PhysDoc Index Search Service Conferences and Schools The EPS EurophysNet WWW service (http://epswww.epfl.ch) includes the Physics Departments (PhysDep - http://www.physik.uni-olden- Europhysics Meetings Database A database of physics meetings world- list is available in a searchable form burg.de/Harvest/brokers/EurophysNet/PhysDep/query.pl.cgi) search wide of interest to European physicists via World-Wide Web on EurophysNet service operated by Oldenburg University. A HARVEST “broker” for which details were received at the at http://epswww.epfl.ch. provides a query interface for searching an index of the home pages of EPS Secretariat before 15 November . some 600 European physics departments. Departments should check 1995. The meetings are in date order http://epswww.epfUh/conf/urls.html divided into two categories — Conte- that they are registered on the PhysDep list (http://www.physik.uni- rences and Schools. An abbreviated • EPS Sponsored & Organized events: oldenburg.de/Harvest/brokers/PhysDep/dep-links.html) and if not, re­ listing from the database list is publi- http://epswww.epfl.ch/conf/eps.html gister using the form http://alice.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/euimp/. shed below starting with EPS Spon- • Europhysics meetings list: Physics Documents (PhysDoc) has started operation as a pilot sored and Organized events. The full http://epswww.epfl.ch/conf/all.html EurophysNet service to enable index searches for documents stored in PhysDep servers. The HARVEST “gatherer” which scans each site July 16-19 European Group for presently finds all locally stored publication references known to the Conferences 1996 Atomic Spectroscopy: 28th Ann. Conf. system. Each department can help improve the service by: (EGAS-28) Graz, A L. Windholz, • ensuring that PhysDoc knows the local home page URLs that con­ EPS SPONSORED & ORGANIZED Institut für Experimentalphysik, TU Graz, tain references and/or links to electronic documents (use form http:// European Research Conferences Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz www.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/Harvest/brokers/EurophysNet/PhysDoc/ (ERC) in Physics: contact ERC Prog­ +43 (316) 873 81 41 /316 26 58 query.pl.cgi); ramme, ESF, 1, quai Lezay-Marne- windholz @fexphds01.tu-graz.ac.at sia, F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex. +33 Aug. 22 - 24 History & Philosophy of • organizing a local server page which branches to all the other pages (1) 88 76 71 35 / 88 36 69 87; Physics in Education Bratislava, SK for the various local servers containing documents; http://www.esf.orq J. Sebesta, Dept. Theo. Physics, • having a fairly standard approach for identifying electronic documents Comenius Univ., Mylnská dolina, SK- (authors/title/source/status of publication). March 22 - 27 Wetting & Capillarity. : 842 15 Bratislava +42 (7) - / 72 58 82 A large local archive of electronic documents may need a HARVEST ERC in Physics Aghia Pelaghia.GR [email protected] gatherer to generate a local index file whose URL is sent once to the April 15-16 Nanotechnology - The Aug. 26 - 31 Interdisciplinary Aspects Links Between Physics, Chemistry & in Physics Education II: Europhysics PhysDoc broker for daily browsing. Biology: Europhysics Industrial Work­ Study Conf. Weiburg, Germany For information, or to discuss establishing a similar EurophysNet shop Birmingham, UK R. Palmer, G. Sauer, HILF, Zweigstelle Weilburg, service on another topic, contact [email protected]. Physics Dept., Birmingham University, Frankfurter Str. 20-22, D-35781 Weiburg Edgbaston B15 2TT, UK +49 (6471) 328 46 / 328 50 g.sauer@ +44 (121) 414 45 63/414 45 77 tulpen.gi.he.schule.de 1996 EPS Quantum Electronics Prize April 22 - 25 Condensed Matter Aug. 27 - 30 Atomic & Molecular Division of EPS: 16th General Conf. Physics of Ionized Gases: 13th Euro­ CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Stresa-Bavena, I A. Stella, Dip. di Fisica pean Sectional Conf. (ESCAMPIG-13) The EPS Quantum Electronics and Optics Division (QEOD) has esta­ "A. Volta", Univ. di Pavia, via Bassi, 6, Bratislava, SK P. Lukác, Plasma 1-27100 Pavia +39 (382) 50 74 77 / Physics Dept., Comenius Univ., Mlynská blished a Quantum Electronics Prize of the EPS. The Prize is given for 50 75 63 [email protected] dolina, F-2, SK-842 15 Bratislava +42 outstanding contributions to quantum electronics and quantum physics http://epswww.epfl.ch/conf/cmd96.html (7) 72 99 80 / 72 58 82 in both basic physics and applied science. It consists of a medal and a May 10-13 Economy - Energy - Entropy: Europhysics Study Conf. [email protected] diploma. The Selection Committee invites nominations for the 1996 Geneva, CH R. Dekyser, Inst. Theo. Aug. 31 - Sept. 5 Adv. Quantum Field Prize which will be awarded during the 6th European Quantum Electro­ PhysiGS, Physics Dept., KU Leuven, Theory: ERC in Physics nics