Breaking the chains before Debunking the FSU FAQs 22 they choked him out 13 “East of Adelaide” stigma 4 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9 $10 TICKETS | DOORS OPEN @ 6:30 PM #OPERATIONCLASSIFIED Tickets Available at the Biz Booth Volume 47 Issue No. 2 August 26, 2014 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ Fanshawe College Ergo Plus Culinary & Smallwares Kit Your best value! Available at: Russell Food Equipment 517 Bathurst St. London, ON Showroom Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (519)432-6311 SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION [email protected] NEWS 2 INTERACTIVE Volume 47 Issue No. 2 August 26, 2014 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ Who’s hashtagging Fanshawe? LIFEST#FanshaweYLES Zach Armstrong @zb_armstrong 400 students & sta at @FanshaweCollege’s downtown campus contribute $80M to the #LDNOnt economy. #Imagine2000. http://t.co/a8IaMYymYD LondonPublicLibrary @londonlibrary Did you know that in 2013 more than 10,000 #LdnOnt post-sec students had active LPL library cards? We love you @westernu & @FanshaweCollege Fanshawe College CE @FanshaweCE New! Canada’s rst and only Beer Certi cation Program - starts Fall 2014. #fanshawe #beer #ldnont http:// SPORTS&LEISURE ow.ly/d/2mwr FanshaweStudentUnion @fanshawesu Looking for students to join the #Fanshawe Promotions Team to facilitate & promote events & activities around campus http://goo.gl/4Aei6j Bailey Pinder @baileypinder Finally got a bed. Not leaving it til the last minute or anything. Just moving out in a week #procrastination # nally #fanshawe #college FanshaweStudentUnion @fanshawesu LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 2 man circus/comedy/magic extravaganza Monsters of Schlock comes to #Fanshawe Sept. 4th, part of [email protected] #OperationClassi ed http://goo.gl/Op9qhz OPINION Anthony Sawyers @VPEntertainment The Residence Grocery Problem Has Been Solved! In September The Superstore Will Have A Bus That Goes From Fanshawe To Superstore #Freedom Fanshawe Falcons @FanshaweFalcons Looking for some extra cash while at school? Fanshawe Athletics hires over 150 part time students each year http://ow.ly/i/6k4It Next week’s question: What’s the best piece of free swag you’ve gotten from school so far? Tweet using #falconswag NEWS or respond to the note on our Facebook page (facebook.com/fanshawesu) before 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 3, 2014. You’ll be entered into a draw for a $10 Out Back Shack/Oasis gift certi cate. Must be a current, full-time Fanshawe student. FRANCIS SIEBERT Anthony Sawyers, vice-president of entertainment at the FSU, and volunteers are making From the Falcon’s Beak frosh kits for incoming students. The kits include candy, a flashlight, a McDonald's coffee cup, pamphlets and socks, among other things. INTERACTIVE LIFESTYLES SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION [email protected] NEWS INTERACTIVE LIFESTYLES SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION [email protected] Volume 47 Issue No. 2 August 26, 2014 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ NEWS 3 Motion to grant college $10 million denied INTERACTIVE FRANCIS SIEBERT London Mayor Joni Baechler heritage building and that he feels INTERROBANG said the project had been recom- the City should try to preserve City council’s vote on whether mended by various people and heritage sites, not demolish them. to give Fanshawe College $10 mil- organizations, such as the city Fanshawe revealed a $66.2-mil- lion to help buy and revamp the manager, the city treasurer and the lion plan in June to purchase the Kingsmill building on April 29 re- chamber of commerce. historic Kingsmill’s department sulted in a tie, meaning the motion The mayor voted yes on the mo- store, which is located on Dundas was not endorsed. tion to grant Fanshawe $10 million. Street, across the college’s down- STEPHANIE LAI With Ward 9 councillor Dale Councillors Joe Swan, Sandy town campus. The plan was to add Carlie ForsytheLI showsFEST off her new FAN card.YLES Henderson absent, the council vot- White, Paul Van Meerbergan, De- three stories to the building, move ed to delay a vote on the proposal, nise Brown, Stephen Orser, Bill the School of Tourism and Hospi- which resulted in a tie. The council Armstrong and Bud Polhill voted tality there and expand the digital New FANtastic student card then voted on the motion to give against the motion. and performance arts program to Fanshawe the $10 million over 10 the new building. FRANCIS SIEBERT around the folder with their student years the school had requested for In a letter addressed to the may- INTERROBANG card in one half and the bus pass in the project. The vote also resulted We’re disappointed or dated July 9, Fanshawe College Time to throw out your old stu- the other, Vidler pointed out. in