ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien Jahr/Year: 1999 Band/Volume: 56_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Budkovic Tomaz Artikel/Article: Geology of the Slovene Part of the Karavanke Road Tunnel 35-48 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at ABHANDLUNGEN DER GEOLOGISCHEN BUNDESANSTALT ,G Abh. Geol. B.-A. I ISSN 0378-0864 ISBN 3-85316-007-7 Band 56/2 S. 35-48 I Wien, Dezember 1999 Geologie ohne Grenzen Redaktion: Festschrift 150 Jahre Geologische Bundesanstalt Harald Lobitzer & Pavol Grecula Geology of the Slovene Part of the Karavanke Road Tunnel TOMAZ BUDKOVlC 4 Text - Figures, 2 Plates Slovenia Austria Karavanke Österreichische Karte 1: 50 000 Road Tunnel Blatt 201-210 Upper Carboniferous Osnovna geoloska karta SFRJ 1:100 000 Permian List Beljak in Ponteba L 33-52 Triassic List Celovec (Klagenfurt) L 33-53 Tectonic Structure Contents Zusammenfassung 35 Abstract 36 Povzetek '. 36 1. Introduction 36 2. Geological Investigations 36 2.1. Regional Geological Investigations 36 2.2. Geological Investigations relevant to the Road Tunnel Excavation 37 3. Geological Observations during the Road Tunnel Excavation 37 3.1. Technology of the Geological Data Collection during the Tunnel Excavation 37 3.2. Geological Situation in the Slovene Part of the Karavanke/Karawanken Road Tunnel (The West Tube) 39 4. Positions of the Road and the Railway Tunnels in the regional geological Structure 46 5. Conclusion and discussion 46 Acknowledgements 47 References 47 Geologie der slowenischen Strecke des Karawanken-Straßentunnels Zusammenfassung Während des Baues des Karawanken-Straßentunnels in den Jahren 1986 bis 1989 wurden die sich bietenden Möglichkeiten genutzt, de- tailierte geologische Studien im Bereich des Südabschnitts der Westkarawanken durchzuführen. Die Trasse des Straßentunnels verläuft et­ was westlich des Eisenbahntunnels, dessen geologische Verhältnisse von TELLER (1914) dokumentiert wurden. Beide Tunnel queren die süd­ lichen Karawanken, die im Norden von der Periadriatischen Naht begrenzt werden und im Süden von der Save-Störungszone. Die Vortriebsarbeiten wurden durchgehend geologisch dokumentiert, wobei die Untersuchungen geologische Kartierung, systematische Probenahme, hydrogeologische Beobachtungen, Konvergenz-, Methangas- sowie sporadische Gesteinstemperatur-Messungen umfaßten. Gleichzeitig wurde eine geologische Detailkarte 1:5000 des überlagernden Geländeabschnittes angefertigt. Der slowenische Abschnitt des Straßentunnels durchteuft folgende lithostratigraphische Einheiten: 0-315 m Hangschutt und Moränenmaterial, 315-911 m Werfener Schichten, 911-1098 m Grödener Schichten mit tektonisch eingeschuppten Zwischenlagen von Bellerophon-Schichten, 1098-1703 m Grödener Schichten und Tarviser Breccie, 1703-2610m klastische Gesteine und Karbonate des Oberkarbon-Unterperm, 2610-2654 m dunkelgrauen kieseligen Dolomit, 2654-2767 m Werfener Schichten, 2767-2830 m Anisdolomit, 2830-2851 m Uggowitzer Breccie, 2851-3258 m Schierndolomit und von 3258-3436 m (Staatsgrenze) terrigene Raibler Schichten. Sowohl der Straßen- als auch der Eisenbahntunnel durchqueren fünf Ost-West streichende tektonische Einheiten (Text-Fig.1), die im Bereich der beiden Tunnel einerseits von der NW-SE verlaufenden subvertikalen Mlinca-Störung durchschnitten werden sowie von der NE-SW ausgerichteten steilstehenden und zylindrisch geformten Hrusenski-Störung. Beide Störungen repräsentieren Strike-slip faults; dies gilt auch für die Koschuta- und Gratschenitzen-Störung auf der österreichischen Seite. Author's address: Mag. TOMAZ BUDKOVIC, Geoloski zavod Slovenije, Dimiceva ulica 14, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 35 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Geologija slovenskega dela Karavanskega cestnega predora Povzetek Med gradnjo cestnega predora skozi Karavanke, v letih 1986 do 1989, so imeli geologi izredno priloznost, da podrobno proucijo zahodni del gorske verige juznih Karavank. Cestni predor se zacenja dobrih dvesto metrov zahodneje od zelezniskega, ki so ga zgradili pred 95 leti in ga je dobro opisal TELLER (1914). Oba predora sekata juzne Karavanke, ki so na tem obmocju omejene s periadriatskim sivom na severu in s savskim prelomom na jugu. Med napredovanjem smo predor stalno podrobno kartirali, sistematicno vzorcevali kamnine, opazovali hidrogeoloske razmere, merili kon- vergence, koncentracije metana in obcasno temperaturo kamnine. Istocasno smo izdelali novo geolosko karto povrsine v merilu 1:5000. Na slovenski strani je predor presekal naslednje litostratigrafske enote: 0-315 m pobocni grusc in moreno, 315-911 m werfensko forma- cijo, 911-1098 m grödensko formacijo s tektonskimi vlozki belerofonske formacije, 1098-1703 m grödensko