!J6 BOO THADh~. LHLJNTlNGDOXShIRE. BOOKBINDER. gearle George, Hieh street. St. Neots Day & Son; works, Eynesbury, St. Ncote Barber Gerald, 120 High st. Huntingdon Seward William W. 25 High st. St. Neots Eastwood & (',0. Limited (Fletton Brick Sheldrake C. E.& Son,Rrampton,Hntngdn Co.), Fletton. Peterborough BOOKSELLERS. Shortland Robert, Southoe. Huntingdon Fuller Alfd. (exors. of), Warboys,Hntngdn M bd th t L'b' Simpson Austin. Thr}l.pston rd.Kimbolton Hicks & Co. Fletton, Peterborough + ar t Ut! a:e t ranes.. Smith WaIter .Tohn, West street, St. Ives Jackson F. G. & Sons (late Greenwood), +f',ooper ~'. & Co. 48 HIgh. st. Huntmgdon Spreekley Nohle. Stanground, Petorboro' Heights, Ramsey St. Mary's. Huntngdn Goggs ~VJlham&Son, 116H~gh st.H untngdn Stanyon J ames,Little Stuke1ey,Huntingdn London Brick Co. Limited, Fletton, if! .nkm ,laI",-.I t •• & ISon. Pavement, ~tanyon Ramuel, Sawtry. Peterborough Peterborough ~t. Iv~ . Stokes Walt.er, Hempstead, Broughton, Measures & Sons, Kimb3lton station, TiI. K~gH.nre>lt\'hytf',Ramsey,Huntmgdon Huntingdon brook, Huntingdon SlDlt~ W. H ..& Son, ~reat Northe~ Strangward Alfd.J.78High st.Huntingdon New Peterborough Brick Co. Limited. RaIlway statIOn, Huntmgdon & RaIl· Thoday Charles. Earith. St. Ives Farcet. Peterborough; & at Fletton way station, St. Neots Throssell Samuel. Somersham, St. Ives Plowman T. & M. Fletton. Peterborough BOOT & SHOE FACTORS Twigden John, Huntingdon st. St. Neots lJuinsee T. Fenton, Warboys, Huntingdon . • Walker Alfred. Spaldwick, Huntingdon Summers Fred, jun. Ramsey Heights. Bryant & Bryant, Rndge street, St. Ives Warren William, 11 High st. Huntin'tdon Ramsey St. Mary's, Huntingdon WIlson Horaco H. Pavement, St. Ives Wills WiHiam, Buckden, Huntingdon VeaseyFrancis Day,High st. Huntingdon [.tar Full lists of this trade in Woolley R. W. 42 & 43 High st.Huntngdn United Kingdom. see Leather Wortley John, Alwalton, Peterborough BRICK & TILE MERCHANTS. Trades Directory. Price 25s.] Tewson Frederick, R-uith, St. Ives BOOT REPAIRERS. Measures & Sons, Kimbolton station, BOOT & SHOE MAKERS & AlIen John, 57 Palmerston road, Wood· Tilbrook, Huntingdon _ stone, Peterborough DEALERS. Bea.les Richard, 47 Duke street, Fletton, BRICKLAYERS. Abbott E. K. Godmanchester. Huntingdon Pet.erborough Allen James Snesby, Fenstanton, St.Ives Abbott Joseph, Go:lmanchestE'r,Hntngdn Cheshire William, Stilton, Peterborough Branson William, Sawtty, Peterborough Barnard Sila!!, Alconhur~', Huntingdon Collins James T. Farcet, Peterborough Butterworth Alfred,Needingworth,St.Ives Barnard William, New street, St. Neots Day Reginald. Gt. Staughton, St. Neots Day George, jun.Gt.Staughton, St.Neots Bates John William, Yaxl~y, Peterborough Hitchcock Henry, Elton, Peterborough Dickens William A. Post office, Cat- Bell John, Yaxley, Pe1.el'borou~h Johnson Harry, Buekden, Huntingdon worth. Huntingdon Bloomfield John, Bluntisham, St. Ives Kidman John Conquest, Earith, St. Ives Flanders Isaae, Thrapston rd. Kimbolton Bond William, Fenstanton, St. Ives Lees Herbt. Free Church passage,St.Ives Ireson