--/a-\ {ffi\ West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited I l,.B- ]l \YJZv IWTDTL Newtown, Finance Center,2nd Floor, Plot No.-I, CBD, AA-II, Rajarhat Kolkat a--1,6L Ph No. z 033-23248415 Registered Office: "Vidyut Bhavan'', Block - DJ, Sector - II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700 091 Telephones: 033 2359 1930 to 1940; Fax: 033 2359 1954; Website: www.wbsedcl.in Corporate Identity Number (CIN): U40109WB2007SGC1 13473 NOTTCE INVITING C.TENDER NIT No.: BNRO/E-Tender/2019-201F-869104(A to B) Dated: 08.06.2019 The SE & Regional Manager, Bidhannagar Regional Office, WBSEDCL invites e-tender for the work detailed below (Submission of Bid through online). Price of Tender Estimated Earnest Money st. Document(non- Completion Name of Work Amount Deposit (EMD) No. refundable) Time (Rs.) (Rs) (Rs.) Thorough Repair & Rs.36,50,895/- Maintenance of the Rs.3000.00 (Rupees Thirty Six Distribution Rs.73,018.00 (Rupees Three existing Lakhs Fifty 90(Ninety) A sub-station ( DSS NO. (Rupees Seventy Three thousand only) + thousand Eight days 15 thousand Eighteen only) 18% GST as ,20,21 ,22,23 ,72,13 ,73 hundred Ninety under applicable (A) ,14,26,16) Five only) Newtown Division. Construction of fixing boundary wall & Rs. 1600.00 with Rs. 16,01,828/- MS Gate along Rs. 32,037.00 (Rupees One (Rupees Sixteen development of (Rupees Thirty Two thousand Six 60(Sixty) B at lakhs One thousand switchyard are Thousand and Thirty Seven Hundred only) + days 2(Two) nos Distribution Eight hundred onlY) 18% GST as sub-station block Twenty Eight only) AAIB applicable under New Town division. 1. Intending bidder should download the tender documents from the website http://www.wbtenders.gov.in directly with the help of Digital signature Certificate. Necessary cost of tender documents (tender fees) and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) should be remitted separately through Demand Draft issued from any nationalized bank in favour of the "West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited", payable at Kolkata and the same should be documented and scan copy of the aforesaid documents are to be uploaded through said website as per schedule stated in S1. No. 08. (Details of which has been narrated in the lnstruction to the bidders) The original instrument (Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque/Bid Gurantee) towards the Cost of Tender Documents and Earnest Money Deposit along with Annexure I, II and III should be submitted physically by the Bidder to the Bidhannagar Regional Office, WBSEDCL, in sealed cover as per schedule stated in S1. No. 08. (Details of which has been narrated in 'Instruction to Bidders'). 2. Both Technical Bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed by the Bidder through the website https://wbtenders.gov.in. (Details of which has been narrated in 'Instruction to Bidders') as per Schedule stated in Sl. No. 08. Company Ltd. West Bengal State Electriciq' Distribution irS')l (A Govt' of West Bengal Enterprise) ti'L tl \ i-l criteria for participation in tender: / 3. Eligibility the at reast one work of similar nature under who have satisfactorily completed i) Arl categories of intending Bidders statutory Bodies constituted under the State/centrar Govemment ;;;ilt"g, authority of state/centrar Giuemm"rrt, (1) and 8'00 lakh for sl' No' not ress tt u" ii.ili"tfr'f9r N;' Government of !r' Amount' Value of statute of centravstate "*."utJuuto. Co*pf.tioni*'tincate indicating bstimatea in a rirrgt. .orrt u"t after lst irrlzoli. with contact number of the (2) respectively deta, communiJ"ii""a along and Date of.t,,pr"tio, of *oit *o "ao.ess Engineer/District work-done, .tl: certifrcate-irom-th. client shourd be submitted by the Bidder.a*pil; "or"**edExecutivecreo"ntial' Documents] r*r. urri uuove will u" o."tJ u*aiio [Non-statutory Engineer/Divisional Engineer or equivalent ii)AllcategoriesofprospectiveBiddersshallhavetofumishthefollowingdocuments:- (a) EPF registration with cufient challan' yeors & PAN Card, L?. Returnfor last threeftnancial & challan' @) * sAC Code along with cufient teturn (c) GST regisiionn No.,cszlr, iifi-cod, current return & challan' (d) professioiit f* foiA Cefiifi.cate alongwith & chullan' (e) ESI Registration along with current return of nature of work for three vears and detaits ?r,';lirffililti{i'i*, contractor for execurion of simitar works in hund' (h)InformationregardinganyyastandcurrentlitigationwithI(BSEDCL/WBSETCL/Govt/PSUinwhich and disputed umount' the bidder * involied the"paity;s concerned (i) List of Machinery and key personnel' in any Tender by any partners had been debaned to participate prospective Bidder nor any of the constituent prior to the date iii) Neither