Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 11-10-1967 Spectator 1967-11-10 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1967-11-10" (1967). The Spectator. 1066. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1066 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Who's Who' Accepts AAUP, Faculty Senate Discuss Campus Seniors Press and Academic Freedoms 35 By PAT CURRAN lated to the complexitiesof the A total of 35 S.U. seniors NANCY JANSEN, education, Two faculty groups issued statements this week Rousseve affair were discussed. AWS secretary, 66-67; Silver have been nominated to regarding freedom of the press and academic freedom. Four resolutions were enacted Scroll secretary; Mike Koenig, at the AAUP gathering. The appear in the national pub- general commerce, dorm mod- The faculty senate met Wednesday night in a mara- petitioned faculty lication, in Ameri- first one the "Who's Who erator, 1.K.; Jim La Cour, so- thon meeting to consider the senate to draft a fair statement can Colleges and Universities." ciology, varsity basketball, for- petitionofDr.Ronald Rousseve, In a memo yesterday to the on religousand ethicalnorms in It covers the 1967-68 academic Lenze, economics, concerning ward; Paul whose article sexual faculty senators, Dr.Larson an- relation to academic freedom year. ROTC brigade commander; ethics has been stifled by the that state- nounced the appointment of Fr. and to promulgate "Who's Who" is the annual di- Steve Loony, physical education, S.U. administration. ment quickly. rectoryof distinguished students captain, varsity basketball, var- The motion to hear Rousseve's Gerard Steckler,S.J., as faculty A SECOND, strongly worded selected from student bodies sity baseball; Larry McWil- grievance was passed after representative to the publica- resolution called for a Univer- throughout the U.S. liams, general commerce, some debate. In presenting his tions board. The membershipof sity statute giving a full state- ROTC deputy brigade comman- case before the senators, Rous- the board is now complete. ment on substantive dueprocess THE NOMINEES, their ma- der, president Scabbard and seve read five documents. Larson made the appointment for any faculty member ac- jors and activities are: Paul Blade; Mike Mitchell, history, These documents included sev- because of the motion calling cused before any administra- Bader, political science, senior four-year Army ROTC scholar- eral letters and stipulationssent for a convening of the publica- tionboard orpersonage. senator, ASSU first vice presi- ship. by Dr. Rousseve to the adminis- tions board and because of a These first two motions passed dent, 66-67; Hugh Bangasser, tration. They wereincorporated statement ina letter sent to him nearly unanimously. history, chairman Peter Claver JOHN MONAHAN, account- into the minutes of the senate by Fr. Timothy Cronin, S.J., A third resolution, concerning Interracial Center; Rob Bas- ing, president of Alpha Kappa meeting and will be distributed head of the Publications Board. the right of the press to cover tasch, English, student-to-stu- Psi; Carol Mukasa, education- to every faculty member. THE STATEMENT was that any campus AAUP meeting, dent committee; Jon Benton, French, editor, Aegis; Brian AFTER HEARING Rousseve, "The student publicationsboard narrowly received approval. general science, A Phi O presi- Nelson, biology, president, period dialog for any purpose The AAUP reserved the right dent; Lynne Berry, journalism, a of debate and has never met Christian Activities Program; ensued. since its full complement still to meet in executive session if managingeditor, Spectator. Dan O'Donnell, political sci- delegate, namely, a majority of the members so Cane, French, Finally,the senators voted on lacks one a Cathy Spur ence, president of the Political a motion that "the Senate rec- representative from the faculty requested. president, Silver Scroll treasur- Union; Ray Panko, physics, Publica- senate." Tenure for religious and lay er; Tom Champoux,English ed- Nu; Parda, ommend that the full Alpha Sigma Don tions Board meet and review Another motion passed by the faculty came under scrutiny in ucation, president Gamma Sig- electrical engineering,president, the Rousseve article andrender senators was a request that Fr. the final resolution. It asked the ma Phi; Nancy Conyers, phys- New Conservatives. Patterson, S.J., administration to apply the adviser, a judgment on its publisha- Webster submit ical education, dorm Ron Perry, history, president bility." in writing to the senate an ac- privilegeof tenure to all faculty Scroll; Pat Curran, Eng- Nu, Silver Alpha Sigma co-editor Jour- A tie vote on the motion re- count of an incident related to members. lish,editor, Spectator. neyman; John Rassier, political Larson, Rousseve matter. , An unnamed source has indi- Larry Dickson, math, presi- sulted and Dr. Robert the science, 1968 Homecomingchair- president