研究ノート AFramework for a New Understanding of Pre-industrial European Textiles Izumi Takeda 1) Textile names as labels In the pre-industrial era, a mixed fabric of cotton and flax, called ‘fustian’, was produced in Britain. Because cotton fibre was used as a raw material, economic history studies have considered the manufacture of fustian as the precursor of the British cotton industry. A question is wherther this categorisation is still effective once the perspective changes, that is, when the demand side is analysed. The success of the domestic production of a pure cotton cloth called ‘calico’ through the advent of the water frame, was a crucial factor in the establishment of the British cotton industry. Calico, having gained great popularity after importation from India, was not only consumed domesti- cally, but also exported to West Africa and the Americas in order to be used for the gifts to native African rulers, for the clothing and furnishing needs of the Europeans who had crossed the Atlantic, as well as for slave clothes in colonial America. Especially after the prohibition of its domestic use in the 1720s1),its re-export to those areas played an 1) 9 Geo. II, c. 4: An Act to amend an act passed in the seventh year of the reign of hislate majesty King George the First, intituled, An act to preserve and ――517 成城・経済研究 第218号 (2017年12月) important role in the future mechanisation of the British cotton industry2). Why was calico so popular? Purchasers/users wanted, bought, or used calico, because it appealed to them in any form. In other words, they valued its characteristics, such as cleanliness, beautiful printing, and soft texture, more than what it was made of. An effective way to categorise textiles by their characteristics rather than by the fibre is to focus on their names, as they reflect such character- istics. For instance, while people would choose ‘cambric’ to make a good shirt, they knew that a fabric called ‘osnaburg’ was most suitable to clothe slaves. The term ‘cambric’ became a label for its characteristics such as lightness, soft texture, and whiteness, and purchasers could immediately identify the fabric from its name. Furthermore, labels often affect the mind-set of users or wearers. Wearing a good shirt tailored from cambric would make them feel comfortable, not only because of its cosy material, but also because it is expensive and produced by employing a lot of time andlabour. It helps differentiate the wearer from other people while giving them a sense of superiority. Then, what kind of information did a fabric called ‘fustian’ embody in its label? Raised surface, thickness, and dark colour differentiated it from calico3). encourage the woollen and silk manufactures of this Kingdom, and for more effectual employing the poor, by prohibiting the use and wear of all printed, painted, stained or dyed callicoes, in apparel, household stuff, furniture, other- wise, after the twenty fifth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and twenty two(exceptasistherein excepted) so far as relates to goods made of linen yarn, and cotton wooll, manufactured in Great Britain. 2) Inikori, J. E., ‘Slavery and the Revolution in Cotton Textile Production in England’ in Inikori, J.E. & Engerman, S.L. eds., The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies, and People in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, Duke University Press, 1992. 3) Cox, Nancy, Retailing and the Language of Goods, 1550-1820, Ashgate, 2015, ――518 A framework for a new understanding of pre-industrial European textiles 2) What fibres were used in the production of ‘fustian’? Fustian is said to have been named after an Egyptian town, Fustat, near Cairo, though its relations to the European fustian production is obscure. It is not so popular among many other textile names, nevertheless, economic historians who intend to discuss the British (Lancashire) cotton industry, more often than not refer to ‘fustian’ as a type of cotton cloth for the simple reason cotton was used in its manufacturing process. Their focus is on the fact that cotton was used, while flax, another component of the fabric, was less valued. In addition, they do not give due considera- tion to its unique characteristics and how it was utilised4). Looking back to the Middle Ages in Italy and the fustian history since then, you will find ‘fustian’ that was not always made of cotton and flax5).Milan (referred to as ‘Millian’ below) and Cremona in Italy started manufacturing ‘fustian’ in the twelfth century, and its production gradually migrated and extended northwards to reach Ulm (‘Holmes’) and Augsburg (‘Osbro or Augusta’) in South Germany by the end of the fourteenth century, where ‘fustian’ of lower quality was widely produced using locally grown flax. Evidence shows that England began producing fustian by the middle of the sixteenth century, and it took about half a pp. 17-21; Nancy Cox and Karin Dannehl, Dictionary of Traded Goods and Commodities, 1550-1820. British History Online. Originally published by the University of Wolverhampton, 2007. 