Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan New Series No. 93 Palaeontological Society of Japan April 20, 1974 Editor: Hiroshi UJIIE Associate editors: Ikuwo OBATA, Yasuji SAITO Officers for 1973 - 1974 Honorary President: Teiichi KOBAYASHI President: Tatsuro MATSUMOTO Councillors (*Executive): Kazuo ASAMA,* Kiyoshi ASANO, Kiyotaka CHINZEI,* Taka­ shi HAMADA,* Tetsuro HANAI,* Kotora HATAI, Itaru HAYAMI*, Kametoshi KANMERA,* Tamio KOTAKA, Tatsuro MATsuMoTo,* Tokio SHIKAMA, Tsugio SHUTO, Yokichi TAKAYANAGI,* Toshimasa TAN AI, Hiroshi UJIIE* Executive Committee: General Affairs: Itaru HAY AMI, Y asuhide IWASAKI Membership: Kazuo ASAMA, Kazuhiko UEMURA Finance: Takashi HAMADA, Naoaki AOKI Planning: Tetsuro HAN AI, Saburo KANNO Publications Transactions: Hiroshi U JIlE, Iku wo OBA T A, Yasuji SAITO Special Papers; Kametoshi KANMERA, Ienori FUJIYAMA, Tomowo OZAWA " Fossils": Yokichi TAKAYANAGI, Toshiaki TAKAYAMA All communications relating to this journal should be addressed to the PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN c/o Business Center for Academic Societies, Japan_ Yayoi 2-4-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan Sole agent: University of Tokyo Press, Hongo, Tokyo Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N. S., No. 93, pp. 227-239, pis. 32. 33, April 20, 1974 627. REPORT" OF LOW.ER TRIAS FROM PIR PANJAL, NEAR QAZIGUND, KASHMIR, INDIA, WITH DESCRIPTION OF A FEW AMMONOIDS;' HARI MOHAN KAPOOR Geological Survey of India, Lucknow, India and" YUJI BANDO Department of Geology, Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan 1 :/ roo tJ -/ ~ -/I--~'I'I Qazigundfii!I:O) Pir Panjal J:1!!.!i.O)rgji=:''0:* : *'i'ivJ:t1E*" ,I.-J.* Zewan Series O)J:fflU:J!I/fJ(~~1.'"Ct':iI~, Claraia -'(o Ophiceras t,d:O)if!i:8',t:.J: I), ~ t':"h -/ ~ - 11--0) Srinagar fii!IO) Guryul Ravine 1:: ge;~-t Q Ttfll=:':'&* c.1m~fliI~j;>1!~'"C ~njJ.'J.-tQ;:b~pz:,rl'fIi=:'1i:*I::~-tQ;:cil~aJJz:,iI,ct.:-::>t,:o ;:0) Pir Panjal J:l!!.lKiI>z:,11€ I±l L. t,:~:f~I'l':Jt.: 7 :/-'C j-1 r c. L. '"C Lytophiceras aff. ptychodes DIENER, HYPophiceras? sp., Glyptophiceras sp., Ophiceras sp. ~~l'.ilUl15- L. t':iI~, .:. ~1. z:, 0) 7 :/ -'C j- 1 r !liJJ¥On t"ili'!lt.:"h -/ ~ -/1--0) Pastun S(> Spiti 0) Ophiceras JJJ!!1J)r.fc.;iHt~hQo H. M. KAPOOR, ~*ttm logical details. These discrepancies make Introduction it difficult to correlate different strata situated apart. Therefore, in the present Kashmir has extensive development paper the authors have made an attempt of Permian and Triassic formations. to review one of the areas of Pir Pan­ Many of the geological sections, confined jal, Kashmir, situated near Qazigund, on to the Vihi and Traal valleys of Kashmir, the basis of latest data available from are famous in the annals of Himalayan type sections. stratigraphy. A number of modifications, TEICHERT, KUMMEL and KAPOOR (1970) reviews and additions of data have also and NAKAZAWA and his collaborators been done from time to time on these (1970) in recent years carried out ex­ sections by geologists from India and a­ tensive study of the Guryul Ravine broad; but for other areas of Kashmir, section of Vihi Valley. They established we still lack lithological and paleonto- that advent of the Lower Trias in Kashmir is marked by the appearance * Published with the permission of the Director General, Geological Survey of India. of Claraia, and many of the Permian Received May 13, 1973: read June 23, brachiopods continued to survive in the 1973 at Niigata. lower part of the Lower Trias. The 227 228 Hari Mohan KAPOOR and Yuji BANDO Lower Triassic ammonoid fauna, how- /. et ai. (1970) considered the Pastun ever, made its first appearance when (=Pastannah) section as the type section the typical Permian elements completely of Lower Triassic beds in Kashmir. As vanished. The boundary between Perm­ the above papers revise the contact be­ ian and Triassic, considered by TEICHERT tween Permian and Lower Trias, the et ai. (1970) and NAKAZAWA et ai. (1970), position of the boundary is also likely is considerably lower than the boundary to change at Pastun. The revision of inferred by MIDDLEMISS (1910) and Pastun has already been taken up by W ADIA (1957); thus reducing the thick­ KAPOOR, and he found that the boundary ness of the Zewan Series and increasing is actually quite below the one hitherto the thickness of the Lower Triassic beds. considered. The Pir Panjal area, which Out of the several known sections is far away from Vihi Valley, is com­ from Vihi and Traal Valley, the Guryul pared with the above type section to Ravine section, where maximum details know the lateral extention and litho­ have been worked out by NAKAZAWA logical and faunal variations of the and his collaborators, is regarded as the Zewan Series and the