formacijo in trbisko breco, 1703-2610 m zgornjekarbonske-spodnjepermske klastite in karbonate, 2610-2654 m temnosiv silificirani dolomit, 2654-2767 m werfensko formacijo, 2767-2830 m anizicni dolomit, 2830-2851 m ukovsko breco, 2851-3258 m schlernski dolomit in 3258-3436 m (drzavna meja) ra- beljske terigene plasti. Cestni in zelezniski predor sekata pet tektonskih enot. Te enote imajo obliko pasov, ki potekajo v smeri vzhod- zahod, in jih na obmocju cestnega in zelezniskega predora presekata navpicni mlinski prelom - ta tece od severozahoda proti jugovzhodu - in strmi hrusenski pre- lom, ki ima smer severovzhod- jugozahod, njegova prelomna ploskev pa je cilindricno povita. Oba preloma sta zmicna. Tudi Kosutin in grace- niski prelom na avstrijski strani sta zmicna. Abstract During the Karavanke road tunnel excavation - from 1986 to 1989 - geologists had an excellent opportunity for a detailed investigation of the western part of the southern Karavanke zone. The road tunnel runs near and to the west of the railway tunnel. The geology of the rail­ way tunnel was well documented by TELLER (1914). Both tunnels cross the southern Karavanke Mountains, which border on the Periadriatic lineament in the north and the Sava fault in the south. The excavation was continuously documented by detailed geological mapping, systematic rock sampling, hydrogeological observations, convergence measurements, methane measurements and by sporadic rock temperature measurements. At the same time a new surface geological map at a scale of 1: 5000 was made. The Slovene side of the tunnel intersects the following lithostratigraphic units: 0- 315 m slope debris and moraine, 315-911 m Werfen Formation, 911-1098 m Gröden Formation with tectonical intercalations of the Bellerophon Formation, 1098-1703 m Gröden formation and Trbiz/Tarvis breccia, 1703-2610 m Upper Carboniferous- Lower Permian clastic rocks and carbonates, 2610-2654 m dark grey silicified do­ lomite, 2654-2767 m Werfen Formation, 2767-2830 m Anisian dolomite, 2830-2851 m Ukve/Uggowitz breccia, 2851-3258 m Schiern do­ lomite and 3258-3436 m (state boundary) the Rabelj/Raibl terrigenous beds. The road and the railway tunnels traverse five tectonical units (Text-Fig. 1). These units have a shape of E-W trending belts, intersected at the place of the road and railway tunnels by the NW-SE oriented subvertical Mlinca fault and the NE-SW oriented steep, cylindrical^ sha­ ped Hrusenski fault. Both are strike-slip faults. The Kosuta/Koschuta fault and the Gratschenitzen/Gracenica fault on the Austrian side are also of a strike slip character. 1. Introduction 2. Geological investigations The Karavanke chain has the specific morphologic structu­ 2.1. Regional geological investigations re of a narrow, long, parallel range of ridges, oriented in the east-west direction, beginning to the east of Tarvisio in Italy The first geological maps of the area were made by PETERS and ending at Slovenske Konjice in the north-east of and LIPOLD (1854 and 1855). Slovenia. In two sections they are curved in the northwest- A detailed geological investigation of the area was started southeast direction. in 1891 by the k. k. Geological Survey in order to find possi­ The geological structure of the Karavanke is also specific. ble locations for a railway tunnel through the Karavanke. This By their origin they are closely connected to the Periadriatic tunnel was planned as part of the railway connecting lineament. This is a wide subvertical fault zone of regional Carinthia with Trieste/Trst on the Adriatic coast. The work be­ importance, along which a large strike-slip movement occur­ gan by preparing the geological map sheets Villach- red (TOLLMANN,1986). That movement influenced the shape Klagenfurt and Radmannsdorf at a scale of 1: 75 000 (TELLER, of the tectonic units of the Karavanke shaping narrow long 1914). For the geological mapping of the Karavanke Friedrich belts, bordering on subvertical or steep fault zones. Teller was responsible. He was also involved in the geologi­ Litostratigraphic units of the same age, but far apart at the cal data collection at the beginning of the railway tunnel ex­ time of their formation, were sometimes brought together by cavation. He made prognostic geological cross-section based a horizontal displacement. on the field data collection from the 15th to the 20th January The Karavanke range is divided by the Periadriatic linea­ 1902 (TELLER, 1902); later on, during the excavations a rather ment into the Northern and the Southern Karavanke chains. different geological situation was established. The Northern Karavanke chain belongs to the Eastern Alps, TELLER'S observations were published in a special
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