Lowell Tribune Index Weddings, Engagements, and Aniversaries 1950's to Present- S Name Newspaper Date Page SAAGER, CINDY (Woman)Mariage License 7/22/1987 3 EARLEY, TODD (Man) SAAGER, CINDY LEE (Woman)Engagement 1/21/1987 2 EARLEY, TODD OWEN (Man) SAAGER, KATHY (Woman)Mariage License 5/4/1983 2 SAUTER, THOMAS (Man) SAAGER, KATHY MARIE (Woman)Engagement 1/5/1983 2 SAUTER, THOMAS LEE (Man) SAAGER, LAURIE (Woman)Mariage License 5/26/1982 3 LASKA, MICHAEL (Man) SAAGER, RICHARD (25TH ANNIVERSARY) (Husband)Anniversary 1/26/1983 2 SAAGER, CAROL (25TH ANNIVERSARY) (Wife) SAAGER, RICHARD J. (Man)Mariage License 11/24/1993 2 HILL, LAURA (Woman) SAAS, JOHN (Man)Mariage License 6/20/1979 9 KEPCHAR, AUDREY (Woman) SABERNIAK, (MR.) (25TH ANNIVERSARY) (Husband)Anniversary 11/12/1953 7 SABERNIAK, (MRS.) (25TH ANNIVERSARY) (Wife) SABERNIAK, CAROLYN MARIE (Wife)Wedding 6/24/1971 7 WHITE, JAMES RAY (REV.) (Husband) SABERNIAK, CAROLYN MARIE (Woman)Engagement 2/11/1971 6 WHITE, JAMES R. (REV.) (Man) SABERNIAK, EDWARD (Man)Mariage License 9/11/1985 2 HUDAK, SHARON (Woman) SABERNIAK, ESTHER ANNA (Wife)Wedding 9/14/1950 9 ARVIN, ROY (Husband) SABERNIAK, JAMES (40TH ANNIVERSARY) (Husband)Anniversary 6/15/1983 3 SABERNIAK, EDITH (40TH ANNIVERSARY) (Wife) SABERNIAK, JAMES (Husband)Anniversary 8/18/1993 2 SABERNIAK, EDITH (nee HOUGH) (Wife) SABERNIAK, JIM (60th Anniversary) (Husband)Anniversary 6/24/2003 3 SABERNIAK, EDITH (nee HOUGH) (60th Anniversary) (Wife) SABERNIAK, JUDITH (Woman)Engagement 1/12/1967 2 WILSON, ERNEST STEVE (Man) SABERNIAK, JUDITH ANN (Wife)Wedding 7/6/1967 2 WILSON, ERNEST STEVE (Husband) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 1 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SABERNIAK, JUDY (shower) (Woman)Engagement 5/18/1967 2 WILSON, STEVE (Man) SABERNIAK, LAWRENCE (Husband)Wedding 11/27/1952 5 BECKMAN, DOROTHY (Wife) SABERNIAK, SHARON (Woman)Engagement 1/12/1967 2 STEEL JOHN ANDREW (Man) SABERNIAK, SHARON ELAINE (Wife)Wedding 8/31/1967 2 STEEL, JOHN ANDREW (Husband) SABERNIAK, STACEY ANN (BIRHTDAY) (Husband)Anniversary 5/9/1990 16 SABERNIAK, TON (5TH ANNIVERSARY) (Husband)Anniversary 8/31/1988 16 SABERNIAK, RITA (5TH ANNIVERSARY) (Wife) SABICH, PATRICIA (Woman)Mariage License 8/22/1979 2 THOMAS, WILLIAM (Man) SABLICH, PATRICIA ANN (Wife)Wedding 8/29/1979 2 THOMAS, WILLIAM ANTHONY (Husband) SABLICH, PATRICIA ANN (Woman)Engagement 5/2/1979 2 THOMAS, WILLIAM ANTHONY (Man) SABLICH, TONI (Woman)Engagement 3/4/1976 2 KUIPER, RANDY (Man) SABLICH, TONI LYNN (Wife)Wedding 6/29/1977 2 KUIPER, RANDOLPH S. (Husband) SABO, JOHN (JR.) (50TH ANNIVERSARY) (Husband)Anniversary 10/31/1957 7 SABO, (MRS. JOHN, JR.) (50TH ANNIVERSARY) (Wife) SABOFF, DAWN (Woman)Mariage License 4/8/1992 3 HOLLEMAN, ERIC (Man) SABOL, CLAUDIA (Wife)Wedding 10/30/1958 14 EICH, CHARLES JR. (Husband) SABOL, DAVID (Man)Mariage License 7/18/1990 2 MOSCA, ANITA (Woman) SACCO, AMRK (Man)Mariage License 8/22/1979 2 ZUKLEY, LORI (Woman) SACCO, CARL (Husband)Anniversary 2/26/1970 4 SACCO, (MRS. CARL) (Wife) SACCO, CARL ANTHONY (Husband)Wedding 11/14/1990 2 KEIZER, PAMELA SUE (Wife) SACCO, CARL ANTHONY (Man)Engagement 4/25/1990 2 KEIZER, PAMELA SUE (Woman) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 2 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SACCO, KARIN (Woman)Mariage License 6/22/1977 3 KEISER, LARRY (Man) SACCO, KARIN LYNNE (Wife)Wedding 7/13/1977 2 KEISER, LARRY ROYCE (Husband) SACCO, LYNN PAULINE (Woman)Engagement 9/5/1968 2 DUNCAN, CARL EUGENE (Man) SACCO, LYNNE PAULINE (Wife)Wedding 11/28/1968 2 DUNCAN, CARL EUGENE (Husband) SACCO, MARIO RYAN (JR.) (Husband)Wedding 5/30/1984 2 GENGE, DIANE LYNN (Wife) SACCO, PATTI ANN (Woman)Engagement 4/29/1987 2 CUTTING, THOMAS WESLEY (Man) SACCO, RONALD (Man)Engagement 1/5/1956 5 THOMPSON, BARBARA (Woman) SACCO, RONALD G. (Man)Mariage License 1/10/1957 5 MUELLER, ROSALIE BLANCHE (Woman) SACCO, RONALD G. (Man)Engagement 12/27/1956 7 MUELLER, ROSALIA (Woman) SACCO, RYAN (Man)Engagement 3/2/1983 2 GENGE, DIANE (Woman) SACCO, SUSAN HELEN (Wife)Wedding 4/5/1962 7 SANTY, RANDALL LEE (Husband) SACCO, SUSAN HELEN (Woman)Engagement 2/2/1961 9 SANTY, RANDALL L. (PVT.) (Man) SACCO, TERRI (Woman)Mariage License 6/23/1982 2 STRICKLAND, RICHARD (Man) SACCO, TERRI ANN (Woman)Engagement 5/5/1982 2 STRICKLAND, LEE (JR.) (Man) SACHS, ROY (Husband)Wedding 10/12/1977 3 TULLEY, RUTH GALE (Wife) SACK, LAURA (Woman)Mariage License 2/11/1981 2 GOVERT, BRENT J. (Man) SACK, MARIANNE (Woman)Engagement 11/8/1978 3 BURDAN, ROBERT L. (Man) SACK, THERON (Man)Engagement 1/10/1952 12 McGEHEE, BARBARA (Woman) SACK, THERON FREDERICK (Husband)Wedding 2/7/1952 4 McGEHEE, BARBARA JOAN (Wife) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 3 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SACRISTAN, JUAN (Man)Mariage License 9/30/1981 3 CLARK, KAREN (Woman) SADDELMEYER, CALVIN (35th Anniversary) (2 entries) Anniversary 5/5/1966 9 (Husband) SADDELMEYER, (MRS. CALVIN) (35th