www.rcan.org Vol. 67 No. 2 The community newspaper of the Archdiocese of Newark February 14, 2018 Mass honors Four Chaplains on 75th anniversary By Jonathan Azzara Broglio refl ected on the men, who Public Relations Specialist represented multiple faiths: Lt. Fa- ther John P. Washington, a Catholic t. Stephen Parish in Ke- priest; Lt. Alexander D. Goode, a arny observed the 75th Jewish rabbi; Lt. George L. Fox, a anniversary of the Four Methodist minister; and Lt. Clark V. Chaplains of the U.S.A.T. Poling, a Dutch Reformed minister. (United States Army “The Four Chaplains teach us STransport) Dorchester with a noon how to walk in the light of Christ— Mass on Feb. 4. The Four Chaplains and in the best traditions of fi delity are remembered for their sacrifi ce to the prophetic spirit, in the law, and ultimate act of bravery for their and the prophets. The lesson of the service during World War II. Four Chaplains is the link between Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio gracious gift and the ultimate sacri- of the Military Archdiocese of the fi ce of service. Here, everyone can United States, served as the main imitate their example of selfl ess ser- celebrant and homilist. Many other vice and abundant love,” Archbishop clergy members concelebrated the Broglio said. Mass, including the pastor of St. Ste- Seventy-fi ve years ago during phen’s, Father Joseph A. Mancini. the height of World War II, the Four During the homily, Archbishop Continued on page 2 Advocate photo-Jonathan Azzara Cardinal Tobin celebrates consecrated life By Melissa McNally ignated the feast of the Presentation Editor of the Lord, Candlemas Day, as an appropriate moment to thank God for pray that the refi ning the gift of consecrated life. Jesus is fi re of the Holy Spirit manifest as ‘light of revelation for the purifi es the temple of Gentiles’ and ‘glory for God’s people, our hearts,” Cardi- Israel.’ Consecrated men and women nal Joseph W. Tobin, refl ect this light as witnesses of Je- “IC.Ss.R., said during an evening sus in a world that is often shrouded prayer service on Feb. 2 at the Ca- in shadow,” the cardinal explained. thedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart “They are the glory of God’s peo- in Newark to celebrate the World ple. We pray for the perseverance of Day for Consecrated Life. consecrated men and women and ask Also known as Candlemas Day God to continue enriching the church and held in conjunction with the with their unique vocation.” feast of the Presentation, Cardinal Cardinal Tobin serves as chair Tobin blessed candles symbolizing of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Christ, the “light of the world.” Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Con- Advocate photo-Melissa McNally “For 21 years, the church has des- Continued on page 3 APPOINTMENTS Page 6 NEW INITIATIVES IN CATECHESIS Page 8 95-YEAR-OLD PRIEST HONORED Page 10 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Page 15 CLASSIFIEDS Pages 14-15 2 Our Archdiocese February 14, 2018 Mass honors Four Chaplains Continued from page 1 news, the Four Chaplains gave up Chaplains were aboard the U.S.A.T. their own life jackets to save others, Dorchester in the North Atlantic. and went down with the ship during The Dorchester was part of a convoy the early morning hours. en route to a U.S. military base in Father John Washington, a New- Greenland. But, during the morning ark native, was ordained a priest of Feb. 3, 1943, the Dorchester was on June 15, 1935. In 1938, he was hit by a torpedo from a German assigned to St. Stephen’s. Not long submarine. The damage was so ex- after the attack on Pearl Harbor, he tensive that the Dorchester began to received his final post as an Army sink rapidly. As the sailors prepared chaplain, going on active duty May to evacuate, they realized there was 9, 1942. an insufficient amount of life jack- ets and lifeboats. Upon hearing this For more information about the Four Chaplains, visit www.ststephenkearny.com. Father Joseph A. Mancini Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio Advocate photos-Jonathan Azzara Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, President and Publisher Kelly Marsicano . Associate Publisher . marsicke@rcan .org Melissa McNally . Editor . mcnallme@rcan .org Marilyn Smith . Production Supervisor . smithmai@rcan .org Mark Chrisco . Circulation Coordinator . chriscma@rcan .org Marge Pearson-McCue . Director of Advertising . pearsoma@rcan .org & Operations PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT: The Catholic Advocate is published 8x per year (Jan . 