An Independent Journal, Devoted to Home Interests. Established in 1878. VOLUME 21. HALLOWELL. ME., SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1898. NUMBER 26 A PRONUNCIATION PICNIC. tions to follow after all h id had a ChanCe whiCh writers aCquire sometimes, and loving mother open to her boy some of which Controls all matters relating to to win the prize for noi misCalling one whiCh is likely to get them into trouble. the seCrets of life, surrounding them guns, gun-Carriages, and small arms for Stationery speaks volumes, and this Spring and Summer word. Why not training-sChools for prouuuCia" with the saCredness whiCh they have in the troops. It furnishes to eaCh soldier was plainly from the limited supply “ I have learned to believe,” Miss tion—yes, schools of CorreCtion—a se­ her own eyes, has she not taken the most also some minor equipments, inCluding ottered at the little Country store. “ . Fadd was saying when the SpeCtator vere system of drills, a National eduCa­ effeCtual way to preserve his purity of his Cartridge-belt, Canteen, meat-Can, You are invited to attend a PronunCia­ arrived, “that pronunCiation is largely tional movement for the preservation word and thought and life for the pres­ knife, fork and spoon. General Flagler tion PiCniC at Miss Fadd’s. The automatiC—that it is no 'easy matter to and furtheranCe of English undefiled?” ent and the years to Come? keeps the operations of this branCh of SpeCtator was puzzled. He was taking give up mispronunCiations. You know “And asylumns for inCurables,” sug­ Now what shall we do with the slang the government maChinery very seCret— a bit of vaCation in midwinter, the soli­ SDITS AND OVEECOATS, that you should not sa> ’ ok-ke-py, and gested the SpeCtator. with whiCh our boys’ Conversation is so for the reason that it is not desired that tary guest of an old-time stage-route figger, and mag-az\\xe, but you will un­ “ Yes, yes,” for Croaker was more plentifully sprinkled? Shall you raise the enemy shall know just how many and tavern in an out-of-the-world New Eng­ less you give you whole, mind to your than half in earnest, “and pronunCia­ your hands in horror if I say, “Put a what kind of guns the United States land town, lie had meant to play the speeCh. I know of one woman in this tion hospitals.” medium degree of restraint upon it and possesses, though it is a faCt well known role of reCluse, but sinCe his evening at village”—and her eyes sparkled as she “I beg your pardon,” asked the SpeC­ endure the rest?” I know one mother to everybody that at the outbreak of ALL LATEST STYLES and PATTERNS the Maple Sugar SoCial, and another at looked fixedly at a siC epy old man— tator, “ but why do you say pro-min-si- who limits her boy in the use of a word hostilities our supply of weapons ot war the Debating Club, when he had helped “ who is drilling herself so severely that ation ?’’ dear to his soul, but most trying to her, was far from adequate. in settling the question, “ Could the she Can hardly say her ,'iayers without “Oh,” rejoined the irrepressible Croak­ to three times a day. He seems to find “The work of the Corps of engineers PRICES LOWER THAR THE LOWEST. United States Conquer England in thinking most of her pronunCiation.” er, “ perhaps I use the next edition of relief enough in that to get through the of the army relates chiefly to fortifiCa­ ,0*!*04*0vC>*!'MCK*0*lMvvv*!*0*r0*I*CH*0*T* Naval W arfare?” social attentions had LaCk of spaCe forbids the SpeCtator’s your ‘Seven .Thousand Words.’— The twenty-four hours without using it any tions. Of late the officers of the Corps begun to pour in; and now a PronunCia­ giving the formula of that first exerCise, Spectator. more, though he did once ask if she have been engaged in laying mines to ASK TO SEE GUI! LINE OF tion PiCniC was impending. familiar to many of his readers, no should Count it if he thought the word. proteCt harbors and rivers. The great The SpeCtator was not fond of picnics, doubt; it has been used in TeaChers’ in­ THE BOY S TONGUE. Slang is often the effervescence of youth Cities of the Coast are now pretty ade­ J . JJ SUITS. as a rule. But a PronunCiation Picnic* stitutes, etC.; and, as Miss Fadd im­ working out, and it is dangerous to Con­ quately fortified with modern high- $ and that in a loCality CharaCterized by pressed upon ns, “ even n Boston it has There is one evil that seems hovering fine it too Closely. Strong feelings do power guns and mortars, New York raCy Colloquialisms—its social life de­ not yet been read wit tout many mis­ over the patli of boys with peCuliar not find satisfaCtion in the moderate espeCially being defended by some most pendent largely for survival upon the takes.” “ A saCrilegion,. son of Belial,” malignity. The vice of profanity is forms of expression whiCh Content us as formidable batteries In existenCe. It is weekly prayer-meetings, the Woman’s the exerCise begins, “ v_ ;o suffered from alarmingly prevalent. We are shocked we grow older. The Careful use of re­ proposed, though not deCided, to place a Missionary Guild, and, what stood for bronChitis, having exhausted his finan­ by the oaths we hear uttered by boys as fined language ourselves and pleasant great sixteen-inCh gun on ltomer Shoal, the supreme altitude of exClusiveness, ces . .” Great was t e merriment as we pass along the streets—boys who CorreCtion when the boy is about us will off New York. The gun is nearly ready, Miss Fadd’s Browning Club—really, the the minister, the school prinCipal, and from their appearanCe should have re­ help (his disease to Continue in a mild but a foundation for it would have to be SpeCtator Could not think of missing the Congressman dropped down at the Ceived suCh training as to make this im­ form until it passes away with no more superposed as a house for the giant One-Price Cash Clothier, that piCniC, partiCularly as he was mak­ outset. No one had reaChed the half­ possible. Temptation from without lasting results than measles and kindred weapon. ing a study of the idioms and vernaCular way snag of the story v hen the SpeCta­ does not amount to muCh; it is only evils to whiCh the boy is heir.— The SIGNALING WITH BALLOONS AND PIG­ of isolated Communities like that. One tor’s turn Came, and, with never a fear when we are drawn away by our own Congregationalist. EONS. 141 mWATER ST., GARDINER, MAINE. of the SpeCtator’s diversions had been but that he would -ail triumphantly far lust that we yield. There is an answer­ 10ain-98 “ The Signal Office of the War De­ listening to the talk of the farmers at ahead at least of any b< fore him, he be" HOW WASHINGTON SUPPLIES THE ing spirit in the boy whiCh makes him partment has been engaged in ConneCt­ the Country store, to the disCussion of gan, and had safely pu sed comely, and TROOPS. HEADQUARTERSZIFOR respond to temptation, as one lad said: ing all fortified points along the coast telegraph news at the post-office, the docile, and calliope—C; reful not to let “ O, but it makes a fellow feel strong to The July Cosmopolitan lias an artiCle by telegraph and telephone. Mean­ Chatter of the Children going to and his voice evinCe anythii g but beComing say some of those words that his mother Granite and Marble Monuments by Ilene BaChe on “ The Government in while General Greely is making experi­ from school, the gossip of goodwives on modesty—gliding sercti *ly over sacrifi- objeCts to.” That feeling, whiCh is nat­ War Time,” telling how the direCtion ments with balloons, whiCh are expeCted the breezy Corners, his note-book filling cable even—Miss Fadd gasping when ural and must be taken into aCCount, and maintenanCe of the great navy and to prove of serviCe during the war in a Tablets and Headstones. fast with quaint expressions and what that was passed—and tlten—“ Wrong!” Cannot be Considered now. army now aCtively engaged is managed variety of ways. Sent up to an eleva­ seemed to be an established code of mis­ she Cried—that triCk of his mental auto­ I hove my donbts as to the wisdom of by the various bureaus in the national tion of 1,000 or 2,000 feet, a bal­ pronunCiation. lie had found the nook, matiCs bad ensnared ’ im into saying suCh punishments as washing out a boy’s All kinds of Cemetery Work Done Neatly Capital. The writer draws a graphiC loon Carrying an officer with a telesCope, he fanCied, where, unless the summer jt/gf-u-lar—lie knew better, of Course, month, or any other disagreeable ordeal piCture of the busy scenes in the Navy and ConneCted with the earth by a rope and Promptly. 3 Prices Right. visitor broke in, there might be a survi­ but, then, that w * the way he had pro­ that we may compel him to go through. and War Departments in these days, and telegraph wire, would make it pos­ \v : val for some time yet of original native nounCed it the m< of i is life. It is merely lopping off’ the branCh; we and thinks that the work of the War sible to asCertain the movements of ibk d M( G Marble, Cleaned speeCh.
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