Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 12 1934 INDEX -A- Abert, Lieut. James William, 187n Ada, Okla., 335, 440, 442-443 Adair, George W., 336 Adair, George Washington, 212 Cherokee Indian, Adair, W. A., Cherokee Indian, 136 Adair, Okla., 182 Advancing the Frontier, by Grant 79n, 82n Foreman, Agreement, Supplemental 441-442 Choctaw-Chickasaw, Aird, Thomas, 79-80 Akers, Lafayette Jones, 246-247 Alabama, state of, 105, 264, 279-280 Albuquerque, N. Mex., 85 Allbright, Frank, 474 Allen, James S., 405-406 Allen's Academy, 405-406 Alston, William, 471 Altus, Okla., 155 American Board of Commissioners 42, 47, 56, 69, 100 for Foreign Missions, Anadarko, Okla., 76n, 157, 365, 447, 449, 453 Anadarko (Indians), 367 Antelope Hills, 75, 75-76 Antelopes, 91 Anton Chico, 90 Antle, H. R., 444 Antlers, Okla., 497 Apache (Indians), 186n, 218 Asbury Mission, 79n Arapaho (Indians), 126, 186, 218, 340 Arbuckle, Gen. Matthew, 21, 24, 83n, 128, 306, 325, 337 Arch, John, 71 Ardmore, Okla., 237, 239, 406n Arizona, state of, 482 21, 25, 32, 41, 42, 44n, 46n, 47, 63, 97, 118, 124, 134, 136, 140, 178n, 294, 308, 311, 313- Arkansas, state of, 316, 319, 322, 454, 458 Arkansas, territory of, 42, 74 Arkansas, University of, 252 Arkansas River, 17, 26, 32, 42-46, 76, 134, 147 Arkansas River, falls of, 123 Arkansas River, ferry on, 251-252 Arkansas City Traveler, 260n Armstrong, Capt. William, 336 Arrington, Alfred W., 315-317 Atkins, Catlett J., 79n Atoka, Okla., 448, 450, 478, 492-493 "A Tribute to the Pioneer," by H. 214 Hobble, Attakullakulla (Little Carpenter), 67 Cherokee chief, -B- Bacone, Almon, 56 Bacone College, 125-126, 128-129, 227 Ballentine, Rev. Hamilton, 102, 407, 409, 413, 421-422, 426 Baptist Church, 61, 79n, 372, 400 Baptist Mission in Cherokee 220 Nation, Baptist press, 220 Barnwell, Rt. Rev. Middleton C., 472-473 Bishop of Idaho, Barry, Rev. Mr. T. W., Episcopal 470 Chaplain, Basshaw, W. J., 4 Battiest, Okla., 297 Baughman, U. M., 4 Baxter Springs, Kan., 360 Bean, Capt. Jesse, 215 Beale, Edward F., 74, 77n, 79n, 80, 81n, 83n, 87 Beale, George, 76, 93 Beall, Wm., O., 4 Beaver County, Okla., 386 Beck, George, School Supervisor 426 for Chickasaw Nation, Beck, James, U. S. Senator, 16 Beckham County, Okla., 155 Beggs, Okla., 142, 461 Bell, Devereaux Jarrette, 181 Bell, John A., 324, 332-333, 335-336 Bell, L. B., 253 Belleville, Ill., 76n Bennett, Mrs. Leo, 400 Bent, William, 188n Bent, Fort, 179, 187n, 188 Benton, Rev. Dwight, first Rector 471 of St. James of Wagoner, Berryhill, Pleasant (Duke), Creek 144 Indian, Bethel, Okla., 130-131, 295-296 Big Lick Church, 130-131 Big Smoke, Ponca chief, 361 Big Warrior, Creek chief, 273, 276, 277n, 278, 288-289 Bilby, Nicholas, 80n Biller, George, 471 Bingham, Miss Florence, 457, 464 Bixby, Tams, 118 Black Beaver, Delaware Indian, 76 Blackburn, Rev. Gideon, 69 Blain, Agent S. A., 365 Blake, Ruth, 462 Bloomfield Academy, 422n, 424 Blount, Gov. William, 274 Blue River, 62 Boggy Depot, Choctaw Nation, 405, 424, 447-448, 450 Bohannon, Stemen, choctaw 302 hunter, Book Review, 481-482 Boone, Capt. Nathan, 216, 368 Boston, Mass., 42-43 Boudinot, Elias, 306, 309, 312, 317-318, 322-323, 326, 328, 332, 334, 337-338 "Boudinot, Elias, The Murder of," 19-24 Boundary, between Choctaw and 405-406 Chickasaw Nation, Boundary, between Oklahoma and 145-162 Texas, Bount, William, Senator, 68 Bowlegs, Billy, Seminole Indian, 60, 127 Bowles, William