« 23, 193t E C 2 NTIAN tiursday dur- J by the Law- \ itrol of Law­ ton, Wis. an 1939 tfde Press Th e La w r e n t ia n of > 6 e s t Vol. 56. No. 11. Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, December 2, 1938 class matter post office at Well Received t the act of Audience Clamors ist Publishing tVis. Subscrip* For More Encores Phi Beta Kappa Elects STAFF Editor-in-chief From Helen Jepson Et naging Editor Three as New Members ITAFF Noted Soprano Has No ness Manager Difficulty Making Pro­ Directs ‘Dot’ \sst, Business gram Interesting Definite Traits Honor Students Manager -.L Collections By Elwin Wlenandt si TER ........... In Scholar, Savs Named in Annual Helen Jepson presented the sec­ Circulations ond concert of the current Artist Series before a capacity crowd A. J. Brumbaugh Honors Meeting m ic a ! last Wednesday night at Lawrence Electrodes chapel. That audience, contrary to University of Chicago Pro­ Weber. Fulton, and Morri­ local custom, did not attempt to Dole of fessor Advises Students son to be Initiated \ dash for the doors at the close of ¡ity, addressed the scheduled program, but re­ In Convocation This Afternoon isin section of HELEN JEPSON mained and clamored for more of mical society “‘Three characteristics of the Pictures on Page 7 Miss Jopson's singing. She was cience hall at scholar are the ability to think The election of Janet Weber, generous with her encores through­ s subject was Men’s Music Club clearly and independently, the John Fulton, and Betty Morrison out the program, giving eight ex­ ability to discover new truths and Acidity by to Wisconsin Gamma chapter of it tra numbers during the evening. make them meaningful, and a Electrode." Phi Beta Kappa was announced Miss Jepson sang a difficult pro­ Becomes Chapter strict intellectual honesty,” said this morning at the annual honors ived A. B., A. gram and did it without any dis­ Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh, professor of ?s from Harv- play of effort. She took her high education at the University of Chi­ day convocation. The newly elect­ cago when he spoke t*. the honors has studied tones with the same ease and pure Of Phi Mu Alpha ed members were presented by R. day convocation this morning. quality which characterized her rsity of Leip- Colleges, he pointed out. do not S. Mitchell, president of the Law­ ty on the sub- middle register. Her tone was rich rence chapter: President T. N. and full-bodied, even in the most 26 Lawrence Students. always differentiate from t h » true scholar and the efficient lesson- Barrows announced the list of hon­ aving recently delicate pianissimo passages. Sing­ \ Faculty Members learner. The true scholar Is able or students for 1937-38: and L. C. itled, “Experi- ing is not work for her: it seems to use facts and principles in solv­ F. THEODORE CLOAK Baker introduced Dr. A. J. Brum­ tlcal Electro- as natural a thing as breathing or Initiated baugh as the speaker of the morn­ walking. ing problems. "The mastery of the facts and principles", said Dr. ing. Carries Audience Interest Twenty-six students and faculty Brumbaugh,” is merely the be­ The initiation of the 'new mem­ Although her program w ai Cloak Announces member* of the Lawrence Conser­ ginning of scholarship, for with­ bers will take place at Ormsby heavy. Miss Jepson had no diffi­ vatory of Music became members out these at his command, the hall this afternoon at 4 o’clock. A culty in making every bit of it in­ scholar can do no independent tea and reception for members of terest inc. She was so able to com­ of Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia, national Christmas Play thinking." He also pointed out that the rhapter. honor students, and pletely oroject herself into the music fraternity, at ceremonies the possession of knowledge in no faculty members will follow at lems mood of each song that her audi­ Sunday afternoon in Memorial wise guarentees the ability to 4:30 ence was carried with her from ‘Dot* to be Presen ted by chapel. think. The ability to think is the Varied Activities one id«'-« to the next. Her facial » free of The ceremonies marked the ad­ first mark of a scholar. This is al- 1 .awrence Players Janet Weber, of Winnetka, 111., expression, the nuances of her vancement of the Lawrence Men’s so the first trait of a good citizen, is a psychology major. She is pre­ y local voice, and the way she carried Music club from a purely local or­ and the success of democracy de­ Dec. 12, 13 sident of Russel Sage council, and herself «11 helped to establish or ganization to a national standing as pends on it. treasurer of Kappa Alpha Theta. change the mood as the need