uri*nrr.irgrl'i*.rpri;; .rc J;ring the last i (three) years Govemmenr Department/semi-Govr./c"*. (A declaration in this respect has u, Jisqu-utinrution to*urar l[gi"uitity' of this NIT. Such debaning will be "or.io"r"J Documents] to be furnish"o uv t[. piirpective bidders). [Non-statutory work nor any of their partner shall neither have abandoned any prospective Bidders or any of their constituent as iv) The such abandonment or rescission will be considered contract have been rescinded during th" l;^;-(fiu") v"urr. prospective bidders)' in.this ,"rp..i-rr^ to be furnished by the disqualification towards eligibility. (A declaration fNon-statutory Documents] v)Noconditional/IncompleteTenderwillbeacceptedunderanycircumstances. only if the TECITNICAL BrD of the Bidder of the prospective bidder will be considered 4. The FINANCTAL 6FFER in this respect' The list of of the wBsEnci *il u. final and absolute is found qualified by the wBSEDCL.The o..i.ion Bid will be displayed in"the website. Qualified Bidders oiiechnical advance will be allowed' 5. No mobilization advance and secured of individual or as a partner of to participate t11der either in the capacity 6. A prospective Bidder shall be.allowed il _tl1e job' all his offers will be rejected for that firm. If found to have applied severally f, , irgi. :"U, last date of submission of than 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the 7. Bid shall remain valid for a period not less the bid will be the bid during the validity period of bid, Financial Bid i Sealed Bid. If it.t. biAd". modifies/withdiaws with forfeiture of earnest money deposit (EMD)' "^r""ff"a ;. \\'est Bengal State Electricit-v Distribu tion Company Ltd. i'1, l (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise) 8. Date and Time Schedule: SI. No. Particulars Date & Time Date I of uploading of N.LT. & other Documents 12.06.2019 1 (online) (Publishing Date) at 1.00 hrs I Documents download/sell start date (Online) 12.06.2019 from 12.00 hrs 3. Bid submission start date (On line) 12.06.2019 from 14.00 hrs 4. Documents download End Date (Online) 04.07.2019 upto l4:00 hrs 5. Bid Submission closing date (Online) 04.07.2019 at 14:00 hrs Last Date of submission 6. of original copies for the cost of Tender Documents and Earnest Money Deposit (Offline) 06.07.2019 upto 12.30 hrs 7. Technical Bid opening date (Online) 08.07.2019 after l5:00 hrs Date of uploading 8. list for fecnnicalty euatifreO Bidder(online) To be intimated later 9. Financial Bid opening Date (Online) To be intimated later 9' The Bidder at the Bidders own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bicl and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidders own expense. l0' The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the WBSEDCL. The WBSEDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have beel incurred by any Bidder at any stage of Bidding. Il' Prospective applicants are advisecl to note carefully (.A,' the minimum qualification criteriaas mentioned in,,lnstructions to Bidders" stated in Section - before tendering the bids. l2' Exemption from deposition of earnest money deposit (EMD) shall not be allowed under any circumstances. 13. conditional i Incomplete tender will not be accepted under any circumstances. 14. The intending Bidders are required to quote the rate online. l5' During scrutiny, if it comes to the notice of the tender inviting authority that the credential or any other paper found incorrect / rlanufactured / fabricated, that bidder would not be aiiowed to pafiicipate in the tender and that application willbe rejected without any prejudice. 16' canvassing in connection with the tender is strictly prohibited in the Tender submitted by the contractor. l7' The eligibility of a Bidder will be ascertained on the basis of the documents submitted by a Bidder in support of eligibility criteria' If any document submitted by a Bidder is either Incomect / manufactured liabricated or false'at any stage, his Tender will be out rightly rejected and legal action will be taken against him. Ltd' west Bengal Stnte Eleetricity Distributian company {A Govt' of West Bengal Enterprise} Bond in the the successful bidder shall have to submit an Indemnity 1g. The participating bidders may please note that prescribed format before commencement of the work any or all tender(s) or lowest bidder and reserves the right to reject lg. The WBSEDCL does not bind itself to accept the without assigning any reason whatsoever to split the whole work to more than one contractor claim in this respect N.I.T. due to unavoidable circumstances and no 20. The WBSEDCL reserves the right to cancel the will be entertained.
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