Thomas, Stilton, Peterborough Brawn Elijah,AlconburyWeston.Hntngdn Linford William, Houghton, Huntingdon Isola Art,h.Talls lane,Fenstanton,St.Ives Brooks Benjamin, Crown ya.rd, St. Ives Males John, Yaxley. Peterborough Isola William, Fenstanton, St. IVf-'8 Brown ~-\rthur WiIliam, High st. St. Neots Martin Herbert Charles, Woodstone hill, Linford Edward, H'U"tford, Huntingdon Brown William. Warboyt!, Huntingdon Woodstone, Peterborough Pt'aks Erederick, Pidley, Huntingdon Bryant & Bryant, St. Ives & 97 High Newling Arthur, New road, Woodstone, Staines Samuel, Church street, St. Ives street, Huntingdon Peterborough Burdett Alfred. Holme, P.Jterborough Parker Ephraim, Houghton, Huntingdon BUILDERS. Burgess Matthew, Hartford, Huntingdon Pinnock Stephen, Sawtry, Peterborough Allen Arthur & Son, High street, Fen- Burton John, East !ltreet, Kimbolton Stanhope William, East street, Kimbolton stanton, St. Ives Butler James, Broadway, St. Ives Sykes William, The Waits, St. Ives AllenM. J. & Sons, Brampt-on,Huntingdn Oarter Joseph F. High street, Kimbolton WaIler J. C. H. Gt. Staughton, St. Neots .:\llenW.&Sons,HemingfordAbbots,St.Ives ChatteU Brown, Leighton Bromswold, OT SHO PL SH MAS Allpress George, Broughton, Huntingdon Huntingdon' BO & E 0 I • Allpress Herbert, Ramsey road, Warboys, Childerhouse J. 71 Ermine st. Huntinl!don Williams Brothers & Co. Hounslow, Huntingdon Clark C. St.Mary's st. Eynesbury,St.Neots Middlesex; makers of the finest turps & Ashby Geo. B. Broughton. Huntingdon Clark WaIter, Catworth, Huntingdon water black, tan brown &c. for boot Barnes William, Great Whyte, Ramsey, Coles WaIter, Yaxley. Peterborough polish makers Huntingdon Cox Albert, Somersham, St. Ives Bateman A. J. High st. Ramsey, Hntngdn Cox James Wm. 9i High st. Huntin~don BRASS FOUNDERS. Raxter Charles, Southoe, Huntingdon Dawkes Charles JUDo Agdeu grn. St. Neots Cook William West End iron works Baxter Joseph, Huntingdon st. St. Neots Dixon C.St~b?ingto~,Wansford(Northnts) Yaxlev, Pe~rborough 'Bridgefoot James Levi, Oundle road, Edwards Wl1ham,HIghstrect,St. Neots Smithdale Thomas & Sons Ramsey St. Woodstone, Peterborough Emerson William, Fenstanton, St. Ives Mary's Huntingdon ' Brown James, \Varboys, Huntingdon Fordham William&Son, Gt. Whyte. Ram·' Bull Hy. Freshwater, New st. St. Neots sey & at Holme, Pete~boro' &: High Guest & Chrimes,Foundry & brass works, Bull~more S. & S. Gt: Gi.dding, Peterboro' street. Ramsey St. l\iary s, Huntmgdon Rotherham. See advertisement Bulhmore~. Great GIdding, Peterborough Forscatt Charles T. South st. St. Neots Canham Nathan, Somersham, St. Ives Freeman. Hardy & Willis Lim. 110 High BREECHES MAKERS. Chapman & Sons, Leighton BroIllilwold, st. Huntingdon & High st. St. Neots. Huntingdon Gaunt John, Bythorn, Huntingdon Cole Hy. J. Bndge te.r.Fenstanton,~t.IvesChilds M. A. Alconbury, Huntingdon Gilbert Joseph, Abbotsley, St. Neota On;rett Henry, 20 Princes st. HuntlI~gdon Childs William, Alconbury, Huntingdon Gothard William, Colne, St. Ives Sm~th Chas.