SAINT DOMINIC R.C. CHURCH The Small Church with a Big Heart 2001 BAY RIDGE PARKWAY BROOKLYN, NY 11204 MSGR. DAVID L. CASSATO, ADMINISTRATOR REV. MARTIN RESTREPO, PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Bryan Patterson In Residence Deacon Anthony Mammoliti, Pastoral Associate Ken Wodzanowski, Youth Minister 718-490-4469 - email: [email protected] SCHOOL OF EVANGELIZATION OFFICE Mrs. Roseanne Bourke, DRE MASS SCHEDULE Telephone: 718-234-0041 Weekdays: 8:00AM (Italian) & 9:00AM - (July & August 8:30AM) Saturdays: 8:30AM (Bilingual) & 5:30PM Vigil RECTORY OFFICE Sundays: 9:00AM (English), 10:15AM (Italian), 11:30AM (English) Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM (Spanish) Telephone: 718-259-4636 Holy Days: Please refer to the current bulletin. Fax: 718-259-3066 [email protected] Website: stdominic-brooklyn.org SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory prior to surgery or in case of a serious illness. MUSIC MINISTRY Mrs. Mary Carmosino, Music Director GRUPPO DI PREGHIERA DI PADRE PIO: Messa ogni primo sabato del Kateri Novoa, Cantor mese alle 10:15AM seguito da esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento, Rosario e Benedizione. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: English: Parents plan- MARIAN DEVOTION: Holy Rosary every weekday after the 8:00AM & ning to have a child baptized must first call the Rec- 9:00AM Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday after the tory during office hours to schedule an appointment for the Baptismal intake. This must take place 1 9:00AM Mass. month prior to Baptism. Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 2:45PM. Instruction ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Fridays from 9:30AM- Class is required which will be on the Thursday two 3:00PM—ending with Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Benediction. weeks before Baptism at 7:00PM. Español: Los pa- dres que desean tener su niño/a bautizado debe llamar RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Grades 1 - 8. Meets on Sundays at 10:00AM primero a la Rectoría durante horas de oficina para in the Church basement. hacer una cita. Los bautismos se celebran el tercer Sabado de cada mes a las 2:45PM. Clase de instru- YOUNG AT HEART CLUB (SENIOR CITIZENS): Meets each Thursday from cion es el tercer Viernes del mes a las 6:30PM en la 11:30AM—3:00PM in the Parish Hall. Iglesia . Italiano: I genitori che intendono avere un figlio battezzato deve prima chiamare la Canonica in GIRL SCOUTS: Meets every other Friday at 4:00PM. orario di ufficio per fissare un appuntamento per l'as- sunzione battesimale. COMUNIDAD HISPANA: Viernes a las 7:30PM en la Iglesia RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: If you, or SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Confessions are held on Saturdays from 4:30PM—5:15PM (Spanish & someone you know, is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing Italian) and 4:00—5:00PM (English) at St. Athanasius, or their entrance into the church through Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, at other reasonable times by making an appointment at please call Father Ron at St. Athanasius at (718)236-0124 Ext.13 the Rectory. SAINT ATHANASIUS SCHOOL: Located 6120 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn NY SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with a priest/deacon at least 6 months prior to the wed- 11204. For more information call 718-236-4791. ding date. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – MAY 6, 2018 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK WEEKLY PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, May 6th Monday, May 7th 9:00AM Rosina Marotta Req:Vincenzo e Maria Diecidue Holy Rosary (after the 8:00AM & 9:00 AM Masses) 10:15AM Pietro Randazzo Requested: Moglie Tuesday, May 8th 11:30AM Assunta DiCamillo Holy Rosary (after the 8:00AM & 9:00AM Masses) Requested: Husband & Family 1:00PM Misa en Honor a San Miguel Arcángel St. Anthony Prayers (after 9:00 Mass - in English) (7:30 pm - in Italian) Monday, May 7th 8:00 AM Nonni Caterina & Calogero defunti Guardino Wednesday, May 9th Requested: Nipoti Caterina e Marianna Holy Rosary (after the 8:00AM & 9:00AM Masses) 9:00AM Giuseppe Cammarata 6:30 PM Youth Center Requested: Cammarata Family Thursday, May 10th Tuesday, May 8th Holy Rosary -(after the 8:00AM & 9:00AM Masses) 8:00AM Lugara, Polimeni, Attina & Mallamo Families Requested: Lugara & Polimeni Families 12:00PM: Young at Heart (Gym) 9:00AM Deceased Members of the Pappacoda Family 7:30 PM: - Narcotics Anonymous (Classroom) Requested: John & Eleanor Abati Friday, May 11th Wednesday, May 9th Holy Rosary (after the 8:00AM & 9:00AM Masses) 8:00AM Giuseppe Armetta Requested: Moglie 4:00PM: Girl Scouts (Classroom) every other Friday 9:00AM Debra Santamarina 1 year Anniversary 7:30 PM: El Santo Rosario Requested: Tony Maione 6:30PM Youth Center Thursday, May 10th– The Ascension of the Lord Saturday, May 12th- Holy Rosary (after 8:30 Mass) 9:00AM Vincenza & Vincenzo Pannizzo Requested: Franco & Enza 10:15AM In Onore di San Michele Arcangelo Requested: Filomena Lombardo & Famiglia Generations of Faith 7:30PM La Ascensión del Señor Pledged: 277,000.00 Received: 100,500.00 Friday, May 11th All those who have made a pledge, please 8:00 AM Pasqua & Vitantonio Ranieri Requested: Giovanna Lauro remember to send in your payments. 