![Official Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Tilt OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE EAST AFRICA Pubhshed under the authonty of Ils Excellency the Governor of Last Afiicn. {Vol XXII —No. 696] NATROBI, February 18, 1920 (Price 25 Cents] Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Published every Wednesday TABLE OF CONTENTS Pace Proclamation No 13—16—The Diseases of Animals Oidinance, 1906 119 Govt Notice No 54—Confirmation of Ordinance (No XXVIII of 1919) 119 » ” - 55—Transport Office and Uganda Coast Agency, Mombasa 119 > » » 56—Transferred to the Administration of the Somaliland and Tanganyika Territory 120 ; 3 7 57-——-Appomtments . .. 120 9: ” 9 58—Lower Swalul Examination—Result of we 120 53—Swahih Exammation—Notice re 120 3) 23 a3 Gea Notices Nes-420-212—Miscellaneous Notices ve 120-127 February 18, 1920 11s THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE Rates of Subscription to “ Official Gazette.”’ Rs Cts For one year 12 50 50 » six months ca 4 three rnonths (excluding postage) 95 75 » three ,, (including a3 Single copy (excluding postage) 25 30 » (Gneluding Oooww 2 33 Cts Price of one copy between 1 and 3 months old 30 do do 3 and 6 do 50 00 do do 6 months and 1 year old EOOt do do 1 and 2 years old 50 00 do over 2 years old De Cts by § Price of a bound Volumeof “ Official Ganette” p a 50 00 do do Bine Book pa ek 30 do do Ordinances and Regulations NIOW do Oidimances (per copy) 50 00 do Insertion m “Official Gazette” (column) bs 00 do do do (half column) CMR do do do (quarter column or less) 00 00 do Chionological Index (1876-1910) COB do Census Return 50 Code of Regulations 90 Labour Commission Report 30 50 Duties Fees and Taxes Book WATCH Matter for pabhecation should reach the Editor not later than 3 o'clock on Monday aiternoon im each week NOTICE. COPIES of Ordinances and Regulations, Volume XX, 1918, can be obtained from the Government Press —Price 7/50 per copy CORRIGENDUM. “ Official Gazette” of February 4th, 1920, page 77 The Appomtment of Mi Harold Edwin Govdship, as Chief Accountant Uganda Railway, as from 21st March, 1919, 15 cancelled — a ARRIVALS. From leave or Date of Jeaving Date of Date of arrival Name Rank on lst England, Embaikation at Kaliandimi Appointment E B Hoskmg Asst Distmct Commissoncr Leave | bec 19th, 1919 Feb Ist, 1920 W 2B Brook do FF ” 19th ” let C J Monson Asat to Director of Agriculture ;, iMth ,, ” lst » and Advisor for Tobacco , ” C Andrews C s M 2dard K A Rifles 9 » 8th ,, Ist C A Bailey Captain, K A Rifles i » I9th , Pet” W Fairiey Asst Engineer, P WD lst appolatment | ,, 19th ,, ” Jet J W Guffin Pohce Constable 2 » ith ,, ae A #H Mitchell do 3 , 19th ,, . let) D $Cormack Clerk, Post ind Telegraphs » » 19th , ” 1 ; G M Hamilton Flax Inspeotor ”» 4th , 3?. ith ”oY DEPARTURES. Name Rank On leave or termination Date of Departure of appomtment P C Ford Workshop Manager, Ug Ry, Leave February 7th, 1920 L M smart Asst Traffic Manager, Ug Ry xt ” ith H Mason Asst Ohief Accountant, Ug Ry MY 33 ad Tth oF | February 18, 1920 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 119 EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. ProcLaAMAtion No 13 PRocLaAMATION No 16 S 1967 THE! DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCH, 1906 1.06 PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me I hercby declare the followmg Farm in the me J hereby declare that the following Procla- Naivasha Province to be an infected Foot and mation be revoked Mouth Disease Area for the purpose of the Proclamation No 92 dated the 2d:d day of aforesaid Ordinance August, 1919, (deelarmg Farm No 426, Farm No 425, (Messrs liast Afiica Lands and (Mr Chillingworth’s Faim) Naivasha, to be an Development Co) Gilgil, Naivasha District, with infected Swine Fever Area) the exception ot the old Gilgil Nyei1 Road and a Given under my hand at Nairobi this 7th day of parce] of land half a mile wide on each side ot the old Gilgil Nyeri Road February, 1920 Given under my hand at Nairobi this 10th day W KENNEDY, of February, 1920 dg Chaef Veterinary Officer W KENNEDY, Acting Chief Veterinary Officer GovrranmMenc Notice No 54 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCE ProciamMation No 14 S 1967 Notrcn THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE THE Secretary of Stite for the Colonies has 1906 been pleased to notify that His Majesty’s power of disallowance will not be exercised with respect to PROCLAMATION the undermentioned Ordin ince — IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling Aw ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE LAW RELATING TO me I hereby declare the followmg Farm im the TH! TRADE In CCCONUTS AND [THE PRODUCES OF THE Naivasha Province to be an imfected Rinderpest Coconui Pau Area for the purposes of the aforesaid Ordinance Farm No 395, Mr Chillingworth’s Farm, (No XXVITL or 1919) Na.vasha By command of His Excellency the Acting Given under my hand at Nairobi ths 7th day Governor of February, 1920 Nairobi, W KENNEDY, February 12th, 1920 Ag Chief Veterinary Officer G A S NORTHCOTE, for