\ THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1M8 Averaffe Daily Net Press Ron f^<m sncrsmi j9Ianrlf00ti?r lEoftting 1|fraU» For ttu W eA Ended The Weather December 18, 1868 * rereoMt ef D. S. WeatlMr B a Of Bank JK.. *Uklad on the ley I ' ■ Mountain Laurel Chapter, Sweet road, oTOMiJ to4he o tb u aide a ^ Adelines Inc., will rehearse at 8 PENTLAND 13,879 Fair tonight. Low,. toaIgM own DriverFaeps ■iMerad ott • utility pola r t ttie THE VTiORliS BCember «»f tbe Audit the teeoa. Snturday tonight, at the Irish A m e r i c a n bau. The youth w u unhurt' hut K^mne, 68 Grove Bt, Hartford. The From Your ■s Kitchen Geotrally LpehM A t BureM of OlreulafloB » doadfaMMa. High 80-88. ttaa vohoUa bad to be towed away - m v m t U a g !■ *low«nf A AUl nhMTMl for Ui« speitk- cHbnis Will rehearse for the re­ RojMtAJiarge with conridaFaUa front end dam- Manchester— A City of Village Charm H BmOB BTBBBT ' Inf and pantomime caat of “Alice gion^ competition ih Roohssteri aga Patrolman Bamucl MiUtempo By DORIS BELDINO Ml 8-4444-40 8-8S4T In Wonderland," the Uttle .The­ 1). Y., In April. Those Interested JL'"^a-year-oId B ut Hartford laauad a written warning to Ro- ater of Manoheater'a 'Children*! in 'joining should contact Mrs. Hamburg . Tomato Soup Cas­ Opea 8tl04i88 VOL. LXKXII,n6. 80 (tWELYE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1963 fOlaesIfled Advertlshig on Page 10) man laat night w u arreated on a manowica for Improper, driving-^ Ihonday tU 8 PJL PRICE PIV^B CBHi i wing production, will be held to- Robert W. Gordon, 416 K. Center serole is a main dish that iti'Bim- iptding too fact for road oondl- charge of failure to grant the right Fuktug Acfou the Bteul alfht from 6;30 to 8 In the down- St. ple to prepare, and easy on budg­ atalrs room of the old tech ichool of wi^, which police u y rcMlted In For 100 OUF '. .• • ets that have been overworked At 7:80 ajti. today, a car onarat- bulldtnf. SehoOl St. There will be Maj. E. Walter Lamle wdll con­ a three-oar craah at W. Center and ad by Rctoert B. FriU Jr., 21, of no rehearsal for the dancers in duct an --Ijrformal study of "Pil­ during the .recent hpUdays. Mrs. V Cooper Bta. 417 Hackmatack St, went Into A U.S. ‘Patrol’ State N ew s the cast. grim’s Progfi^s” at^7:lA tonight Robert Thulln, 61 Bruce Rd., has skid on a Bldwell S t curve and at the Salvatloirr j^Anf" ^ y Citadel. also included a recipe for Straw­ The accident w u one of aeven Involving motor vehiclea yoater- craahed Into a utility pole, break­ Stanley L. Smith, son of Mr. and' berry Wafer Torte, a gala des­ ing it off at the bue. No Injuriee CAR LEASING Mrs. Wiiliam K. Smith, 70 Garth Persons may reglstw^tpr cliaases sert. day and early today in whieh''two were reported but the car had to Traps Cong Roundup in the Manchester Adult Hvjenlng Hamburg Tomato Soup Casserole persona received minor Injuries Tshombe Seeks Talk Rd„ has been accepted a ! a trans­ be towed away with extenalva fer atudenf in advanced etanding School tonighft from 7 to 8 o’ciloc^ *1H pounds ground beef and considerable vehicular dam­ front end damage. Patrolman CTar- and RENTALS by Oalifomla Western University, at the Manchester High School aa- - 1 tablespoon shortening age w u reported. Icy road condi­ ence Heritage le stlU Investigating ministrative office. There are ^'-pan undiluted tortato soup tions contributed to the acride,nt!. rirrt In MaaehMtw. Bwr m n , G u errillas Point LOma, Calif. A sophomore the accident. full maintenance, falls taamnd Policeman Held at the University of Hartford, he openings in several courses begun 1 ublespoon' grated onion EUUot R. Arden w u ordered to last semester and in two new appear In Circuit Court 12, Man­ Three other two-car colllsiona to reduce your MhlMM______ and will begin the spring semester at 1 teaspd^ salt were Inveetigated On Manchester iBfonaaUon TAN HIEP, South Viet On^ Bribe Count California Western Feb. 4. He is a courses, conversatlonad French and M teaspoon pepper chester, Jan. 28, to answer the worriee. For *■ practical application of algebra. charge which stemmed from the streets yeeteraay, one at Hilliard Nam (A P )— A U.S. Army pire-law major. 