• f ; I -I : . I ^ A Ay :\\-.Ky:^ ■ V * ' i ' 'V 1/ \ . ' A I ' * / v . \ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 19* V- ilattrlf(jat(r Sit^nitts l|mUi Averags Daily Net Prssa Rad Far me Week Baded Nav. 27, 1M4 / / 11,560 Keapher af tile Andlt ■sriaa af OirMlatlea Mancho$tor-~‘A City of VUtago Charm -. ,'jk‘ * '»■* VOL.^LjaiV, NO^$S (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. ^DECEMBER 2,1954 m Page U ) f / atican Says Pope in ^Serious Collapse’ i l l ■ I ■ii Senate Seen JDropping Second Count Against McCarthy • hi _S t Plane Wreck Found; Man Slain for Her Opposition Goiiflition Serious Takes/■ Sudden Two Dead, Five Hurt To Motion Developed By ROBERT I. TAOEN '^moved into .relatively flat enow- to Milan, N. H.,.Dec. 2 (/P) covered ground. I ^ 31 Year Record Brekaa Washington, Dec. 2 (/P>—- Vatican City, Dec. 2 (A>—Pope Pius XII suffered eowpUca* Shop HALEYS For Gifts For Everyone! Searchers found a wrecked The accident marked the fint The Senate today tabbed the Northeast Airlines plane fatality on Northeast Airlines in tions tonight after a serious heart coHapaa.* A aargauB was second censure count against aunmoned to the Vatican. The Pope’a conAUun was dtseribsd atop snow-covered Mt. Suc­ itu 21 years in business. Sen. McCarthy for the dis­ cess today and two of its, Miss. McEttrick^ ^ wore a heavy- as grave. \ I \ hli(e'and white pajamas card. This is the charge that seven occui^nts — marponed stepped from the helicopter. McCarthy “internperately Since midday Tuesday m The three paxMngere had on warm Vatican City, Dec. 2 (VP)—Pope Piua XII la in k state of abused” Brig. G.en. Ralph W. “seiioua collapse,” a Vatican spokesman announead tonight. near-zero temperature—were | "Tercoata and walked to ambu Zwicker. dead. I lances. The 78-year-old head of the Roman Catholic Church, basUt .. ; Vice President Robert L. 'I^l^- So much opposition developed ly a recurrence of the hiccuping and a digestive ailment that Five survivors, including I ner of Northeast Airlinss saw that Chairman Watkins (R-Utah) announced he would reluctantly weakened him gravely last winter, took a sudden turn fpr agree "as a 'practical matter" to the worse today. • u‘T n 1 i;rn ra”SfrUn\S^^^^^^ ^ a. saying McNulty n:cept an amendment substituting A veteran flier on hie day-off and McCormick "died soon after A Vatican source said he was in a state of "acute depres* the crash." the pending third count for the sion.” Then the spdke.<«man for the Vatican press office ag* discovered the Arreckage Uiis morn­ Miss McEttrick complained of a Zwicker charge. ing after a score of planes had stiff neck when she reached the This third count would censure nounced the “serl0 tf^.collap8e ." t.... ................... - flown over the vast, mountainous hospital. Miller said of her: McOtrthy for his attacks on the Phyaiciana wereteF^ hiri bedalda. I-fw g g-o region the past two days without "She was terrific. She was the W atkins committee after it filed ^atmosphere here wa\^o«e of H U O g e t O O O S tS success. He is Afwstlia N. Bountls, life of the party. She held uS all its report u-lth the Senate. It ia S3, of Manchester, N. H„ a Trans- together." sponsored by Sen. Bennett (R- All VaUcan dtgnitariea were in ' g b l 1 A • 1 Ocean Airline pilot.. the Pontiff s apartment and wait-1 ^ |s n T ||b |f . /k'lglsb The helicopter which completed U tah), ing anxiously for newa outaide; **-19*95 Dead in the wrecka^.'e were co­ the rescue work in swift trips was Technically, there was no altera­ pilot George D. McO>rmick, 37, of piloted by Lt. Kenneth M. Richard­ tion in the censure amendment for hia bedchamber Among them'rgi 11 gg*l_ * Kingston, N. T., and John Mc­ son of Warren, R. I., stationed mt Red haired Loretta MDIer, fea­ the moment. The pending business wad the subsUtute Secretary of 1 I ftllfi tllD lC O Zt Nulty, 39, of Poston, an NEA flight WeAover Air Fores Base, Mass. tured dancer In a burleaqne thea­ before the Senate waa a motion State, Msgr. Angelo Deli’Acqua. auperlntendent, tchO was making After he fiew the survivors to ter In Loe Angeiee, hold's a lettkr by Sen. Bridges (R-NH) to table who has always been close to the a routins flight cUeck. Milan he took medical/Referbe Dr. she received several days ago —and thus ' kill outright—the Pontiff. The Pope's family alao Hfir^ofd, Dec. 2 (AV-A Ths survivors are: Pilot Capt. R. H. MeVetty to view the bodies. from Roger W. Whittier, 26, who Zwicker charge. POPE PIUS waa on hand. state institutional head, un­ W, Peter Carey, 37, of Swaoip- Frank