V Average Daily Net Press R ue The W eathw For the >Mreek BihMI Cloudy with $i' cbaneo ft December S, IMS rain tooighti }OW 36>80; m oei^ cloudy and milder tomofTOWi 15,131 \ high 4 0 ^ ,Manche»ter-T’A CUj^ of Village Charm (OlaMlfied Advertteing on Fage SI) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 55 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN!; MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1966 Plane Crashed Nov. 24 / ' Experienced!f HAMDEN (A P) - - Since John Murray went to work Bond Rights Violated, with his father’s ambulance service he has delivered or assiisted in the birth of 14 babies. ■ *' jE, His experience came in handy last night when he delivered another—his own Supreme Court Rules daughter. 11 Days on Peak Murray, 26, was out on a call. When he returned COLVILLE, Wash. home his wife said, “ we’ll never get to the hospital on mf (AP)—A car stuck in the IWS time.” snow led to the rescue of a * s Atlanta Court’s Canadian couple who sur­ His wife, Patricia Ann, gave birth to the six-pound vived 11 days after their 10-ounce girl not long after plane crashed on a north­ ■ i l i i i i p i i Murray got home. He and Ruling Reversed eastern Washington peak. V y - - ' his new daughter were driv­ Roy Brown, 36, of Saskatoon, en to the hospital in a police Saskatohewcm, and hia wife, car. WASHINGTON (AP)—^The Supreme Court, ruled Betty, 32, were reported in good A vehicle from Murray’s unanimously today that the Georgia Legislature violat­ condition today at Mt. Carmel Ambulance Service owned ed Julian Bond’s constitutional rights by refusing to Hospital here. by his father took the new seat him. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, the par­ W mother to the hospital. The court' did not specifically better able to aastsss their quail- ents of six children, had been direct that the Georgia Legisla- Nations fox office; also so they the object of a wide search in ture seat Bond, confining itself may be represents in govern- Canada and northeastern Wash- to the finding that he could not ment debates by the person they in^on since their single engine Gall Bladder be* conatitutionally barred on have elected to represent plane vanished Nov. 24. account of viewe he has -^ex- Uiem.” They were flying to Vancou­ •X- #' ^ > < v-'V yi- pressed. , ’ B<md, a Negro civil rights ver, B C., to Join relatives at the Surgery for 1 Reversing a ^>ecial worker and official of the Stu- Grey Cup Canadian champion­ Judge federal court in Atlanta, Nonviolent Ooordinatinf ship professional football game X. \ - Ga., Chief Justice Earl Warren Committee, was twice barred Nov. 26. 9 Eisenhower said: from his elected seat in th* There was no srtgn of them mm Legislators have/ an obliga­ Georgia House because he sup­ until late Sunday afternoon GE’TTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) — tion to take poeiUons on contro- ported a committee statemei^ when . Ron Ruble of Colville Former ■ President Dwight D. vexoial political questions so descri'bdng U.6 . policy in Viet heard a cry for help as he was Elsenhower, 76, will enter Wal- ■ that their constituents can be Nam as aggression. trying to dig his car out of the ter Reed Hospital this week for fully intormed by Uiem, and be snow. He was elected a third Ume surgery to remove his gall blad­ Ruble looked up and saw Mrs. last November from an Attanita 1, der, Eisenhower’s office an­ Brown floundering ' through district while his case was pend- nounced to(Jay. waist-deep snow. j P r U f t U eferT n en t ing before the Supreme Court^ ’The five-star general will en­ ‘Wait for us,” she cried. "Our 4 The lower court concluded' Dy ter the hospital Thursday, The plane crashed.” Needs^Revising, 4-1 vote that the ptbrgia "W e’ll wait,” said Ruble. exact day or time of the opera­ House was a u th orize by state tion was not given. "We’re stuck.” Educator Says law to refuse to a ^ Bond. Mrs. Brown helped free the Eisenhower’s office issued However, tlM-qlgh court said this statement; CHICAGO (AP) — An educa- 'the disquaUHcation. of Bond (See Page Three) "The doctors have Informed Uon official told a national draft from m^nibership In the Geor- Gen. Eisenhower that he must conference today the student fla f^ause because of his state- have his gall bladder removed deferment program must con- nu^s violated Bond’s right of soon. ■ tlnue, but should be revised to^ freb^expresslon under the Biwt Railroad Service mm. "He plans to enter Walter make it better understood ^nd Amendment.” Rped General Hospital Thurs­ less open to criticism. Bond has been critical of the To 10 Airports day, Dec. 8 , and plans.to