Acting Chief Secretary, Proctamatrion No 15 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1906 GovernMenr Nouce No 95 S 19436 TRANSPORT OFFICK AND UGANDA PROCLAMATION COAST AGENCY, MOMBASA IN EXERCISEof the powers thereunto enabling iT 1s hereby notified for general info:mation me I hereby declare the following Farms in the that the ofhcial designation of the above Depart- Naivasha Province to be infected Foot and Mouth ments in future wilh be — Disease Areas fo. the purposes of the aforesaid “The Government Coast Agency of the Hast Ordinance Africa and Uganua Protectorates, Mombasa” Farms Nos 473/1 and 473/4/1, Mr F Watkins’ 2 Correspondence requirmg duect action by Farnis, Solai, Nakura District, with the exception the Otheer-in-Charge should be addressed to — of a parcel of land 500 yaids in width on either “ the Government Coast Agent Mombasa” side of the Nakurr Solai Mam Road, Given under my hand at Nairobi this 11th day Nairobi, of February, 1920 Feb:uary 16th, 1920 W KENNEDY, W J MONSON, Ag Chief Vet-rinary Officer Actang Chief Secretary. 120 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE February 18, 1920 GOVERNMENT Noricr No 36 GoveRNMENT Notice No 53 TRANSFERS SWAHILI EXAMINATION THE Secretary of State for the Colomes has notified that the unde:mentioned officer has been Novice transferred to the Admunistration of Somahland, THE following dates have been fixed for the with effect from 18th October, 1919 Swahili Hxamination -—— Tromas Dacres Burier, Assistant District Commissioner 26th and 27th February, 1920 i H Maecnaghton, Haecutive Engineer, Public Works Department, Hast Africa Piotectorate, has been transferred to the Somaliland Protectorate GENERAL Notice No 1&9 as Superintendent of Public Works, with effect DRUGS AND POISONS ORDINANCH, 1909 from the 22nd of November, 1919 NOTICE THE undeimentioned person has been issued ¥ J McCatt, Veterimary Officer, Hast Afiica witha Druggists licence for the current year 1920, Protectorate, has been transferred to the m accordance with the provisions of “The Diugs Tanganyika Territory as Chief Vetermary Officer and Poisons Urdinance, 1909 ” with effect from the 26th February, 1919 Ropsmrr LawRip ‘GovERNMFNtT Notive No 57 Nairobi, A D MILNE, APPOINTMENTS January 9th, 1920 Rogrescrar. HIS EXCELLENCYthe Acting Governor has been pleased to make the followmg appointments — GuneriL Notice No 190 S 1503 To be a Magistiate of the Second Class with THE MEDICAL PRACTIONERS AND power to hold a Subordimate Court of the Second DENTISTS ORDINANCE, 1910 Class within the Lumbwa District whilst holding his present appointment as Assistant District NOTICE Commuissicne:, Lumbwa District — Haronp Hexry Trarrorp, with effect from THE unde:rmentioned has been registered as a the 31d January, 1920 Medical Practitioner im accordance with the provisions of “The Medical Practitioners and To be Acting Dnector Land Surveys — Dentists Oidmance, 1910” Tomas Harkness Gapprairu, uc, with effect from the 9th January, 1920 Name Qualification To be Acting Deputy Director of Land Suiveys— Grorce Wooprurr, with effect from the 9th January, 1920 Norman Lloyd Richards |meres,uRe, 1890, be Acting Provincial Commissioner, Tanaland London To Province — A D MIUNE, Horpert Epwarp SaLkeLp, with effect from Nanobi, the 16th January, 1920 February 10th, 1920 fegesti ar To be Temporary Asst District Commissioner — with effect from Joun WHELER Conuineron, GeneRAL Notice No 191 the 9th February, 1920 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCH, To be Asst to Directo of Agriculture — 1906 CurisropHer Joun Monson, with effect fiom the lst February, 1920 APPOINTMENT To be Permit Issuers Go\ ERNMENT Norick No 38 Stock Inspector, L J Knobel SWAHILI EXAMINATION ” ” P D Boardman 2 S Woods THE following gentleman has been successful in i passing Lower Standard Swamh Hxamination With ieference to General Notice No 1260, held recently — “ Official Gazette ” of Octobe: 8th, 1919, the name = ot Stock Inspector L H Saunders 1s deleted tiom Mr F C Gamerr the list of Permit Issuers Nanobi, Naurob, February 12th, 1920 February 14th, 1920 G A S NORTHCOTE, W KENNEDY, for Ag Chief Secretary Ag Chief Veterinary Officer. i 1 } { t Fc araary 15, 1920 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 121 + GINRAL Norvicr No 192 treatment similar to that provided for im the pre- ADMIRALTY TEMPORARY COMMISSION ceding prrigiaph, they will consider on then mets the cases of RNR and RNVR_ Officets, not RETENTION OF RANK ON covucd by the provisions of that paragiaph, who DEMOBILIZATION have received promotion to acting 1ank tor specially metitorlous service Lhis consideration will extend The subjomed ac gulations have been Aapprosed to the caxcs of officcis who, winle they were o1igin- hy the Admnalty (Weekly Orda, 3214/19- COW ally gianted promotion to acting 1ank on account of 22369-27-9-19) and are published for general the appointments they held, would subsequently information have 1.eceryed promotion fot meritorious service but (CW 22309 —27-9-1919 ) Jo.
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