Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Constructing Dirac linear fermions in terms of non-linear Heisenberg spinors This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2007 EPL 80 41001 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0295-5075/80/4/41001) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 04/11/2015 at 12:22 Please note that terms and conditions apply. November 2007 EPL, 80 (2007) 41001 www.epljournal.org doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/80/41001 Constructing Dirac linear fermions in terms of non-linear Heisenberg spinors M. Novello Institute of Cosmology, Relativity and Astrophysics ICRA/CBPF - Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, Urca 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil received 14 June 2007; accepted in final form 14 September 2007 published online 17 October 2007 PACS 14.60.Pq – Neutrino mass and mixing Abstract – We show that the massive (or massless) neutrinos can be described as special states of Heisenberg nonlinear spinors. As a by-product of this decomposition a particularly attractive consequence appears: the possibility of relating the existence of only three species of mass-less neutrinos to such internal non-linear structure. At the same time it allows the possibility that neutrino oscillation can occur even for massless neutrinos. Copyright c EPLA, 2007 There are evidences that neutrino changes from one property is not exclusive for neutrinos but instead is typi- flavor to another as observed for instance in neutrino cal for any Dirac fermion (e.g., quark, electron). However oscillations found by the Super-Kamiokande Collabora- as we shall see, the decomposition of the Dirac fermion in tion [1,2]. This mix is understood as an evidence that terms of non-linear structure contains three parameters the neutrino has a small mass [3]. This has important (associated to the Heisenberg self-interaction constant) consequences not only in local laboratory experiments but that separate different classes of Dirac spinors and three also in astrophysics and even in cosmology. In a closely elements for each class that could be associated to three related path, the possibility that not only left-handed but types of particles in each class. This form of decomposition also right-handed neutrinos exist has recently attracted may appear as if we were inverting the common procedure interest, receiving a new treatment in a very imaginative and treating the simple linear case of Dirac spinor as example presented in [4] dealing with the possibility of a particular state of a more involved self-interacting neutrino superfluidity. The main idea requires the exis- nonlinear structure. This goes in the same direction as tence of an interaction between neutrinos that in the case some modern treatments in which linearity is understood of small energy and momentum can be described as a sort as a realization of a subjacent nonlinear structure. In this of Fermi process involving terms like (νν)(νν). If the ν’s vein we will examine the hypothesis that neutrinos are are the same, this interaction is nothing but an old theory special states of nonlinear Heisenberg spinors. of Heisenberg concerning self-interacting fermions [5]. The argument is based on two fundamental equations: Recent experiments [6] strongly support the idea that the linear Dirac equation of motion there are only three neutrino flavours. Based on this and µ D D iγ ∂µ Ψ − M Ψ = 0 (1) on the possibility of mixing neutrino species, it has been 1 argued [3] that neutrino flavours να are combinations of and the non linear Heisenberg theory mass eigenstates νi of mass mi through a unitary N × N µ H 5 H iγ ∂µ Ψ − 2s (A + iBγ )Ψ = 0 (2) matrix Uαi. 2 It would be interesting if we could describe all these in which the constant s has the dimension of (lenght) properties as consequences of the existence of a common and the quantities A and B are given in terms of the root for the neutrino species, e.g., if they are particular Heisenberg spinor ΨH as realizations of a unique structure. In this paper we will H develop a model of such idea and work out a unified A ≡ Ψ ΨH (3) description of the three species of neutrinos by showing 1This equation represents a self-interacting spinor field driven that they can be considered as having a common origin by a Lagrangian of the form typical of Fermi processes, e.g., µ on a more fundamental nonlinear structure. Actually such Lint = sJµJ . 