arose. Lawrence collcgc players, hav­ one of the 62 active chapters of the The second mark of a scholar is She holds the positions of society The aria. "Ah, For* e Lui", by fraternity. The Lawrence unit will his ability to discover new truths ing recently completed “Excur­ editor of the Lawrentian. and of Verdi, nave ample opportunity for be known as the Gamma Zeta chap­ and to give them meaningful in­ sion”. arc not resting on their social chairman of Mortar board. such variations of expression. ter. terpretation. “The vast knowledge laurels, but are turning their at­ She is also a member of Eta Sigma ?ge Ave. Even in her encores Miss Jep­ National Officer Here Phi. French club, and Judicial of science, of life, of the fine arts, tention to a Christmas play. “Dot” son refused to bring herself down C. E. Lutton. Chicago, supreme that we have at our command was board, and she has served as coun­ to aingin" such tear-jerkers as we secretary-treasurer of the fraternity, produced little by little.** Dr. by Dion Boucicault has been se­ cillor at Ormsby. find m^nv of the radio-bred con: and ra&i:.fe*rs,of t)M chapter at Uni­ Brumbaugh point««* out “by thelected for this festive time of the John Fulton is a Madison stu- <&rt artists using to draw apolause versity of Wisconsin, conducted the efforts of men and women who de­ year by director Ted Cloak. 1 from their audiences. John Carter initiation. a member of Phi Delta Theta and voted their lives to exploring the dates of production will be De* did it: Jessica Dragonette does it; Speakers at the banquet held at unknown.” The speaker showed “L” club. Positions held are those and both are disappointments. Copper Kettle were Lutton, Presi­ that the path leading to the dis­ comber 12 and 13. of business manager of the Con­ 'Disappointment is the polite word dent Thomas N. Barrows, Leo Svit- covery of a single new truth is Mr. Cloak evolved the present tributor and columnist and feature for it.) Miss Jepson. however, has avskv. president of the University devious and strewn with the ruins manuscript by working with pho­ editor of the Lawrentian. He has ■ voice which is worth hearing and of Wisconsin chapter, and Norbert also participated in debate. \ of many errors. Continuing, he tostatic copies of the original. He one can listen to her concerts with­ Letter. Appleton, president of the aaid. “It is one thing to solve prob­ Betty Morrison, also a biology out wishing for any of the sweet new Lawrcncc chapter. Guests in­ lems by using facts and principles says. “ ‘Dot* actually originated major, is oresident of L.W.A. and slushy tvpe of music to lighten the cluded Dean John S. Millls. Mil­ already known; it is quite another from Charles Dickcn’s story The of Alpha Delta Pi. She is a mem­ last half of the program. The only ber of Mortar board and Numeral ton Towner, director of admissions, to discover the facts and principles Cricket on the Hearth*. Dion Bou­ change we would want to see and R. J. Watts, college business club, and she has served as a Pea­ essential to the solution of a prob­ cicault has simply given us a dra­ would be in the way of a longer manager. Representatives of social lem.” body councillor for two years. 0 0 program. fraternities and of the Lawrentian, Intellectual honesty is a scholar's matized version of Dicken’s story.” Announce Honor Students Accompanist Plays Modern Works college weekly, also attended. third characteristic. One who bor­ In Nineteenth Century Style Honor students as announced by Robert Wallenborn. Miss Jepson’s President Barrows were as fol­ Members rows his ideas from others and “Dot” will be enacted and staged able accompanist, played a group The students who became mem­ lows: presents them as his own, who in the original nineteenth century of modern works which showed bers of Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia copies his data in the laboratory High honors in the class of 1939 both his technical ability and Law­ Sunday arc as follows: from his neighbor, is guilty of in­ style. The play will lean definitely went to Janet Weber. John Ful­ rence's new piano to best advan­ Norbert Letter. Appleton, presi­ tellectual larceny. The true schol­ towards nineteenth century melo­ ton. and Kenneth Sager. Honor tage. “Someone has to play the dent; William Guyer, Ironwood, ar verifies his conclusions, and drama, which should prove defi­ students were Michael Gaiko, modern music,” said Mr. Wallen­ Mich., vice president; Kenneth Sa­ Edith Geittman, Elizabeth Holt, thereby commands the confidence nitely refreshing in this day of the born after the concert.
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