Parramatta Baulkham Hills Beecroft Camellia Carlingford Clyde Constitution Hill Dundas Dundas Valley Eastwood (shared with City of Ryde) Epping Ermington Granville Harris Park Lidcombe Mays Hill Newington North Parramatta Northmead North Rocks Oatlands Old Toongabbie Parramatta Pendle Hill Rosehill Rydalmere Seven Hills Silverwater Sydney Olympic Park Telopea Toongabbie Winston Hills Wentworth Point Wentworthville Westmead Fairfield Abbotsbury Bonnyrigg Bonnyrigg Heights Bossley Park Cabramatta Cabramatta West Canley Heights Canley Vale Carramar Cecil Park Edensor Park Fairfield (with a small part in Cumberland Council) Fairfield East Fairfield Heights Fairfield West Greenfield Park Horsley Park Lansvale Mount Pritchard (with a small part in City of Liverpool) Old Guildford Prairiewood Smithfield (shared with Cumberland Council) St Johns Park Villawood (shared with the City of Canterbury-Bankstown) Wakeley Wetherill Park Yennora (shared with Cumberland Council) Liverpool Ashcroft Austral Badgerys Creek Bringelly (shared with Camden) Busby Carnes Hill Cartwright Casula Cecil Hills Cecil Park (shared with Fairfield) Chipping Norton Denham Court (shared with Campbelltown) Edmondson Park Green Valley Greendale Hammondville Heckenberg Hinchinbrook Holsworthy Horningsea Park Hoxton Park Kemps Creek (shared with Penrith) Leppington (shared with Camden) Liverpool Luddenham (shared with Penrith) Lurnea Middleton Grange Miller Moorebank Mount Pritchard (shared with Fairfield) Pleasure Point Prestons Rossmore (shared with Camden) Sadleir Voyager Point Wallacia (shared with Penrith) Warwick Farm Wattle Grove West Hoxton Campbelltown Airds Ambarvale Bardia Blair Athol Blairmount Bow Bowing Bradbury Campbelltown Claymore Denham Court Eagle Vale Edmondson Park (South) Englorie Park Eschol Park Gilead Glen Alpine Glenfield Ingleburn Kearns Kentlyn Leumeah Long Point Macarthur Heights Macquarie Fields Macquarie Links Menangle Park Minto Minto Heights Raby Rosemeadow Ruse St Andrews St Helens Park Varroville Wedderburn Woodbine Camden Bickley Vale Camden Camden South Catherine Field Cobbitty Currans Hill Elderslie Ellis Lane Gledswood Hills Grasmere Gregory Hills Harrington Park Kirkham Leppington Mount Annan Narellan Narellan Vale Oran Park Smeaton Grange Spring Farm Demographics Waverley Bondi Bondi Beach Bondi Junction Bronte Clovelly Dover Heights North Bondi Queens Park Rose Bay Tamarama Waverley Wollahra Bellevue Hill Darling Point Double Bay Edgecliff Paddington Point Piper Rose Bay Vaucluse Watsons Bay Woollahra City of Sydney (eastern part) Centennial Park Darlinghurst Elizabeth Bay Potts Point Rushcutters Bay Surry Hills Sydney CBD Woolloomooloo Bankstown Bankstown Bankstown Aerodrome Bass Hill Birrong Chester Hill (With parts within the City of Parramatta) Chullora Condell Park East Hills Georges Hall Greenacre Lansdowne Leightonfield Manahan Milperra Mount Lewis One Tree Point Padstow Padstow Heights Panania Picnic Point Potts Hill Punchbowl Regents Park Revesby Revesby Heights Sefton Villawood Yagoona Cumberland Auburn Berala Chester Hill Fairfield Girraween Granville Greystanes Guildford Guildford West Holroyd Homebush West Lidcombe Mays Hill Merrylands Merrylands West Pemulwuy Pendle Hill Prospect Regents Park Rookwood Smithfield South Granville South Wentworthville Sydney Olympic Park Toongabbie Wentworthville Westmead Woodpark Yennora Newcastle ity of Newcastle suburbs Adamstown Adamstown Heights Bar Beach Beresfield Birmingham Gardens Black Hill Broadmeadow Callaghan Carrington Cooks Hill Elermore Vale Fletcher Georgetown Hamilton Hamilton East Hamilton North Hamilton South Hexham The Hill Islington Jesmond The Junction Kooragang Kotara Lambton Lenaghan Maryland Maryville Mayfield Mayfield East Mayfield North Mayfield West Merewether Merewether Heights Minmi New Lambton New Lambton Heights Newcastle Newcastle East Newcastle West North Lambton Rankin Park Sandgate Shortland Stockton Tarro Tighes Hill Wallsend Warabrook Waratah Waratah West Wickham Suburbs added Merrylands Guildford .
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