March 12, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 4059 STACEY ELLIOTT PERSONAL EXPLANATION women to enter the professional workforce as legal experts. Similarly, Lucy Brewer, the first HON. SAM GRAVES HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL woman marine (1812), inspired her prede- OF ARIZONA cessors to defend their Nation with pride and OF MISSOURI valor. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These women and many others are legends Wednesday, March 12, 2008 today. Therefore, it is essential that all Ameri- Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, due to cans acknowledge and celebrate the contribu- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly family obligations in Arizona that required my tions of women throughout our Nation’s his- pause to recognize Stacey Elliott of Liberty, attention, I missed the following votes and had tory. In addition, as America’s arms stretch out Missouri. Stacey is a very special young I been present, I would have voted against across the seas, we must honor women in the woman who has exemplified the finest quali- rollcall vote No. 111, the Motion to Adjourn; international community that have challenged, ties of citizenship and leadership by taking an rollcall vote No. 112, the Motion to Adjourn; changed and improved the condition of active part in the Girl Scouts of America, and rollcall vote No. 113, the Motion to Adjourn; women and others in their native countries. earning the most prestigious award of Girl and rollcall vote No. 114, the Motion to Ad- That is why on March 8, 2008, America cele- Scout Gold Award. journ. brated International Women’s Day. I urge my colleagues and all Americans to Stacey has been very active with her troop, I would have voted in favor of rollcall vote No. 115, H. Res. 924; rollcall vote No. 116, commemorate women for their contributions to participating in many scout activities. In order the advancement of our great Nation. to receive the prestigious Gold Award, Stacey the Motion to Table the Appeal of the Ruling has completed all seven requirements that of the Chair; rollcall vote No. 117, the Vote to f promote community service, personal and Override the President’s Veto of H.R. 2082; RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- spiritual growth, positive values and leadership rollcall vote No. 118, H. Res. 948; and rollcall SARY OF THE EUROPEAN PAR- skills. vote No. 119, H. Res. 493. LIAMENT Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join I would have voted againat rollcall vote No. me in commending Stacey Elliott for her ac- 120, the Motion To Adjourn. HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN I would have voted in favor of rollcall vote complishments with the Girl Scouts of America OF CALIFORNIA No. 121, on Ordering the Previous Question; and for her efforts put forth in achieving the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highest distinction of Girl Scouts Gold Award. rollcall vote No. 122, H. Res. 1031; and rollcall vote No. 123, the Motion to Adjourn. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today f f to call to the attention of my colleagues the IN COMMEMORATION OF WOMEN’S TRIBUTE TO THE WURZER FAMILY 50th anniversary of the European Par- HISTORY MONTH liament—the legislative body of the European Union. It is a great pleasure to celebrate this HON. TOM LATHAM HON. AL GREEN very special day in the history of the European OF IOWA OF TEXAS Union. Seldom in so short a period as 50 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years do we have the opportunity to witness Wednesday, March 12, 2008 the birth and evolution of such an important Wednesday, March 12, 2008 democratic institution. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today In the 25 years that I have served as a I wish to commemorate the month of March to congratulate and recognize Duane, Joann, Member of the United States Congress, the 2008 as Women’s History Month in honor of Kelli, Staci, Amy, Brooke and Andy Wurzer of European Parliament has undergone a dra- the female trailblazers and unsung heroes in Chickasaw County, Iowa for being named the matic transformation. It began as an institution American history. 2007 Outstanding 4–11 Family. whose members were appointed by national Historically, women have contributed signifi- parliaments, and it played a minor role in the Duane has been involved with the local 4– cantly to the greatness of our Nation. Amer- policy-making process. Today. the European 11 club by coaching softball, conducting serv- ican women from diverse origins have trans- Parliament is a truly democratic legislature ice projects and helping with livestock formed and revolutionized politics, law, busi- whose members are elected by the popular projects. Joann has been a leader of the ness, social service, civil rights, education, vote of the people in all member states of the Lawler Lassies and Lads club for 16 years. All music, athletics, science and technology, as European Union. Furthermore, it has a key five of their children started in 4–11 as Little well as the military. Together, their dedication, role in approving the members of the Euro- Clovers in the second grade. They have all perseverance and courage has generated a pean Commission and in adopting the EU held various leadership positions, earned wave of opportunities for entire generations of budget. As the United States Congress, the awards for their efforts in a variety of areas, women. The contributions of notable women European Parliament also has significant re- volunteered in numerous service projects and such as Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Har- sponsibility for conducting oversight of EU ex- have had many projects selected at the Iowa riet Tubman, Dorothy Height, Coretta Scott ecutive governmental institutions. State Fair. King, Sally Ride and many others have Madam Speaker, the first half of the 20th 4–H’s mission is to ‘‘empower youth to sparked an unstoppable momentum for wom- century was marked by two bloody World reach their full potential, working and learning en’s rights and others. Wars that devastated the European continent in partnership with caring adults.’’ Duane and In government, trailblazers such as Hattie and produced deep divisions between Euro- Joann have been compassionate adults who Wyatt Caraway, the first woman elected to the pean countries. World War I produced sharp continue to strive to empower more children to U.S. Senate (1932), and Jeannette Rankin, national differences among the Europeans, reach their goals each day. As parents and the first woman in Congress (1917), paved the which continued to fester even after that war mentors they have touched the lives of many way for 16 female Senators and 70 female was concluded. At the end of World War II. children who have then gone on to inspire oth- Representatives to be elected to the 110th Europe was divided by the ‘‘Iron Curtain,’’ ers, to continue the cycle for generations to Congress, which is the highest number ever in which ideologically, and politically separated come. congressional history. More importantly, the the continent’s peoples. During the era of the I know that my colleagues in the United House of Representatives elected Nancy Cold War, the unification of the Western and States Congress join me in commending the Pelosi, the first woman to serve as the third Eastern Germany seemed like an impossible Wurzer family’s leadership and donation of most powerful official in America. In the legal dream let alone the unification of Western and time and talent for the benefit of Chickasaw sector, women such as Arabella Mansfield I astern Europe. however, the last half-century County’s youth. I consider it an honor to rep- Babb, the first woman admitted to the bar has seen the remarkable growth of an ever resent Duane, Joann, Kelli, Staci, Amy, (1869), and Belva Ann Lockwood, the first closer union of people and states. Brooke, and Andy Wurzer in Congress and I woman to practice law before the U.S. Su- Indeed, the success of the European Union wish them the best in their future endeavors. preme Court (1879), have opened doors for has produced significant changes in the make VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:00 Oct 21, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E12MR8.000 E12MR8 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 4060 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 12, 2008 up of Europe. The European Union began as RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE promote community service, personal and an institution for economic cooperation among LAURA HILL UPON BEING spiritual growth, positive values and leadership six Western European nations in 1951, but it NAMED CITIZEN OF THE YEAR skills. has evoked into a political and economic BY THE SOUTHLAKE CHAMBER Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join union that now embraces 27 European na- OF COMMERCE me in commending Tamara Cash for her ac- complishments with the Girl Scouts of America tions, including 10 former communist states of HON. KENNY MARCHANT and for her efforts put forth in achieving the Central and Eastern Europe. The European highest distinction of Girl Scouts Gold Award. Union has brought peace, stability and pros- OF TEXAS f perity to almost 500 million people. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING SHEILA JOSEPH In 1951, Madam Speaker, the Treaty of Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Paris, which created the European Coal and Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise Steel Community provided a minor rule for a today to pay tribute to the Honorable Laura HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK Parliamentary Assembly.
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