24, March 14, April 11, May16, June 20, Sept . 12, Oct . 10 & Nov . 14) by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese NJPANew Jersey Press Association of Newark at 171 Clifton Ave ., Newark NJ 07104-9500 . Periodical postage is paid at Newark, NJ and at additional offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: The Catholic Advocate, 171 Clifton Ave ., Newark NJ 07104-1019 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday • 8:30 am to 4:30 pm • Tel: 973- 497-4200 • Fax: 973-497-4192 • Web: www .rcan .org ADVERTISING: The Catholic Advocate does not endorse the services and goods advertised in its pages . Acceptance of advertisers and advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval . Neither the publication nor publisher shall be liable for damages if an advertisement fails to be published or for any error in an advertisement . FREQUENCY FOR 2018: USPS-008-380 PRINT: JANUARY 24, MARCH 14, April 11, MAY 16, JUNE 20, September 12, October 10 & November 14 ISSN# 1084-3213 ONLINE: February 14, July 18, August 15, December 19 February 14, 2018 Local News 3 Cardinal Tobin celebrates consecrated life Continued from page 1 During the prayer service, those secrated Life and Vocations. in consecrated life were asked to “Today, we are called to be mis- stand and recommit to their voca- sionary disciples,” he said to attend- tion. Cardinal Tobin explained that ees during the service. “We must reaffi rming a life of service to the carry our light to the darkest corners church “will give light to your eyes of our archdiocese and our world. and strength in your steps toward No one is excluded from receiving your encounter with God.” this light.” The prayer service also honored According to the cardinal, “dark- jubilarians who are celebrating anni- ness” includes injustice, abuse, rac- versaries this year. The day of prayer ism and oppression. “God leaves us for women and men in consecrated free to open the portals of our hearts life was instituted by Pope John Paul or keep them closed,” he added. II in 1997. Advocate photos-Melissa McNally Discover the world’s best CAN YOU HELP SAVE A PREBORN CHILD? walk-in bathtub from “Baby Nathan” was saved from abortion and born $1,500 on 9/15/17. We struggle to keep our prolife shelters open to provide a choice for over 300 pregnant SAVINGS women who call our hotline monthly. 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LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. 4 USA & World News February 14, 2018 Lent is time to become aware of false prophets, cold hearts VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Cath- illusion, “which only makes them olics should use the season of Lent slaves to profit and petty interests”; to look for signs and symptoms and convinced they are autonomous of being under the spell of false and “sufficient unto themselves, and prophets and of living with cold, end up entrapped by loneliness!” selfish and hateful hearts, Pope “False prophets can also be Francis said. ‘charlatans,’ who offer easy and Together with “the often bitter immediate solutions to suffering medicine of the truth,” the church, that soon prove utterly useless,” the as mother and teacher, offers peo- pope wrote. People can be trapped ple “the soothing remedy of prayer, by the allure of drugs, “disposable almsgiving and fasting,” the pope relationships,” easy, but dishonest said in his message for Lent. gains as well as “virtual,” but ulti- CNS Photo Titled, “Because of the increase mately meaningless relationships, others has started to dim or grow becomes an important opportunity of evildoing, the love of many will he wrote. cold. Greed for money is a major for growth,” he said, while also let- grow cold” (Mt 24:12), the papal “These swindlers, in peddling red flag, he wrote, because it is the ting people feel what it must be like message echoes Jesus’ caution things that have no real value, rob “root of all evil” and soon leads to a for those who struggle to survive.
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