Anniv)(2 entries) (Wife) SADDLER, JEGGREY (Man)Mariage License 9/7/1983 2 FLEMING, LISA (Woman) SADOWSKI, ERIC M. (Husband)Wedding 8/28/1991 2 HARRIS, JANE M. (Wife) SADOWSKI, ERIC M.. (Man)Engagement 4/24/1991 2 HARRIS JANE M. (Woman) SAGE, MICHELLE R. (Woman)Mariage License 6/29/1988 2 WATSON, JOHN H. (Man) SAGGAU, SANDRA KAY (Wife)Wedding 4/11/1979 3 SCHOON, NELSON, RAY (Husband) SAHNOW, SHERYL (Wife)Wedding 7/29/1965 7 BECKER, TED (Husband) SAHNOW, SHERYL (Woman)Engagement 4/22/1965 10 BECKER, THEODORE (Man) SAHNOW, SHERYL (Woman)Engagement 5/27/1965 10 BECKER, TED (Man) SAHNOW, SHERYL ONDREA (Wife)Wedding 8/5/1965 5 BECKER, THEODORE E. (Husband) SAHNOW, SHERYL ONDREA (Woman)Engagement 1/21/1965 2 BECKER, THEODORE E. (Man) SAHNOW, SHERYL ONDREA (Woman)Engagement 1/28/1965 2 BECKER, THEODORE E. (Man) SAILER, DOROTHY (Woman)Mariage License 7/6/1994 2 MICKEY, RICHARD D. (Man) SAILER, ROBERT (Man)Mariage License 6/25/1986 2 FRAHM, SARAH (Woman) SAIN, NANCY (Woman)Mariage License 7/26/1989 2 MUCHA, JAMES (Man) SAJOYK, GOLDIE (Woman)Mariage License 11/8/1989 2 DeHART, RICHARD (Man) SAKAL, MARLO (Woman)Mariage License 7/9/1986 2 PARTIN, JEWEL (JR.) (Man) SAKICI, KAMIL (Husband)Wedding 1/27/1998 2 WAGNER, JULIE MARIE (Wife) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 4 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SAKICI, KAMIL (Man)Engagement 5/27/1997 3 WAGNER, JULIE MARIE (Woman) SAKO, GARY (Man)Engagement 4/20/1988 2 STAVITZKE, KAREN (Woman) SAKSA, CHRISTINE (Woman)Mariage License 8/7/1991 2 UNGER, ALFRED (Man) SAKSA, ROBERT (Man)Mariage License 7/15/1992 2 GRAHAM, LOIS (Woman) SALA, ANN (Wife)Wedding 7/22/1992 2 PATTERSON, DAVID (Husband) SALAPSKSI, SHERYL (Woman)Mariage License 10/7/1981 3 SCHAFER, WALTER (Man) SALAS, RICHARD (Man)Mariage License 9/11/1985 2 DINGA, ANGELA (Woman) SALAT, VALARIE (Wife)Wedding 9/1/1966 2 BORGREN, BRUCE (Husband) SALAT, VALERIE (shower) (Woman)Engagement 8/18/1966 9 BORGGREN, BRUCE (Man) SALAT, VALERIE ANN (Wife)Wedding 9/15/1966 2 BORGGREN, BRUCE (Husband) SALAT, VALERIE ANN (Woman)Engagement 3/3/1966 3 BORGGREN, BRUCE WILLIAM (Man) SALCZYNSKI, CAROLE (Woman)Mariage License 10/4/1962 10 TKACZ, JOSEPH (Man) SALEGNA, JOHN (Husband)Wedding 5/19/1955 10 ALBERTSON, SUSAN (Wife) SALEGNA, JOHN (Husband)Wedding 6/2/1955 7 ALBERTSON, SUSAN (Wife) SALIN, RAMSEY (SHOWER) (Man)Engagement 7/24/1952 2 BROWN, JUANNE (SHOWER) (Woman) SALINAS, DEBRA MARIE (Woman)Mariage License 12/5/1990 2 HANAWAY, ALAN