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Some pages may have indistinct La qualité d'impression de print especially if the original certaines pages peut laisser à pages were typed with a poor désirer, surtout si les pages typewriter ribbon or if the originales ont été university sent us an inferior dactylographiées à "aide d'un photocopy. ruban usé ou si "université nous a fait parvenir une photocopie de qualité inférieure. Reproduction in full or in part of La reproduction, même partielle, this microform is governed by de cette microforme est soumise the Canadian Copyright Act, à la Loi canadienne sur le droit R.S.C. 1970, c. C-30, and d'auteur, SRC 1970, c. C-30, et subsequent amendments. ses amendements subséquents. Canada THE JEWISH IMMIGRANT AID SERVICES AN ETHNIC LOBBY IN THE CANADIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM Anne Kilpatrick Department of Sociology McGili University Montreal. Quebec January, 1995 A Thesis submitted ta the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts © Anne Kilpatrir.k, January 1995 • National Lib. ary B,bl,o:hèque na:,onale of Ca~ada du Canada AC\.iuisitions and Direction des acqui$l:lcns et Biblrogia,hic Services Branch des œr,,:ces clb',lograph',ques ~..5 Welh0Q1001 Street 395. rue Wcl~lng:on ~'ttawa. üntano O:tJwa (On:ar1o) K1AON-J K1AON-1 1.\., .,"," " .. ,\" .... "',;... '..,.;0',.. ...... THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALL<JWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANfu>A TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE, PRETER, DISTRIBUER SELL COPIES OF mSIHER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN ANY FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKING TffiS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOIT AVAlLABLE TÛ INTERESTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. CETTE THESE A LA DISPOSITION DES PERSONNe INTERESSEES, THE AUTHOR RETAlNS OWNERSHIP L'AUTEUR CONSERVE LA PROPRIETE OF THE COPYRIGHT IN HISIHER DU DROIT D'AUTEUR QUI PROTEGE THESIS. NEITHER THE THESIS NOR SA THESE. NI LA THESE NI DES SUBSTANTIAL EXTRACTS FROM IT EXTRAITS SUBSTANTIELS DE CELLE­ MAY BE PRINTED OR OTHERWISE CI NE DOIVENT ETRE IMPRIMES OU REPRODUCED WITHOUT mSIHER AUTREMENT REPRODUIT':; SANS SON PERMISSION, AUTORISATION, ISBN 0-612-05396-2 Canada The Jewish Immigrant Aid Se!Vices An Ethnie Lobby in the • Canadian Politieal System Anne Kllpatnck D8partment of Soclology McGtil University, '.10ntreal January,1 ?95 Adviscr. Dr. Morton Weinfeld The purpose of this study is to examine the Jewish Immigrant Aid Services (JIAS) as an example of an ethnic lobby in the Canadian political system. The research explores how in-group and external political factors influence the techniques and effectiveness of JIAS within the immigration policy arena. Specifically, this paper examines how JIAS' lobbying efforts are influenced as a result of issues emerging from within the organization (e.g. structure, hierarchy, leadership, etc), and those arising from within the organization's constituency: Canadian Jews as a whole, and other organizations within the Jewish polity. Further, the broader context of public opinion and the Canadian immigration system are explored to determine how each affects JIAS' advocacy efforts. The pclitical system is examined from the perspective of the structure and agendas operating at three levels of government involved in the development and implementation of immigration policy (the Departmemt of Immigration, Legislative and Senate committees on immigration and employment, and the Cabinet). Le but de cette étude est d'ex3miner le Service d'Immigrant des Juifs (JIAS) comme example d'une ethnicité parlementaire ir.trig2nte au sein du systéme politique canadien. La recherche explore comment les facteurs politiques, internes et externes, influencent les techniques et l'efficacité du JIAS à même l'aréna de l'émigration politique. Spécifiquement, ce dossier examine comment les efforts d'intrigences parlementaires du JIAS sont affectés par les questions qui ressortent de l'hiérarchie et de la structure de l'organisation, et de celles qui surgissent de ses comettants, juifs canadiens et autres organisations à même la politique juive. Ultérieurement, le large contexte de l'opinion publique et du système de l'émigration canadienne sont explorés pour déterminer comment ils affectent les sffort défensifs