-1- OF CHACHAPI I.J E.T,I,R$9+II9Tf#F,H Brief note on the Proiect TheMarkandeyaDamisconstructedacrossriverMarkandeyaneartryq c'c' spillway dam and two or d"rd*, District. tili;;; canals vlilage shirur Dyr""il;:-r. This.,project have two dvkes viz., Dyke'i,;:",1';il (Z)-ftrfrt*rndeya Left Bank Canal' ri) MarXadeya nigniEant< .anat TheMarkandeyaRightBankCanatstartsfromDykeNo-lwith.aheadcanal has command area of 262;;;#s. ni-per th" il";i't;t:t l* Right Bank ::scharse thi detail survey of Markandeya :; .,BZ1SH". n{"i--"onOu.ting Ha only' Hence ther is a totut ur"u *ori."Jrt t" rgs'sa canal. the avaitabt" there is a savings of water due H;. i;';;mand ,L-Jti*rtely viz" snorrfa, of 4657 in i"ig,tion schemes are proposed in commaril ,r", n"n"u,'irio Ha' and s:rortfall trrigation'6.n"*J;1I^i area of 2718 oirachadi ,no r,fiiiJ-[itt project' rrlarkandeya reservoir i 939 Ha. n"rp"JtirBiv"ur-'purt "i .Theproposalsofthesetwoliftiirigationsghel-es,weredeliberatedinlBthand recommended to treto on ig.oo.or at Bangalore rneeting of TSC, KNNL, to reduction in the irrigable .Jr,"r""t'out of ruruJ *rter due take up these B;.,19r??l ( Please vide MD' KNNL' command ,inJ.i Markandey;'R''ghi RgCiZ". ol-Oztgsz dated 04'07 '2001' Bangalore "r"uttr, NJ. iif.f Nffn-glof TheproposedChachadiLiftlrrigationS.l:Iuenvisagesliftingofwatersg+oso KM near Midakanatti village ;-:m Markandeya Right Bqnk cr;;i';i"eii: 9 villages namely' for, draught prone areas of io provide irrig"iio;"i""ititi", ialuka) rvt".trnrtudi, Sunnadakoppal' Keshapnatti, yatapdtij;;i;k chachadi' Midakanatti. (Bailhonn"-i''iIt?' ;";"; chikkabudanur' Vannur, Kalakuppi' titting of wate-r in suitable of Belgaum District by means.oi ( savadatii Taluk ) ot ++'so Mir and tcA of 2718 Ha stage up to RL Tici rrrrtr. *itt., ot *'iu'"pp.;*;t;'h"ro is about 0'51 TMC' ( flxed ) The tuqit"'"nt ThedetailsofareaisworkedoutfromthedetailedsurveythelengthofThe cropping pattern and duty' raising main itt"r- rreao ir''-.;.Juted' proiect' As per the ".i is as per tf'.r"-ft'f iX'ndeya Reservo'ir considered for this L.l.S of f 821b Ha is considered Proje$ R;; ihe total-are' Markandeya neiervoir i.t"toingrv it is proposed to take up for irrisatio. th=;;;'hls;i Br.;u;"r' A line estimate for rvrrixrnJuya Reservo"ii rro1".t. these schemes as-a part of r.Eryr=ry.::'ff ,T.?iu3,l3:lif showins -fr t";]J':1fJ'i-a'n'Pir'ttri;.i{tll i '*\ilqk-AJ ff;=ff[t"rin Nos '33€L( L DU ti're' u n i: Assistant' kxectr t 11"''-1!'1j.i,*t: tti:-ri n" Ior':': ',,liir-'--Llni,*.['t' " s .f HEAD WORKS :. NAME OF WORK:- ommissioning of Horizontal installation' testing and Design, supply' : capacity and head' to LT mot.rs of required pumps 3 nos connected power centrifugar center including bringing 1-1 kv Transformer including LT panel, starters, supplyatllkvforapproximatelength"''oo^lT'includingcivilworksoflntakeDelivery chamber and vr. s. Pipe, Rising main, UG Sump, Pump house, and Tools canal, supply of spare pt'{' Lump sum turnkey basis, Design drawing on of corrrpletion for scheme from the date operation of km of including { v"^r, scheme offtaking at 33'65 GHAGHADT il; irrigation mechanical portion of canal' MarkandeYa right bank ***** Thisschemeisproposedon.MarkandeyaRightBankcanalatch:33'65km'nine villages' iacirity to karif crops following to provide the irrigaiio'n GokakTaluka : Midakanatti'Keshappnatti'Yelapatti SaundattiTaluka : Chikkabudanur'Chachadi' Sunakuppi' Vannur' Kalakuppi' BailhongalTaluka : Mastamardi' 2718 Ha' area under this scheme is The total irrigable 56'h TSC Meeting of KNNL' schem-J i, k.p, before The proporJ ot this meeting held on given the crearance in its 24th the uo.ra of KNNL has give the Accordingry tiJ proposrt the Government has 22-02-2A05. After examining administrativeapprovalforthisproje.tvia.Govt.orderWRDogVIBYAMA2004to Rs' 24'60 r'he project estimate amounting BANGAL'RE Dated: t7-04-2ooz. CroreshasbeentechnicallysanctionedbyChiefEngineerKNNLlrrigation(North) for July 2007' Belgaum Vide Ref No: CIN-2003 ltisproposedtoliftthewaterfromMarkandeyaRightBankCanalatcumecs' ln the required for this scheme is 1.104 Ch: 33.65 km. The water approvedreachwisestatementofMarkancleyaRightBankCanall'lo4cumecsisdrawing water at this LrS at 33.65Km. Head wort< for earmarked for chachadi I d -ainf;ge is already constructed. The detail of irrigable area is'worked out from :re topo sheet. Accordingly the length of rising main and head is calculated. Ihe cropping pattern and Crop water requirement as per modified by pel}meng inethqd- is conside red. ln view of taking this scheme on turnkey bases the estimate has been prepared by the rates adopted are current schedule of rates of WRDO and PWD North zone, Belgaum. The tender was called by the Chief Engineer, KNNL, lrrigation (North) Zone, Belgaum. On turnkey bases. Two companies