Index of First Lines and Titles 864 A 452 Be Thou My Vision 400 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing 453 Behold a Virgin Bearing Him 401 A Message Came to a Maiden Young 454 Behold the Lamb 402 Abide with Me 455 Bendito, Bendito 403 Ábranse Los Cielos 456 Benedictus 650 Adeste Fideles 457 Bless the Lord, My Soul 404 Adiós, O Virgen de Guadalupe 458 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word 405 Adiós, Reina del Cielo 459 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light 406 Adoramus Te Domine 460 Breathe on Me, Breath of God 407 Adoremus in Aeternum 461 Brightest and Best 408 Adoro Te Devote 462 Bring Flowers of the Rarest 409 Ah, Holy Jesus 463 Buenos Días, Paloma Blanca 410 All Creatures of Our God and King C 411 All Glory Be to God on High 464 Cantad al Señor 412 All Glory Laud and Honor 465 Canticle of Zechariah 413 All Glory Laud and Honor 466 Celebrémos del Señor 414 All Hail Adored Trinity 467 Cerca de Tí, Señor 415 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 468 Christ Be beside Me 416 All My Hope on God is Founded 469 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation 417 All Nations Clap Your Hands 470 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation 418 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 471 Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands 419 All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine 472 Christ, the Glory of the Sky 420 All Things Bright and Beautiful 473 Christ the Lord is Risen Again 421 All Ye Peoples, Bless the Lord 474 Christ the Lord is Risen Today 422 All You Who Seek a Comfort Sure 475 Christ the Lord is Risen Today 423 Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven 476 Christian, Do You Hear the Lord 424 Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem 477 Christians, Sound the Name That Saved Us 425 Alleluia! Alleluia! Sing a New Song 816 to the Lord Christians to the Paschal Victim 478 426 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! Christus Vincit 479 427 Alma, Bendice a Dios Christus Vincit 480 428 Alma, Redemptoris Mater Christus Vincit 481 429 Altísimo Señor Come, Christians Join to Sing 482 430 Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound Come Down, O Love Divine 483 431 America Come, Holy Ghost 484 432 America the Beautiful Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs 485 433 Angels, from the Realms of Glory Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs 486 434 Angels We Have Heard on High Come, Lord, and Tarry Not 487 435 As with Gladness Men of Old Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life 488 436 At the Cross Her Station Keeping Come, Thou Almighty King 489 437 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 490 438 At the Name of Jesus Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain 491 439 Attende Domine Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 492 440 Ave de Lourdes Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 493 441 Ave Maria Como Estrella en Claro Cielo 494 442 Ave Maris Stella Completed, Lord, the Holy Mysteries 495 443 Ave Regina Caelorum Concordi Laetitia 496 444 Ave Verum Corazones Te Ofrecemos 497 445 Awake, Arise, Lift Up Thy Voice Creator of the Stars of Night 498 446 Awake, O Lyre and Harp Cristo Jesús Resucitó 499 447 Away in a Manger Crown Him with Many Crowns 500 448 Away in a Manger Crucem Tuam 501 Crux Fidelis B D 449 Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen 502 450 Be Not Afraid Da Pacem Domine 503 451 Be Still, My Soul Daily, Daily Sing to Mary 504 Day is Done 556 Hark! A Herald Voice Is Calling 505 De Boca y Corazón 557 Hark! The Glad Sound! 506 Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness 558 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 507 Desciende, Espíritu de Amor 559 Have Mercy, Lord, on Us 508 Domine Deus 560 Heart of Christ 509 Draw Near and Take the Body of Thy Lord 561 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name 510 Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether 562 Holy, Holy, Holy 563 E Holy Light on Earth’s Horizon 564 Holy Spirit, Lord of Light 511 Earth Has Many a Noble City 565 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine 512 Eat This Bread 566 Honor, Loor y Gloria! 513 Ecce Panis 567 How Firm a Foundation 514 El Dios de Paz 568 How Great Our Joy! 515 El Señor Resucito 569 How Great Thou Art 516 Es el Señor mi Buen Pastor 570 Humbly We Adore Thee 517 Eschúchanos, Señor 571 Hymn to St. Francis 518 Eternal Father, Strong to Save I F 572 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say 519 Fairest Lord Jesus 573 I Know That My Redeemer Lives 520 Faith of Our Fathers 574 I Love You, O My Lord Most High 521 Father, We Thank Thee 575 I Sing the Mighty Power of God 522 Firmly I Believe and Truly 576 I Wonder As I Wander 523 For All the Saints 577 Immaculate Mary 524 For the Beauty of the Earth 578 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 525 For the Fruits of His Creation 579 In Christ There Is No East or West 526 Forty Days and Forty Nights 580 In His Temple Now Behold Him 527 From All Thy Saints in Warfare 581 In Paradisum G 582 In the Bleak Midwinter 528 Gift of Finest Wheat 583 In the Lord 529 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 584 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 530 Glory Be to Jesus 585 Into Our Hearts, O Spirit, Come 531 Glory to Thee, My God, This Night 586 It Came upon the Midnight Clear 532 Go, Tell It on the Mountain J 533 