Football Coverage Cloudy, Warmer - Cloudy with warming trend THEDMU FINAL developing today, tonight; to-' morrow and Sunday. J Red B«k, FreehoM Loaf Branch J EDITION <8» IMUll* Vttt 3) ... I 7 Monmouth County^s Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 109 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1970 34 PAGES TEN CENTS Says He Plotted to Kill Pope MANILA (AP) — The painter in priest's robes who tried in clerical attire, approached the person of His Holiness with to kill Pope Paid VI with a foot-long knife says he wanted marked violence. to "save* humanitjr from the religious propaganda of the "Showing a crucifix in his hand, when fie was near His Pope" and had been planning to slay him for "many years." Holiness, he pulled out a dagger and attempted to stab His , The 73-year-old pontiff, on the third stop of an eight-nation Holiness. But he was immediately stopped by the security tour of Asia' and the Pacific, had just stepped off his char- men surrounding the Pope. tered jetliner in Manila today when a man in clerical POPE NOT AWARE garb lunged out of a crowd of 3,000 and tried to stab the "The Holy Fattier was not aware of what was going on, pontiff with a long curved knife he had concealed beneath and he continued to greet the rest of the guests with a a golden crucifix: smile." ' - / THROWN TO GROUND Stephen Cardinal Kim of South Korea, who was at the Police and dignitaries around {he Pope stopped the man Pope's elbow during the attack, came away with blood and threw him to the ground. The assailant managed to hit smeared on his white cassock., He said later that he had the pontiff on the chest as the knife went astray, but the s not been cut by the attacker's knife and had no idea how Pope was not hurt. The attacker was bleeding from the head, the blood got there. as police carried him away. Eyewitnesses said the bloodstains might have come Officers identified the attacker as Benjamin Mendoza y from the wounds inflicted on the attacker by police. Amor, 35, a surrealistic painter from La Paz, Bolivia. They The Pope had just been greeted by Philippine President saidte was a "religious fanatic." „ Ferdinand E. Marcos and was walking a red carpet toward ISSUE STATEMENT a dignitary who had knelt to kiss his ring when the attacker Vatican officials traveling with the Pope issued a state- lunged. ment today that said: ', There were conflicting reports over who stopped the at- "It has been found without any doubt,that a certain man, tack. Marcos', chief security officer, Col. Fabian. Ver, said Benjamin Mendoza y Amor, of Bolivian nationality, dressed (See Palni?r, Pg. 2) State Computer Decides MINUTES BEFORE — Pope Paul is surrounded by en- HELD CAPTIVE — Security guards hold Benjamin Mftri- thusiastic crowd' in Manila seconds before an attempt diia, 35, of LaPai, Bolivia, seconds after he'allegedly Just Who You Really Are tried to assassinate Pope Paul, , (AP Wiraphoto) was made on his life. (AP Wirephoto) By DORIS KULMAN longer names — and you'd completely on the computer, is set up that way," Mr. Coll- better forget about that hy-. as people tend to dp, Mr. Coll- yer.conceded. What's In a name? Too phen in hyphenated names. yer told The Daily Register. Space Limited many letters, according to the The size of the license itself There is space on the first PW Aid Admcate N.J. Division of Motor Ve- Edward H. Collyer, a sev- Hickel Affirms also is a factor, he said; lineof the license for printing hicles. • en-letter man and assistant director in charge of data "But the; magnetic tape 23 characters, and having a , For more than a half-dozen processing, cheerfnlly admits files used in every day pro- short first name won't help a Urges More Raids years, the.division has been that the division doesn't hold cessing don't, carry the full . bit if you have a lengthy sur- cutting names down to size, name., The form Is immu- Youth Regard TRENTON (AP) — A spokesman for a national group a man's name sacred •—. and name but only the name as it making Katzenellenbos of the hasn't since 1963. appears on the license, so I table, if you don't use all nine seeking to help American prisoners of war in North Vietnam Katzenellenbogens and Van By LEE BYRD sense of effective social said.Wednesday that he would like to see more U.S.. raids But it's wrong to blame that gupss you can say oui svstcm (See Computer, Pg. 2) Middlesworg of the Van Mla- WASHINGTON (AP) — A change, has very little to do ]$$$? <jpe Jsst weekend that attempted to free sq$e QI ttje dlesworths (if your surname private letter written recently