9:00AM Pietro Evola Thank you! Requested: Anna Namio Saturday, May 12th THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 8:30AM Lucy Bongiorno Birthday Remembrance Requested: Daughter & Grandson Thursday, May 10th 9:00 am - Mass - English 5:30PM Simone Avignone Requested: Moglie & Figli 10:15 am - Mass - Italian 7:30 pm - Mass - Spanish Annual Catholic Appeal THIS WEEK’S MEMORIAL GIFTS Altar Candles are donated in Memory of: Our Goal is $22,200.00 Luigi e Caterina Curto, Isidoro Zuardo Pledged: $12,500.00 Requested : Maria Zuardo Received: $10,500.00 Gifts of Bread & Wine are donated in Memory of: WEEKLY COLLECTION REPORT: Requested: APRIL 30, 2017, $3402 APRIL 29, 2018 - $2720 Tabernacle Candles are donated in Memory of: FOR REPAIR & RENOVATION: Requested: April 29, 2018 - $1057 COMMUNITY CHAT 2018-2019 With Deacon Anthony Mammoliti Early Registration Continues until May 6th God is love, is who God is and what God does. That is the heart of today’s readings. God loves us During this early registration, we are whether we recognize it, whether we accept it or offering a discount of the fee: $80 for the not. first child We hear in the Gospel: “As the Father has loved $40 for each additional sibling. me, so I have loved you.” The depth of that state- For those new to the program, you will ment is often missed. Jesus is saying that the need a copy of the child’s baptism same, intimate relationship that he experiences certificate with his Father is also passed on to us, his disci- Please see ples. What empowers us is living that reality of Mrs. Roseanne Bourke, DRE being unconditionally loved, as Jesus says, to “love one another as I love you.” We are part of or drop by the Rectory to enroll. this magnificent circle of love with the Father, Je- Questions? Call Roseanne at sus, and one another. 718-234-0041. Jesus taught this best at the Last Supper, when he washed the feet of his disciples and gave us an We welcome all children: including example of how to be towards one another. Then he turned around and gave himself to us in the children with special needs. Eucharist, allowing us to be in communion with him. We need to make this reality of God’s love an essential part of our lives. It is here that the conviction of God’s love for us needs to prevail. Please keep in prayer all those who are ill from our parish. We need to bask in his love. We become empow- ered to respond in love both to him and with one Lisa Adragna Carol Anielle Luca William Berkley Briggs Annamarie Magnifico another. We convey to others the love we have in Julia Bruzzese Angelica Mariano our hearts and in doing so we show them God. If Kelly Capablo Grace Mariano Lenten practice was self-examination, Easter prac- Chrissy Caromico William Mariano Paula Castro Carmela Mele tice needs to be this life-giving, life-enabling exer- Agatha Cilmi Agata Piccolo cise of bringing the ever-present love God has for Maria Cilmi Tania Marsala Roppolo Maria Elia Covarrubias Annette Nardi us, to all people. Richard Engert John Nardi Luis Florencio Sabrina Parker Our challenge is to appreciate, to really accept that Selma Gracin Eddy Ricabono God loves us unconditionally -- just as we are. D. Marie Infortunio Joel Rivera Marilyn Israelowitz Irene Serrapica God grants His mercy to us when we turn from Amanda J. Marie Simineri His love. And the Mercy of God is always avail- Patricia LaQuara Rose Sprung able for us. God does not give up on us even when Ralph Lestingi Joseph Stellato Vivi Lin Giugigta Tragni we have not loved as He has called us to Alma Marie Licciardi Irene White love. Pope Francis often says, “God does not tire Filippa LoBello Frank Zigon from extending his mercy to us; we are the ones who get tired of asking for His mercy.” God is love. God loves you. Believe it. Share it. Live it■ Please call the rectory to add or remove any names Youth Ministry Upcoming Programs and Special Events Volunteers Needed Become a Volunteer at Brooklyn Public Library’s Get Service Hours. Summer Jam! For all our programs, we are in dire need of adult volunteers to help interact, animate and supervise youth. Can you help on Summer Jam celebrations will be held at each li- Wednesday Nights or Friday Nights, from 6 - brary on Saturday, June 9th, with the exception of 9:30 pm? Can you help out once or twice a Borough Park, Midwood and Ryder Library, which month? If interested contact Kenny (718) will have their celebrations on Sunday, June 10th.
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