Established January, 1846. The Courier-Gazette Trouble on Schooner Robert I— Bean THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Came Near Fatal Ending. S I L S B Y ' S ALL THE HOME NEWS Lamont A. Wellman Succeeds Alfred B. Lamb—Licensing Mrs. Harry fywing Thanks The Courier-Gazette For Sav- 399 Main Street Rockland, A sailors’ row which came within Subscription $3.00 per year payable Jn ad­ j an inch of being a fatal affray was Board Has a Session. ing Husband’s Life—Vinalhaven Fisherman Was Near vance; single copies three cents. OFFERS YOU THIS WEEK Advertising rates based upon circulation brought to light here yesterday with To Death. and very reasonable. the arrival of the schooner Robert NEWSPAPER HISTORY At a special meeting of the Ciiy by non-residents. There also arose ! Unusually fine Daffodils, 1,. .Bean Irom St. John, X. B. City The Rockland Gazette was established in the point as to what the effect | 1 Marshal LukeI like S. Davis and Inspect- i Government Tuesday night Lamont Ailrift 53 hours in an open boat, back home before noonday, and tie { 1810 In 1871 tiie Courier was established would be if an exception was made | $1.25 per dozen and conso’iiiated witli tiie Gazette in 1882. s IL Magee were called oil -V Wellman of 13 Orange street w.ti or Charles in Mr. Walker’s case. around which angry seas- were beat­ consequently did not provide himself The Free Press was established in 1853, and to Lake a Porto Rican, Albrite Mes­ ing to a height of 50 feet; minus food in 1801 changed its name to the Tribune. elected patrolman to fill a thrlfce year These licenses were granted: with food. There was. however, a First quality Pink Snap These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. so from her, charged with assauit term.. He succeeded Alfred B. Lamb, Victualers—Daniel Munro, Mont P. and water; and at times only vague­ jug containing about two gallons of with intent to kill. Messo was who has been on the Northend heal Trainer, Ida K. Shea, Ethel B. Pom* ly conscious that he was in peril of fresh water. Somehow the stopper Dragons, $2.00 per dozen lodged in the county iail and will he for a number of years, and who was eroy. Louis Petrosky, Jacob Green, being swept into tiie open Atlantic— became dislodged and enough salt taken to Portland today for arraign­ recently transferred to the Southend. this is the story, rivalling a hideous water found its way into the Jug to As rust eats iron, so care eat:; the ••• W. F. an 1 F. E. Perry, James Hanly, Easter cWid Calla Lilies, ment before the federal *court. John T. Berry and Frank Grede.’ nightmare, which was yesterday be- spoil the contents- Mr. Cowing ••• heart.—A. Kicard. ••• R. H. Angel, Mary E. McKenney, ••• ••• It is charged that Messo resented were confirmed as special policemen, Frank L. Newbert and Louis Cohen. ! ing told by Harry Cowing, a Vinal- drank thirstily, and by midnight his Sweet Peas, Roses, 4# .«. •• .«. .«. .«. «. ■ .«• >•* ••• ••• orders given by boatswain John and will probably be assigned to spe­ Bowling alley—John L. Thomas. i haven lobster fisherman. condition had become nearly de­ Christophsen while the vessel was at cial traffic duty. Mourned as lost, after two days of lirious. Public cars—Berry Bros., Bert | exacting search, in which civilians Carnations CAR MAN KILLED - anchor at St. John, and attacked the Tift? meeting was called primarily Wardwell. A. S. Rankin. Arthur L He recalls In a dazed manner that officer with a knife, inflicting severe to act upon the annual crop of licence Rokes, Arthur E. Saunders, George ' were joined„ , by the forces.. of two Ills boat drifted past Matinieus Is­ t * . facial wounds and numerous siligh’. petitions. While most of them were B. Clark, Frank F. P.utler, Mrs. Annie J land and that he saw a white house For Potted Plants Ralph W. Dolham Meets cuts about the body which must granted, many others were referred M. Klin*. James T. Jones, Cleveland, 1 unexpected rescue is today the topic on the southwestern side which he have been serious had it not been to the hcen.sjng committee for in- 1’. Harvey, Charles V. McKinney and of Knox.County’s seacoast communl- recognized as that of Weston Ames. Ivy and other Geraniums in variety, Pelargoniums Tragic Death At L. R. R. i for the heavy clothing worn by j vest{gation. Among these were: Arthur M. Sprout. | ties, rivalling the stories told in fic­ He blew his horn as loudly as he Christophsen. The colored cook took tions pages. could but the gale prevented the or Martha Washingtons, Fuchsias, Japanese Rub­ Repair Shop. To