a tie, meaning the city will not “ President Peter Devlin said the dent card – the new all-access FAN The other new feature is the give Fanshawe the grant. that the council didn’t plan was “the single largest capital card is here. ability to load money on the “We’re disappointed that the investment the College has ever The new card, which has been card through the college website council didn’t approve the extra approve the extra made” and that it was a “unique redesigned to match the new Fan- fancard.fanshawec.ca. Students can funding for what we thought was funding for what opportunity for growth and devel- shawe College branding, includes load the card with money for meal an important investment in down- opment in downtown London.” two new features: a London Transit plans, printers and photocopiers, town and in London,” said Elaine we thought was an “I’m disappointed council didn’t Commission bus pass and the abil- library fees and to buy items at the Gamble, the senior manager of endorse the project,” Baechler said. ity for students and parents to load school’s variety stores and at most corporate communications at Fan- important investment The London Downtown Busi- money on it via the web. pharmacies across Canada with the shawe. “At this point, we need to in downtown ness Association, an organization Contrary to the old student card Fanshawe Health Plan. go back and review all of our op- with the goal of improving the that had to be paired with a LTC The card, which is accepted as the tions to determine what our next and in London experience of downtown London pass, the new card allows students formal identification on campus, also steps are.” “ businesses, is offering Fanshawe to board buses without needing a pass. grants student access to the College’s The City has already given the College $1 million to reconsider “I think it’s a great idea,” said after-hours entrances, computer labs college $20 million in grants to “I believe colleges are funded buying the Kingsmill building. Andrew Vidler, a third-year human and program-specific facilities. bring Fanshawe to downtown Lon- by the province of Ontario,” Swan Organization members met on resources student at Fanshawe. “I Students can grab their FAN card don. The funds were used for the said. “The city of London does not August 15 and made the decision went to [Wilfred Laurier Universi- in the J Gym between August 25 and Centre for Digital and Performance usually support building schools.” to give the college $100,000 a year ty], and we had them, and they were September 5. Government-issued pho- Arts, located in the former Royal Swan also said that the project for 10 years if the school purchas- just way more convenient.” to ID or an old student card is required. Trust Building on Dundas Street. would result in the demolition of a es the building. Students won’t have to carry SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION [email protected] 4 NEWS Volume 47 Issue No. 2 August 26, 2014 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ Debunking the “East of Adelaide” stigma FRANCIS SIEBERT here, it just had this awful stig- It’s also important to consid- Community Association. he said. INTERROBANGINTERACTIVE ma around it,” said Amy Van Es, er that the population statistics, “One of the really characteristic One example is the team behind East of Adelaide: London’s own a third-year Graphic Design stu- though they are the most recent city problems of that era was absentee On The Move Organics and The Jane and Finch. Put an orange dent at Fanshawe College who has hall has, are already three years old. landlords,” he said. “A lot of busi- Root Cellar Organic Café, which couch in a yard, and it could very lived in London for 10 years. “The ness and residential buildings in has been operating in the area for well look like a scene from the TV stigma around is that it’s not a safe this neighbourhood were owned by six years. series The Wire. place to be at all.” …people who weren’t people who weren’t residents in the Ellie Cook, the general manager But is East of Adelaide really as But here’s the thing: East of Ad- “ neighbourhood and didn’t necessar- of The Root Cellar Organic Café, bad as everyone says it is? elaide had a lower reported violent residents in the ily have an emotional investment called the Old East Village a “re- Adelaide Street is one of the lon- crime rate per 100,000 people in the here. They just had a financial in- silient mixed community,” pointing gest streets in London. Going north, past three months than north west neighbourhood…didn’t vestment.” out the area’s various art centres, the street goesLI all theFEST way up to El- LondonYL – westES of Adelaide Street Seale said that in the past decade, cafés, bakeries, social services and ginfield Road past the city limits.
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