were participated in the tender and Private Ltd Bangalore hals the lowest bidder, M/s Amruta Consultant ,e"uot9d ?0'/: above for tender ambunt. The tender evaluation is placed in l-15tn TSC Dtd: LZl11OlZOl0 and the tender was rejected due to higher bid. And the TSC sought some compliance. The compliance was submitted by Chief Engineer, KNNL, lrrigation (North) Zone, Belgaum and the sarne has been placed before 121-'tTSC Dtd:14/03 l11tt. Previously the Scheme was delt by Chief Engineer, KNNL, lrrigation (North) Zone, Belgaum. And the scheme.has been transferred to the Chief Engineer, Malaprabha Project Zone, Dharwad, vide Govt Order No' Bangalore Dated on 411212A10. The SECOAN Consultancy Service, Bangalore have furnished the aligment proposals from Km: 0+00 to 5+00 along with detailed estimates. The alignment's from 0++00 to 5+00Km are approved by the Chief Engineer, Malaprabha Project Zone, Dharwad on 1,tl05l2O12' accordingly on the bases of approved alignment the detailed estimate of main canal from 0+00 to 5+00Km inctuding atl structure's has been prepared for Rs.915.00. Lakhs including nnechanical components and civil wgrks excluding dlstributaries, minors and FIC's bV Chief ErytlSSt--l{-AqEi&[g-!rcJ-eSlZgge' oharwi-d. tn the due co,rrse of tirne the chachadi LtS Scheme ["ras been transferred to the Chief Engineer, KNNL, lrrigation (North) Zone, Belgaum vide Government oot3,2e584 nJ order No: ,:.8o* lsa ]a.fa ^{ I dated 3tla7l2ot3. Further to the continuation to this as per GOVT order the compliance to the observations raised in the 143'd TSC meeting held on 2611.1,12012 the detail estimate for KM No.0.00to 5.00 have been revised by adopting2012-2013 wRD SR and current quarter rates for cement and steel and also the current market rates have been consi'dered for non- available items in the present WRD SR for the year ZOIZ-13 while preparing the detail estimate , the detail Estimate is prepared for Rs" 3&,t, oo t-akhs including mechanicai components and civil works, + The detail pi-c'.,isions made in the MECHANICAL & CIVIL works are as below: .A) lvlechanical '.';orks : t ) Erecti:rg of pumping machinery & Electrification including tl KV transf:r!-ner centre. 2) Pro . iling a nd laying 885mm dia M.S. rising main' 3) ii K,. H,T POWER LINE. Bt Ci\/lL'"i'OF.KS : I I Co:struction of SumP well 2 Ccnstruction of PumP house. 3" Earth,,vork excavation for rising main. : Construction of delivery chamber. lhe rates ccnsidered for the various items viz., pumping nrachinery MS pipes, I eCrlcal r,vorks are lcrvest market rates' --: estimate for both civil and mechanical portion prepared by adopting 2012- :::3 WRD SR,2012-2313 PWD Belgaum zone SR ,2OLO-2O11 ELECTRICAL DEPT r,*.D Belgaum tor-,e SR and current lowest market rates quoted by M/s RR S:A\.,'ICES , Bangalore . -rssista nt Executive Engineer Executive Engineer .":l!1, GRBCC, Sub Div No.8 Gokak KNNL, GRBCC, Div No.3, Gokak =\ Supe ding En neer er kal Dam KNNL, lrrigati North (Zone), Belgaum l\) CHACHADI LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME\ L*#Peak discharge L.104 Cumecs. Rt 721.600 (-) = RL 678.598 43.002 M Bidders to include all system rosses to arrive at total head, 2. Mechanical ryorks. This scope includes design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning centritugal pumps required of ;drrl .upr.ity.-rir.-rA. of horizontal piping incrudes MS suction or suitable diameters with iooi ;ril;;i,h';;r#j; and delivery m.tor shail be ;il;;;;;H; non_return varves, suitabre for operation at 433 vorts s0 H;ea necessan' bends' taper, ;*r,;;il'iiro rype with with tees etc., including M.s manifold with m'tor shall be of -.rrginaloutlet for $ising main the L.T suitable capacity witn iaaiuon syr po*". pumps class B isoiation to witirstand fJr operating above t.*pu.ature rise over and afove u,nui.n, temrature 42 3, Electrical works. The includes following: supply erecting' testing and commissioning. of L.T pump starters, - . '." panel board , Auto : transformer capacitors bank L.T cabling and earihing. 4. Rising main Bidders to consider M.S pipes of suitable dia for of kinetic air valves, Zero velocity required length : including valves and including::i:q_rrin necessrry ,n.hor, excavation and back fiiiing etc. block"th.usi blo.kr, 5. 0utdoor transformer centre 11 K.V. The scope includes following: Supply 0 erectio.n' testirig and commissioning suitable of step down transformer L1 capacity out door mounting with o"ff<i..rit Ky/433 of trp .r,r.sl.-;th copper winding oi], and riuea witn fliltilJjll,:j|,,1;["J;H1,ti,s ,t,na,.a?.u.,o.i., with bushing IIJ Supply install connect tuJ ,ra commission *11 KV vcB Kp,rcl metering CTlpT d i vato r. m o to r i n cubical with IIII cl ud i ng cabl ing-.r.1iiirg .r.
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