I GE-400 Time-sharing I Information Systemsw Bring a powerful computer to the GE-400 Systems fingertips of all your people I The Switch Is on to GE-400 Time-sharing A more apt name for "time-sharing" is "computer-sharing". It's a method whereby many people can use an information system simultaneously from different locations simply by con- necting typewriter-like terminals into the system. It literally takes the glass walls down from the computer room. A terminal can be put anywhere a telephone line can reach . .. right to the fingertips of anyone who would ever have need for computing power. No more key punching. No more explaining to a programmer. No lengthy preparation. The Computer Feels Like Yours Alone A GE-400system computes at incredible speeds. Though many others may be using it at the same time, you never know it . .it feels like yours alone. You can operate the system from anywhere. Just set the terminals where the work is and let your people do the rest. The computer will be right at their fingertips. An easy-to- Time=sharing use conversational language makes the machine perform. Is Reallv Your scientists, engineers, ac- countants, and managers find that in just a few hours of in- computer-sharing struction, they can develop and run their own programs. No longer must they wait in line for precious com- puter time or for program- mers to do the work. GE-400 time-sharing, is an extension of their thinking power. Ten Time-sharing 1. Your people have instant access to the batch mode. You can run remotely full power of a computer. Through simple through the terminals or run right at the Teletype keyboards placed anywhere, computer. Some are running normal hundreds of your people can virtually put batch at night and using the system for a computer in their laps. Up to 50 people time-sharing during the day. can use the computer at the same time. 7. Develop new programs and applica- 2. Increased productivity. With a power- tions easily. With time-sharing you can ful computer right at their fingertips, experiment. Just as a newspaper re- your people will actually extend their porter edits copy on his typewriter, your thinking power. And that means all your users can edit programs on their key- people - engineers, scientists, account- boards. They can also create, test, up- ants, marketeers, production managers. date, and store programs at the same They need no prior computer experience time. - just the drive to get more work done 8. Everyone has exclusive use of the faster. computer. Though many people may be 3. Uses the easiest computer language using the computer simultaneously, each yet devised. Even people who have never thinks of it as his own. The computer before dealt with a computer can learn speeds back and forth between inputs to use GE-400 time-sharing in less than a incredibly fast and emits answers day. The extended BASIC* language it instantly. Programs are fully protected uses is powerful enough for complex so that only authorized users have ac- mathematical problems. cess to the information. "Developed by Dartmouth College 9. Proved hardware for reliability. Both 4. FORTRAN for your most complex com- time-sharing systems use standard, user putations. Experienced computer mathe- proved hardware. Exceptionally fast maticians can use a specially-adapted GE-400 floating point hardware is a part conversational FORTRAN for complicated of the time-sharing package allowing you mathematical computations. They have ac- to handle complex engineering/ cess to the fastest FORTRAN compiler avail- scientific problems as well as everyday able in a medium-scale system. business assignments. 5. Grow the system in easy steps. You can 10. Proved General Electric time-sharing start out with a lower cost system - the software. More conversational time- GE-430, capable of servicing up to 30 simul- sharing is done on General Electric taneous users. When more computing power is computers than any other kind. This needed, it's simple to grow to a GE-440, to experience has resulted in the design serve 50 users simultaneously. It gives you of the GE-430 and maximum performance per dollar. 440. The software 6. Switch off time-sharing; switch on batch extends directly processing. GE-400 time-sharing is that flexible. from early GE sys- When you want your people to have desk-side tems and the GE- access, switch to the time-sharing mode. When 420, which has you need to compute large runs, change to the provided low-cost computation since mid-1967. The real benefit of time- trigonometric functions are sharing is that a// your peo- available. You can make ple can use one provisions to use a particu- centralized computer from lar part of a program many wherever thev are. And thev times in solving a problem. all find it a-tremendou; Many experienced pro- boon to productivity - be- u grammers who have used ginners and experienced more complex program- computer programmers IS El-1 ming languages now use alike. for -.yone BASlC for a large percent- age of their problems. Beginners Can Learn The