du JIAS. Le système politique est examiné du point de vue de la structure et des agendas qui opèrent à trois niveaux gouvernementaux impliqués au développement et à la mise en oeuvre de la politique de l'émigration (Le Département de L'Emigration, comitês Législatif et du Sénat sur l'Emigration • et le Travail, et le Cabinet.) • The author gratefully acknowledges the contnbutlon made to thls thesis by Dr. Joseph Kage and the staff of JIAS who were generous WI(h both !helr Inslghts. Heartfelt appreciation is due to ProfF"or Morton We:nfeld. without whose guidance. support and perseverance thls thesis would not have been completed. and to my mother and my husband. for their patience and encouragement To France Morrisset. my thanks for the final flourish • TABLE OF CONTENTS • :NTRODUCTION . CHAPTER 1• L1TERATURE REVIEW A. Introduction. ................................... .. 1 s. The Context: Immigration Policy in Canada and the Rise of JlAS . 1 1.) Response to Jewish Immigration Before the Genesis of JIAS .......................... 4 2.) The Creation of the Jewish Immigrant Aid Services ..... 5 3.) JIAS' Role During the Pre and Post World War Il Years 7 4.) Immigration Policy Immediately Following WW Il 9 5.) Immigration Policy Trends: The Second Half of the Century 10 C. Immigration Issues and the Role of Ethnie Organizations 11 D. The Aggregation of Immigration Concerns Into Etr.;-;ic Group Action and Organization 13 1.) Ethnie Group Action Explored 14 2.) Jewish Ethnie Group Aggregation 16 E. JIAS as a Lobby Group 29 1.) Lobby Groups: A Definition ................ .. 30 2.) Charaeteristies of JIAS as a Lobby G~oup 32 F. The Federal Canadian Political System and the Role of Interest Groups in Canada ........................ .. 34 G. The Ethnie Lobby: The Role of Ethnie Political Action 39 • H. Methodology . 42 1.) Data Sources . • 2.) Methodological Assessment of Data Sources ........ 44 a.) Archivai Material 44 b.) Minutes of Meetings " 45 c.) JIAS News 46 d.) Interviews. ........................ 47 CHAPTER Il - INTERNAL ORGANIZATlONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF JIAS: IMPLICATIONS FOR LOBBYING 49 A. Introduction ..................................... .. 49 B. Financial Characteristics of JIAS: Factors of Constituent Support and Legitimacy Within a Lobby Context .. " 49 1.) The Socio-Economic Characteristics of JIAS Constituents 50 2.) Annual Budgeti'lg Characteristics of JI.A.S 51 3.) Government Funoing and Autonomy of a Lobby Group .. 53 C. Leadersii!p and Decision Making Issues within JIAS 58 1.) Charisli,:;:tic Leadership 59 2.) National Structure and Internai Organizational Priorities: Lay Versus Professional Perspectives. ..... .. 62 CHAPTER III . MOBILIZING THE JEW!SH COMMUNITY INTERACTION BETWEEN JIAS AND THE AJCS ..... 74 A. Introduction ..................................... .. 74 B. Mobilization of Support Based on the Structural Characteristics of the Jewish Polity.................... .. 75 1.) Local Jewish Federations: JI.AS' Reliance on Allied Jewish Community Services 75 2.) The Issue of Soviet "Drop-Out": Consensus Building Within the Jewish Polity on Jewish Immigration Policy ..... ...................... .. 78 • CHAPTER IV - MEANS OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: T~E ROLE OF ONGOING SELF-EXAMINATION AND • CONSTITUENCY INPUT. .................... .. 86 A. Introduction . 86 8. Self-Study "s a Form of Conflict Management Within the Jewish Polity: The Case of JIAS 87 CHAPTER V• JIAS AND ITS INTERACTION AS PART OF THE JEWISH POLITY (Approaches te Lebbying) ........ .. 89 A. Introduction. __ __ _. __ ............ .. 89 B. The Canadian Jewish Congress and JIAS: Issues of Jurisdiction and Combined Lobby Efforts .............. .. 90 1.) The Defined Mandate of JIAS and the CJC in the Immigration Field 90 2.) Differences in Lobbying Approaches Between JIAS and CJC: Implications _... .. 92 3.) Bureaucrats Versus Politicians: A Two-Pronged Approach 96 4.) The Jewish Model in Immigration 99 5.) Future Resea.ch Considerations 101 CHAPTER IV • JIAS' EFFECTIVENESS AS AN INTEREST GROUP: STATUS, LEGITIMACY AND IMPACT WITHIN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 102 A. Introduction. ..................................... 102 B. The Development of the Refugee Determination Pro cess ...... 103 1.) Bills C-55 and C-84: General Overview
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