T. Morelock, of Crackers was shot to death Dec. 1 on the The Vatican apokesman quoted •cott, 'Mass., the most cerioualy Neck, Vs., an Air Force medical stage of the theater while seeking Motion Defeated 55-88 Cardinal aa aaying earlier to­ der questioning by (aovemqr'; hurt; atewardess Mary L. McEt­ technician, was with Rlchar^on as puMkiity for her. Beside her Is After Watkins made hie an­ day: "If tho Pope suffers eollapse, elect A. A. Ribicoff, today trick, 33, of Boston, end the three the five survivon were removed. a bouquet of rosea Whittier sent nouncement, the Bridges motion that could mean the end.” was defeated 55-33. ^ admitted that he blew up his passengers, James W. Harvey, 52, He first lowered himself on a sling lier. Whittier was killed lo aa U. p.f Chiang Pact The reference to "acute deprea- budget request far above of Watertown. Maas.; W. Miller of and tried to lift Carey. 'iTie pilot exchange of gunfire with police Many Senators—including In- •ion," according to Italian usage, /' Philadelphia, and Daniel H. Hail was BO rigid from cold the helicop­ after inviting aa Aaaodated Press fiuentlal Democrats --- \('ho had could indicate both a mental and what he expects to get. of Montclair, N. J. ter had to move to a rfearby clear- editor to bring police to the thea­ voted last night to condemn Mc­ physical setback. "nie trank admtoaion rams from .. All but Carsy were able to walk ter and waiwl^ him that he waa Carthy for “abusing” his col­ The collapse waa reported to Dr. Neil A. Dayton, aupeilntenUant from tha helicopter which trans­ leagues had told the Senate they Bldcks Red China have come at 4 p. m. (10 a. m., of Manafleld State Training School (Conttaoed ea Faga Four) armed. (AP Wlrcphoto). ferred them from the bleak moun- could not support cehaur'e on the E8T). and Hoapital, after the govamoi- talntop to thio Berlin-HUan . irport Zwicker count. Last night’s vote alect chided him for asung foc.a Unable to take food by mouth 200 per cent increase. / here, about eight miles from the wa.i fi7-20. Washington, Dec. 2 (A*)—The United States is forging the since Saturdiy, the Pope was ex­ scene of the crash. But some of the same Senators, tremely week. Dr. Payton aald he feK forcad to last linkjin a chain of military alliances designed to keep Ret blow up the request “because atecr Omm Over Wreckage New Korea Talk Bid including McCleHan . (D-Ark) and China's TOwer from extending in the Pacific. Secretary 01 The Pope’s pirvate phyatcian. BouttUe, wfar was riding aa an Ruesell (D-Ga), had objected to Dr. Riccardo Oalcaixi-Ltol, who agencies foUew teat practice." DON'T GUTSS obaervsr in a Northeast plane taking tha . courae of tabling the State Dplles announced that a mutual aecurity pact will be looked worn and Ured thia morning He gave Ills views to RlWeett piloted by Capt. Pater Da.na, told count. «t||uvur i J. _ g n e d ^ _ after * night-long vigil in ihe pspsi durty a budgat bearing at the fa- Beswmen; *T spotted the outline Nevertheless, the Bridges moUon apattmaM, returned to the bedatde. of ths DC-Fs tall against tha Opposed by Britain drew tk r Rrst Democratic votes In gpvemmi A Vatican aource told o( the .. RiWcott aald that aonawhat s mountain. About 4 or 8 ihclica' of behalf of McCarthy au(qx>tter*; paxt few! Iritish Caution Papa's, acute deprsasto* without the aama attuation aztfto in rs- DRESSES snow covered the’fvMek'age. Joining with 38 RepnMIcana in ' South KorsA Japan, the Philip* elaboration. quasts of oteer agoadee. He said the plane crashed and United Nations, N. Y., Dec." •known that the United States, Bri­ the futUe effort to table the Zwi<^ pines, Atetralla, New Zealand and . The 7B-year-old head of the ‘I know from long oxportanco," . • .In th» me«J f«r broke approximately in half as it tain and IS other Allies in Korea er eecUon were these four Deiho- parts of southeast Asia already Roman Catholic Church hat been RiUcott said, "that agoncios kaow 2 (yP)—British Minister of are covered by a system of similar |Red China on that thair roquoots will b f cat uv W endorful way neared its destination on a reg­ had agreed on a resolution reef- craUc Senators: Chaves (NM). confined to hla bed here alnoe hia cemplimtnts ular flight from Boston to the State Anthony Nutting today firmlng their previous views on Eastland (Miss) Ellender (La) and treatiesj return from Castel Oandolfo Satur te a y ask for a lot more hojpfag to .'V Berlin-Milan airport on Tuesday firmly oppos^ a Soviet pro­ Korean peace.
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