system responds so BASlC in Hours rapidly to your instructions that debugging at the key- BASIC, Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction board is not only practical, but recommended. Be- Code, is a language the computer can understand. Yet cause of its simplicity, your BASlC program can be it resembles ordinary mathematical notation. It has a converted to computer instructions in one pass, taking simple English vocabulary and few grammatical rules, just seconds. but it permits complete and precise specification of For complex engineering or scientific operations, your problems. your experienced programmers know the benefits of BASlC has recently been extended, but is still sim- FORTRAN. Now it is available in conversational form ple to learn and easy to use. With just 18 fundamental for use in communicating directly with General Electric BASlC statements, you can solve the majority of your time-sharing systems. Your scientists and engineers computational problems. Even neophytes can com- can now write programs, run, correct, rerun them, etc., pose and run programs using BASlC in just a few right at their desk without waiting in line for the hours. computer. Many have taught themselves simply by studying Being conversational, FORTRAN is now a practical the BASlC reference manual. tool for everyday business as well. For example, an You can change programs easily at any time. You accountant who might previously have avoided using can correct errors or revise logic whenever you need FORTRAN because of time delays, can now get instant to. Many automatic checks are also made by the sys- answers to everyday problems. Previously, he might tem. When it detects errors, it points them out to you have had to resubmit it several times before he had in concise self-explanatory language. his program running smoothly. Experienced Programmers Have Their Choice of With a keyboard at his desk, he can work out his BASlC or FORTRAN problems on a trial and error basis and have it run- BASIC's simplicity doesn't limit its capabilities. It is ning smoothly in a matter of minutes. a powerful language which provides for logic compari- sons, subscripting, lists, and arrays. It has extensive Convert to Batch Processing in Minutes capabilities for matrix manipulations and common You can use the system for both time-sharing and conventional data processing. It takes about five min- is off-duty, you can submit programs and data, main- utes to make the switch. Run payrolls, production, tain files, etc. from remote terminal stations. In this compilations, etc., as you would with a batch process- mode, the system has full multiprogramming capabil- ing system. Depending on peripherals, all GE-400 ity so many jobs can be submitted at the same time software applies. This includes a complete line of pro. - either locally or remotely. gramming and operating systems, language process- The result of all these features is a highly flexible ors, data management techniques like GE's exclusive information system that can give your people access Integrated Data Store, and many application packages. to a powerful information processing system whether or not they have ever used a computer before. It's a Run Batch From Remote Locations, Too system that can do local batch processing, remote All the hardware options necessary to support General batch processing, or time-sharing, and can fill your Electric's Direct Access Programming System come needs in developing a total management information with GE-400 time-sharing systems. When time-sharing system. All General Electric 400 information systems are gen- Below are a few key time-sharing applications: eral purpose machines that can handle engineering and scientific problems as easily as business Engineering design - mechanical and electrical com- problems. ponents, chemical and fluid processes, thermody- And the flexibility of General Electric time-sharing namics, industrial and electrical systems, electronic complements this many times over. circuits. Theoretical calculations - reliability calculations, ex- perimental calculations. Applied mathematics - regression analysis, statistical Time-sharing analysis, curve fitting, numerical analysis. Financial analysis - product cost, depreciation and Has Manv amortization, general analysis, investment, budgeting, credits and collections, accounting transactions and ~pplicatbns reports. Business forecasting and planning - forecasting, For example, with GE-400 time-sharing, your tech- evaluating risk alternatives, project planning simula- nical people will benefit by having access to the indus- tion and modeling, trend analysis, pricing. try's best FORTRAN IV compiler for a medium-scale machine with optimum compilation and execution Quality control and manufacturing planning - quality speeds. GE-400 time-sharing systems have exception- control, machine loading, production analysis, work ally fast floating point hardware - at the best price/ and facility scheduling.
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