AZAD GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF JAMMU & KASHMIR STATISTICAL YEAR BOOK 2018 AJ&K BUREAU OF STATISTICS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AZAD GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF JAMMU & KASHMIR STATISTICAL YEAR BOOK 2018 AJ&K BUREAU OF STATISTICS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Azad Jammu & Kashmir Statistical Year Book 2018 Tables of Contents S.# Titles Page # 01 Foreword i 02 Acknowledgment ii 03 List of Acronyms iii-iv 04 List of Tables v-xii 05 List of Graphs xiii 06 Conversion Factors xiv 07 Introduction 1-10 08 Agriculture, Livestock & Food 11-20 09 Banking & Financial Institutions 21-22 10 Climate & EPA 23-26 11 Education, Deeni Madaris & Mosques 27-52 12 Forests, Wildlife & Fisheries 53-58 Governance, Employment In Public Sector, PSC Recommendation & 13 59-66 Registered Engineers 14 Health Services 67-76 15 Industries, Sericulture & TEVTA 77-82 16 Information Technology 83-84 Judiciary, (Supreme Court, High Court, Session Court, District & Session 17 Court, Additional District & Session Court, Senior Civil Court, Civil Court, 85-98 Service Tribunal & Anticorruption) 18 Labour Force & PSLM Surveys 99-102 19 Local Government & Rural Development 103-106 20 Piped Water Supply 107-108 21 Population & Marriages 109-116 22 Power 117-112 23 Police Administration, Crimes, Jails & Prisoners 123-126 24 Recurrent and Development Outlays 127-136 25 Roads Communication and Roads Accident 137-140 26 SERRA, Civil Defense & Rescue 1122 141-148 27 SOCIAL Welfare, AJKRSP & BISP 149-152 28 Tourism 153-154 29 Transport 155-158 30 Zakat and Usher 159-162 Miscellaneous (Refugees & Rehabilitation, Trade & Travel Authority, 31 163-168 Telecom & Media, Overseas and Sports) Bureau of Statistics, P&DD, Azad Govt. of The State of Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad FOREWORD It is a matter of great satisfaction for us that Planning & Development Department has been publishing statistical data of AJ&K since 1977. Azad Jammu & Kashmir at a Glance was a regular statistical publication by Planning & Development Department with its last version “AJ&K at a Glance 2015” but it lacked in detailed sectoral data. The improved version of “Azad Jammu & Kashmir Statistical Year Book 2017, was revived in 2017 as an additional statistical publication besides “AJ&K at a Glance” that will be in a brochure form and it covers the data of almost all sectors for last 3 to 4 years. Recent “Statistical Year Book 2018” is the 2nd edition which provides not only statistical tables but also contains graphs and analysis of the data. As researchers from within the State, from all over Pakistan and the students studying abroad have been persistently approaching us for provision of data pertaining to all sectors, hence it was decided to publish yearly Statistical Book. Now this new publication is becoming a useful reference book for researchers and is a potential source to provide reference material to the planners and decision makers as well as the development faternity. I would like to appreciate the efforts of staff of all Sections of P&DD including Land Use Planning Section, Bureau of Statistics and Statistics Section of P&DD who proactively worked for preparing this quality document, which is improved in many aspects and will certainly be instrumental for the development partners within AJ&K and outside. My special thanks are also due for all the stakeholders/line departments of GoAJ&K for their regular support in providing timely and adequate information without which the publication of this book would not have been possible. We desire continuous improvements in this document in future and therefore, the inputs and suggestions from all stakeholders/entities for the improvement of this document are requested, and would be appreciated and acknowledged at all levels. (Dr. Syed Asif Hussain) Additional Chief Secretary (Dev.) i ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Statistical Year Book 2018 is an addition in the series of publications of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Statistical Year Book introduced in mid 1970s. Firstly, it was published in 1977 under the mandate of P&DD for collecting, compiling and dissemination of statistical information to facilitate the process towards realistic planning based on sound data. The process of information gathering rests on multi-faceted tasks along with numerous multi- dimensional activities spread over AJ&K territory wherein major role in this context lies with the stakeholder departments in generating primary information with ample credibility and soundness. The line departments are in fact, the key actors in creating and compiling accurate and reliable data pertaining to their respective domain as well as to their own areas of interventions. The P&DD AJ&K on the other hand, facilitates all the data producing entities in compilation and