operate steajn heating plants— Truck, teams—C. S. Stevens, Eddl) a hand before the affair went further Alfred L. Church, Walter Dimick ami W. Farmer, S. B. St. Clair. Fred Le , The, glad, news came, yesterday Round from being heard ashore. ber Plants, Easter Lilies. and put Messo in charge of Cajd. jalnes Yevkal. Eventually he fashioned a torch, but Ralph W. Dolham, car repair man, vasser, George H. Jackson,Jackson. R. H. I m,,, nlns fr,,m M“,ne " outermost A. Johnson wh caused the arrest Plumber—John li. Moulaison. light station, and the purveyor of it apparently it failed to attract at­ These are all home grown, fresh and beautiful. in the employ of the Lime IRock Withlngton, G. W. Grover. S. B. Ay! at this port. Public car—A. Walker Brewster, ward, .1. W. Haskell, A. W. Brewster, was Capt. I1' O. Hilt, keeper of Ma- tention. Our prices are very reasonable for the quality of Railroad, was fatally injured Tues­ j Yictualer—-Rosy L. Hammond. A. F. Quimby, E. G. Wotton, C. II. tinicus Rock Light. The skies cleared after the storm, day'xafternoon, while working be­ LATEST SEA HORROR The sequel came in the form of and Tuesday forenoon the warm rays our goods. , To conduct theatrical perform- Clifford, E. S. Wing. Daniel A. Me-. tween cars in the repair shop. , M i ancea and moving pictures—Dondi.s Loud and George L. Wlieeler. a telephone communication from of the sun beat down upon the inert | THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP The accident happened at 3.30 Japanese Freighter Meets Doom As Amusement Co., operating Strand To sell lireworks—E. E. Simmons, Mrs. Cowing to The Courier-Gazette form in the bottom of the .boat, when a string of cars got beyond the Helpless Passengers of Two Steam- Theatre, ar.d Maine Theatres. In.-.. Harry H. Brown, Mary E. McKinney yesterday afternoon. Un a voice bringing back a somblance of con­ £ S 1 L S B Y ' S control of the brakeman and smashed ers Watch. ! operating Park and Empire theatres. and George E. Orcutt. shaking with emotion the wife of tiie sciousness. The wind had greatly into the still cars on which Air. Dol­ Junk dealers—-Abraham M. Cass- Inn-holder—Mrs. Carrie F. Gould. rescued fisherman told how resi­ moderated, and was blowing from 399 Main Street Rockland ham was working. I)r. A. \Y. Foss Thirty-eight Japanese seamen, the man and Sam Lermon. Victualers and Inn-holder dents of Criehaven, learning through the southwest. the corporation’s physician was entire crew of the Japanese steel With reference to ,Mr. Moulaison Thomas S. Gross and Byron L 1 lxll,er °f '*'er hu»ba,nd's peril, had The coast line began to assume a summoned and the victim was freighter Raifuku Maru, were one of the aldermen said he had been Ryder. fared forth in search of the missing familiar appearance. “That," thought taken to Knox Hosj.ital in ;h-» Bur­ given to understand that an ob­ i craft, and found It just as the sea the castaway, "must be Bantam drowned in the raging North Atlan­ Billiards and pool—Frank B. Allen, pee ambulance. It was there learned jection had been raised that "thei j Chester W Munro. Bhllip Sulldes, was on the point of claiming an­ Ledge off Criehaven." And the idea that his neck was broken. He died tic seas Tuesday Av hen their ship other victim forced itself upon him that If he i sank under the eyes of two shiploads are too many plumbers already.’’ Jacob Green, George A. Tarr and I. at 7.03. This did not appeal to the board or Petrosky. “Your paper saved my husband's could get within its shelter some Mr. Dolham was a native of Rock­ ' of humanity unable to help them. i life," said Mrs. Cowing, "and I want fisherman might find him—before it Two ocean liners, the Cunarder mayor as a valid objection, and the Mo'itn picture operator—Oscar 'THE WOOLWORTH land, and for a time was in the em­ licensing committee was instructed Deiheiin you to know how grateful we all feel was too late. ploy of the city as driver of the N. Tuscania, and the Homeric of the toward it." • • • • White Star Line, futilely stood by as ' to look into the merits of the case. Junk dealers—A. L. Burns, I). A. Burpee hose team. For 10 years A. W. Brewster, while a resident of Shafter, Simon Brigg-, Morris Gor­ 'Interrogating her husband from With the one oar which the boat he was employed as clerk in Willis I. i the seas gulped down men and boa., time to time she gave the reporter a possessed he managed to navigate his BUILDING their decks filled with agonized At- ■ Owl’s Head, living just across the don, Jacob Pollse, T.
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