Lower Triassic type for comparative study in this paper. beds in Kashmir Himalaya, and also to TEICHERT et ai. (1970) and NAKAZAWA know the faunas at the Permo-Triassic 1'6 Km. N ~-~ I • Kontsul >< Kukilphiur Gali 9860 BUflotoP. \..' R.4 N G ~ F: , q H.M.Kapoor Text-fig. 1. The sketch map of Pir Panjal, near Qazigund, Kashmir, showing the Lower Gondwana, the Zewan Series and the Lower Trias. Inset: Key Map. 627. Lower Trias from Pir Panjal, Kashmir 229 contact. This comparative study also Geology modifies the Zewan Series of Pir Panial of pioneer workers, as the upper part The geological sequence given in the of it is included now into the Lower Table 1 is modification of HAZRA and Trias. PI~ASAD (1963) as observed by KAPOOR. The area dealt with in the present Text-fig. 1 is a geological map of Pir paper, lies north of the Pir Panial Range Panial near Qazigund showing distri­ between Upper Munda (33°32': 75°11'30//) bution of Lower Gondwana, Zewan Series in the east and 1 km west of Lamar and Lower Trias; and Text-fig. 2 shows (33°35'15//: 75°05') in the west (Text­ geological section and column as seen fig. 1). Several diagonal sloping ridges in Upper Munda. emerge from the Pir Panial Range and The Lower Permian to Jurassic form­ finally about on the flat terrain of the ations, exposed on the northern ridges Karewa (Pleistocene) formation. The emerging from Pir Panial Range, are diagonal ridges are separated from each part of a broad overfold. The Panial other by the development of a small Trap, the oldest formation in the area of valley formed due to water courses. this report, forms high peaks. This is A number of short notes published succeeded by the Lower Gondwana beds. between 1866 and 1928 by R. L YDEKKER, A three-meter thick pebble bed above C. S. MIDDLEMISS, H. S. BJON and D. N. the Panial Trap is characteristic in this W ADIA of Geological Survey of India area. It suggests probability of hiatus give only an outline of the geology of and change before the sediments of this region of Pir Panial. HAZRA and Lower Gondwana were laid. The Zewan PRASAD (1963), however, reviewed and Series, the second oldest formation is of elaborated the earlier work and supple­ marine nature. It is rich in bryozoan mented the geology of the region by and brachiopod fauna (Linoproductus, adding more data observed by them. It Spinomarginifera, Leptodus, Protore­ will not be out of the way to refer tepora, etc.) of Upper Permian age. The he~e the work on the western part of complete succession of this formation is the Pir Panial by W AUlA (1928, p. 251), not seen in any of the sections, all along who reports the occurrence of Pseu­ the strike of strata. It is due to a re­ domonotis d. aurita and Pseudomollotis versed fault running between the Lower griesbachi in the upper part of the Zewan Gondwana and this formation; however, Series. He thinks that the presence of summing up all the sections the litho­ Pseudomonotis indicates nearness of the logical succession can be established as Triassic horizon between which and the Limestone (=Basal limestone; rich in Zewan Series of the type area there is crinoids, corals, shells of brachiopods, a gradual and conformable passage. etc.) succeeded by sandy shales with This zone containing Pseudomonotis may abundance of brachiopods (equivalent to be the zone of 'Mixed fauna' (of TEICHERT Marginifera himalayensis and Spirifer et al., 1970) of the Lower Trias of the rajah Zones). The Zewan Series are Guryul Ravine and represents the lateral closely folded; therefore it is difficult continuity of the Lower Triassic beds to estimate the actual thickness of the of the Guryul Ravine in the Pir Panial formation (thickness given in the Text­ area, near Qazigund. fig. 2 is the total this;kness of folded sediments). The sandy shales pass into 230 Hari Mohan KAPOOR and Yuji BANDO o .. C10 .. ° sw ~ , ~ ,f~ ~~Q" I oq$.~ ,..0" c;~. c, . ,.,vt} ~~ i' ° ~~/ ~' , \ , \ \ H.M. Kapoor G.. S.I.CN.R.) D.O.No. 906.7-70-XI Text-fig. 2. Geological Section and Column, near Upper Munda, Pir Panjal, near Qazigund, Kashmir. Thicknesses of the Zewan Series and the Lower Trias are not actual but sum of the .folded strata. flaggy shales. spond to the bivalve coquina zone or to· The flaggy shale is the important rock the Ciaraia zone of TEICHERTet ai. (1970). unit. It marks the begining of the It is, however, difficult to say whether­ Lower Trias•. This bed contain Ciaraia the upper part of the Lower Trias and spp. (C. concentrica Y ABE, C. stachei the Middle Trias were developed in the­ (BITTNER), ammonoids and also a number area. as the flaggy shales are succeeded 'of Permian brachiopods such as Lino­ by folded Upper Triassic limestones and productus, Derbya etc;).
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