God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens 587 Jerusalem, My Happy Home 534 God Is Love, Let Heaven Adore Him 588 Jesu, Dulcis Memoria 535 God Is My Great Desire 589 Jesus Christ is Risen Today 536 God, My King, Thy Might Confessing 590 Jesús Excelso 537 God of Grace and God of Glory 591 Jesus, Lord, Be Thou Mine Own 538 God of Our Fathers 592 Jesus, Lord, Have Mercy 539 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen 593 Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All 540 God, We Praise You 594 Jesus, Priest and Victim 541 Godhead Here in Hiding 595 Jesus, Remember Me 542 Godhead Here in Hiding 596 Jesus Shall Reign 543 God’s Blessing Sends Us Forth 597 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 544 Good Christian Men, Rejoice 598 Joy and Triumph Everlasting 545 Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing 599 Joy! Because the Circling Year 546 Good Night, Sweet Jesus 600 Joy to the World 547 Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer 601 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee H L 548 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above 602 La Cruz Excelsa al Contemplar 549 Hail, Our Queen and Mother Blest 603 Las Apariciones Guadalupanas 550 Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star 604 Laudate Dominum 551 Hail, Redeemer, King Divine 605 Laudate Dominum 552 Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise 606 Laudate Omnes Gentes 553 Hail Thee, Festival Day 607 Lead, Kindly Light 554 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed 608 Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us 555 Hail, True Victim, Life and Light 609 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 661 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 610 Let All the World in Every Corner Sing 662 O Holy Spirit, Come to Us 611 Let All the World with Songs Rejoice 663 O Jesus Christ, Remember 612 Let All Things Now Living 664 O Jesus, Gentle Shepherd 613 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured 665 O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts 614 Lift High the Cross 666 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful 615 Lift Up Your Heads 667 O Jesus, We Adore Thee 616 Litany of the Saints 668 O Little Town of Bethlehem 617 Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending 669 O Little Town of Bethlehem 618 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming 670 O Living Bread from Heaven 619 Long Live the Pope! 671 O Lord, Hear My Prayer 620 Lord Jesus, As We Turn from Sin 672 O Lord, I Am Not Worthy 621 Lord Jesus, Think on Me 673 O Lord, with Wondrous Mystery 622 Lord of All Hopefulness 674 O Love of God 623 Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me 675 O Mary, Our Mother 624 Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist 676 O Merciful Redeemer, Hear 625 Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days 677 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright 626 Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore 678 O Radiant Light 627 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 679 O Sacred Head, Surrounded 628 Lux Aeterna 680 O Sacred Heart All Holy M 681 O Salutaris 682 O Salutaris 629 Madre Llena de Aflicción 683 O Salutaris 630 Magnificat 684 O Sanctissima 631 Magnificat 685 O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide 632 Maiden, Yet a Mother 686 O Trinitas Laudabilis 581 May Choirs of Angels 687 O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair 633 Merciful Savior, Hear Our Humble Prayer 688 O Word of God Incarnate 634 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need 689 O Worship the King 635 My Song Is Love Unknown 690 Oculi Nostri 636 My Soul Rejoices 691 Of the Father’s Love Begotten N 692 Ofertorio Nicaragüense 637 Nearer, My God, to Thee 693 Oh, Criaturas del Señor 638 Noche de Paz 694 Oh, Dios de Mi Alma 639 Nothing Can Trouble 695 Oh María, Madre Mía 640 Now His Years of Life Perfected 696 Oh Rostro Ensangrentado 641 Now Thank We All Our God 697 Oh Ven, Oh Ven Emanuel 642 Now the Green Blade Riseth 698 On Eagle’s Wings 643 Now with the Fast-Departing Light 699 On Jordan’s Bank 644 Nunc Dimittis 700 On This Day, O Beautiful Mother 701 On This Day, the First of Days O 702 Once in Royal David’s City 645 O Bless the Lord, My Soul 703 Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal 646 O Blessed Saint Joseph 704 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty 647 O Christ, Our Hope 705 Oremus Pro Pontifice 648 O Christe Domine Jesu 649 O Come, All Ye Children P 650 O Come, All Ye Faithful 706 Pange Lingua 651 O Come, Divine Messiah 707 Pange Lingua 652 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 708 Pange Lingua 653 O Father, All-Creating 709 Panis Angelicus 654 O Filii et Filiae 710 Panis Angelicus 655 O Food of Exiles Lowly 711 Parce Domine 656 O Food of Travelers, Angels’ Bread 712 People, Look East 657 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing 626 Pescador de Hombres 658 O Gladsome Light 713 Piedad, Oh Santo Dios, Piedad 659 O God beyond All Praising 714 Por la Excelsa Majestad 660 O God of Love, O King of Peace 715 Portal of the World’s Salvation 716 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 768 Sub Tuum Praesidium 717 Praise the Lord of Heaven 769 Surrexit Christus 718 Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him T 719 Praise to the Holiest in the Height 770 Take Up Thy Cross 720 Praise to
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