THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece etnall: [email protected] MARCH2006 TeL (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue.•. Our Primate's View The so-called 'Catharsis' in the Church of Greece -B'- PA GE 5123 FOURTH SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT: The Christian Life according to St John Climacus :u.:. -; - '. >. 'C. P.\G£S , /26-,,/27 TRAVEL: Mistras: 'A pilgrimage to Byzantine Greece' 1'.\(;£ ,,136 20th Anniversary of St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College \6-1'.\(;1:: '"\S£R r Nobelists honour Pap test ~uro Fun~!~LoY~~rpaYi£,~ creator Tel: (02) 9747 66Q4 Available 24 hrs '''''' 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA MARCH 2006 White Parthenon once colourful APOLLO 13 LAUNCHED TO MOON April 11, 1970 On April 11, 1970,Apollo 13, the third lunar landing mission, is successfully launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying astronauts James A Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Hillse. The spacecraft's destination was the Fra Mauro highlands of the moon, where the astronauts were 10 explore the 1mbriwn Basin and conduct geolog­ ical experiments. After an oxygen tank exploded on the evening of April 13, however, the new mission objective became 10 get the Apollo 13 crew home alive. Its austere white is on every postcard, but the Athens wrought on the Parthenon's marole structure by centuries of Parthenon was originally daubed with red, blue and green, the weather exposure and decades of smog pollution. Greek arehaeologist supervising conservation work on the Principal restoration work on the entire Acropolis citade~ which 2,400-year-old temple says. stands in the centre of the modem Greek capital, is scheduled to be POPE JOHN PAUL II DIES completed by 2009. April 2, 2005 hA recent cleaning operation by laser revealed traces ofhematite Dedicated 10 the ancient Greek goddess Athena, patron of the (red), Egyptian blue and malachite-azurite (green-blue) on the ancient city ofAthens, the Parthenon was badly damaged during a On this day in 2005, John Paul IT, history's sculptures of the westem frieze," senior archaeologist Evi Venetian siege of occupying Ottoman Turkish forces in 1687. most well-traveled pope and the first non­ Papakonstaotinou-Zioti told AFP. Much ofthe temple's eastern frieze was removed in the early 19th Italian to hold the position since the 16th cen­ While archaeologists found traces of the first two colours else­ century by agents of Lord Elgin, then British ambassador to the tury, dies at his home in the Vatican. Six days where on the temple years ago, the malachite-azurite colouring Ottoman Empire. later, two million people packed Vatican City was only revealed in tile latest restoration process, Papakonstaoti­ Elgin subsequently sold the sculpttues 10 the Britisb Musewn in for his funetal-said 10 be the biggest funer­ nou-Zioti said. London, where they are still on display, despite persistent efforts al in history. Given the testimony of ancient writers, it is likely the Parthenon's by the Greek government 10 secure their return for the past 20 trademark colwnns were also coloured, she added. years. OLYMPIAD REBORN Archaeologists have been trying since 1987 to remedy damage AFP April 6, 1896 On April 6, 1896, the Olympic Ganles, a long-lost tradition of ancient Greece, are 96 percent of Greeks believe rebom in Athens 1,500 years after being banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius 1. At the opening ofdle Athens Games, King Georgios 1 of Greece and a crowd of kids should learn English spectators welcomed athletes from 13 An overwelming majority of Greeks, 96 tile equivalent percentage in Geffilany is 36 The next most frequently learned foreign nations to the international competition. pereent, believe that children should learn percent and in Britain it is 48 percent. language is Russian, wiU, 6 oftbe 7 percent to speak English as weD as Greek, while a The poll shows that 56 percent of Europe­ who know Russian in Europe being non­ ~TASTRONAUTSUNTRODUCED further 50 percent also believe children ans speak. one or more foreign language ade­ native speakers, followed by Spartisb, which April 9, 1959 should learn German, according to the quately, compared with 44 percent who is spoken as a foreign language by 6 percent, findings of a Eurobarometer poll on lan­ speak no foreign languages, while 28 percent while Spanish speakers accowlt for 15 per­ On April 9, 1959, the National Aeronauties guage skills in the European Union that speak two foreign languages and 1I percent cent of Europeans. and Space Adntinistration (NASA) intro­ was released on February 21. speak three foreign languages. Italian is spoken by 16 percent of Euro­ duces America's first astronauts to the press: One in two Europeans speaks English, one peans but only by 3 percent as a foreign 130- Scott Carpenter, L. Gordon Cooper Jr., John The next most popular language is