schools in in I860, 70, 71 "Windermere church window, 303 t. BRAKELI., PRINTER, LIVEBPOOt..
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