THE CHURCH NEWS LCG.org January-February 2021 The Values of Living Youth Programs Dear Brethren, from 1987 through 1994. My responsibilities ranged from Teens and those new to the Living Church of God probably water sports to Christian Living and overseeing the high know very little of my past involvement in the Church’s sum- school staff. mer camps, and since I plan to take direct oversight of our There were three sessions of three weeks each in Min- teen camp in Texas this year, I thought it would be helpful to nesota during those years, with more than 500 campers and share some background. staff per session. Working the first session was of great per- My upbringing was in the world, participating in Boy sonal benefit, especially under Dr. Kermit Nelson, who put Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Civil Air Patrol, and organized base- us through a one-week orientation prior to the start of camp. ball, tackle football, basketball, and swimming. My wife, on This, along with working under four different camp directors the other hand, was privileged to spend her teen years in the over the years, was great training for the future. Church. Among other opportunities, she attended the first In 1995, I helped organize the first Global Youth Camp two summer camps held by the Radio Church of God, fore- at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, where I served as Assistant runner of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). It was a very Camp Director and outlined the programs. I continued in the different world back then, for both of us. Many leaders both same role for the next two years, near Siler City, North Caro- in and outside the Church in the late ’50s and early ’60s had lina, before moving camp to a more remote location near Pick- been in the military during World War II and approached ford in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Following the dis- summer camp with that background. ruption that brought about our name change to Living Church Carol’s first camp, in 1962, was more like boot camp. The of God, Dr. Meredith appointed me as North American Youth pioneers of that first Church-sponsored camp lived for eight Development Director, and I directed the Living Youth Camp weeks in small booths without air conditioning in Big Sandy, in Michigan from 1999 until 2008, where we averaged around Texas. They had to get up in time for 6:00 a.m. exercises and 200 campers and staff each year. It was also my privilege to go through rigorous dorm inspections. Nevertheless, there start the Missouri Preteen Camp at Camp Sherwood Forest were plenty of fun activities and enduring bonds of friendship in Cuivre River State Park in 2000. In 2009, we took 80-plus were formed. It could not have been too bad, as Carol and campers on a week-long canoe trip through parts of Voyageurs many others returned for the second year. National Park, on the border between Minnesota and Canada. My first involvement with the Church Summer Educa- After 25 years of working with the Church’s summer tion Program was in 1983 in Orr, Minnesota, teaching swim- camps, I “retired” to focus more on responsibilities with ming and water polo. Even though I had plenty of experience the Work in Canada. However, I occasionally came out of with camping and athletics, I was amazed by how well-orga- “camp-retirement,” taking part in camps in the U.K. and Bel- nized the schedule and activities were. I then worked at the gium, visiting the Lone Star Camp in Texas for two weeks in camp in Big Sandy over the summer of 1986, and in Orr again 2017, and experiencing the 2018 Adventure Camp. Volume 23, No. 1 Inside This Issue... Let Us Not Judge One Another!… p. 3 Women and the Great Commission…18 Are You a Bigot?… p. 5 Lamps, Not Torches…20 An Interview with Mr. Mike DeSimone… p. 8 Finances: 2019 Review…21 When God Says “No”… p. 10 Local Church News… p. 22 Festival 2020… p. 13 Commentary… p. 24 Living Church News January-February 2021 Growing in Our Approach to Camp thians 14:33, 40). Decency involves right standards of dress, Because of this experience and background, I want to share godly language, and proper behavior. Orderliness requires part of an approach that several of us have developed. It in- diligently planning activities and training the staff so that all volves more than expertise in activities and requires a well- are “on the same page.” Confusion is avoided by consistency trained staff that understands, teaches, and guides by example in approach at all levels. When things are done decently, in the mission and goals of camp. Following our first camp in order, and without confusion, the result is peace. Missouri, we realized the importance of building a staff that Second, we have three main rules: Don’t hurt yourself, understood and “bought into” the program’s ideals. don’t hurt others, and don’t hurt things. This is why “practical It also became clear to me that the approach used in jokes” are not tolerated. Due to the escalation factor of such WCG, while excellent in many ways and with the best of in- pranks, people and things eventually get hurt. People are also tentions, fell short. From the very beginning of WCG’s Youth hurt by ridicule, put-downs, or being left out. We introduce Opportunities United programs, the fundamental idea was traditions that encourage concern for other people and that that providing sports opportunities for our teens would keep make sure no one is left out. Staff are encouraged to give each them in the Church—and it did, with some. That may be an camper personal, individualized attention, to “Make some- oversimplification, but my point is that many young people one’s day every day.” We want every camper to feel that all the still abandoned the Church, regardless of those programs; staff really care for him or for her. they were not the stellar success hoped for. Third, we strive to de-emphasize “cool.” When someone is We realized that this dynamic had to change, and knew trying to be “cool” in the way he or she dresses or acts, the focus that people love that in which they invest time, energy, and is on the self, and when everyone is trying to “out-cool” others, resources. That is one reason we strongly urge parents to teach you have a camp filled with self-centered individuals where the their teens to earn money in order to pay for at least a portion “un-cool” are left out. That is not outgoing concern! of summer camp expenses. They get more out of camp when Will we ever attain a camp where all campers and staff they have some “skin in the game.” We also try to put more em- live these ideals perfectly? I think you know the answer—but phasis on our youth and teens being personally involved in the there are many expectations and traditions we introduce into Church, whether through earning their way to camp, contrib- the program to encourage outgoing concern and discourage uting special music, setting up chairs, or serving in some other self-centered behavior. capacity on the Sabbath. They can also help care for the physi- We must always keep in perspective the proper emphasis cal needs of an elderly person in the congregation, perhaps by we should give the Living Youth Programs, neither over-em- raking leaves, mowing a lawn, or fixing a meal. phasizing nor under-emphasizing their importance. We want One program that will be revived this year is that of hav- to work in harmony with the commission God has given us. ing a limited number of high schoolers serve as camp staff. Currently, about 25 percent of the Church consists of We know that many teens have appreciated this opportunity, non-baptized individuals age 25 or younger. That is a signifi- and we also know that, when they teach the values of camp cant body of believers who can benefit from focused attention to others, they begin more deeply to “buy into” those values to help them come to real repentance and commitment to themselves. This also provides the camp program with future doing the will of God. Camp is a major way to spiritually feed leaders in various camp responsibilities. and uplift these beloved young people, and with God’s help, we will use it to do exactly that. Striving for a Godly Atmosphere So, what are these values? First, we strive to do all things decently, in order, without confusion, and in peace (1 Corin- Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston The Living Church News is published bimonthly by the Living Church of God, 2301 Crown Centre Drive, Editorial Director: Richard F. Ames Charlotte, NC 28227. Subscriptions are sent without charge to members of the Living Church of God. Executive Editor: Wallace G. Smith Managing Editor: John Robinson ©2021 Living Church of God™. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Postage paid at Charlotte, NC. Regional Editors: Robert Tyler (Australasia) Postmaster: Send address changes to Stuart Wachowicz (Canada) The Living Church News • P.O. Box 3810 Charlotte, NC 28227 Peter Nathan (Europe and Africa) Editorial Assistants: William Williams • Thomas White The Living Church of God is not responsible for the return of unsolicited articles and photographs. Asst. Copy Editors: Sandy Davis • Linda Ehman • Genie Ogwyn Scriptures are quoted from the New King James Version (©Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers) unless Business Manager: Dexter B.
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