4) For details, see Takeda, I., Asa to Men ga tsumugu Igirisu Sangyo Kakumei, Mi-nerva Shobo, 2013, Chap. 1. 5) Wescher, H., ‘Cotton and CottonTradreintheMiddle Ages’, Ciba Review, 64, 1948; Mazzaoui, M. F., The Italian Cotton Industry in the later Middle Ages, 1100-1600, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 64-65, 141-147; Sykas, P. A., ‘Fustians in Englishmen’s dress: From cloth to emblem’, Costume: The Journal of the Costume Society, No. 43, 2009. ――519 成城・経済研究 第218号 (2017年12月) century to reach Lancashire. ‘Fustian of Norwich’ which appeared in the 1554 Act, being recognised as the first English made fustian, was a wool based fabric, suggesting that English fustian production started as part of the woollen industry. It was not until after its production was finally established in Lancashire that the fibre compositionsettled on cotton and flax, which prior studies have loosely defined as ‘fustian’. From the above mentioned, it might be quite fair to say that the fibre composition largely dependedonthe economic conditions of the producing districts. For example, Lombardia in Italy had easier access to cotton through Venice and Genoa than other regions in Europe, and in the neighbourhood of Schwaben, there was a lot of flax grown locally. As Norwich had been one of the important production bases of woollen textiles in England when the productionoffustian began, it was natural that local weavers used wool as a raw material. If we take a historical view, there are various types of fustian in terms of fibres used. The specific fibre composition is not a defining attribute of ‘fustian’. 3) What defines ‘fustian’? Below is a list of fustians referred to in the 1660 Book of Rates6). By that time, England was importing many different types of fustian. Its broad price range and the various descriptions attached to ‘fustian’ may correspond to differences in the quality of the material. These descriptions include the fabric’s place of origin, though it is not certain here whether they refer to the place of production or distribution base. 6) ASubsidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage and other summes of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported (Charles II, 1660). ――520 A framework for a new understanding of pre-industrial European textiles Fustians in the 1660 Book of Rates Amsterdam Holland or Dutch fustians Barmillions Cullen fustians Holmes and Bevernex fustians Jeane fustian Millian fustians Naples fustians tript or velure plaine Naples fustians wrought vocat. Sparta velvet Osbro or Augusta fustians wth silke of Weazell According to Sykas7),these fustians can be divided into three classes by quality. Naples fustians had a cut pile surface8),andwereexclusively upmarket commodities9).Nextcame moderately-priced fustians, such as Barmillion, Millan, Dutch, Cullen and Weazell fustians; and finally, the cheaper varieties included Jeane, Holmes, Bevernex and Osbro. They all had a raised surface, though moderately-priced varieties had more and longer naps than cheaper ones. The fact that there were nappers and finishers in Cremona, and shearersinSchwaben, suggests that fustians produced in these towns had araised surface. At the end of the fifteenth century, England tried to stop 7) Sykas, 2009. 8) Another source says that ‘fustian of Naples’ had two piles on its surface, one shorter than the other. See Cox and Dannehl, 2007. 9) They were mentioned in the sumptuary law passed under Edward IV. ――521 成城・経済研究 第218号 (2017年12月) the inflow of fustians whose raised surface was singed to burn off extra fibre, because the fustians of that time had to be shorn with broadshears. Fustian of Norwich also had a napped surface10).Evenwhen many different towns began manufacturing their own fustian, adjusting the fibre composition to their peculiar economic circumstances, the features of the raised surface remained unchanged. In eighteenth-century Lancashire, several varieties of fustian were manufactured, suchasthickset, dimity, corduroy and velveret, all of which were characterised by their raised surfaces. Broadly speaking, there were two kinds of raised surface. One kind was a surface brushed with a tool called a ‘teasel’11).Inmostcases, an extra fibre was seared after teaseling. The other kind was a piled surface, created on the loom. In some instances, each pile was cut, so as to give the fabric a continuous soft texture. The manner of raising the nap and cutting the pile varied according to time and place. In order to make the finished surface hairy and downy, the weft had to be softly spun in order to keep it fluffy, and then loosely woven in ordertomake the weft float, so that each fibre could catch the bristles of abrush.Itwouldbefairtoassume that cotton and wool were used as wefts, because they were more suitable for creating these features than linen.
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