leave Harry Marmion, a staff asso- military draft system and has for Palm Desert, Calif., right ciate for the Amej^ican Council said He admired the courage of after the turn of the year.” Asked in Study Roy Brown, 33, top photo, and his wife, Betty, are o f Education, be0Bn * confer- thMe who burnSd their draft Eisenhower underwent sur­ enpe d iscu siM on Selective cards although be Would aot PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — shown resting in Mt. Carmel (Wash.) Hospital af­ gery and also suffered a heart ter their rescue from a Nov. 24 plane crash. Both % Service by urgbig increased bum>hls own. High-speed passenger train attack while he was president*. standudizoikm of draft regjda- When the Supreme Court service to JO airports has been were reported in good condition. (AP Photbfax) and in the fall of 1966 he suf­ Urns at the local board level. heard argumenta In the cmaa proposed as part of a fast rail South Vietiiamese soldier displays weapons and fered a heart, attack while vaca­ ' ammunition captured frotn a Viet Cong platoon Noting' that there are more Nov. 10, Georgia Atty. Gen, Ar- bypass route between Boston tioning in Auf^usta, Ga. He was than 4.000 local draft boards thOr K. Bolton said the legiota- and Washington. hospitalized for several weeks that infiltrated and attacked Ton Son Nhut Airport near Saigon. (AP Photofax) across the nation, Marmion sold hm* 41d not believe Bond could A team of transpqftaUon re­ then, first at a.n Army base in that they "have a wide latitude honeaUy take the required oath searchers at Princeton Univer­ Rhodesia Rejects Georgia and iater at Walter of action which in some cases to support the oonsUtuUon be- sity developed the plans dis­ Reed. may be used in an arbitrary cause of his statements, closed over the weekend. Eisenhower checked in at Sentry Dogs Kill 12 VC manner." After detailing Band’s atata- The study, already under,re­ Walter Reed for an overnight "F or example, one local manta .and .the mauncaga view by governmental author­ physical examination about 10 board may induct part-time stu- Iprasented to tha higE ooui^ E Pact with Britain days ago. It is assumed that he ities and eastern railroads, gen­ denU before married men; an- Warren said "we do not quar- erally calls for high-speed serv­ received the advice of doctors U.S. Jets Avoid MIGs, other board’s policies may be rel” with the state’s oontentfoB SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP)—Prime Minister Ian for the gall bladder removal at ice over existing rail Jin*s and Smith’s Cabinet rejected tonight Britain’s shipboard 'exacUy the opposite,’” he added, that the oath does not violate in some cases on new rails to that time. Another conference partlcl- the First Amendment. _____ _ agreement on the 13-month-independence crisis. Smith ________ ________ the west of major clUes. Eisenhower’s military aide. Bomb Close to Hanoi pant. Col. Dee Ingold, a special o However, he said, the oath Au’^r'onT'of uie 11 major told a crowd waiting outside his offices a t 8 p.m.: “The Brig. Gen. Robert Schulz, said SAIGON South Viet Nam casualUes in later acUon were assistant to Lt, Gen. Lewie B. requirement "does not authorize airports in the region would be fight goes on.’’ (See Page Fourteen) (AP) — u’s Jets flew through a reported light. One U.S. Hershey, the Selective Service a m ajorl^ of state legislators to / linked to the system, either di- Smith said he accepted Prime ©r rejecting it,” he said. “ All we sky full of challenging Oommu- et fighter and a Vietnamese director, acknowledge there Is test th* sincerity wW ch; rectly or by spur lines. Minister Harold Wilson’s pro- want is a telegram saying ‘yes’ nist MIGs Sunday to bomb tar- transport were damaged. a variance among local draft another duly elected legislator Trains originaUng in Wash- posed constitution but was not ©r ‘no.’ ” boards but added: "There has can swear to upboM the oonstl-' C gets near Hanoi, and pilots re- off the coast of North Viet ington, for example, would start to accept WilM^^ ouUined the proposals ’ X c C n s ’ D f i n k i l l g ported shooting down one of the Nam, the U.S; destroyer Inger- got to be.” tutibn. alternately from Union Station for ending the rebeUion m ** f- to the Rhodesian cabinet shortly Red Jets and probably a second, soil fought a g^un duel with Ingold described the Selective "Such a power could be util- or from DuUes International return to what he called legaU- Service System as a "flexible ized to restrict the right of legie- after he returned to Salisbury Linked tO AdultS.
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