'Smith was gradu­ 2 cups sliced 'co^ed carrots St., e u t of Adame St.; a second ated from ^yahore (L. l’„ N. Y.) 2^A cups mashedshed potatoes. three-car cruh. Police reported colonel from Texas scraped BRIDGEPORT (A P )— Ac­ that he w u driving e u t on W. on Hudson St., west of Summit Dedga m m In New Bid for Truce High School. Brown hamburg In fat, and add St.; and another In the Stop * Paul P H together ,60 American sdl- cused of taking a bribe to soup, onion, salt and peppbr.. Sim­ Center St. and had sigmUed for a m a diers, including cooks, and School LVIenus left turn onto Cooper SL when a Shop parking lot off W. Middle Phone Ml 9-U81 keep quiet about two bank Miss Lode Ann Smith, daughter mer for 10 mlmltes. Add cart«U- Tpke. No injuriee nor arresU and turn^ them into a battle pa­ robbers whosp identity he of Howard L. Smith, 300 N. Main Place mixture in lightly buttered . westbound car, operated by Miss 878 MAIN 8TBEBI Paula Ballsieper, 18, of 70 Tanner only alight vehicular damage w u trol that trapped a unit of knew, a Bridgeport policeman St., Is home for the holidays from 1%-quart casserole. Spread mash­ reported by police. Public school menus for the ed potatoes on top of meat mix­ St., noticed the signal lights, ap­ Communist guerrillas fleeing has been arrested and sus­ the Silvermlne College of Art, New week of Jan. 7 through 11 will be Canaan, ture. Bake for about 25 minutes plied her brakes, and skidded Into into the Mekong River delta UN Forces as follows: the right front fender of the Arden pended from the force. in 300 degree oven. This recipe F A T ’ Police Superintendent Joseph A. Monday, for all schools except se^es six. car. The Impact then knocked the jungles today. Manchester High: Chicken vege­ Savings-Loan The Americans, military advis­ Walsh last night said officer Rob­ Strawberry Wafer Torte Arden vehicle into the left front table soup, peanut butter and jelly fender of a car, driven by Jerald ers to. South 'Viet Nam’s govern­ ert Canell "ailegedly had knowl­ % pound sugar wafers, creamed overw eight edge of the identity of the holdup- C losing in sandwich, vegetable sticks, milk, BYank Nolan, 25, of 199 Windsor Avallabla to you without a doctor’s ment forces, captured 17 (jommu- WINDOW SHADES ice cream. fllled. Crushed / Reports Gains prescription, o u r. drug called nlst prisoners. (3ol. John Paul men after the prime an<l failed to 1 quart fresh or frozen straw­ St., who W u stopped at a stop fulfill his duty as a policeman.” Monday for Manchester High sign. ODRINBX.You muet Iqae ugly fat In 7 Vann of El Paso said his men berries crushed dayo or your money back. No strenu­ In the robbery of a branch bank On Leader WASHABLE only: Breaded veal,cutlet with to­ Mrs. Roslyn Arden, a passenger didn’t fire a shot. IMi cups whipped cream The Manchester Savings and ous exercise, laxatives, massage or at Bristol, Dec. 17, two gunmen mato sauce, mashed potato, butter­ In her husband’s car, was shaken Vann said he put the unit to­ INTERSTATE ed spinach, bread.arid butter, milk. % cup gutter Loan Association, Inc., reports taking of s6^I1ed reducing candles, gether to protect an American took $13,300. Acting on a tip, po­ 1 cup powdered sugar Up and was later treated at Man­ crackers op Cookies, or chewing gum. lice and agents of the Federkl Bu­ LEOPOLDVILLE, T h • AQUA SHADES Tuesday: Meat bails with gravy, chester Memorial Hospital for gains In all departments lu t year. majoj with Vietnamese troops. mashed potato, whole kernel corn, 2 eggs separated *1716 usociatlon’s 142nd semi­ ODRINEX is a tiny tablet and easilv The Vietnamese were trying to reau of Investigation arrested Congo (AP) — Katangan BE Made to Order Divide half of crushed wafers body bruises. *rhe Arden car and swallowed. When you take ODRINBX. Robert Eazakas, 24, and Robert bread and butter, milk, mixed the Ballsieper car were towed annual State of Condition report cut off fleeing Communist Viet President Moise Tshombe was , Wltli Pour tellers fruit. and line bottom of 7 x 11 x 1% you etui enjoy your meals, still ent \ Cong who attacked in force from Erhardt, 34, here on Wednesday. reported today making a new inch pan. Cream together butter from the scene with extensive shows total usets now at ?16,- the foods you like, but you slmpl.v These two admitted the holdup Wednesday: Oven-fried chicken damage. nearby Ap Bao Wednesday, kill­ bid for negotiations as U.N. Pan LiiM of Custom legs with cranberry sauce, parslied and powdered sugar. Add egg 453,204.09, an Increase of $1,860,- don't have the urge for extra portions ing three Americans and wound­ and then said they had given Can­ yolks one at a time and mix. Beat At 4 :36 p.m.
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