senate,cast his At S.U. American Associa- cated that these criteria have dent the math club; Kathy man, president Young Republi- of the an in of vote affirmatively to pass the tion of University Professors been the cause of friction Eisner, home economics, presi- cans; Barb Swan, English and resolution. meeting on Monday, topics re- several S.U. incidents. dent Silver Scroll; Tom Gor- history, man, general commerce, tennis president Gamma Pi team, selected second team Ail- Epsilon; Barb Teterud, office American NCAA; Gail Harris, management, dormadviser, '65- education and math, vice presi- -66 ASSU executive secretary; dent, Silver Scroll and Gamma Cathy Vanderzicht, education, Pi Epsilon; Tom Hamilton, Spectator psychology, ASSU president; AWS president; Judy Young, SEATTLEUNIVERSITY Chuck Herdner, education, spe- English, associate editor, Spec- cial events coordinator. tator, co-editor Journeyman. XXXVI Seattle,Washington,Friday, November10,1967 "««*" No.12 Eshkol's Assistant Starts; To Lecture at S.U. Doorbelling Aharon Kidan,special as- Kidan came to the World Bank Young Washington to Rally sistant to Israel's Prime in Washington, D.C., for a The B'nai Brith Hillel Foun- S.U. chapter of Young Minister Eshkol, a and The Levi will dations conduct cultural Washington will be scheduling speak at S.U. from noon-1 p.m. educational program at Ameri- can and Canadiancolleges, mass campaign rallyon cam- Thursday in the library auditor- con- a cerned with the involvement of pus within the next few weeks. ium.The Political Union is spon- Jewish youth inproblems facing At this time the purpose of the soring Kidan's speech on cam- world Jewry, and a broad un- organization will be explained pus. derstanding of Israel's role in by one of the founders. Washington is a Kidan is in the United States creative survival of the Jewish Young non- people. Mr. Kidan is touring partisangroup which intends to on extended tour of an lecture West Coast and Southwest col- conduct a statewide initiative universities under the joint leges. campaign in early January.Co- sponsorship of United Jewish Kidan is a former Economics ordinating the activity at S.U. Appeal and the B'nai Brith Hil- Editor of "Maariv," one of Is- is Jim Lynch, board of trustee lel Foundations. rael's leadingnewspapers. member of Y.W. and member Topic of his lecture will be The United Jewish Appeal is of the ASSU executive advisory "Changes in Israel as Conse-" the major American agency aid- committee. Lynch said that a quences of the 'Six-Day War.' ing immigrants to Israel, and social function will follow the After being employed in the refugee and distressed Jews rally. Bank of Israel for several years, throughout the world. Individual students are need- ed to take part in the doorbell- ing. In this way they will obtain the signatures of voters in the mapped-out area. Lynch said Bill Calls for 'Archaic' that this will be attempted in two nights. A rally will precede Election Code Revision each doorbelling session and be followed by a social function. "Whereas, The present elec- satisfied with last year's queen Lynch also emphasized that tion code is archaic in some and Ifeel that we should not the organization is not limited sense, and contains many ar- have a situation in which our to Washington state students ticles that are obsolete ..." homecoming queen, who repre- and that out-of-state students Jim Lynch andMary Jo Logan, With these words. Senator sents the university, is chosen YOUNG WASHINGTON: may attend. Once the doorbell- Young Washington coordinators, map out a door- Dennis Healy entered into the by the votes of thirteenpeople." ing process is completed inter- S.U. student senate last week the Rassier, in his statement ested students may continue in bellingroute. first piece of legislation which Wednesday, said that his criti- the Young Washingtons. Those can be said to be a result of the cism was aimed at the method interested may contact Lynch iel Evans, Attorney General help of the Junior Chamber of recent Leadership Workshop. of electing the Homecoming for further information. John O'Connell and majority Commerce, League of Women The bill, the only business on queen At recent meetingGov. Dan- Voters, Association of Univer- the Sunday's queen, not the herself. a leader Slade Gorden offered docket for meet- offered their support to the Women and the PTA. The ing, echoessentimentsexpressed meeting, Young Washingtons will coordi- workshop calling group. At the same at the in for a Lynn Sutcliffe, a U.W. law stu- nate their doorbelling efforts new election code. The item Pre-Registration Begins Soon dent, was elected president. with these groups. drawing most criticism at the Washingtons have also was $50 for the Sign-up sheets for registration Young ' conference the limit on Advance registration received the full support and election spending.
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