COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 14rgt.aluttur 3Jnuruul MONDAY, APRIL l, 1974 Session of 1974 1 S8th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 112 SENATE the Governor, advising that the following Senate Bills had been approved and signed by the Governor: MONDAY, April 1, 1974. SB 305, 5'73, 946, 1301 and 1433. The Senate met at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving SENATE BILL RETURNED WITHOUT APPROVAL Time. The PRESIDENT pro tempore (Martin L. Murray) in He also presented communication in writing from His the Governor, advising that the following Sen­ the Chair. Excellency, ate bill had been returned without approval: PRAYER SB 851. The Chaplain, Rabbi GARY CHARLESTEIN of the Har­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The communication and Zion Temple, Radnor, offered the following prayer: bill will be laid on the table. "When the world is judged, God judges first those who NOMINATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR are in positions of influence." REFERRED TO COl\IMITTEE "When a soul is judged, it is asked: Have you dealt He also presented communication in writing from His justly?" Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth, which Dear God: was read as follows, and referred to the Committee on We turn to You not out of weakness, but out of a Executive Nominations: strength which recognizes our human limitations. Rules and We call upon You not to remove the burden of de­ MEMBERS OF THE McKEAN COUNTY cision, but to enable us with greater justice and mercy BOARD OF ASSISTANCE to administer the trust You have given to the children of March 27, 1974 man. We are Your partners in the work of creation and To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of have come to take counsel with Thee. Pennsylvania: Enable us to see in each man the sanctity of Your we be mindful that though we deal with In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to image. May nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate the laws, it is human lives which we are shaping. following for appointment a.s members of the McKean Keep us far from gift and bribe. Sharpen our minds County Board of Assistance: and sensitize our souls that our decisions be wise and James Stinson (Democrat), 57 Bellview Avenue, Brad­ just. ford 16701, McKean County, Senatorial District 25, to serve until December 31, 1976, and until his successor is duly May good and not evil be the fruits of our legislation appointed and qualified, vice Don L. Crandall, resigned. for "He who saves one human life is as though he has Miss Virginia Hale (Democrat), Star Route, Lewis Run saved an entire world and he who destroys a life is as if 16738, McKean County, Senatorial District 25, to serve he had brought the entire world to destruction." until December 31, 1974, and until her successor is duly appointed and qualified, vice David J. Cornelius, resigned. Mindful of the power for good which is ours, we pray Charles Bonini (Democrat), First Street, Mount Jewett for the wisdom and courage to act so that men will say 16740, Senatorial District 25, McKean County, to serve the brotherhood of man and the Kingdom of God is ap­ until December 31, 1974, and until his successor is duly proaching. Amen. appointed and qualified, vice Mrs. Barbara Bonini, resign­ ed. MILTON J. SHAPP JOURNAL APPROVED The PRESIDENT pro tempore. A quorum of the Sen­ HOUSE MESSAGES ate being present, the Clerk will read the Journal of the HOUSE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE preceding Session. The Clerk of the House of Representatives being intro­ The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preced­ duced, presented for concurrence HB 152, 867 and 906, ing Session, when, on motion of Senator MESSINGER and which were referred to the Committee on Finance. Senator HANKINS, further reading was dispensed with, He also presented for concurrence HB 386, which was and the Journal was approved. referred to the Committee on Public Health and Welfare. He also presented for concurrence HB 831, 1456, 1720, COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR 1776 and 1839, which were referred to the Committee on State Government. APPROVAL OF SENATE BILLS He also presented for concurrence HB 1163, 1366, 1793 The Secretary to the Governor being introduced, pre­ and 1883, which were referred to the Committee on Local sented communications in writing from His Excellency, Government. 