LEE (Man) SALLEE, EDNA (Woman)Mariage License 10/5/1983 4 BROWN, LARRY (Man) SALMI, RHONDA (Woman)Mariage License 11/24/1982 3 SMITH, WILLIAM (Man) SALMON, DAN (Man)Mariage License 10/13/1982 2 KOEPE, REGINA (Woman) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 5 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SALMON, DAN (Man)Mariage License 10/13/1982 2 KOEPE, REGINA (Woman) SALMON, DAVID JOHN (Man)Engagement 6/6/1979 2 BROWN, JOY LOUISE (Woman) SALMON, DIANE (Woman)Mariage License 6/8/1977 3 HUDAK, JOSEPH (Man) SALYER, APRIL L. (Woman)Mariage License 10/28/1992 2 SHAFFER, W. SCOTT (Man) SAMANSKI, DAVID (Man)Mariage License 7/8/1981 2 SUTTON, JANICE (Woman) SAMBROOKES, DONALD (Man)Mariage License 9/11/1991 3 BUDLOVE, SHIRLEY (Woman) SAMBROOKES, SAMUEL (Man)Mariage License 8/10/1983 2 ROSE, SHERYL (Woman) SAMMON, WILLIAM (Man)Mariage License 11/2/1988 2 FITZPATRICK, MAUREEN (Woman) SAMMONS, DEANNA M. (Woman)Mariage License 8/18/1993 2 DUDA, KEVIN J. (Man) SAMPIAS, JULEE (Woman)Mariage License 9/22/1993 2 EDMONDS, CHAD (Man) SAMPSELL, EDWARD H. (Husband)Wedding 3/17/1966 12 BLACK GLADYS (MRS.) (Wife) SAMPSON, JULIE (Woman)Mariage License 7/28/1982 3 STRICKLAND, ROBERT (Man) SAMPSON, JULIE MARIE (Wife)Wedding 8/25/1982 2 STRICKLAND, ROBERT DEAN (Husband) SAMPSON, JULIE MARIE (Woman)Engagement 3/17/1982 2 STRICKLAND, ROBERT DEAN (Man) SAMPSON, KELLY (Woman)Mariage License 10/5/1983 4 BESAW, JEFFREY (Man) SAMPSON, KELLY (Woman)Engagement 3/9/1983 2 BESAW, JEFFREY D. (Man) SAMPSON, KELLY FRANCES (Wife)Wedding 11/30/1983 2 BESAW, JEFFERY DONALD (Husband) SAMPSON, MARK (Man)Mariage License 10/7/1981 3 MILLER, PAMELA (Woman) SAMPSON, MARK ROBERT (Husband)Wedding 8/3/1977 2 KASPER, PAMELA SUE (Wife) Sunday, January 13, 2008 Page 6 of 159 Name Newspaper Date Page SAMPSON, MARK ROBERT (Man)Engagement 11/11/1976 2 KASPER, PAMELA SUE (Woman) SAMPSON, ROBERT V. (Man)Mariage License 7/6/1994 2 RUST, VERNA JEANNE (Woman) SAMPSON, SCOTT ALLAN (Man)Engagement 4/11/1990 2 PARKS, LEE ANN (Woman) SAMS, DARRELL (II) (Man)Mariage License 7/22/1987 3 CALDWELL, CATHERINE (Woman) SAMULOWITZ, JACK (Man)Mariage License 10/5/1983 4 LAMP, JANE (Woman) SANASACK, KENNETH (Man)Mariage License 9/9/1981 3 DODDS, NANCT (Woman) SANCHEZ, INGRID N. (Woman)Mariage License 7/1/1987 2 ZNIKA, PETER (JR.) (Man) SANDALL, SHANNON DIANE (Wife)Wedding 11/24/1993 2 LANGMAID, JOHN (III) (Husband) SANDBERG, CHARLOTTE A.
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