& Son, 2 George st.Huntmgdn Coe Robert E. Stanground, Peterborough Gowler Alma, Somersham, St. Ives SlDlth Claude Stanley, The Cross, St. Ives Elliott Albert, Alconbury, Huntingdon Green John, Covington, Huntingdon BREWERS. Ellwood Joseph, Yellin.g, St. Neots_ Hall George, 147 Hil!h street. Huntingdon . Evans Chas. G. CambrIdge st. St. Neots Harris G. & Co. 117 High st. Huntingdon Canterbury Brewery Co. CambrIdge Garner John, Earith, St. Ives Hayes Gowler Somersham St. Ives street, St. Neots Giddings Frederick, North road. St. Ives Haynes Edwa~, High str~t, St. Neots Day & Son, The Brewery, St. Ne~ts G~dd~ns & Son, ~emingford Grey. St.Ives Hilton S. & Sons, High street, Ramsev, Fyso~ S. & Sons, War~oys, Huntm~don Glddms E. Hemmgford Abbots. St. Ives, Huntin/!:don • .Je";kIns &JonesLtd.HIgh st. HuntmgdoD Hawkins William&Son,Fletton,Peterboro Holdich Frederick, Somersham, St. IvE's K.mghts James Wm. We~t street, St. Ives Headley Harry & Son, Bluntisham, ~t.lves Howes Fredk. 47St.Germain st. Hntngdn Lmdsell C. S. & R. J. Bndge foot, St.Ives Heatheote H. A.. Brampton, Huntmgdon Howes Fdk. Wm. St. Germain st.Hntngdn MaIden Aubrey Charles, Palmerston road, Hurst George, Hllton, St. Ives Jacobs William, Somersham, St. Ives Woodstone, Peterboro~gh .. Ir~son John, Yax~ey, Peterborough Jennings J. Godmanchester, Huntingdon Marshall Brothers (Hu:ntmgdon) LilDlted, K!ng Alfred, Eanth, St. Ives Johnson William Brampton Huntingdon The Brewery, Huntmgdon Linford & Son, Avenue road, St. Neots King Richard, Y ~lling, St. N:x,ts Murphy R. Post o:ffiee,Hamerton,~tngdnMarkham F. Godmanehester, ~untingdon Kingston Robert, Stanground, Peterboro' Noble Harvey Wm. Warboys, HuntmgdoIl Mason E. A. Houghton. ~untmgdon Langley Charles. Great Gidding, Peterboro Os?orne R. M. Broad~ay. St. Ives M~adows Geo. James, Station rd. St. Ives Lenton Emery, Thrapston rd. Kimbolton Pame & Co. I"W. ~arket sq. St. Ne?ts Middleton George. New street, St. Neots Merry Stephen, 23 St. John st.Huntingdn Sarll Joseph. 63 HIgh street, HuntmgdoD Murfin Cornelius, Upwood, Huntingdon Mumford FrOOk. Great Gransden, Sandy BREWERS' AGENT. Murphy: John L. St. Germain street, Murphy Thomas, EMith, St. Ives ,Huntmgdon. Noble & Son, High st. Ramsey, Huntingdn See Agent-Brewers. Negus W. Newtown, Ramsey. Huntmgdon Noms Fredk. William,Crown st. St. Ives BRICK & TILE MAKERS. Page George & Son, Buckden, Huntingdon Ray John, 29 Ermine street, Huntingdon . Parreh J08eph & Son, Earith, St. Ives Richmond Charles, Somersham, St. Ives [~~ulI In~ts of thiS tra.de. In Peaks Harry, Somersham. St. Ives Riddle George, Spaldwick. Huntingdon United KI.ngdom.see .Bulldlng Pearson James, Montague street, Eynes- Robinson W. Hemingford Grey, St. Ives Trades Directory. Price 30s.] bury, St. Neots Saint Hy. Hemingford Abbots, St. Ives Bateman Alfred James, Heights, Ramsey Pearson Thomas, Hartford rd.Huntingdon Saint Hy. Hemingford Grey, St. Ives St. Mary's, Huntingdon Pettit Alien, Godmanehester, llunt,ingdon Saunders H. Hemingford Abbots, St. Ives Beeby's Brick Co. Ltd.Yaxley,Peterboro' Pitts William, Yaxley, Peterborough.
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