4.6 Zimbabwe Storage and Milling Company Contact List Bulawayo Milling Companies Name Phone Number Basic Foods Mr. M. A. Bingepinge Tel:+263(09)484851/3 78 Silver Crescent Kelvin West, Bulawayo Rainbow Foods Mr. M. Zhuwarara Tel:+263(0)772278842 15 Ironbidge Donnington, Bulawayo Ilanga Foods A Chiswa Tel:+263(0)733246582 18 Market Road, Kelvin North National Foods Ltd Mr. Nheta Tel:+263(0)712422112 Multifoods Milling Company Mrs. S. Moyo Tel:+263(0)712607191 Farm 19Holland Ragavin T/A Fatsita Foods F. Moyo Tel:+263(0)772378307 CSC Old Complex Bulateke Milling E Nkala Tel:+263(0)712529520 14640 Kelvin North Zim Milling Company Mr. M. Ratisai Tel:+263(0)712767261 13926 Inotho Road,Kelving North Rd Membar Milling Mr. B. Tshuma Tel:+263(0) 712786569 65 Mpumelelo Rd, Kelvin North Upwell Foods CSC Old Complex W. Makavana Tel:+263(0)772741629 Ivegill Milling E. Ndebele Tel:+263(0)712702513 Old Cold Storage Complex, Crown Foods Farm 19Holland, Bulawayo/Malaba Farm, Woolendale Vusa Sibanda Tel:+263(0)712801441 Memban Milling Company Mr. B. Tshuma Tel:+263(0)405506-8 65 Mpumelelo Rd, Kelvin North Xaba Milling Subdivision G of Portion B, Kensington Farm Mr. J. Xaba Tel:+263(0)712207196 Goldendale Trading Mr. T. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)712766560 17055 Steelarc Road Kelving West LongwalkMillingNowRockForestInvestment CSC Old Complex J. Nkomazana Tel:+263(0)712760020 AdamsMilling15341 Kelvin North Rd T. Tavengwa Tel:+263(0)77739879 ZimbabweMilling M. Ratisai Tel:+263(0)712767261 13926 Inotho Road,Kelving North Rd Socialised Milling Co. Mr. K Sibanda Tel:+263(0)772708661 10 Wingrove Rd, Thorngrove Euroquest Mr. T. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)712766560 12122 Wingrove RdThorngrove Indst Better Future Foods Mr. W. Siziba Tel:+263(0)772213417 106X Railway Reserve13th Ave, Extension Page 1 Sitshebo Milling B. Mpofu Tel:+263(0)733890844 14139 Westhum Thongrove Aridex Milling Company Mrs S. Ramakgapola Tel:+263(0)772360197 8 Copper Allery, Kelving West Turzen D. Ncube Tel:+263(0)772300733 72 Mpumelelo Road, Kelvin North Isiphala Milling Company NRZ Mpopoma Station Mr. S. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)733408473 ZambeziMilling Mr. S. T. Maphosa Tel:+263(0)772414677 47 Silver Crescent, Kelving Wet, Wst Mathokozisa Milling Sibanda Tel:+263(0)712515767 10339 Pumula Old Blue Ribbon Foods 32 Mr. S. Bhobho Tel:+263(09)504541 J. Chinamano Rd Jet Trading T/ALimpopoFoods Mr. Siziba Tel:+263(0)712603415 No. 5 Trojan Street,Belmont Kachi Milling E. Masanganise Tel:+263(0)772252697 6 Longhurst Road, Northlyne Bromley Millers T. Zimondi Tel:+263(0)712862638 Melfort Loop Road, Bromley Sebokeng Milling Company Ms. C. Ngwenya Tel:+263(0)772906484 17 Waverly Rd, Thorngrove Umgigwa Milling T. Ndlovu Tel:+263(0)772418105 15467 Thuthukani Rd,Kelvin RdNrth Mathabisa Fine Foods Mr. H. Moyo Tel:+263(0)77924998 No. 3 Graphite Road, Kelvin West Rasech Milling Co Mr. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)712866679 Old Cold Storage Complex Nsukuzonke Milling Co. P. Maseko Tel:+263(0)772312278 Plot 21, Mahabha Plot Lower, Rangemore Main Foods Milling Company Stand 1333, Luveve Industrial Site Mr. N. Nkomo Tel:+263(0)772312278 Zaleb Milling Company M. Mate Tel:+263(0)733290941 6 Woolwich Rd,Thorngrove Rd Rasech Milling Mr. H. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)77704685 Company Old CSC Complex Manceda Milling Moyo H. Tel:+263(0)712730754 13819BMarket Street, Kelvin Nrth Vision Millers Mr. K. Meki Tel:+263(0)772313922 No. 14 Halifax RdDonnington Zambezi Milling Co. Mr. S. T. Maphosa Tel:+263(09)487458 47 Silver Crescent, Kelving West Page 2 North Star Milling Mr. A. D. Rama Tel:+263(0)772386503 Stand o. 15370, Kelvin North 2 Tryagain Milling Munakandafa Tel:+263(0)733296693 CSC Old Complex Cover Milling Company B. Tshuma Tel:+263(0)712786569 Mbondweni B/C, P. O. Avoca Health Connection W. Mudzengi Tel:+263(0)772226361 5022 Khami Road, Steeldale Aridex Milling Company Mr. S. Rama Tel:+263(0)772360197 8 Copper Allery, Kelving Wst Culsberry Milling Co H. Gumbo Tel:+263(0)772677089 CSC Old Complex Blue Vallies Foods 41 Market, Stand 13814, Kelvin Nrth D. Mabusa Tel:+263(0)712210761 Emputshini Yesizwe Milling Company 15364 Kelvin North 2 Mr. I. Ndlovu Tel:+263(0)712505327 Simunye Milling Richard Ncube Tel:+263(0)712614120 10 Rail Rd, Kensington SunriseMilling A. Ali Tel:+263(09)881903 25 Bolistol Rd NorthBelmont Ndex Foods E. Ndebele Tel:+263(09)290882 38AWoodville Road, Woodville Maize forAfrica Mr. Sananza Tel:+263(09)290882 6 Wallbrok Rd,Thongrove Rd Uqhobo Foods J. Zonomedza Tel:+263(0)772384891 65 Goldway Crescent Royal Crown Foods S. Rangarirai Tel:+263(0)772886939 Old CSC Complex Wonders Milling F. Mhizha Tel:+263(0)712725879 22663 Pumula South, Phase One Socialised (Kolisa) K. Sibanda Tel:+263(0)772814055 Milling10 Winsgrove Rd, Thorngrove Harvest Milling CSC Mr. D. Makesi Tel:+263(0)712522656 Old Complex Kaltas (Pvt) Ltd Tasara Tel:+263(0)772301886 15498 Westerham Rd, Thorngrove Felas Millers M. Nkomo Tel:+263(0)712786868 Vocola Shopping Centre, Filabusi TAP-Lu Milling Co Mr. J. T. Nkheswa Tel:+263(0)712764172 No. 11 Woodstock Rd, Thorngrove Page 3 Choice Foods A. Thembani Tel:+263(0)733514922 Plot1 Whithmore Ave,Norwood Just Foods S. Dube Tel:+263(0)733257031 75 Goldwell Rd West Tryagain Milling C. Munakandafa Tel:+263(0)733693296 CSC Old Complex Ondaba Foods Ndaba Ndlovu Tel:+263(0)772748364 68 Douglasdale Rd, Umguza C.W. Milling Company W. Chigwida Tel:+263(0)733892689 CSC Old Complex Prime Foods Mr. k. Mavunga Tel:+263(0)772417753 Old CSC Complex Umondli Milling Co Mr. S. Mhlalelwa Tel:+263(0)772712447 Stand 111 Insuza Growth Point Mr Mamedza Mr Wamedza Tel:+263(0)712410050 23 Jessica Mary BulawayoMilling Mr Gatsi Tel:+263(0)733411370 224 GlenEagles Rd, Willovale Harare Milling Companies Name Phone Number National Foods Lts Mr. Nheta Blue Ribbon Foods Mr. Bhobho Tel:+263(0)772359916 4 George Drive, Msasa Maize forAfrica C. Chagweda Tel:+263(0)712214794 167 Chihombe Rd, Ruwa Makonde Industries Cnr Mr. Muvirimi Tel:+263(0)480600 Gyroen Rd/Martin Drive, Msasa Simboti Millers E. Matewa Tel:+263(0)712202099 Lot No. 1 Off the Glen,GlenForest,Domboshava Rd Gwai Millers C.Mutodza 6084 western triangle, Highfields Nelia Foods M. Matimura Tel:+263(0)772936424 H and S Foods H. Shubamhiti Tel:+263(0)772723210 1252-3 Tynwald South, Industrial Area Crown Choice Delight Millers M. Mlambo Tel:+263(0)620768 2 Upton Road, Ardbennie PhilOBMillers A. P. Matunja Tel:+263(0)712413145 No. 23 Lobengula Ave, Southerton