UELLE INSIDE ONLY OCT. 1941 NO. 97 IN TWO BIG SHOWS FAMOUS BOB ELSON AT GYM OCTOBER 23 Here's the dope on the THE FEATURES first Vaudeville show of the season: Bob Elson will appear in person. PLACE— Mueller Gym Betty Lee, an accomplish- DATE— ed artist on the xylophone, October 23, 1941 playing with \vonderful skill. SHOVVS- Two Bill Talent with a juggling TIME— act that will make you sit 7:00 and 8:30 T. M. up and take notice. ATTRACTION— Tiie famous Bob Elson and other talent from "Hello .everybody! This is Bob Kiniet, a magician with a WON. Elson speaking to you." bag full of tricks. We have pride and pleasure in making branch. He is familiar with all branches, this announcement. Everybody knows the not only familiar, but an authority, and his W.G.N. Radio station of Chicago as one acquaintance with leaders in different of the greatest and finest in the country. branches is not exceeded by anyone in the And if you know that you know the famous radio field. Bob Klson, one of the most popular, and However, his talents extend beyond the classed as one of the best announcers in limits of the diamond or race track or radio. other fields of sport. Music and street Your Chance to Hear and See corner interviewing come within the scope Millions have listened to his pleasant and of his talent. agreeable voice, but only a few have had From this one may judge that work be- opportunity to hear his voice and see him fore the "mike" requires something much in person at the same time. This oppor- more than standing there and reading a tunity is now offered you in our opening script. It requires a quick wit, a readiness show of the Vaudeville season. It's a rare to answer off hand unexpected queries, and opportunity, and the committee considers do it humorously or seriously as the oc- it a stroke of good luck to secure him for casion requires. your entertainment. Bob Elson has once Has World of Personality appeared in Decatur and it is not expected Bob. Klson is one of the radio announcers that he will fill any other engagement with' the gift ofl transmitting his own here this winter. Therefore we urge you personality through the "mike". His hearers not to miss this golden opportunity of- instantly sense his resourcefulness, and fered you. visualize what they think he is like when Versatile Artist meeting him personally. In his everyday Bob Elson has been in radio for eleven intercourse with people he carries in his years. He is perhaps best known in the manners the charm of his radio personality. sports field and is not confined to any one (Next Page Please) THE MUELLER RECORD (CONTINUED 1'EOM PRECEDINS FAGE> mer., Dept. 9, a daughter, Karen Lynne, September 14. Last year he was selected by baseball BUTLER—Mr. and Mrs. Dean Butler, Plant fans as the game's outstanding announcer.. 2, a son, David" Allen, September 10. You will realize the why and wherefor of all this when you hear and see him at LOURASH—M.Y. and Mrs. Leonard Lour- the gym on the evening of October 23. ash,. Dept. 8 Night Force, a son, Larry Lee, September 1L Of course Elson is the headliner of the program, but there are other stars to sup- DERRINGER—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Der- port him, who have talent in special lines. ringer, a son, September 17, in Sarasota, Those who are on the program to support Florida. Mrs. Derringer is the former Elson are also WGN artists, and we are Eloise Brownback, granddaughter of the sure you will enjoy their numbers. There are late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mueller, and three of these. sister of Joe. The baby has been named Betty Lee, xylophone player. In this par- Lucien Paul, after Lucien \V. Mueller, ticular field the young lady is rated high as who is the baby's great-uncle. I'aul is; a finished performer, and her repertoire will the Cincinnati Red's pitcher. include selections which wilt please you as much and more than over the radio. Her MEET JULIA deft activity in playing this difficult instru- ment is alone worth seeing. Bill Talent is an ''out of the ordinary" juggler. His work is far more than tossing a few balls around in the air. He has a pro- gram which will command your attention and command your applause and appreci- ation. The other feature will be Kismet, the magician, with a bag full of tricks to puzzle and amuse you. Remember WGN Back of It There is one thing to keep in mind and that is WGN is furnishing and sponsoring this program. The committee feels that this is sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the show. Get your tickets early and don't forget that there will be two performances, 7:00 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. Our force is much larger than it has been for several years and includes many who have never attended one of our vaudeville entertainments. We want to call their special attention to this winter's amusements and Meet Julia Ann, who was four and one- to urge them to be present at the opening half months old when this picture was taken-.. feature. Bring your wife and children! Tell She was born April 8. Julia Ann is the your neighbors to come but bear in mind daughter of lohn C. Willis, who works that these shows are not for the general at Plant 2. public. PLAN TO ATTEND—DATE OCT. 23. BIG MAILING JOB Get your tickets now. We anticipate a BIG DEMAND. Priority Requirements Called for Extra- Girls and Fast Work BIRTHS DONALDSON—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Donald- son, Brass Foundry Grinding Room, a son, What it means to mail out Important liter- Richard Ray, September 19. ature is little understood by those \vho> FLOWERS—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elowers, are not familiar with this phase of our busi- a son, John Thomas, September 17. Joe ness. Here is an example: works in Dept. 90. One mailing consisted of 1(1,000 pieces. HARDY—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hardy, a Each piece consisted of ten separate sheets. daughter, Judith Ann, September 26. Mel- These had to be assembled in correct order,, vin is in the Iron Foundry.. which meant that each girl to complete OBERLINE—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ober- a set had to make ten motions. tine, Dept. 8, a son, David Dwyne, Sep- Then these ten sheets had to be stapled tember 24. John Gray of the Grinding together, making eleven operations. These Room is the baby's grandfather. sheets had to be folded twice, which made COOK—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Dept. thirteen operations. After folding they had 8, a son, Norman Dale, September 23. to be inserted in envelopes and stamps plas.- KUSHMFR—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kush- (Continued on Page J H E M U E LEER RECORD MONROE STREET A MESS I'.eginning of the construction ol the Monroe street subwav. Photos by Walter Bowan One morning last August, Monroe street took on unusual signs of activity when a horde ol workers in the Roy Christy Com- pany descended for preliminary work lead- ing- to the subway under the Monroe street crossing of the \Vabash. Then came a con- tingent from the city, the gas company and our own electricians and plumbing- division, ("here were big- ditch digging- machines pile drivers and shovel men, and in three hours time they had the block between ( erro Gordo St. and the Wabash a mess and a wreck. The Russians-Germans combined could not have done much more to thai block in a four day battle. However, there has been good work done and the last of September one could begin to guess what il was all about. Work was well along on new tunnels for gas, water and other pipes. today have attained maturity. The underpinning of our buildings had made good progress, and the time was approach- One of the most interesting changes in ing when the Mueller part would be in such the landscape is the elevation of the Wa- shape a.s to permit actual work of excavating bash tracks. They are four or five feet high- on the Wabash underpass. The Rirt Com" er in the air than they have been for many pany has made a good showing from the years. However, they will not be so much in tracks north to Green street, but there is the spotlight when the entire improvement has become a reality. a lot to be (lone yet before automobiles will be running through the subway, it's To get into details on the work of re- not only a big job but it is costing a lot locating underground pipes and other ol money. changes imposed on the company would Accompanying this article are a few of involve a Jot of words and space. Tt can the photographs taken of the progress of be said that our company co-operated in t'ie \\ork. 1 hey are of present interest, but every detail to expedite I. construction H'ey will take on future value and interest ot the subway. in later year when the boys and girls, of (Continued on Page 5) Spitting it out. ITiotos by I lelen Pop THE MUELLER RECORD tember 19, in the heavy dew. It made work a little unpleasant but it was done quickly.
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