Section C Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock, VA www.rrecord.com December 22, 2016 t’s no coincidence children, crayons, creativity mas season. We received 74 entries in three catego- and Christmas all begin with “C.” We don’t know ries, ages 4-6, 7-8 and 9-10. Iwhen it started, but for centuries we’ve been First-, second- and third-place winners were creating masterpieces with wax crayons and more selected by a panel of Rappahannock Record judges recently markers of all shapes, sizes and materials. DQGWKHZLQQLQJHQWULHVDSSHDUKHUH7KHÀUVWSODFH It’s a safe bet that as long as we’ve been writing ZLQQHUDOVRZLOOUHFHLYHDJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHWRWKH letters to Santa, we’ve been illustrating them with local business of their choice; second-place, a $15 seasonal art. JLIWFHUWLÀFDWHDQGWKLUGSODFHDJLIWFHUWLÀFDWH 7RNHHSWKHFUHDWLYHMXLFHVÁRZLQJZHWKRXJKWLW Thanks to all of the participants. We enjoyed the might be fun to host a coloring contest this Christ- show. 1st Place Winners Kynleigh Wilson, age 6, of Kilmarnock, took the top prize for the four to six age group. Reagan Brent, age 8, of Lottsburg won in the seven to eight age division. More winners appear on the following page Sarah Burgess, age 10, of Heathsville, had the winning entry for the nine to ten age division. C2 s$ECEMBER RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD +ILMARNOCKs6IRGINIA More Coloring Contest Winners Logan Burgess, age 6, of Heathsville Grayson Lee, age 7 2nd Place Winners Lily Hathaway, age 9, of Weems Zoe Paone, age 8, of Kilmarnock Maxwell Braly, age 4, of Irvington 3rd Place Winners Cameron Carlson, age 9, of Kilmarnock +ILMARNOCK s 6IRGINIA RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD $ECEMBER sC3 Dear Santa, like Shape by Shape, a laptop, like Charlotte has, if you can. I’ve tried being a good girl a bike and a bed for my doll. I really enjoyed that. this year and I’ve gotten all I’d also like Power Wheels for Please treat my Mom, good grades. I would love to me and my cousin Ashton. I Daddy, Gaga, Gigi, Pop and have stuff for my dolls, clothes, love you and will put milk and Grandaddy nice. They love us movies and a new bed set for cookies out. so much. Please also remem- Christmas if you could. Please With Love From, ber all our friends and relatives don’t forget my little sister and Haley Lewis, age 11 and kids everywhere. big brother. I will make sure White Stone I will leave you some treats we have milk and cookies wait- under the tree. Reindeer food ing for you. Hi Santa, will be on the step. Love, I am doing great in school Love you Santa, Zoe Paone, age 8 and I’m a good boy. Stella Grace Huff, age 4 Kilmarnock Santa, I love surprises so Harrisonburg anything you think I’d like Letters to Dear Santa, would be great. I do love the Dear Santa, My name is Freddie and I outdoors and hunt with Dad I have been good this year Santa have been a good boy this year. more. and I would like to have a I would like for you to bring me My sister, Stella Grace and good new year start for one of Rock ’Em Sock ’Em robots. I I love the snow and moun- my presents and I want a Sil- basketball goal to play inside love you Santa and I want you tains up here in Harrisonburg verado for my Mom and Dad. and a regular basketball and a to remember my sister Emma. and love our warmer days and Then for me my list is a t-shirt baseball game for Xbox 360. She would like a juggle ball the water down at the creek in that says ‘fresh,’ then a swag From Your Friend, and Emma is a very good girl. White Stone. Actually, I guess t-shirt and a baseball necklace Cayden Bishoff, age 9 Thank you, Santa. you could leave us some sur- then a foosball table. And a Weems I would also like a Play-Doh prises in both places. She is a set. great sister and a good girl too! I also would like a disc Thanks for all you’ve left launcher. for me in the past Christmases. Your Little Boy, I’m so excited, so I’ll thank you Letters from the Wiley Freddie Dubose now for what you leave under the tree for me this Christmas. Dear Santa, Please be good to Mom, Dad, Child Development This will be my first Christ- Gaga, Gigi, Pop, Grandaddy mas and I am so excited! I have and all my friends and rela- Center toddler class been a very good little boy and tives. They all are so good to I have been working so hard to me. Dear Santa, learn many new things. Milk and cookies will be We attend preschool at the Wiley Child Development Center. For Christmas, I would like a under the tree and food for the We have been very good boys and girls this year! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, stuffed Daniel Tiger, toys that reindeer will be on the step. My name is Jesse Lipscomb. I am 21 months old and I live How are you? How is Mrs. I have been on my best play music, cars, trucks and Have a safe and fun trip Santa. in Heathsville. For Christmas, I would really like to have: new Claus? I’ve been kind of good. behavior this year and I’ve lots of books because I like it Love, trucks, new play balls and a tool set! I try to listen, but it’s hard. I also learned how to share my when my mommy and daddy Sawyer George Huff, age 6 My name is Kajan Rich. I am 21 months old and I live in miss my Pop-Pop. I hope to toys with others. I would like read to me. I promise to leave Harrisonburg Kilmarnock. For Christmas, I would really like to have: a bubble get lots of toys this year. I also a Scooby Doo truck, a big you milk and cookies and I will machine, lawnmower toy and a dump truck! want everyone in my family to dinosaur, some super hero toys put carrots in the yard for your Dear Santa, My name is Quinn Sanders. I am 22 months old and I live in be happy. and a remote control car. Oh reindeer. This is a fun time of the year Warsaw. For Christmas, I would really like to have: a new baby Love, and I have a new baby brother Love, for me! doll, a kitchen set and dress up clothes! Grayson Lee, age 7 so could you bring him some Riley Dameron, age 11 Santa, I am a good little girl My name is Ka’Melo Thomas. I am 23 months old and I live Kilmarnock teething rings and baby toys? months and so is my brother Sawyer, in Lancaster. For Christmas, I would really like to have: a lawn- And please don’t forget my Mila so please leave us any toys, mower toy, a new truck and toy animals! Dear Santa, mother. She has been working clothes and surprises you think My name is Jackson Vondra. I am 19 months old and I live I love Christmas! I’m so real hard. Bring her something Dear Santa, we would like. in Lancaster. For Christmas, I would really like to have: music excited that you’re coming to special. I am in the 5th grade at Lan- We enjoy playing and shar- instruments, tool play set and a new truck! my house. I know I’ve been From Your Friend, caster Middle School. For ing together. Of course I love Love, The Toddler Class good. I don’t know why my Jamari Culver, age 4 Christmas I would like to have my dolls and he is more of the parents say I’m getting coal for Weems an American Girl doll named outdoors type like Daddy. Christmas. I love makeup and Julie. I’d like matching PJs I do think we both would everything pink. My brothers Dear Santa, for me and my doll. I’d also enjoy a slackline-you know and I will leave you milk and Hopefully Lucy the Elf has 2017 Brings In Changes cookies in the living room. been telling you I’ve been a Love, good girl. For Christmas, I’d We are accepting most major credit cards. Hayden Lee, age 3 like some more princess things, Wishes for Santa from Kilmarnock the Cinderella movie and The We have a new climate control building Little Mermaid movie. Hope Dear Santa, you have a safe night! Bethel Preschool in Lively with new sizes. I’ve tried to be a good boy Love, this year. I want a new tablet, Emma Harris, age 4 Dear Santa, Please bring me a princess Minecraft Story Mode and White Stone We have been very good carriage and a dinosaur. Merry Christmas Tekken 6 for my sister. Also, this year and can’t wait for Addison Pittman, age 3 don’t forget toys and treats Dearest Santa, Christmas morning! We and for my dog Coco and my cat This year was a tough one have been doing all of our We will continue to do our Stormy. Please don’t forget my with a lot of growing, learn- work and have been playing best at school and listen to Happy New Year! wonderful mom and cousin ing and getting in trouble! I together so nicely…Here is our teachers. Don’t forget to Thank you William.
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