Industrial Area Nyathi Millers/Oxfields Enterprises S. J. Karambkuwa Tel:+263(0)712510882 14kg Peg Simon Mazorodze, Bark Storage Premises Page 4 Chiedza Milling Company Mr. Chiswa Tel:+263(0)733246582 265 Empowerment Wall, Willowvale Discovery Foods Mr. Mahlanzi Tel:+263(0)712604720 565 Tsubvu Close, Ruwa Gumbas Milling CBD Mr. Chigumba Tel:+263(0)71280094 CKP Quality Foods S. Mandaza Tel:+263(0)712724233 19184 Tilco Industries, Chitungwiza Goodhope Milling Mr. J. Jaya Tel:+263(0)712208478 Cnr Chiremba/San Sourg Rd, Goromonzi Utano Foods Ms. Shadaya Tel:+263(0)712404095 334 Affirmative Way, Willowvale Fine Back Milling Mr. Musamwira Tel:+263(0)772456373 93 Guzha T/S, Chitungwiza Budget Foods S. Ziunye Tel:+263(0)712405294 583 Hacha Rd/631 Dohwe Rd, Ruwa RAE Holding T/A Kuwadzana Millers Mr. Kurotwi Tel:+263(0)712401201 Plot 2B,Cowlie Rd, Tynwald Nrth Tamplin Investments Jingjie Liu Tel:+263(0)772224326 6 Rsmon Rd, Graniteside Sigaro Milling Stand Mr. J. Marufu Tel:+263(0)733431746 No. 4407, Budiriro Top Milling Tel:+263(0)772255932 321 Musasa Rd Maguta Foods Mrs. Matsika Tel:+263(0)712420856 197 Munhondo Rd, Ruwa E. B. Millers Mr. Hungwe Tel:+263(0)772890641 1140 inchcraick Rd, Tynwald South Linebay Investments Ms Muyambo Tel:+263(0)712771534 Golden Millers Mr. Musarara Tel:+263(0)772319238 608 Muzhanje, Ruwa Montcal Trading L. N. Buzuzi Tel:+263(0)712432754 17 Craster Road, Southerton Entalco Enterprises T/a Classic Super Foods A Muparutsa Tel:+263(0)733417947 158 Orme Road, Ardebennie Lisheen Millers Mr. Mutangadura 534 Dunstan Rd, Ruwa Pergiren Milling Ms Shekedi Tel:+263(0)712207738 8 Woolwich Rd, Willowvale,Harare Page 5 Chiriganzara T/A Gotosa Mrs. Gotosa Tel:+263(0)73389069 96 Tynwald Dr, Harare Mambo Millers Dr. Chipamaunga Tel:+263(0)712622516 61 Bermingham Rd Nutresco Pergiren Milling Dr. Renner Tel:+263(0)712212059 8 Woolwich Road, Willowvale Team-up farming P. Nyachowe Tel:+263(0)712800611 Sheepton farm, Trelawney ABV Holdings Dr. Makaya Tel:+263(0)772345700 8283 Guzha Industrial Area, Seke True Foods M. Mutanga 543 Muzhanje Ave, Ruwa Broadhaven Manufacturers Chironga Tel:+263(0)772301949 Shed 1 and 2 Roadport, 14km Peg,Beatrice Rd Zylac Milling Mr. Ishfaq Tel:+263(0)772285696 14786 Coventry Road, Workington Robtap Milling Company R. Tapfuma Tel:+263(0)772320740 1142 Kirkman Rd, Tynwald South Industrial Area Mana Foods T. Chagonda Tel:+263(0)772804014 50 Lyton Rd, Workington Machipisa Florence Tel:+263(0)772714942 19779 Unit A, Chitungwiza Breakwaters (ZDI) D. Chinana Tel:+263(0)712504603 167 Chihombe Rd, Ruwa Glenel Enterprises / Sando S. Krugger/T. Chikuvira Tel:+263(0)712865650 No. 1AWillowvaleIndustrial Park, GlenEagles RdWillowvale Blowfly Investments Frank Tel:+263(0)712797900 No. 633 Dowe Road, Ruwa Motherland Millers M. Chigova Tel:+263(0)712615504 6 Spitzkorp Rd,SnakePark Kawesa Milling Company R. Kawesa Tel:+263(0)712802278 Stand No. 10801, Zengeza 4, Chitungwiza Zim Foods C. K. Nyoka Tel:+263(0)772396042 5 Rotten Row Chinyani Millers L. Chinyai Tel:+263(0)712604720 Matapi Hostels, Mbare Mujabuki Milling Mr. Muzivi Tel:+263(0)712800913 Lindhurst Farm, Epworth Page 6 Billy Charles Foods Nyamweda Tel:+263(0)772759240 639 Nzungu Rd, Ruwa Purity Milling Company Mrs.
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