Conference/Laser and Electro-Optics Conference (EQEC/CLEO- Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven La Londe les Maures, F Europe) in Hamburg on 9-13 September 1996. Nominations may be +32 (16) 32 72 35/32 79 86 Sept. 9-13 European Phys. Soc. submitted by EPS members, both Individual Ordinary Members and [email protected] 10th Gen. Conf. - Trends in Phy­ May 13-18 Solar & Heliospheric sics (EPS-10) Sevilla, E EPS-10 National Society Members) as individuals or as a representative of a Plasma Physics: 8th European Meeting Organizing Sec., PROCONSUR, Ed. Division or Group. on Solar Physics Crete, GR L. Vlahos, Capitolio, Avda. San Francisco Ja­ To establish a high standard it is necessary that the Committee Physics Dept., Thessaloniki Univ., GR- vier, 15, 4th Floor, E-41018 Sevilla receives proposals that represent the strength and variety of the 54006 Thessaloniki +30 (31) 99 80 44 / +34 (5) 492 27 55/492 30 15 European quantum electronics and optics community. Proposals 793 13 17 [email protected] [email protected] http://epswww.epfl. June-July Controlled Fusion & Plasma ch/conf/eps10.html should consist of a short presentation of the nominee (a maximum of Physics: 23rd European Conf. one page), a brief curriculum vitae, a list of major publications, and the Kiev, Ukraine c: EPS Sept. 9-13 6th European Quantum motivation for the award. Letters of support from authorities in the field June 3 - 7 Coronal Physics from Electronics Conf./Lasers & Electro- outlining the importance of the work would be very useful. Radio & Space Observations: CESRA Optics Conf.: (EQEC'95/CLEO-Europe) Nominations should be submitted before 31 January 1996 to Prof. Workshop Nouan le Fuzelier M. Pick, Hamburg, D O. Poulsen, Mikroelek- Obs. de Paris, 5, place Jules Janssen, tronik Center, TU Denmark, DK-2800 L.A. Lugiato, Secretary of the Selection Committee, EPS Quantum F-92195 Meudon Principal Cedex +33 Lyngby +45 (-) 45 93 46 10/42 88 77 62 Electronics Prize, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Via (-) 45 07 78 11 /45 07 79 59 [email protected] Celoria, 16, 1-20133 Milan. M. Ducloy, chair, QEOD [email protected] Sept. 9-13 Surface Science: 16th June 7 -11 Fundamental Aspects of European Conf. (ECOSS-16) Genoa, IT Surface Science - Semiconductor U. Valbusa, Dip. di Fisica, Via Dode­ Surfaces: ERC in Physics canese, 33, 1-16146 Genoa +39 (10) EPS High Energy and Particle Physics Division Blankenberge, B 353 62 84 / 362 27 90 June 10-14 5th European Particle [email protected] BOARD NOMINATIONS Accelerator Conf. (EPAC96) Sitges, E Sept. 16-20 Physics Computing '96: Ch. Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN-AC, CH- 6th Joint EPS/APS Int. Conf. on Physics It is customary to partially renew the Board of the EPS High Energy 1211 Geneva 23 +41 (22) 767 32 75 / Computing (PC'96) Cracow, PL and Particle Physics Division (HEPP) after the biennial Divisional 767 95 60 [email protected] M. Bubak, Academic Computer Centre, Conference. The Board proposes the following six new members: June 10-14 Surface Physics: 18th Int. CYFRONET-Cracow, POB 386, PL-30- Michel Davier, Orsay, FR Jan Pisut, Bratislava, SO Sem. Polanica Zdroj, PL A. Kiejna, 950 Cracow 61 +48 (12) 33 34 26 / Lynn Evans, Geneva, CH Julius Wess, Munich, D Inst. for Experimental Physics, Wroclaw 33 80 54 [email protected] Mario Greco*, Rome, IT Univ., pl. M. Borna, 9, PL-50-024 http://www.cyfronet.krakow.pl/pc94 to replace (*subject to confirmation) four members, with additional Wroclaw +48 (71) 20 12 67 / 21 44 54 Sept. 16-20 Solar Cells - A New Chal­ departures in 1996 without immediate replacement. [email protected] lenge for the Mediterranean Area: July 1 - 5 Polymer-Solvent Complexes Joint ACPS/IGPD Workshop (sat. to Members of the HEPP Division, i.e.. Individual Ordinary Members & Intercalates: Europhysics Conf. on EPS-10) Seville, E A. Suzor-Weiner, (IOMs) and National Society Members (NSMs) who have notified the Macromolecular Physics Meyrueis, FR Lab. de Photophysique Moléculaire, Bât. EPS Secretariat either directly (for IOMs) or indirectly through a J.-M. Guenet, Lab. d'Ultrasons et de 213, Univ. Paris-Sud, F-91405 Orsay national society (for NSMs) that they wished to join the Division, are Dynamiques des Fluides Complexes, +33(1)69 41 74 68/69 41 67 77 invited to consider the proposed candidates, and to propose additional Univ. Louis Pasteur-CNRS URA 851, 4, [email protected] and/or alternative nominations. The formal nomination of a new rue Blaise Pascal, F-67070 Strasbourg Sept. 21 - 26 Quantum Optics: ERC in Cedex +33 (-) 88 41 62 13 / 88 6013 80 Physics La Castelvecchio Pascoli, I candidate has to be signed by three members of the HEPP Division, [email protected] Sept. 28 - Oct. 3 Chaotic Phenomena and the proposed candidate has to agree to serve. The term-of-office July 6-10 Liquid Matter: 3rd EPS Conf.
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