New Contributions to the History of the Ukrainian Language Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research Monograph Series Number seven New Contributions to the History of the Ukrainian Language Michael Moser Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press Edmonton 2016 Toronto Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press University of Alberta University of Toronto Edmonton, Alberta Toronto, Ontario Canada T6G 2H8 Canada M5T 1W5 Copyright © 2016 Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies ISBN 978-1-894865-44-9 (pbk.) Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Moser, Michael, 1969-, author New contributions to the history of the Ukrainian language / Michael Moser. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-894865-44-9 (paperback) 1. Ukrainian language--History. I. Title. PG3815.M67 2015 491.7'909 C2015-906050-8 The translation and publication of this book has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, START prize project Y-271 “1,000 Years of Ukrainian Language History in Galicia”) and by a generous grant from the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. A grant for this publication was also provided by the Canadian Foundation of Ukrainian Studies. This book has also been published with financial support from the Cosbild Investment Club Endowment Fund and the Julian and Savella Stechishin Endowment Fund at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed in Canada Table of Contents Acknowledgments vii Preface xi Part I: Instead of an Introduction: Does Ukrainian Have a History? 1 Contemporary Anti-Ukrainian Myths about the History of the Ukrainian Language, or: Does Ukrainian Have a History? 3 Part II: Ukrainian in Contact: The Early Modern Period 37 Phonetic Polonisms in Lavrentij Zyzanij’s Slavonic Grammar 39 Too Close to “the West”? The Ruthenian Language of the Instruction of 1609 64 Was Ivan Uževyč’s Розмова-Бесѣда Really Not Based on a Polish Model? 77 Some Phonologically Marked Meta-Polonisms in Kyrylo Trankvilion- Stravrovec'kyj’s Перло многѡцѣнноє 90 The Synopsis and Maciej Stryjkowski’s Kronika: Ruthenian Ways of (Re)Translating Rus'ian History from Polish 105 A Linguistic Analysis of Ivan Mazepa’s Universals and Letters 121 How It All Began: Ukrainian-Russian “Surzhyk” in Eighteenth-Century Sources from the Hetmanate 138 Part III: The Long and Winding Road: Ukrainian Becoming a Standard Language 169 “Ruthenians” and the “Ruthenian Language” in Galician Grammars Dating from the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 171 Ukrainian Dialectal Materials in Galician Sources of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 219 The Slavic Idea among Galician Ruthenians (Ukrainians) in the Przemyśl Eparchy (from 1830 to 1848–49) 229 “Austro-Ruthenian”? The Vienna Вѣстникъ as a Newspaper “for the Ruthenians of the Austrian State” 245 Some Notes on Code-Switching in Taras Ševčenko’s Letters 299 Pantelejmon Kuliš, the Galicians, and the Ukrainian Language (1863–1876) 305 vi NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE Ukrainian “Language-Building” in Light of Ukrainian Nation-building —Critical Remarks on the Historiography of the Ukrainian Language 337 Populists Editing “Old Ruthenians”: “Ruthenian” (Ukrainian) Textbooks for Galician Primary Schools 350 The Linguistic Legacy of the Galician Russophiles (Based on the Works of Ivan Naumovyč) 377 Part IV: Challenges to the Standard Language: Ukrainian in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries 409 The “Mirror from Overseas”: The History of Modern Standard Ukrainian as Reflected in the North American Ukrainian Newspaper Svoboda (The Early Years: from 1893 to the 1930s) 411 Ivan Pan'kevyč’s Grammar of the Ruthenian Language and the Galician Ukrainian Language in Subcarpathian Rus' 445 Rusyn: A New-Old Language between Nations and States 471 “Ukrainization” and the Ukrainian Language 482 Colonial Linguistic Reflexes in a Post-Soviet Setting: The Galician Variant of the Ukrainian Language and Anti-Ukrainian Discourse in Contemporary Internet Sources 585 Language Politics in Contemporary Ukraine (25 February 2010–25 February 2011) 601 Bibliography 620 Index 658 Acknowledgments Contemporary Anti-Ukrainian Myths about the History of the Ukrainian Language, or: Does Ukrainian Have a History? Translated from the German by Michael Tauchmann. Extensively revised by the author for this volume. Originally published as: “Antiukrainische sprachgeschichtliche Mythen der Gegenwart“ in Wo liegt die Ukraine? Standortbestimmung einer europäischen Kultur, ed. S. Höhne and J. H. Ulbricht (Cologne, Weimar, and Vienna: Böhlau, 2009), 197–226. Phonetic Polonisms in Lavrentij Zyzanij’s Slavonic Grammar. Translated from the Ukrainian by Marta Olynyk. Originally publisahed as: Фонетичні полонізми у Граматиці Лаврентія Зизанія. In: Українська історична та діалектна лексика. Збірник наукових праць, вип. 5. Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. Івана Крип'якевича 2007, 111–143. Too Close to “the West”? The Ruthenian Language of the Instruction of 1609. Originally written in English. Forthcoming in a conference volume edited by Serhii Plokhii (Harvard University), Marko Pavlyshyn (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia), Giovanna Brogi (University of Milan), and Giulia Lami (University of Milan). Was Ivan Uževyč’s Розмова-Бесѣда Really Not Based on a Polish Model? Translated from the Ukrainian by Michael Moser. Originally published as: Чи «Розмова – Бесѣда» Івана Ужевича написана під впливом польських зразків? In: Писемні пам’ятки: сучасне прочитання. Редколегія: Г. Дидик-Меуш (відп. ред.) – Н. Багнюк – Ю. Осінчук. Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. Івана Крип’якевича 2011, 16–27. Some Phonologically Marked Meta-Polonisms in Kyrylo Trankvilion- Stravrovec'kyj’s Перло многѡцѣнноє. Translated from the German by Michael Tauchmann. Originally published as: “Einige phonologisch markierte Metapolonismen in Kyrylo Trankvilion-Stavrovec'kyjs „Перло многѡцѣнноє“”. In Bibel, Liturgie und Frömmigkeit in der Slavia byzantina. Festgabe für Hans Rothe zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. Dagmar Christians, Dieter Stern, and Vittorio S. Tomelleri. Munich: Otto Sagner, 2009, 430–447. The Synopsis and Maciej Stryjkowski’s Kronika: Ruthenian Ways of (Re) Translating Rus'ian History from Polish. Originally published in: Translation and Tradition in “Slavia orthodoxa,” ed. Boris Gasparov and Valentina Izmirlieva. Münster, Vienna, and Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2012, 141–158. viii NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE A Linguistic Analysis of Ivan Mazepa’s Universals and Letters. Originally published in: Poltava 1709: The Battle and the Myth, ed. Serhii Plokhy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2012, 391-411. Reprinted with permission. © 2013 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. How It All Began: Ukrainian-Russian “Surzhyk” in Eighteenth-Century Sources from the Hetmanate. Originally written in English for this volume. “Ruthenians” and the “Ruthenian Language” in Galician Grammars Dating from the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the Ukrainian by Marta Olynyk. Originally published as: „Русини“ й „руська мова“ в галицьких граматиках першої половини XIX століття. In: Українська мова в Галичині: історичний вимір (Серія „Історія мови“). Відп. ред.: Ярослав Ісаєвич – Міхаель Мозер – Наталія Хобзей. Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України 2011, 9–54. Ukrainian Dialectal Materials in Galician Sources of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the Ukrainian by Marta Olynyk. Originally published as: Українські діалектні матеріали в галицьких джерелах першої половини XIX століття. In: Лінгвістичний атлас: вiд створення дo інтерпретації. Відп. ред.: Наталія Хобзей – Павло Гриценко. Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. Івана Крип’якевича, Київ: НАН України 2006, 71–81. The Slavic Idea among Galician Ruthenians (Ukrainians) in the Przemyśl Eparchy (from 1830 to 1848–49). Translated from the Ukrainian by Marta Olynyk. Originally published as: Слов’янська ідея в середовищі галицьких русинів (українців) перемиської єпархії (1830–1848/49 rr.). In: Amoenitates vel lepores philologicae (Festschrift for Wacław Twardzik), ed. Roman Laskowski and Roman Mazurkiewicz. Cracow: Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN – Wydawnictwo “Lexis,” 2007, 416–427. “Austro-Ruthenian”? The Vienna Вѣстникъ as a Newspaper “for the Ruthenians of the Austrian State.” Translated from the German by Michael Tauchmann. Originally published as: “„Austroruthenisch?“ – Der Wiener „Вѣстникъ“ als Zeitung „für die Ruthenen des österreichischen Staates,“ in Die Ukrainer (Ruthenen, Russinen) in Österreich-Ungarn und ihr Sprach- und Kulturleben im Blickfeld von Wien und Budapest, ed. Michael Moser and András Zoltán. Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2008, 29–100. Some Notes on Code-Switching in the Letters of Taras Ševčenko. Originally published in: Жнива. Essays Presented in Honor of George G. Grabowicz on His Seventieth Birthday, ed.Roman Koropeckyj, Taras Koznarsky, and Maxim Tarnawsky. Special issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies 32–33, Part One (2011–14): 543–49. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 2015. Reprinted with permission. © 2015 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Acknowledgments � ix Pantelejmon Kuliš,
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