with age. ,-•••• has more than 13 characters . by Walter J. Hickel, fired . "When change is,found dif- Robert Boyd,. a Vietnam veteran who now attends.Mon- — quick, take a look at your Wednesday' as secretary • of ficult, the immature turn to mouth College, said at a news conference on the State House driver-license or auto regis- the interior,' reiterated his violence or they drop out. The steps that his group "wholeheartedly approves the daring tration certificate). high regard for involvement mature dig In." strategy that our. president has embarked upon." of youth in national issues. "Foi• M ol ijs who.have lived in uncertainty for many The state's penchant for "V,V 11 want you to Snow years," he said, ^'Jicactions of the administration "have been limiting names, which ap- Hickel' declared he found you have My support arid en- proves Wojciechowicz (but "the student mood and move- thusiasm fdr'your cause." an inspiring: exaSiple to revitalize our hope that the prisoners, just barely) and clearly will return' Some." ' , •< ment at a most hopeful Miss Frome'; Whose father, militates against Tscheremi- stage" and added "there i& a Michael Frome, is environ-' Boyd, a former army captain, said he had no relatives schta and Von Schleusingen, among the prisoners, but said that he had had friends cap- depth of maturity entering mental editor for Field and earned it notoriety of a sort into it — a bigness of under- Stream magazine, comment- tured during the <ime he served in Vietnam. He came to the this week. standing which puts to shame State House with 10 relatives of war prisoners1 in an effort ed Thursday that Hickel was Magazine Topic some of the thinking I hear "the most responsive member to dramatize the efforts of the national group attempting to coming from other quarters." help the families. The Talk Of The Town, The of President Nixon's cabinet. Boyd said the demonstration was held at this time be- New Yorker magazine col- The letter, dated Oct. 23, "I'm very distressed," she cause of the raid last weekend. The landing of troops in umn that comments on the fa- went to Michele Frome, 17, caid. North Vietnam was successful, but the attempt to rescue bles, foibles and follies of our president of an environmental prisoners failed because a camp where they were supposed time, sadly speculating that action group at-Ft. Hunt High to be was found to have been evacuated, •' • New Jersey has declared the School near Alexandria, Va. melting pot kaput, quotes She disclosed its contents State OK's from a Motor Vehicle Division Thursday. letter which says that its elec- Hickel, whose troubles with tronic equipment can't print the White House are thoupM Kino Shield Aide in Manalapan first names of more than nine to have evolved in large part letters or surnames of more JUST MADE IT — Aubrey J. Raffalovich, left,- and Leonidas Efthyvoulou double from an earlier letter urging , than 13 letters. President Nixon to pay great- check their license's but find that they made it just under the computer limit of Rate Hike The letter says the Division er heed to youth, went on to - Inflicted on.4 Raps letters permitted -for a name. • (Register Staff Photo) say, in part: TRENTON (AP) -The will just chop off the ends of work had be'en done on three No Campus Issues State insurance' Department MOltRISTOWN (AP) - iiiiiiiuipniniiiiuiiiiiiiii Wednesday approved an aver- The former business adminis- township police cars. "As I see it, there are no age 13.1 per cent rate in- trator of Rockaway Town- The indictment also alleges high school or university crease for the Blue Shield me- ship has been indicted by a that he forged the names of campus issues any more —• 1 dical insurance plan. Morris County Grand Jury on three local policemen on the only community issues. The rate hike will affect three counts of forgery and bills. • "Student involvement has about 2 million of the 3.5 mil- . At Wednesday night'6 meet- State of U. S. Economy one of intent, to defraud, swept the American educa- , lion Blue Shield subscribers County Prosecutor Charles M. ing, Manalapan Township tional system into the main- and will take effect Feb. 1. Egan announced. Committee members said they 9 stream of American life. The Hike Sought The indictment was re- would not comment on the in- nation is your classroom and turned late.Wednesday against dictment until they have read your responsibility. You have Blue Shield had asked for a Still 'Unknown Factor rise of 15.1 per cent in rates John P. Campbell, now busi- it.
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