41001-p1 M. Novello and Now, the derivative of the currents yields H B ≡ iΨ γ5ΨH (4) ∂µJν − ∂ν Jµ =(a + a)[Jµ,Jν ]+(b + b)[Iµ,Iν ] The Heisenberg spinor ΨH can be depicted as a line making an angle of 45 degrees with each axis representing and ΨL and ΨR in the two-dimensional plane π generated ∂µIν − ∂ν Iµ =(a + a − b − b)[Jµ Iν − Iµ Jν ]. by left-hand and right-hand spinors as follows from the identity: Thus the condition of integrability is given by 1 1 ΨH =ΨH +ΨH = (1 + γ5)ΨH + (1 − γ5)ΨH . (5) Re(a)=Re(b). (8) L R 2 2 It is a rather long and tedious work to show that any The main outcome of the present paper is the proof combination X constructed with Ψ and for all elements of the statement that a massive or massless neutrino of the Clifford algebra, the compatibility condition that satisfies Dirac equation (1) can be described as a [∂µ,∂ν ]X = 0 is automatically fulfilled once this unique deformation of the Heisenberg spinor in the π plane. We condition (8) is satisfied. are, indeed, claiming that it is possible to write the Dirac H Let us now turn to some remarkable properties of spinor as a deformation of Ψ in the plane π given by I-spinors. µ D F H G H Lemma. The current four-vector J is irrotational. The Ψ = e Ψ + e Ψ , (6) L R same is valid for the axial-current Iµ. µ or, in other words, that the left- and the right-handed Proof. The proof that the vector J is the gradient of D F H D G H a certain scalar quantity is a simple direct consequence Dirac spinors are given by ΨL = e ΨL and ΨR = e ΨR . What are the properties of F and G in order that ΨD of its definition in terms of H-spinors. However there is satisfies eq. (1)? a further property that is worth of mention: this scalar is nothing but the norm J 2 of the current. Indeed, using The Inomata solution of Heisenberg dynamics. – equation (7), we have In [7] a particular class of solutions of Heisenberg equation was set out. The interest on this class rests on the fact that ∂µJν =(a + a)JµJν +(b + b)IµIν . (9) it directly allows one to deal with the derivatives of the This expression shows that the derivative of the four- spinor field, consequently allowing to obtain derivatives of vector current is symmetric. Multiplying eq. (9) by J µ any associated function of the spinor. Let us briefly present it follows then this class of spinors. The analysis starts by the recognition Jµ = ∂µS, (10) that it is possible to construct a sub-class of solution of Heisenberg dynamics by imposing a restrictive condition in which the scalar S is written in terms of the norm 2 ≡ µ given by J JµJ : 5 1 √ ∂µΨ= aJµ + bIµγ Ψ, (7) S = ln J 2. (11) a + a where a and b are complex numbers of dimensionality 2 Note that S = const defines a hypersurface in space- (lenght) . This is a generalization, for the non-linear case, time such that the current Jµ is not only geodesic but of a similar condition in the linear case provided by plane orthogonal to S. It follows that waves, that is, ∂µΨ=ikµ Ψ. µν 2(a+a)S A Ψ that satisfies condition (7) will be called an Inomata ∂µS∂ν Sη = e , spinor. It is immediate to prove that if Ψ satisfies this condition it satisfies automatically Heisenberg equation of or, defining the conformal metric motion if a and b aresuchthat2s = i (a − b). c ≡ 2(a+a) S This is a rather strong condition that deals with simple gµν e ηµν , derivatives instead of the scalar structure obtained by the we write contraction with γµ typical of Dirac or even for the Heisen- µν ∂µS∂ν Sg =1, (12) berg operators that appear in both equations (1) and (2). c Prior to anything one has to examine the compatibility showing that S is an eikonal in the associated conformal of such condition which concerns all quantities that can space. be constructed with such spinors. It is a remarkable result Lemma. The two four-vectors Jµ and Iµ constitute that, in order that the restrictive condition eq. (7) be inte- a basis for vectors constructed by the derivative ∂µ grable, constants a and b must satisfy a unique constraint operating on functionals of Ψ. given by Re(a) − Re(b)=0. Proof. It is enough to show that this assertion is true Indeed, we have for the scalars A and B. Indeed, we have 5 [∂µ,∂ν ]Ψ= a∂[µ Jν] + b∂[µ Iν] γ Ψ. ∂µ A =(a + a) AJµ +(b − b) iB Iµ (13) 41001-p2 Constructing Dirac linear fermions in terms of non-linear Heisenberg spinors and Multiplying these expressions by iγµ it follows that ΨD ∂µ B =(a + a) BJµ +(b − b) iAIµ.
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