Augustus, 265, 266n, 291-292 Boyle, Brig. Gen. J. T., 104 Boynton, Okla., 126 Bozeman, Jim, 255 Brainerd, Rev. David, 70 Brainerd Mission, 66n, 69-72, 97, 178n Brant, Joseph, Iroquois chief, 126 Brasos River, 41 Breckenridge, Maj. Clifton R., 118-119 Breckenridge, Gen. John C., 118 Brewer, Oliver Hazard Perry, 210-211 Cherokee Indian, Bridger's Fort, 179, 197 Bridger's Pass, 194n Bristow, Reuben, 11-12, 15-18 Bristow, Bill, 18 Broken Bow, Okla., 297 "Brooke, Rt. Rev. Francis Key, D. D., Bishop of Oklahoma," by Rev. 52-54, 470-473 H. J. Llwyd, Brown, Catharine, Cherokee 44n, 71, 178n woman, Brown, David, Cherokee Indian, 44, 178n Brown, James, Euchee Indian, 142-143 "Brown, The Journal of John 177-213 Lowery," Brown, Justice G. A., 154 Brown, Martin R., Cheorkee 178n Indian, Bryant, William, Choctaw chief, 131 Buckner, Rev. H. F., 56-57 Buckner, Gen. Simon Bolivar, 105 Buell, Mrs. J. Garfield, 216 Buffalo, 5, 85, 88-96, 145, 156, 185, 202n, 341, 344, 348 Buffalo Creek Settlement, 130, 295-296, 298, 300 Buffalo, Northern Cheyenne chief, 9-10 Bunch, Okla., 461 Burgoyne, Colonel, 301 Burke, Mark, 15 Burns, Miss Mary Jane, teacher at 409 Wapanucka Academy, Burris, Colbert A., 440 Bushyhead, Dennis W., Cherokee 203n, 253 chief, Bushyhead, Rev. Jesse, Cherokee 136, 220, 323 Indian, Buster, Lillian, 255 Butler, Dr. Elizur, missionary, 137 Butler, Rev. M. L., 125, 227 Butler, Pierce M., Cherokee agent, 139, 306 Butterfield, John, 74 Butterick, Daniel S., 71 Byhan, Gottlieb, 69 Byington, Rev. Cyrus, 130 "Byrd, Gov. William Lender," by 432-443 John Bartlett Meserve, Byrd, William, Choctaw chief, 403n, 425 -C- Cache Creek, 27 Cache La Poudre River, 178-179, 191 Caddo (Indians), 27, 40, 218, 367 Caddo (Indians), treaty, 364 Caddo, Okla., 443, 448, 450 "Caddoan Earth-lodge, Excavation 444-446 of a," by H. R. Antle, California, state of, 74, 79n, 82, 89n, 93, 177, 179-180, 181n, 182n, 185n, 482 Camp Arbuckle, 76n Camp Canadian, 80n Camp Chruchman, Ga., 488 Camp Holmes, 83n Camp Napleon, 450 Camp Radzaminski, 364 Campbell, Arch, 22, 24, 26 Campbell, Bob, 8 Campbell, R. C., 8 Campbell, Judge Ralph Emerson, 241-243 Campbell Salt works, 219 Canadian River, 9, 17, 58, 74, 75n, 76n, 78, 80, 83-87, 89, 91, 95 Canadian River, North fork of, 58, 79n Cane Hill, Ark., 189 Caney Creek, 102 Canton, Frank, 398, 400 Carter, Billy, 8 Casady, Rt. Rev. Thomas, Bishop 472 of Oklahoma, Cattle, 5, 7-9, 145-146, 155-156 Catholic Church, 66 Catlett, John G., 216 Catlin, George, artist, 128, 367 Catoosa, Okla., 100, 102 Cavalry, First U. S., 214-216 Chaddle, Konkie, Kiowa Indian, 161 "Chamberlain, Rev. Amory 97-102 Nelson," by Lon H. Eakes, Chandler, Saml., 113 Chapman, Amos, scout, 10 Chapman, Rev. Epaphras, 221, 230 Chattanooga, Tenn., 22, 66n, 70 Checote, Sam, Jr., Creek Indian, 144n Chelsea, Okla., 102 "Cherokee Gospel Tidings, The," 454-469 by Carolyn Thomas Foreman, Cherokee Spelling Book, A, by D. 71 S. Butterick and David Brown, Cherokees, Torchlights to the, by 70 Robert Sparks Walker, Cherokee (Indians), 19, 21-23, 25, 27, 32, 45n, 76, 83n, 123-124, 128, 177 Cherokee (Indians), "Act of Union," 24 Cherokee Advocate, 25, 138, 220, 464 Cherokee (Indians) Agency, 3 Cherokee (Indians) Alphabet, 25, 138 Cherokee (Indians) chiefs, 20 Cherokee (Indians) Commission, 391 Cherokee (Indians) Constitution, 21, 136, 306 Cherokee (Indians), during Civil 97 War, Cherokee (Indians), during Red 281, 284 Stick