assembling this valuable information into a systematic and organised way to create a pool of data ensuring regular updating by maintaining its integrity overtime. P&DD through vital input from the line departments makes its best efforts for assembling the scattered information to ensure easy accessibility and timely dissemination for its optimal use by all the stakeholders. The new version of the Statistical Year Book 2018 is comprising of 25 chapters containing diversified information about area, topography, soil, demography and different socio-economic as well as productive sectors of AJ&K economy. This is an upgraded version of Statistical Book that includes some new chapters relating to Judiciary, Banking & Financial Institutions, AJ&K RSP, AJ&K PSC, Food Department, Refugees, Anticorruption, Climate, Media, Trade & Travel Authority and Legislative Assembly etc, previously which were not part of this book. The information provided in this book is not only compiled in well-structured table forms but also converted into self- explanatory graphs and diagrams, which makes this manuscript more interesting and easy to understand. While preparing this book, the lessons learnt in the previous such efforts were kept in mind. The best practices have been utilised while upgrading this new version with improved statistical information. Moreover, the rigorous efforts of the staff in this uphill task deserve appreciation. The stakeholder departments and different organisations/entities and individuals along with officers and staff of P&DD and line departments are also appreciated for their meaningful contribution in terms of valuable and credible statistics. This document could be comfortably used for all practical purposes including realistic planning, judicious resource allocations, quality research, good governance and other initiatives aimed at accelerating development process and upgrading socio-economic status of common person in AJ&K. (Jamil Ahmed Khan) Chief Statistics/ Incharge AJKBoS, P&DD ii Azad Jammu & Kashmir Statistical Year Book 2018 List of Acronyms Acronyms Sentence Acronyms Sentence ADB Asian Development Bank DG Director General ADP Annual Development Programme DHQ District Health Quarter AMC Army Medical Core DZ&UC District Zakat & Usher Committee App. Approved DIS Dispensary AIMS Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences DJ MZD District Jail Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir Public DHQTH District Headquarter Teaching Hospital AJ&KPSC Service Commission Azad Jammu and Kashmir Rural Earthquake Additional Financing AJ&KRSP EAFP Support Programme Project Azad Jammu and Kashmir EIA Environmental Impact Assessment AJ&K Technical Education Vocational TEVTA EMS Emergency Medical Surveys Training Authority Azad Kashmir Cabinet Development AKCDC ENT Eye Nose Throat Committee Azad Kashmir Development Working AKDWP EPA Environment Protection Agency Party Azad Kashmir Mineral and Industrial AKMIDC FAPs First Aid Posts Development Cooperation ASL Above Sea Level FATA Federal Administrative Tribal Areas ATM Atomized Teller Machine GA General Administration B.A Bachelor of Arts GB Gilgit Baltistan B.B.A Bachelor of Business Administration GCI Gross Commissionable Income B.Com Bachelor of Commerce GCT Government College of Technology B.CS Bachelor of Computer Science GoP Government of Pakistan B.Ed Bachelor of Education Govt. Government Global System for Mobile B.S Bachelor of Science GSM Communication Government Technical Training B.Sc. Bachelor of Sciences GTTI Institute BCG Bacilli Chalmette Guerin GYM Gymnasium BDCs Benazir Debit Cards H.B Level Hemoglobin Level BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery HT High Transmission BHU Basic Health Unit IEE Initial Environmental Examination Board of Intermediate and Secondary BISE IGP Inspector General Police Education BISP Banazir Income Support Programme IHK Indian Held Kashmir BoI Board of Investment IMR Infant Mortality Rate BoS Bureau of Statistics IOK Indian Occupied Kashmir BPS Basic Pay Scale IR International Relations BTS Base Transceiver Station IT Information Technology C0 Centigrade ITC Industrial Training Center CA Charter Accountant ITO Income Tax Office CBTC Competency Based Training Courses IYCF Infant & Young Child Feeding CCC Climate Change Centre JS Bank Jahngir Siddique Bank CCPA Community Credit Pool Amount KIM Kashmir Institute of Management CDP Community Development Programme Km Kilometer Civil PLA Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal KP Kyber Paktunkhawa CJ MZD Central Jail Muzaffarabad KWh Kilo Watt hour CMH Combine Military Hospital L.B Labour Birth COs/CO Community Organizations LG&RD Local Government & Rural Development CPEC China Pakistan Economic Corridor LHV Lady Health Workers CPO Central Police Office LLM Latin Legum Magister Criminal Criminal Petition for Leave to Appeal LPG
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