1696 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--SENATE April 1, He also presented for concurrence BB 1214, 1780 and (Alphabetical lists of lobbyists and organizations repre­ 1825, which were referred to the Committee on Trans­ sented are printed in Journal following adjournment of this day's Session.) portation. He also presented for concurrence BB 1974, which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE SENATE BILL RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS Senator MESSINGER, from the Committee on Appro­ priations, rereported, as amended, SB 1166. He also returned to the Senate SB 680, with the informa­ tion that the House has passed the same with amendments in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested. BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill, as amended, Senators DWYER, ORLANDO and ANDREWS pre­ will be placed on the Calendar. sented to the Chair SB 1593, entitled: HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILLS An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175), entitled "The Administrative Code of 1929," pro­ He also returned to the Senate SB 960, 1092, 1211, 1273 hibiting drilling for oil and gas in Lake Erie. and 1302, with the information that the House has passed Which was committed to the Committee on Environ­ the same without amendments. mental Resources. BILLS SIGNED Senators ROVNER, MOORE and HOWARD presented The President pro tempore (Martin L. Murray) in the to the Chair SB 1594, entitled: presence of the Senate signed the following bills: An Act amending the act of May 17, 1939 (P. L. 157, No. 81), entitled, as amended, "An act regulating the selection, SB 960, 1092, 1211, 1273, 1302, BB 1363 and 1364. drawing, and summoning of all jurors and talesmen, in counties of the second A and third class, and defining their qualifications in such counties; ....," exempting law en­ SENATOR HANKINS REQUESTED forcement officials from jury duty and repealing duplicat­ TO PRESIDE ing provisions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair invites the Which was committed to the Committee on Judiciary. gentleman from Philadelphia, Senator Hankins, to preside. Senators ROVNER and HOWARD presented to the Chair The PRESIDING OFFICER (Freeman Rankins) in the SB 1595, entitled: Chair. An Act amending the act of June 5, 1968 (P. L. 140, No. 78), entitled "An act regulating the writing, cancellation HOUSE MESSAGE of or refusal to renew policies of automobile insurance; HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE CONCURRENT ....," Tequiring notice to insurers of disposition of claims. RESOLUTION Which was committed to the Committee on Insurance. The Clerk of the House of Representatives being intro­ They also presented to the Chair SB 1596, entitled: informed the Senate that the House has concurred duced, An Act amending the act of May 2, 1945 (P. L. 382, No. in Senate Concurrent Resolution, Serial No. 244, entitled: 164), entitled "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," fur­ ther regulating the time for submitting annual fiscal re­ Urging the U. S. Department of Agriculture to ports to the Department of Community Affairs. maintain an on-going Food Distribution Program during short food supply. Which was .committed to the Committee on Local Gov­ ernment. GENERAL COMMUNICATION Senators MURPHY, ZEMPRELLI and COPPERSMITH LISTS OF LOBBYISTS AND ORGANIZATIONS presented to the Chair SB 1597, entitled: An Act requiring the payment of interest on certain ac­ The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the counts by banks, savings and loan associations and other following communication, which was read by the Clerk as corporate lending institutions and associations. follows: Which was committed to the Committee on Banking. April 1, 1974 .the Commonwealth of Senators MAZZEI, LAMB, MANBECK and HOLL pre- To t h e Honorabl e, the Senate Of sented to the Chair SB 1598, entitled: Pennsylvania An Act amending the act of September 9, 1965 (P. L. In compliance with Act No. 712 of the 1961 Session of 499, No. 254), entitled, as amended, "Motor Vehicle Sales­ the General Assembly titled the "Lobbying Registration men's License Act," further providing for board member­ Act" we herewith jointly present a list containing the ship and investigations, providing for consideration of cer­ na~es and addresses of the persons who have registered tain complaints and eliminating a certain expired pro­ during the months of January, 1973 through March, 1974 vision. for the 157th and 158th Regular Sessions of the General Assembly. This list also contains the names and addresses Which was committed to the Committee on Transporta­ of the organizations represented by these registrants. tion. Respectfully submitted: CIAN­ MARK GRUELL, JR. Senators REIBMAN, MURRAY, MESSINGER, Secretary of the Senate FRANI, W. E. FLEMING, FRAME, DWYER, HESS, MUR­ ROBERT M. SCHEIPE PHY, O'PAKE, AMMERMAN, ORLANDO, DOUGHERTY Chief Clerk House of Representatives and STAUFFER presented to the Chair SB 1599, entitled: 1974. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 1697 An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, CALENDAR No. 14), entitled "Public School Code of 1949," increas­ ing the maximum subsidy payable on account of instruc­ tion and the minimum reimbursement per pupil. BILL WHICH HOUSE HAS NONCONCURRED IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Which was committed to the Committee on Appropria­ tions. BILL OVER IN ORDER Senators w. E. FLE:MING, CIANFRANI, TILGHMAN BB 176-Without objection, the bill was passed over and MURRAY presented to the Chair SB 1600, entitled: in its order at the request of Senator MESSINGER.
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