French, in three speaks German and one in four guage, while Polish is spoken by 10 percent H. Glenn Jr., Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Walter which 34 percent of Greeks believe children speaks French, while the next most spoken of Europeans but only by I percent as a for­ Schirra Jr., Alan Shepard Jr., and Donald should learn to speak, followed by Italian languages are Italian, Spanisb, Polish and eign language. Slayton. The seven men, all military test with 6 percent Russian. The main reasons why Europeans begin pilots, were carefully selected from a group A majority of Greeks (74 percent) also Of the 51 percent of Europeans who speak leaming a foreign language is so that they of32 candidates 10 take part in Project beneve that all Europeans sbould speak two English, 14 percent are native speakers and can communicate on their holidays abroad Mercury, America's first manned space foreign languages, which is the second high­ 38 speak English as a foreign language. (35 percent), followed by professional rea­ progranl. NASA planned 10 begin est percentage in the EU after Poland (75 German speakers make up 32 percent of SOns (32 perceot) and personal pleasure (27 marme<j oroital flights in 1961. percent). Next in line come Litbuania (69 Europeans, of wbom 14 percent speak percent). About 65 percent of Europeans percent), Cyprus and Hungary (68 percent) German as a foreign language. Frencb leam one foreign language at school, 22 per­ and Italy (66 percent). speakers account for 26 percent of cent in a language scbool and 16 percent by In Fraoce, only 31 percent believe that it is Europeans, with 14 percent speaking French talking with foreigners. usefhl to speak two foreign languages, while as a foreign language. ANA MARCH 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TOBHMA 3/21 Editoria capital could be won in local government Had it not been for especially with Kosovo talks in process and a name settlement Dora's hour him, Bakoyannis would have been uolikely to seek the post even with Fonner Yugoslav Macedonia around the corner, rekindle with the Olympics at hand. relations with Turkey left fallow for two years and above all re­ By John Psaropoulos - ATHENS NEWS The foreign ministership has been shaped as a potential star! the political process for a Cyprus settlement. Whatever the antechamber for party leadership, after the career path ofGeorge aihnents of her job, ennui is not among them. The most important thing about the reshuffled cabinet is that Papandreou. His futher created the position of alternate foreign with Dora Bakoyannis the country now stands a chance of hav­ minister for him, and thmugh the dismissal of Theodore ing a strategic foreign poliey, as opposed to mere management Pangalos and the accidental death of Yannos Kranidiotis he Should soccer games of foreign affairs. ascended to the top seat. Unfortunately he moved to the party Greece sorely needs to defihe its goals in the Balkans, on Cyprus leadership by arrangement with Kostas Simitis two months and in the Aegean, and to start constructing the poliey that will before the 2004 election - too late to avert an electoral disaster in be policed? move it towards those goals over the long tenn. It also needs to the making since 2000. Although it is early days yet, the thought By T. Economopoulos -K.A:I'HlMERINI put in place a set of goals for two of the world's biggest and is irresistible that Bakoyannis might end up striking a similar fastest-growing economies, India and China; it needs to aggres­ consensual arrangement to follow Karamanlis. It is irresistible The images of police faced with rioting soccer fans at the recent sively pursue the new energy relationship with Russia; and it because in a country where a small number of families rules the match in Thessaloniki between local club PAOK and needs a foreign minister who will put in appearances in the politieal scene, confrontation is rare and back room deals the Olympiakos have triggered much debate .about the measures that wider region - North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern norm. should be implemented to curb such outbreaks of violence. Europe. Finally, Bakoyannis brings to the job an attribute all her own: It is clear that the police could have intervened, if they bad Bakoyannis made encouraging sounds in her brief inaugnral she has the political standing at home to be a more credible wanted to, and stopped the unprecedented violence at the address. She said that Greece needed to become a regional diplomatic interlocutor abroad than Petros Molyviatis could ever Thessaloniki soccer pitch and averted the widespread damage it power, and a force for deeper European integration. The conser­ be. provoked. Officers could bave gone even further and arrested the vatives under Bakoyannis' father, Kostas Mitsotakis, did not There are also dangers to the Dora-Costas cohabitation.
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