War, Cherokee (Indians) Female 97, 114, 125, 255, 407n Seminary, Cherokee (Indians) immigrants, 21, 23 Cherokee (Indians), in Arkansas, 42-44 Cherokee (Indians), Lower, 67 Cherokee (Indians) Male 114, 178n, 488 Seminary, Cherokee (Indians) National 329-331 Convention of, Cherokee (Indians) National 19, 137 Council, Cherokee (Indians), Old Settlers, 20-21, 23, 306-307, 318 Cherokee (Indians) Orphan 219 Asylum, Cherokee (Indians), Overhill, 66-73 Cherokee (Indians), missionaries 42-51, 66-73, 97, 125, 454, 458 among, Cherokee Phoenix, 309 Cherokee (Indians), removal of, 19-20, 42, 70-71, 97, 136, 305, 307, 311, 325, 333 Cherokee (Indians), superstitions 272n of, Cherokee (Indians), Temperance 136-138 Society of, "Cherokee (Indians) Trail," 179 Cherokee (Indians), Treaty of 25, 42 1828, Cherokee (Indians) Treaty of 1835, 19-20, 23 Cherokee (Indians) Treaty Party, 20-21, 306-307, 309, 324-325, 332-333, 335 Cherokee (Indians) village in 35 Mexico, Cherokee Nation, 21, 43, 46 Cherokee Nation, schools in, 25, 68-70, 97, 114 Cherokee Nation, soldiers in, 64 Cherokee Nation Strip, 7n, 58, 372 Cherokee Nation, whiskey in, 134, 136 Cherokee Nation, white settlers in, 42, 46-47 Cherokee town, stage stand at, 448, 450 Chester, Penn., 74 Cheyenne (Indians), 182n, 186n, 218, 340 Cheyenne (Indians), chiefs of, 9-10 Cheyenne (Indians), division of, 17 Chyenne (Indians), Northern, 9, 17 Cheyenne (Indians), raid of 11-16 Northern, Cheyenne (Indians), Southern, 15, 17 Cheyenne & Arapaho (Indians), 259 Agency, Cheyenne & Arapaho (Indians), 371 pictures of, Cheyenne & Arapaho (Indians), 258, 261 reservations, Chickamauga (Indians), 72 Chickamauga (Indians), Mission, 70 Chickasaw (Indians), 364 Chickasaw (Indians), Academy, 435 Chickasaw (Indians), Constitution, 437 Chickasaw (Indians), District, 406 Chickasaw (Indians), during Civil 435 War, Chickasaw (Indians), during Red 291 Stick War, Chickasaw (Indians), emigration 407n, 437, 447 of, Chickasaw (Indians), Manual 425 Labor School, Chickasaw (Indians), treaty, 60 Chickasaw Nation, allotment of 441-442 land of, Chickasaw Nation, cattle business 439-440, 442 in, Chickasaw Nation, governor of, 432-443 Chickasaw Nation, schools in, 402-431, 438 Chickasaw Nation, Wapanucka 402-431 Academy in, Chickasaw Nation, white settlers 437-440 in, Chickasha, Okla., 82n, 87, 447, 449, 452-453 Chiffee, Miss Mary, 423 Chisholm, Jesse, Cherokee Indian, 41, 76, 81n, 90-91 Chisholm Trail, 366, 447 Chisholm's Ranch, Kan., 448 Choate, George W., 477 Choctaw (Indians), 83n, 364 Choctaw (Indians) Academy in 294, 301-302 Kentucky, Choctaw (Indians), allotment of 126 land of, Choctaw (Indians), chief, 233 Choctaw (Indians) Council House, 112 Choctaw (Indians), during Civil 64, 435 War, Choctaw (Indians), during Red 281, 283, 290-291 Stick War, Choctaw (Indians), emigrants, 135, 295, 297 Choctaw (Indians), missionaries 55, 57, 132, 497 among, Choctaw (Indians), net proceeds 233 due delegation of, "Choctaw, Temperance meetings 130-132 among the," by Peter J. Hudson, Choctaw (Indians), temperance 133 among, Choctaw (Indians), treaty of 1801, 135 Choctaw (Indians), treaty of 1837, 405 Choctaw Nation, 65 Choctaw Nation, Chickasaw 435 Indians in, Choctaw Nation, lead and zinc in, 303 Choctaw Nation, schools in, 407n Choctaw Nation, trailways in, 294 Choctaw Nation, white settlers in, 233 "Choctaw Landmark, A," by A.
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